Colorado County Citizen | 2017 Letters to Santa Tab

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Colorado County’s



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School - Weimar T Eagle Lake Primary T Garwood Elementary T Sheridan Elementary A SUPPLEMENT TO THE DECEMBER 20 EDITION OF

Wishing You... Peace Joy Love During this Christmas Season!

COLUMBUS OAKS ASSISTED LIVING 203 Charter St.• Columbus (979)732-9590 • Fax(979) 732-9298 Assisted Living Tara Cernoch - Executive Director

Merry Christmas from our home to yours!

T Columbus Elementary T

Mrs. Kristie Geisler’s Class

Dear Santa, I been good. I would like a Barbie doll house with alot of barbies. I also want a bouncey ball and a my little pony please. I hope you get my letter and bring me a barbie Thank you! Love, Sarah Gray. Dear Santa, As you know, this year I behave well at school and at home. This year I learned a lot with my teachers and my parents. My wishes for this Christmas are: -Kitchen -Scooter of Frozen. I hope that you please make something of them and also the many other boys and girls a reality. Thanks santa. Love, Allison. Dear Santa, Hi santa How have you been doing? this is Tizae Grover. I am writing you to tell you what I want for Christmas. I got five things I want on Christmas day. I want a motor cybard a bird and a spiderman toy, and a football and some sours to go with my cowboy boots. I been very good this year Thank you very much Santa. Love, Tizae. Dear Santa, Doar Santathisyear I’m well be haveb and studied a lot and this Christmas

COLUMBUS OAKS HEALTHCARE COMMUNITY Nursing & Rehabilitation 300 North St. Columbus, TX 78934 979-732-2347 • 979-732-3473 (fax)

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Letters to Santa


Heather & Vance Elliott

I want a nice dinner whit my family and how did you tell me you bring gifts to goood kids i want to ask you orbeez-spa. Love, Sakura. Dear Santa, Hello May I Please have cowboy boots Nike socks, and A new football. Thanks Santa Love, Brennen S. Dear Santa, How are you? Can I please have some legos, a new Paw Patrol Tower, and a blue bike? Have a good Trip. Love, Dylan G. Dear Santa, My Name is Brooklynn Redfern and 5 years old. How are you and the reindeer doing? I have been a good girl this year at home and at school. May I please get a baby doll and a southwest Aiplane ticket to go on vacation this summer? Thank you! P.S. I will leave milk and cookies out for you! Love, Brooklynn Redfern Dear Santa, I would likea tea set and a BARBIE house Please. Thank you. Love, Emma P.

Dear Santa, Dear Santa I wated to ask you a nice Christmas for me my parenst and I wata gift for me some skates a fon tenniss santa good please is what I ask for a gift. Love, Santa Meyly. Dear Santa, How are you? I want to tell you if you can please bring me a blue helicopter with a control Love, Gustan. Dear Santa, Ho querido Santa. Mella mosa aht ia go y hoy en esta navidad DESEO ME Kraigas uh Carro de bohberos por fourvor. Porgue E cuando cea Grahae quiero Seruno Dello S Y Gracias Por a yudara los niros. Love, Santiago Gavidia. Dear Santa, I’ve been a very good boy this year.

Please bring me A monster trick, a toy helicopter and toilet trouble.

phone. Thank you. Love, Isabella.

Mrs. Cristy Roberts Kindergarten Class Dear Santa, Santa for Chrstmas i would like a Drone minecraft games, Skatevodre, bike, Hotwheelcars. Love, Austyn G. Dear Santa, I want a dart gun to play hunter and army. I also want airplane legos. Love, Levi Clem. Dear Santa, THANK you FoR the presenrs. Can you please send presents tome. Love, Iray. Dear Santa, I have been a good girl. I want a violin a baby doll, a dog Stickers and a cell

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Dear Santa, This year I want a motorcycle and I would like a IPhone please! Ill make sure to leave cookies. Love, Iver Harris. Dear Santa, How are you and Mrs. Clause? Please bring me a shopkin Airplane, new converse, colarins books and play doh. Be safe! Love, Kyhlee Orsak. Dear Santa, How is Rudolph? how was your summer? Howare you feeling? I am excited for Christmas! Please bring me a ken Dolls a watch a barbie Kitchen, and the new kidz Bop CD! Love, Kadence Lumsford.

