Festival of Tribal Dance

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Festival of Tribal Dance, Music & Theatre, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands

Gaurang Katyayan Mishra 3/10/2016

@kamlesm Gaurang Katyayan Mishra

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Festival of Tribal Dance, Music & Theatre, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands


by Gaurang Katyayan Mishra (gmisra@iitkalumni.org)

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Festival of Tribal Dance, Music & Theatre, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands

Here name is written. I had to phone few people to get this invitation card. Inspite of the fact that people knew about my dancing skills and they remember me for that only.

I don’t like the use of the word TRIBAL. Very often, I hear people saying tribal art or tribal people with a connotation that they are someone outside of their(our) society. And these people who say so are very much civilized. I somehow do not agree with this. I always had thought that people vary from place to place and so does their culture/civilization. Till recently we the people living in this part of world were called as junglee and that’s why we were called as “Indian”. Only in 1947 we got an independent name and identity!. The English Dictionary tells many things about the word Indian, Tribe, Tribal.

It was shame for me to ask for such card. I could have gone to see this fest, as it was free to all. But to see Shri Ratan Thiyam ji I had to do this.

When I read in the Daily Telegrams a newspaper of Andaman Nicobar Islands that this Festival of Tribal Dance, Music & theatre is going to be organised at Port Blair from 26th to 28th February 2016 at ITF ground I was elated. This festival is named as ADIVASI ADIBIMB. The thing which got my attention was the name NSD written on the top. All old memories came alive. From 1992 to 1996 I was in Delhi University. Before that at IIT Kanpur I got to know many things about NSD. NSD experiment team as I call it came to IIT Kanpur also. They performed a theatre work combining the Tamasha and laavani styles. Since in those days NSD was experimenting and I should say reviving all the traditional NATYA traditions across India. They had brought an original laavani singer who was almost 60 years old. Wearing blue 9 yard sari in typical Maharastrian style she was looking most gorgeous. The drama was staged in such a way that all the traditional original elements of ukV~; Natya were used, the dress- vgk;Z Aharya, the music that was original Natya or Tamasha and accompanying dances of @kamlesm

by Gaurang Katyayan Mishra (gmisra@iitkalumni.org)

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Festival of Tribal Dance, Music & Theatre, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands laavani of Maharastra. It was staged at hall L7. That time it was the only hall for such activities. I know the Natya Sangeet as it is called has a deep and rich tradition in Maharastra. Abhang etc are elements from there. I could not resist myself from attending this fest, more so when I heard Shri Ratan Thiyam ji himself was coming. His name needs no introduction; He is like a Demi God for students of arts. Most respected name among the theatre personalities of India today. He has earned International fame. He has created many new “Norms” himself. Using Traditional elements of Theatre – Natya, classical Sanskrit theatre, mostly famed for Kalidas created dramas, He has created idioms of himself. He has utilized the Manipuri dance elements, Martial arts, Thang Ta, Pung or Pong Cholam, Lai Horaiba and there are many more, about which I really don’t know. Manipur also has rich traditional elements of dance and music often as it happens everywhere in India these revolved around the Religious activities. But Ratan Thiyam ji has utilized all these elements in his theatre works. The stage craft is full of all these, the costumes, the music, the set design, the dialogue are in Manipuri and often in Sanskrit verses.

Festival of Tribal dance, Music & Theatre 2016: NSD has been organising such festivals across India to promote and revitalise the tribal traditional music, dance & theatre and I should say that through it whole art gets revitalized. Previous festivals I could not attend. But when, such an event of NATIONAL level is being organised at Port Blair I thought to attend. Not many such National level events are organised at Port Blair which a remotest part of India. Not like North East. Andaman Nicobar Islands is cut off in deep sea of Bay of Bengal, it is this distance that keeps it cut off from many national level events. Only through TV and internet we now know many things. As the information exchange takes place almost instantly due to TV/Cable and/or Internet connectivity. Sometimes one dreams that why Cricket tournament of national or International cannot be held at Port Blair?? Or IPL match occasionally can happen here. Then I do think “are we ready at Port Blair” or Is Port Blair ready for such international tournament? It requires lot of Infrastructure and management. Will Port Blair be able to handle such movement of people? Hotels, Water, food, pollution control, law and order control all will come to fore. Every year Islands Tourism Festival is organised at Port Blair and it has been very successful, I mean it has been successfully been managed by the departments/agencies at Port Blair. But it has not been studied that how much movement of people takes place at Port Blair due to ITF? Function/Festival vkfnfcEc Adibimb started by lighting the lamp. The director, NSD welcomed everybody. Shri Ratan Thiyam presided as the Chairman of NSD, Chief Secretary, Secretary(Art) along with Shri Jain graced the occasion. I was totally in awe of Shri Ratan Thiyam ji, My eyes were searching for him. I was lucky enough and by grace of god that I got the chair just behind the Ratan Thiyam ji. I was sitting so close to Ratan Thiyam ji. I considered myself fortunate. I also thought if this program would have organised in the Kamani Auditorium then I could never have sat so close to him.


