01: Harvest Blank Cards & Maps
Cards • Draw/write out a process and play with the sequence to clarify. • Interrogate roles by drawing key characters in a functional area. Test relationships by grouping and clustering characters. Draw/write scenarios to explore consequences, sequels and benefits. Maps • Create a big picture of the issues, scenarios or factors. • Map out a process and show the interconnection.
01: Harvest Graphic Facilitation
• Use a blank starting point to establish the objective, scope of work and high level structure. • Drill down and discover the real need. • Allow delegates to participate in the event. • Use blank templates or graphic organizers to collect information from delegates.
01: Harvest Site Visits
• Network informally and interview learners to discuss existing conditions and explore organisational context. • Visit the site and take photographs of the workplace and gain an understanding of how the business and it’s people operate.
02: Playback Simulate
• Ask delegates to play back information in a simulated role play. • Get involved and throw in various scenarios to see what happens. • Debrief the event with: • What happened? • What did you observe? • Why do you think...? • What if....?
02: Playback Sort & Sequence
• Ask learners to take the cards that they created during the information harvesting session and play back the information. • Ask them to shuffle the cards, sort them and position them into the correct sequence. • Triangulate with other groups to allow for disparate points of view to resolve themselves through group discussion and linking the results to business objectives.
02: Playback Storytelling
• Ask delegates to play back the content and confirm it by converting it into a story. • Ask delegates to provide some anecdotal stories of their actual experiences. • Explore future options by exploring the past and how scenarios were handled.
03: Design Rapid Prototype
• Quickly sketch out/create the design using any materials available. • Play with the concept to distil insights. • Quickly evaluate how to refine the design.
03: Design Storyboards
• Quickly sketch out/create the design using any materials available. • Play with the concept to distil insights. • Quickly evaluate how to refine the design.
03: Design Design Analysis
Viability Desirability Feasability
• Examine the reactions, learning and results of the design. • Evaluate based on practicality, adaptability, technological feasibility, financial feasibility and credibility with stakeholders. • Use non-focus and focus groups to gain a greater understanding of the impact of the design.
04: Evolve Evaluate
• Evaluate reactions using surveys or interviews. • Evaluate learning using a quiz or assessment • Evaluate integration through observations and user reviews.
04: Evolve Iterate
• Take evaluation feedback and make changes to improve the design. • Some results/effects are incidental and some coincidental. Take cognizance of these by products. • Continually evolve the design to learn more.
04: Evolve Design Share Learning Point
•Take learning points and share them with others. • Harvest shared insights and perspectives. • Practice seeing the design from other people’s views.
gareth.kingston23@gmail.com +27 82Â 566 5179