Dear Santa, I hope you are doing good. I have been trying to be good. I would like a electric helicopter and a jet pack and a phone. I hope you like the cookies I leave Dut for you. Love, Tayler Brnge

Mrs. Llanes Kindergarten Dear Santa, Hi my name is Ryleigh I been so so good. How’s Mrs. Claus. Can I please have Barbie Dolls, earrings, necklace and hox full of my lil pony toys I will leave you some milk/cookies. Thank you Love, Ryleigh Anderson. Dear Santa, How are you? Please bring me a doll, a video and some blocks. Love, Bela

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Weimar, Texas

2017 T


Dear Santa, How are you? I hope you have had a good year. Please bring me some books, coloring books, a baby doll and some cookies. Thank You! Love, Norah Dear Santa, Hi my name is Kapone. I’ve been a good boy this yar. My Chrstmas wish is for Hatchimals and money. I love you Santa. Love, Kapone. Dear Santa, I want you to bring me please some paw patrol toy’s and one toilet thank you Love, Angel Nava. Dear Santa, Quevido Santa oi quiero Pedirte que si por favor me puedes tkaerun cave luope Puedes. Elota e Jalaisi con 10 i sino me con oymo que puedas. Que

rido sontaces pero quete en cuented birn de salom te quievo Santa. Love, Jose. Dear Santa, I hope you have a jolly Christmas. Thank you for all you do. I love when you rap the presents in my favorite raping paper. Want I want for Christmas is…. glowing sticks, scooter, robo dog, purple guitar, teddy bear, toy own, pawpatrol set, barbie set, bracelet maker, and a lamp. Love, Aliceo.

Dear Santa, I have been a very good boy. I would like a bb gun, a toy boat, and a toy truck. Love, Cutter McNight. Dear Santa, I thank you for my presents. I would like a skate boarb, filget Spiner, pokempeon. Love, I Love you so much Hezekiah.

Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year.I would like Ps3 games, roller blades board games and a fishing rod. Thank

Dear Santa, Please I want a barbie. I want a bike, I want a tablet small. And I want a Minnie mouse necklace. Thank you Love, Emily Vazquez.

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Merry Christmas!


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Letters to Santa

Dear Santa, I want a toy Five Night ht at rreddy and for mt slutgr a peppa pig toy. Thank You!! Love, Allen.

Dear Santa, I was a good girl. I want a phone, computer JoJo doll. and a JoJo pencil. I love you Love, Savannah Navarro.

Wishing you and yours exceedingly great joy as we enter into this holiest of seasons.

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you. I hope you like the cookies and milk.

Dear Santa, My name is Andy I would like a nurfgun, a game player, a whistle. Love, Andrew. Dear Santa, I really want A monster to grave digger and Hover Board Please thank you. Love, Bryan.

Mrs. Harris’s Kindergarten Class Dear Santa, I want a toy kitchen I want a zoo toy Thank you Santa Love, Cecilia Garrid. Dear Santa, Can you bring me please shopkins Shoppies gelati scooter playset, Shopkins girls day our cocomplete doll and beauty and the Beast thanksLove, Leah Gahrn. Dear Santa, Please can I have a Drawing Book and a Lego jurrasic park set? thank you for Christmas! Love, Lori Cano. Dear Santa, I been really good you know Santa. I guess what your going to get for me, I really love Christmas you know? Do you know what 2+2 is I do its 4. I want a pwppy alive and a kitchen to cook and make play stuff. I love to sing will you sing with me for Christmas? Ive beer good Santa. Love, Sandeana Riher. Berry Christmas. Dear Santa, How are you! Can you bring me a Barbie dreamhouse And shoes like my sisters thank you Love, Bella Ruvaraba.

Seasons Greetings FROM


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Dear Santa, I wish for a a of spritE. Esa clohres shopkins be set and a Santa doll. I love you and I thank you for Christmas, wit hoat chrsitmas we wdwked nat nawejesus birthday. Love, Myna. Dear Santa, How are your raindeers? I Hope there fine if not. How are you going to deliver presents? IF You have time can you bring me a small Hachemol please thank. Love, Allzabeth Garcia. Dear Santa, What I want this year is a xbox1 and games to go with it and a toy gum. I would also like a toy cars, volley ball. I wish you have a safe trip. Love, Cesar Rosales. Dear Santa, I have been good. Can I PleAse have some toys. Love, Tanner Dear Santa, I want like a gator, cupcake mmaker. I Been Good. Please bring Joy to the world kot Dakota. Love, Dakota Lindemann

bien tepido por Favoy Que me traigas vnBalon glasias a ttmedgar. Love, Anonymous. Dear Santa, How are you doing? I have been a good girl. Please bring me Lego Friends, calico Critters and a Barbie Dream House. I have milk and cookies!! Love, Brook Yearwood. Dear Santa, Can I have a moster high tablet and phone also a monster high fixed toy net a broken one please and thank you Santa Claus. Love, Aolivoh Volodee.