by Gaurang Katyayan Mishra (gmisra@iitkalumni.org)

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Festival of Tribal Dance, Music & Theatre, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands It was announced that the set designing was conceptualised by Shri Ratan Thiyam Ji himself. That’s why I must say the whole exhibition ground area was transformed into a different world. On entering the ITF ground, the Gate was so beautiful grand and full of creativity. All motifs motif were very immaculately designed. They were telling about their creator- i.e. Shri Ratan Thiyam ji. I had never seen ITF gate gat so beautifully decorated in many years. years It was only magic of Shri S Ratan Thiyam ji that it has transformed so beautifully.

et anyone from Port Blair claim otherwise whatever I have said. Let


by Gaurang Katyayan Mishra (gmisra@iitkalumni.org)

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Festival of Tribal Dance, Music & Theatre, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands

When I entered the gate I could not believe what I was seeing. (seeing is believing?) I was lost a little bit at first. In all directions magnificent panels were in view. I started to think from where I should start watching?

There were so many such panels.


by Gaurang Katyayan Mishra (gmisra@iitkalumni.org)

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Festival of Tribal Dance, Music & Theatre, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands In the Tribal festival there were three aspects. Music, Dance and Theatre as the name of festival itself suggested. In the ITF ground in the decorated complex there were three large stages. All were very beautifully designed. The stage for Dance was grand and most prominent. It was decorated like a master piece of art itself. (below pic)

The stage for music programs was decorated like a boat or a boat house. Some elements were taken from tribal huts.. In front of this hut a beautiful boat was erected with very fine patterns.

lkfgR; lxhr dyk are the three elements which are required to be present in Human or he must be aware of these things otherwise there is no difference between a human or e`xk’pjUrh the mrig (Deer) that is animal?? That was a saying in Sanskrit. Do we follow these days? @kamlesm

by Gaurang Katyayan Mishra (gmisra@iitkalumni.org)

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Festival of Tribal Dance, Music & Theatre, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands Here is the pic I clicked from my smart phone. Shri Ratan Thiyam ji delivered the key speech at


G katyan mishra

inauguration of the Tribal Festival. He also said that as per policy and ambition of NSD for promoting theatre lots of things to be done. He requested that one drama or theatre school should be established in each District, on the lines of NSD. So that each of these schools may take up activities promoting theatre in their respective districts


G katyan mishra

At first Shri Waman Kendre, Director, NSD welcomed elcomed everybody. When I saw him on stage I immediately recognised him as very recently I had seen his interview on DD National, wherein he had elaborated his objective & vision about NSD and theatre scene in India. Then Chief Secretary ecretary also spoke. Later Shri Ratan Thiyam ji delivered key note address. When he was saying that one theatre school should be established in each district that time I was imagining myself working in one of such school. Teaching and performing!!!! !!!! I am a dreamer and dream only. What is role of theatre. What is role of arts as such in our life?? I often think. I have often co come across with such questions when I was running after my dream to become a DANCER. Everyone in my locality knew me only as a dancer. (read the undertone- that- I was not a human being) my class mates, neighbourhood etc all were hostile to the very idea of my being a dancer and being a boy? But art is a part of our culture. When professors from Maharastra celebrated their festivals their women folk would drape themselves in long sarees, decorated with @kamlesm

by Gaurang Katyayan Mishra (gmisra@iitkalumni.org)

