A powerfull voice which spelt magic for almost 75 years was none other tha than our great Dr GanguBai Hangal. Hers was a life full of struggles. Since childhood she had to struggle on daily basis. As a girl she must have felt bad at her heart when fellow ow neighbours commented over her ancestry, her vocation etc etc. She later told someone who wrote her biographical work that she used feel very bad when she traveled 30 Km by train to go to home of her guru Sawai Gandharv to learn and on the way people commented and crowded to see se a “Ganewali”. What would have been the mental state of a child who wanted to learn music but people were just commenting com on her as “GANEWALI”. In n those times singing was not considered a good profession. On the other hand people of higher caste used to keep a lady belonging to a community who was considered as low caste. They lived with these ladies and several children were born but they did not own these ladies or their biological children. These men were from upper caste, were married and had their ow own families. Despite of all they exploited these ladies, ladies Owing to a “tradition” or prevalent social custom mostly suiting su to these men. But with a great determination and hard struggle She and her mother achieved a great success. It is written that her mother AmbaBai, who was a singer stoped singing Carnatic music when she learnt that her daughter GanguBai has liking to Hindustani. Mother then arranged lessons for Hindustani. Thus the mother sacrificed her singing lest her singing may influence the young GanguBai, who has started leaning Hindustani. H Both these ladies had to manage their livelihood and and keeping a TRADITION of Music alive,