Mrs. Leah Dudensing Kindergarten Class Dear Santa, What I want is a big story house for dolls. I want amy 3DS and some games. I want my family to be there for Christmas. Thank You! Love, Sevih Lopez. Dear Santa, Tell Jesus Happy Birthday! Please bring me rainbow gurn, barbie playhouse. Can I please sea Rudolphe? Be safe and merry Christmas! I Love you! Love, Elli Polasek.

Dear Santa, Christmas is getting close and I would love to gets presents. Santa the only thing I want is A A huge Trex and real crickets for my Lizard. Thank you so much. Love, Christopher.

Dear Santa, Hope you are doing well. I have been good this year. I would like a mermaid barbie that is it please. Thank you! Love you! Love, Emma Kate Shupak.

Dear Santa, How are you? Can you please bring me a Barbie house. Can you please send elfie. thank you Love, Kaylee.

Dear Santa, I have been really good! Please bring me legos, and hunting stuff, Paw Patrol lookout. Thank you. Love, Mitchel Bookout.

Dear Santa, Que rido Santa este ano mepertado

Dear Santa, My name is Abbygail Leon what i

would like is a peppa pig toy House and a bike, baby dolls, stuff for my American doll and a boy pup to be with my family for christmas. Love, Abbygail Leon.

Dear Santa, Can I please get 4 gifts. My gifts are football, playdoh, Lego, PS4 game, thank you Love, Jasiel Hernandez.

Dear Santa, How are you doing? I want a remote control truck, a jeep, and a batcave please. Love, Kaden Smallwood.

Dear Santa, I want a magic track and a toy and a robot, and a bike, I been a good boy this year. Love, Dante Mays.

Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a big truck and a train set. Please and thank you. Love, Graysan Chamberlain. Dear Santa, I want toask you please if can can bring me a barbie dream house and a lot of happiness for my family. Love, Dayleen Barrientos. Dear Santa, Please give me a spiderman homecoming mask. Thank you Love, Jorge Guerra Lopez. Dear Santa, This Christmas I am 6 years old. This year I have been nice (a little naughty). My Christmas wishes are 1. Computer 2. Phone 3. Baby Doll 4. Scooter 5. Fuzzy Blanket 6. Fake Nailz. Merry Christmas Santa I’LL be waiting Christmas Eve with cookies and Milk. God Bless and Be Safe Caliee Wortek. Dear Santa, My name is Andrew Rios My Christmas wishes are. . . Cyborg transformers, and aBravo-lite. Thank you Santa for all you do! =) Merry Christmas! Love, Andrew Rios =). Dear Santa, I would like to have a elsa and ana clothes, frozen room, frozen phone, Peppe Pig Phone, frozen play house. Love, Shaila Salas.

Mrs. Danielle Jones’s First Grade Class Dear Santa, I want a doll and a dollhouse. I want a little shopping cart. I also want a little vaccum that works. I would like an Elsa doll a JoJo doll and a Poppy doll. Love, Alexa Kiyle Barten Lexi. Dear Santa, I have been very good this year I a Computer and Ipad. Love, Kade Saddler. Dear Santa, I have been varey good this yer. I would like a Nintendo 3DS, I would like a school set, I would like a Amarican gril doll set, I would like a Barbie set, the game Soggy Doggy, Legos, prinses in black books, Tell the elfs I sed hiy. Love, Bella Glueck. Dear Santa, Thank you I want al of the dinos toys. I want all of the dinosrodestoys. Love, Cole. Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I would like a fingerling and a JoJo dol. Love, Marley. Dear Santa, Eo have been very good toy this year. I world like a taking dogard cat toy. Love, Evelyin Escobar.

2017 T


Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I would like an Elsa car ard an Anna car. Love, Kynie. Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I would like a robot puppy and shopkimscar. Love, Lynzie Kuser. Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I would like a red and a blue and a blue dirt bike. Nijagotoy and a Jurassic. Luv Santa. Love, Zane Martinez. Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I would like a Jurassic and a red dirt bike. Love, Adrian Nino, Dear Santa, I ho-ve very good this year I wo-uld like o-n Selso-co-r o-na a shopkins co-r. Love, Aretia-Millz. Dear Santa, I want a xbox please. I will be nice. I also want a sharkina tank. Please and thank you! Love, Levi Emmons. Dear Santa, Hello. I woull like to go to the north pole. I would like to give you presents. Love, Sofia. Dear Santa, I want a pet cat and a home for it. I want a new tadlet becauwse my brother wants my old one. I wold also like a pair of yellow skates. A skateboard would be cool also. I forgot I would also like a new tuana play station four for my room. Love, Dynver Taylor.