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Festival of Tribal Dance, Music & Theatre, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands Marathi ornaments. Professors from Tamil Nadu or South India do same. They wore lungi, women decorated with typical ornaments flower etc on Onam, Pongal, Ugadi etc. Bengali people were easy to identify with their typical red and white saree and big large sindoor bindi and sindoor khela etc. Thus adopting their cultural identities they themselves proclaimed at Kanpur that they are different from Kanpur people. One IIT Professor was dressed in white dhoti typical of Tamil Nadu when Sankaracharya of nowdays PujyaShri Jayendra Saraswati ji came to IIT. I mean there are many ways by which we identify ourselves with our roots, community, village, ancestor’s symbols etc. Thus “Tribal” community as we call them also have some cultural things typical of themselves. Since Morning to night we all use some or the other kind of ritual which we have learnt from our ancestors. Getting up in morning then touching feet, singing Bhajans (best example is bhajan in houses in mornings sung by MS-Suprahatam), offer water to the SUN and Tulsi, wear something which identify with our community, eat food which belong to our community, we speak language which we have learnt from our parents, ancestor etc. Similarly tribal group has their own art, culture etc. recently heard that a world millionaire gave a party at a hotel where who is who of world attended. That is also a ritual of those very people to show off or to proclaim that they have married their daughter. Similar way “Santhal” or to that matter any tribal or non-tribal community follow certain rituals in weddings. But weddings and religious occasions are the occasions where we follow our rich traditions and we express joy by just engaging in Dance and Music Few years back no one was in knowledge of the works of tribals of Chatisgarh but today lots of people buy the metal works being sold in name of those tribal. International Trade Fair, Crafts council outlets, Delhi Haat and now renewed DD Bharati etc have provided platform to tribal arts. Manav Sangrahalay, Bhopal, few art centres like NCPA, IGNCA etc have also kindled it. Therefore when i heard that NSD is organising this festival i was surprised, as to how anyone be interested in Tribal arts from NSD. But when i read the name of Shri Ratan Thiyam ji then i got to read the unwritten things. But i think with this Festival of Tribal Dance, Music and Theatre concept lot of activities will come up. Theatre encompasses several “dhara” streams which flow parallel to each other but do not exist without each one. When, we add “Folk” that translates into something with tribal undertone. But still village or rural (gentry) do not consider that folk word consists tribal also.!!! Thus there is need to address it separately as “Tribal”, till dictionary mingles down and put folk with tribal?? (may be in our Indian context?). I am a blind Bhakt of Ratan Thiyam ji. Whatever he does is “best” as far as i am concerned. At Port Blair nothing of this scale and of this type has ever happened. This Tribal Festival by NSD offered an unmemorable experience to the Port Blairians. Also through this festival we and all tribal groups across India mingle together and share experiences. They get to know the outside world which they never get to see when they are in their villages. NSD and Shri Ratan Thiyam Ji are doing commendable work by organising such festival and this will serve the purpose of bringing Tribal arts in the world stage. We are all actually tribals or a tribe first!! @kamlesm

by Gaurang Katyayan Mishra (gmisra@iitkalumni.org)

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Festival of Tribal Dance, Music & Theatre, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands DEURI BIHU DANCE, ASSAM The most famous Bihu dance was performed. perf . However, this was by Deuri or Deori community mostly known to be settled on the bank of Kundil river in Assam. Attire was traditional the men and women equally took part in dancing and singing. The mekhla and dhoti as I know were the dress. This dance has high level of energy. Those witnessing witnessing this dance feel the energy flowing inside them. I remember Assam for high hills, Ahom @kamlesm G Katyan Mishra warriors, Lachit Burphukan, Bodoland, AGP Andolan, tea gardens, land of LOHIT and most famous Bhupen Haz Hazarika ji. I saw the TV serial on Doordarshan named as Lohit Kinare. But BIHU with its ever inviting beats of drums and spirited movements remains the most memorable. The usual dress which I remember was with red motifs @kamlesm G Katyan Mishra of flowers etc on white backgroun But that day on background. stage I found different colour. It was looking like black or purple type and red colour

were more dominant. The Bihu has most extraordinary hip movements. With accompanying drums and manjeera(cymbal) beats whole stage came alive.

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra


In the picture on right I clicked sitting behind Shri Ratan Thiyam ji, in this frame he is witnessing the Bihu dance on stage.

by Gaurang Katyayan Mishra (gmisra@iitkalumni.org)

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

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Festival of Tribal Dance, Music & Theatre, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands

Chakri dance

I was thinking about the word Chakri or is it Charkhi? khi? it is derived from

word Chakkar or pdz pd. That means circling or cirlce. Chakri dance as it is known today is famous dance from Rajasthan. The Kanjar tribe women do this dance. dance. It is usually performed on joyous festivals or wedding. Dancers do spinning movements that are called chakkars. Dholak and/or the nagara are the prominent accompanying instruments. I am unable to control myself when I listen to the dholak. Its beats are so powefull that they overtake one’s mind and it looses control over body. The dancers can @kamlesm G Katyan Mishra understand the power of percussion (drums). Either it is a dholak, or mrindang or pakhawaj. Thus as soon as the first beat strikes on the dholak the body starts revolving. A group of almost ten women came on sta stage ge and started dancing with vigour. They were taking chakkar means cricling on the beats. The dress was the usual or typical to the Rajasthan. While swirling the skirt moved along the circle. The lady who was the singer for the group had a powerfull and full ll throated voice. here Ratan Thiyam ji is in the frame when Chakri dance was being performed at stage.

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra


by Gaurang Katyayan Mishra (gmisra@iitkalumni.org)

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Festival of Tribal Dance, Music & Theatre, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands Such dance is largely depends on the right kind of beats as is provided by DHOLAK. Also the voice which provides the song to ears, through which a dancer is guided. With beats of dholak dancers flows into the air or space but with music or the song or voice ice dancer gets a path on which it dances further. In the group dance like chakri not much meaning is depicted or any story as such is shown.

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

But here they had shown a story interwoven with songs. The male dholak player goes in side group to seduce women and there he recieves quite a treatment on his flirting attempts which often create somekind of comedy also. As the male portrays how his hip bone or the waist is damaged while the women had tug of war kind of thing with him. @kamlesm G Katyan Mishra


by Gaurang Katyayan Mishra (gmisra@iitkalumni.org)

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Festival of Tribal Dance, Music & Theatre, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands The star of this chakri dance was this beautifull singer with her full throated voice she sang many famous rajasthani songs.

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

All were very beatifully dressed in their traditional dress. The colorfull pagadi of men and clolorfull chunri of women compliemented and created a colorfull environment on stage. That reminded me of colorfull Rangilo Maharo Rajasthan.

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

And it is correct to say that seeing is believing. believing. Until and unless you yourself do not listen and witness these dance performances no one can describe in words about the magic they the create. I have witnessed performances of Manganiar, Langa etc There has been many programs on Doordarshan and I had seen them in Pragati Maidan, New Delhi at ITF International Trade Fair, Bal Bhawan etc.


by Gaurang Katyayan Mishra (gmisra@iitkalumni.org)

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Festival of Tribal Dance, Music & Theatre, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

These are few Chakri Dance pictures held on 27-2-2016 2016 at ITF ground Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar Islands


by Gaurang Katyayan Mishra (gmisra@iitkalumni.org)

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Festival of Tribal Dance, Music & Theatre, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands SANTHAL DANCE, WEST BENGAL

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

Birbhum district is said to be area of Santhal tribe people. There are few dance forms and have names associated with the occasions or festivals SOHORAI, BAHA, KARAM DONG etc.

SOHORAI seems to be most popular festival. BAHA is spring festival. DONG and DOMONG are the dances on Marriages. SOHORAI is performed in month of PAUS (Dec-Jan).

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

Main dance is synchronized rhythmic movements of female dancers.

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra


by Gaurang Katyayan Mishra (gmisra@iitkalumni.org)

Together the group of women holding hands in hands take steps in synchronization. That depicts the togetherness of the community. Dhol, nagara etc are played by men.

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Festival of Tribal Dance, Music & Theatre, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra


by Gaurang Katyayan Mishra (gmisra@iitkalumni.org)

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Festival of Tribal Dance, Music & Theatre, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands


@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

KAREN DANCE This is a beautifull picture. But the stage design, colours, lightening and artists make it beautiful. More so when we know that the designing of this stage etc was done under the direct guidance of Shri Ratan Thiyam Ji. These are Karen people performing their songs. I think for the first time I have seen Karen Boys and girls performing on national stage with such vigour. Or is it that since I had not seen any of such other national level tribal fest? But surely it was a very well organised Karen song. I think present day young educated boys and girls of Karen and Nicobaree communities are becoming aware about the value of their folk traditions(read culture). They have interest to adorn their traditional dresses and perform their traditional dance & songs. That interest should be encouraged and conserved. Karen tribal community is settled in few pockets of A& N Islands that is in Mayabunder and Rangat Tehsils of North & Middle Andaman District. Karmatang, Webi, Pahalgaon etc and one place itself known as Karen Basti in Mayabunder. They are very beautifull, as they are fair coloured. Red, blue, pink colours were mostly used in their dress. Their Language is known as Karen. These tribal community is said to have come from Burma (Myanmar) as for previous century this island territory was connected with Burma through sea route to Rangoon(!!) and we know that it was unified British colony of India and Burma.


by Gaurang Katyayan Mishra (gmisra@iitkalumni.org)

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Festival of Tribal Dance, Music & Theatre, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

When they performed this bamboo dance it reminded me of the Mizoram. From there also we see many dances using bamboo or sticks. Making different patterns they skip over the bamboo, which are managed and controlled by other group members while sitting. Bamboo provide the beat also to the dance.


by Gaurang Katyayan Mishra (gmisra@iitkalumni.org)

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Festival of Tribal Dance, Music & Theatre, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands NICOBARI Dance Nicobarese tribal community settled in Nicobar District of A & N Islands and at HarminderBay in Little Andaman Tehsil which is in South Andaman District.

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

Like every human community Nicobari people also express their happiness through Dance, as Dance is the most common activity through which festivities are expressed. Their language is known as Nicobari. Looking at their attire they look more akin to South East Asia. Burma, Thailand etc. The women of both Karen and Nicobarese community wear long skirt type dress, which it seems is wrapped around waist instead of the lehgna which is tied around waist.


by Gaurang Katyayan Mishra (gmisra@iitkalumni.org)

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Festival of Tribal Dance, Music & Theatre, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands The colours and patterns on cloths differed in both groups. Karen had strips and Nicobari had mostly plain cloths. Men of Karen group were seen wearing a lungi type of thing whereas Nicobarese Men were wearing short skirt type made of some Leaves and it was above to the knees. Women in both communities wore long length cloths covering whole of the legs. Thus gender differences were evident in dress. @kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

There was a scheme in education department for conservation of tribal culture? One day I was in the room of a top officer in education dept. I saw one document, on that there was a handwritten note by one Secretary(education). It was something like “Ask Mishra to discuss with me about this”. The then Secretary(Education) knew that I know classical dance. Thus he might have thought to involve me in the promotion of tribal arts(culture). That time I was only a group B officer. On that last day of that officer in office I came to know about the true colour of that person. How can I blame him? I don’t know the actual truth behind it? But only those hand written words which I read after three years they were written compelled me to think about myself. When I am not doing anything wrong I am happy. Government has lots of good schemes, problem comes in implementation. People who are working in departments do not take it seriously. Many times they are not sensitive enough towards art and culture. I have seen many officials in Delhi, in public gaze they talk nicely but once behind the closed doors they do not talk good for dance or dancers. They still treat dancers with a difference. Even for dancers who dance at Kamani Auditorium, Triveni, FICCI and Sirifort etc. Treatment towards the folk artist is beyond words? Cannot explain in words. I grew up in campus of one of the IIT and I know how it feels. On knowing that I am a dancer how people change their behaviour, I have noticed all in their eyes. I grew up understanding people’s perception and their Bhaav through their eyes.


by Gaurang Katyayan Mishra (gmisra@iitkalumni.org)

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Festival of Tribal Dance, Music & Theatre, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands GHUMRA, BAJASHAl, BANABADI of ODISHA and GUDUM BAJA, Madhya Pradesh

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra Shri Ratan Thiyam watching dance

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

This dance is just like a victory dance. Percussion instruments were played Dhol, GHUMRA, TAAL, MADAL, MOHURI, TASA, NISHAN so many are there.


by Gaurang Katyayan Mishra (gmisra@iitkalumni.org)

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Festival of Tribal Dance, Music & Theatre, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands Ghumura, BAJASHAL and BANABADI are few folk dances from Odisha. As it was told all these are performed in Kalahandi district of Odisha. I remember Kalahandi for drought and Hunger like situations. I used to read about sad news from this part. But to see the folk dance from this area was an exciting experience for me. When group performed I saw them with different types of instruments-many types of drums-all percussion instruments. They wore decorated head gears also. Nagara type of instrument was also there. This dance originally reflects the Heroic dance or victory dance, but largely it has the elements of Veer Ras. Earlier the dance was done during the war times, therefore it could have been called as a war dance. But now this folk dance is performed at social occasions, at marriages. @kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

GUDUM BAJA DANCE from Madhya Pradesh @kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

Gudum baja is folk dance of Ghasiya Tribal community found in Baghelkhand of MP


by Gaurang Katyayan Mishra (gmisra@iitkalumni.org)

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Festival of Tribal Dance, Music & Theatre, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands Ghasiya dance is also the name given to it as it is done by this tribe. It is performed in Chattisgarh & odisha, as we know that geographical boundaries have been changed over time. But people and community continue to live, migrate here and there.

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra @kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

Performers play different instruments. They carry instruments tied to the waist or as per their convenience. I saw two/three main performers in the group. They were playing drum that was looking similar to the “nagada�. The duo performed various acrobatics while playing the drums. This dance was also seemed like a ritual or war dance. A group of ten to 15 people were performing together and playing instruments, even I saw two persons with sticks only.


by Gaurang Katyayan Mishra (gmisra@iitkalumni.org)

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Festival of Tribal Dance, Music & Theatre, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

Two drummers were performing acrobatic. While playing the drums and with the beats they were taking summersault together. Drums were tied to their waist. It was very difficult act. But due to the grace of God they performed and played the drums very well. Mostly the dance was celebration of Joy.

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra


by Gaurang Katyayan Mishra (gmisra@iitkalumni.org)

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Festival of Tribal Dance, Music & Theatre, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands CHAU-SERAIKELLA and KHARSAWAN DANCE from JHARKHAND @kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

Saraikela Chau Dance is one of the famous dance performed in the eastern sates of Odisha, Jharkhand. Human mask are used while dancing. It requires stamina to keep pace with the beats. In dance they portray the deity worship, daily life scenes. @kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

Some rituals are enacted. Most surprising thing was the emotive masks. Though they were mask only but dancers use their gestures to emote. Some were marriage rituals. The deity, pooja and step by step all those rituals are enacted on stage. While we were not able to see the actual faces of dancers. But we could easily understand all what was being enacted. It was due to expert practice of dancers.


@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

by Gaurang Katyayan Mishra (gmisra@iitkalumni.org)

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Festival of Tribal Dance, Music & Theatre, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands Masks often can be considered an hinderance to a modern day dancer, but not to these dancers who are gounded in their culture. @kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra


by Gaurang Katyayan Mishra (gmisra@iitkalumni.org)

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Festival of Tribal Dance, Music & Theatre, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands @kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra @kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

Big eyes on these Masks were most emotive as far as I could see. These eyes and gesture portrayed emotions


by Gaurang Katyayan Mishra (gmisra@iitkalumni.org)

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Festival of Tribal Dance, Music & Theatre, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands KHARSAWAN CHAU DANCE, JHARKHAND This dance is performed by the Tribal people. Often the subject or story line in these dances is from Hunting and Harvesting episodes. In this dance they have peculiar makeup but they do not wear masks. Since they depict hunting scenes therefore require physical stamina. The Dhol, sehnai nagara type of instruments are played.

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

The story enacted was something like few men have a kind of bet to go to the hunt. They pick up the bows and arrows. While in forest they search @kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

for animals. Then they hunt them and when they are successful in their @kamlesm

by Gaurang Katyayan Mishra (gmisra@iitkalumni.org)

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Festival of Tribal Dance, Music & Theatre, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands hunting episode then their female counterpart come and dance together to enjoy the hunt. Or something like where male suitors display their hunting skill and in return win hand of lady. This was what I understood. The dancers used there body to portray the emotions with their gait and gestures. Faces were mostly remained static. However, the typical makeup provided rest of Bhaav.

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra


by Gaurang Katyayan Mishra (gmisra@iitkalumni.org)

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Festival of Tribal Dance, Music & Theatre, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands

The sound of Nagara, Dhol and Sehnai create a magic. With loud sound beats or Taal also becomes very catchy.

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra


by Gaurang Katyayan Mishra (gmisra@iitkalumni.org)

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Festival of Tribal Dance, Music & Theatre, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands NAGA Dance from MANIPUR

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

Shri Ratan Thiyam ji watching Naga dance of Manipur.

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

When I heard the word NAGA, I was little confused but later it was announced that it is from Manipur. I thought since many Naga Tribes reside in Manipur may be it is one of these tribes. But Later it was clarified that it is KABUI NAGA folk dance of Manipur. Kabui is a tribe called as Rongmei inhabit the North East India.

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra


by Gaurang Katyayan Mishra (gmisra@iitkalumni.org)

Page 30

Festival of Tribal Dance, Music & Theatre, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands This dance reminds me of Thang Ta of Manipur. This Kabui Naga dance is also full of energy like Thang Ta. It requires lots of strength. Youth having stamina can only perform this dance. They wear exquisite costumes. Dark rich pattern of Red Black colour adorn their cloths. I presume these were woven by themselves. Three dances are there and called Shim Laam, Kit Laam and GaLaam. Laam means dance in their language. Rhythmic dance mostly imitate the movements of either flying insect called Tajuibon or cricket or Crab etc. while looking at this energetic Naga dance from Manipur, I was reminded of Manipur Dance academy program telecasted on Doordarshan about a story of Deer, the Famous Sangai deer of Loktak Lake of Manipur.

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

Shri Ratan Thiyam ji watching Naga dance of Manipur.

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

Rhythmic movements from slow to fast speed reach climax. dancers danced with syncrocnization. The team of musician was equally participating with movements. Their body was swaying with with music and Looking at them I could not decide as whom to watch the group of

dancers or the team of musicians.


by Gaurang Katyayan Mishra (gmisra@iitkalumni.org)

Page 31

Festival of Tribal Dance, Music & Theatre, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands I mean the team of muscian was also involved in the process of dance, totally immersed in the “Ras� of dance. That the spirit we require in every perfroemance. That makes it a successful performance. Our Guru always have taught that when you feel joy inside yourself while dancing then only you can think that onlookers will also enjoy your dance.

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra


by Gaurang Katyayan Mishra (gmisra@iitkalumni.org)

Page 32

Festival of Tribal Dance, Music & Theatre, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

I loved the singers of the group especially ladies, all of them were equally participating in the performance. It was hard for me to click as I tried to focus but they were swinging and thus picture became hazy every time. I am not Shri Pasricha or Rai???


by Gaurang Katyayan Mishra (gmisra@iitkalumni.org)

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Festival of Tribal Dance, Music & Theatre, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands


@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

Rathwa. Rathwa is adivasi group or a sub-group of Koli found in GUJRAT &Maharastra

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra


by Gaurang Katyayan Mishra (gmisra@iitkalumni.org)

Page 34

Festival of Tribal Dance, Music & Theatre, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands

The dance presented by the adivasi koli-rathwa or Rathwa-Baria. They speak dialect called Rathwi. These communties are said to be have migrated from Madhya Pradesh. I have seen several dances from Gujrat. I know about @kamlesm G Katyan Mishra the academy KADAMB established by Most famous Mrinalini Sarabhai at Ahmedabad. they train in folkdances of Gujrat. Dandia, Ghoomar. One dance shown in film-Saraswatichand, Star was Nutan. The dance done by the road construction workers, in that ladies dance with the stick used in thumping road/mud. But all such dances are full of energy. Lot of physical exercise is required. In this Rathwa men and women had some extra energy, as they performed many acrobatics. Many formations were shown. Two or three tier human structure were formed. All such require stamina from women. But in the end they made a Rath type of formation and together they moved to portray a moving Chariot. Is it due to this Rath formation this dance is called as Rathwa? If this is so then lot of research and study has to be done to know as to how these Adivasis know about a Rath(chariot)? If this is a tribal dance then this group must be doing this dance since ages. How come these tribal group living in Madhyapradesh know about RATHChariot? Or is it idea of some cultural activist? There are many, Who try to influence Tribal thinking process and any such cultural activist must have suggested this formation of Rath(Chariot) to these tribal group. I realy don’t know? Most of the names of dancers were Bhai or Ben, I thought if they are tribal then how come their names are with Ben? Or is it the due to continous living in Gujrat they have adopted local culture. Dress was in bright colours, males wore white dhoti. In waist some colourfull band was tied. Females wore “kanch” dhoti, may be since they performing acrobatics. Hankerchief/scarfs were held in hands both by men and women.


by Gaurang Katyayan Mishra (gmisra@iitkalumni.org)

Page 35

Festival of Tribal Dance, Music & Theatre, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands @kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

At the ITF ground on 27-2-2016, I saw many persons who are very much visible at such scences I mean whenever such Tribal Dance or festivals are organised they are seen at those spots, be it Tiveni or anywhere. They reach there. They are scholars either working in NSD, free lance reportors, Researchers, Media people etc. AT Port Blair also few of them reached but not in large nucmbers. I think due to the remote ness of these islands inhibited them to come over here. If a flight chartered for this purpose could have been arranged then all those surely would have landed at Port Blair. I think this “Remoteness� TAG has to be removed. I know it is a difficult task but something on this has to be worked out. In Delhi few people fly from Chaenai and Mumbai for such functions. But they are seriuos type buffs.


by Gaurang Katyayan Mishra (gmisra@iitkalumni.org)

Page 36

Festival of Tribal Dance, Music & Theatre, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands


@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

Rat hw a

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra

@kamlesm G Katyan Mishra


by Gaurang Katyayan Mishra (gmisra@iitkalumni.org)

Page 37

Festival of Tribal Dance, Music & Theatre, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands

In the sidelines of this festival of dance and music there was a seminar, discussion (whatever you may call it) held. Many speakers presented their papers on topics related to the triabal and their arts. It was held in the Auditorium of Anthropological Survey of India building at Port Blair. In New Delhi many such seminars have been held either at ICC or IHC or ICCR’s auditorium near ITO, FICCI or Triveni’s etc Most Respected Kapila Vatsyayan ji have many times spoken on arts on Doordarshan. I did not attend the Rang mahotsav organised by NSD at Delhi, but in same lanes I did visit regulalry Kamani Auditorium or Triveni or Shri Ram Bhartiya etc for Sahradotsav of Kathak. But I do remember Sanjana Kapoor when she revived the Rang utsav at IPTA in Bombay many years back. I have also seen many production of NSD on traditional theatre such as. Natya/Tamasha from Maharstra. I liked the works of Shri Habib Tanveer with his nayatheatre where lot of tribal or common men were involved in his works. (Agra bazaar??) I saw on Doordarshan. I do remember the theatre works telecasted on black and white doordarshan credited to the DDK Jalandhar and few were from Lucknow. Now one of the famous face which I remember is of one who plays great lady of Balika Badhu, she has always played various roles on TV which I have seen way back in 1980s. From Lucknow Shri Shambhu Mishra ji. But here in this seminar also people get to share their expereince, as was happened on 28-2-16. Hall was full with artists who came to Port Blair with NSD team. Very few persons from Port Blair were there. there was powerpoint presentation on tribal issues. Assam was covered. Later Mr Francis told the gathering via PPT about the tribal groups in Andaman Nicobar Islands. Few of the tribal artists were asked to speek about their experiences and tell about their community, dance, or culture. Later three day festival ended. It will be a immemorable event in my life. I got so near to Shri Ratan Thiyam Ji, I sat exactly behind his chair in ITF ground. I cannot describe in words about those moments.


by Gaurang Katyayan Mishra (gmisra@iitkalumni.org)

Page 38

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