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Letters to Santa

Dear Santa, I want a zombie toy and a shark toy. I would like a toy Santa Clause to love all year long. I have been good so please no coal in my stocking. Tell Rudolph “Hi” for me. Thanks Love, Jack Ahdel.

Dear Santa, I am a kid of 6 years old, I am in first grade, I was a good boy. This Christmas I want you to bring me an skateboard. I would be so happy if you brought me that. Thank You. Merry Christmas! Love, Emilio Mejia.

Dear Santa, How are you doing? Please can you bring me make up and barbie house with two barbies I would like a purse and a pretty aress I will milk and cookies. Thank You. Love, Katelynn Morgan.

Dear Santa. I want a xbox, bike, a house for family to live in and my own room with everything paw patrol and a truck for my dad with everything Texans on it. Love, John Paul Rosales.

Dear Santa, I want a robot cat for christmas. I want a stuff animal. Love, Kessi Sanchez.

Dear Santa, I wuld want a New engine for my Gc cart and a New bike and 1Thank you and can I have a iponex thank you Santa. Love, Jackson Burris.

Dear Santa, I have been very good this year I would like an American Girl doll Santa JoJo and I love backpack. Love, Hayden Fischer.

Mrs. Tina Morrow’s first grade class. Dear Santa, My name is Izabella I am 7 years old and I live in Columbus. I thought you should know that this year I have been extra nice. I have help my parents and my brother and sister for Christmas I would like oi Pie in the face, yeti in my Spahgetti. Love, Izabella Zeferino. Dear Santa, Did you have a nice day? Can you please give me some money? I would like $50.00. I am Saving up for a go-cart. I also want an xbox 1. Thank you. Also I want an iphone x. Love, Callen McClelland.

Dear Santa, Please bring me a xbox. I have been a really good boy. Please bring me a rock guitar too. Thank you. Love, Andrew Waddle. Dear Santa, How are you? I would like Legos, a trampoline, a baseball bat, and base balls. Thank you! Love, Carter Berger. Dear Santa, I have been good this year I will put out cookies and milk. I want a Nintendo 2ds xl and a bow and arrow. Love, Brayden Johnson. Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a unicorn coloring book, a surprise Hatchimals twin, and paint please. Love, Sharlie Johnson.

Dear Santa, I would like a Beauty and Beast toy. Also a tv. Please and thank you. Love, Allyssa Roberts.

Dear Santa, I will leave you some cookies, and milk. Santa I really want a hover board, mirmald tail, Barbie van, I also really really want those clip on fakeear rings. Love, Stephanie McFadden.

Dear Santa, I will leave you some cookies and milk. I want a hoverboard and a new bike. Please I Promise I will be good. Love, Joshua Ferretiz.

Dear Santa, Please santa I want an xbox and a hover board I will leave you some cookies and milk I want a Phonex too. Love, Davia Valenziela.

Dear Santa, Will you please bring me a microphone, a zip up jacket, and some Lego sets. I will give you some milk and cookies. I hope you and your elves are doing a good job. Thank you very much. Love, Hattie Layne Post. Dear Santa, Hi My name is LaNiyah. I would like for you yo bring me a dollhouse with some cookies and milk. I will be nice. Love, LaNiyah Evans. Dear Santa, I would like a iphone 10 and an Xbox1. I will leave a big pizza. Love, Miles Pamirez.

Mrs. Herring’s first grade class. Dear Santa, I have been good this year. Thank you for my presents last year. I hope you will bring me a Fire truck Jeep Nerf Gun, and a little cup. Have a nice flight. Love, Celton Blankeship. Dear Santa, I want a tablet and I would love to have a pink watch and a pretty brown puppy for Christmas please. Thank you merry Christmas. Love, Jamapia Brooks.

Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like some toys. Three puppies lip gloss and some books please. Thank you =). Love, Jasmine Camacho. Dear Santa, Please I want you to bring me some toys and also for my sister. Love, Antonio. Dear Santa, I will like a Barbie house. Please and thank you. Love, Noemi Garcia. Dear Santa, Can i have a bow in areo an a Droh plese. Love, Franky Hamman. Dear Santa, For christmas, I would like a metal detector jumping Jakcs, pickpup sticks, Barbie stuff, Barbie food, Junie B Jones Books a play set farm thank you, Thank you! Love, Ava. Dear Santa, I would like to have a video game, also I want a remote car. Alejandro please, Love, Alejandro Lopez. Dear Santa, I have tried to be good. I hope you

come to my house. I waht a cat and I like all toys. I hope you get here safely. I Love Christmas. Love, Zackery Neece. Dear Santa, I Hope you are boeng Good stay Harm at the north pole I well be wating for you cookis and milk Santa my wish is Football and soccerball please Santa bo no Foget about my thank you. Love, Jacob Owen. Dear Santa, for christmas would you please give me a slime packet. Coloring book, a pink bow, and a rainbow jacket. Thank you Merry Christmas. Love, Brissa Ramirez. Dear Santa, Pleas can I get a toy dinosaur a Piggy bank, and a sonic action figure how are your reindeer doing? Love, Tony Sckmialt.

Dear Santa, How are you and Mrs. Claus doing? Is Rudolph great? Can I have a mimi 4 wheeler, skates, and a scooter. Dear Santa, Bjvasek. Dear Santa, I would like a toy horse and a vanity toble Please and Thank You. Love, Mokayla Willamg.

Mrs. Brown’s 1st Grade Class Dear Santa, How are your raindeers? I hope there fine if not. How are you going to deliver preseants? If you have time can you bring me a Hachemol please. Can you also bring me a neon pink soccer ball, Also can I ask one more present to bring all my family together. Please and thank you. Love, Angela Garcia.

sandwiches, you need more than sugar to stay up at night. Love, Landon Yancy. Dear Santa, For Christmsas would you please bring me an imasinex toy the Ninc Turtle one, a race car, a drone, a big toy truck. Love, Phillip Gonzalez. Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a hatchimals, a play-dough set, or a playdough dentist set. Thank you Santa, Love, Milla Tello. Dear Santa, I would like a pink hover craft board, Phone, popsocket and laptop. Please brin My sister a pair of headphones. Love, Berkley Anderson.

Dear Santa, I want a cellphone for Christmas. I hope you like the milk and cookies I’ll be leaving for you. Love, Kimberly Soberanes.

Dear Santa, I cant wait for Christmas I have so many things in mind can you please brins me a picysyone d plecse dunt puvget Playstatiootiht 4 the madden 18. I was also thinichsc dirt bike cv is scsster. I cant wait you cume santa. Love, Jaiden Carter.

Dear Santa, My name is Lilaand I am six years old. I thhnk I been your nice list this year I wowldreallylike new and allam shoes a Barbie nog I willleave lon girldoll You mokand. Love, Lila Berger.

Dear Santa, I would like a army man, and a lego set. Love, Clayton Thomas.

Dear Santa, How are you, I’m trying my very best to be good at school and at home. I would love some new trains and more tracks. I’m putting out cookies and

Dear Santa, Please bring me a bike baseball stuff and clothes. Thank you Love, Colby Berendsen.

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2017 T


Dear Santa, I would like a Nerfgun and a camo gator. Love, Grason Ellis. Dear Santa, May I please have a Baby Alive and a big Barbie house like my cousin Ava. I have been a good girl. Love, Katelyn Ibarra. Dear Santa, Please can I have a wii and a star wars lego set, and a Kindle thank you. Love, Hudson Muir. Dear Santa, Hello Santa how are you? My name is Hailey Marie Sanchez Im in the 1st grade, I don’t ask much for Christmas, I want a Minecraft game, a pony doll. Also a dollhouse. I wish everyone merry christmas and a Happy New Year 2018!. Love, Hailey Sanchez. Dear Santa, I would please like a toy dog and rocking horse. Also a Hatchimolls. Thand you. Love, Elizabeth Stolar. Mrs. Burgess’s 1st Grade Class Dear Santa, I woint a sin of mi name in frun and I woint a hoo has door. I want a brink I want a puppy I want playdo I woint a sksapot. Love, Jonathan Amaro. Dear Santa, I want a weu crismis and I want a new bike and a new toys and pokemon Grozd pleaz Ssanta thank you Love, Maggie Barcley. Dear Santa, I can’t wait to see you. I have been really good this year. I hope you bring me everything I want. Love, Kellen Berger.

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Letters to Santa

Dear Santa, I would like liey Broxo. Ples Santo I wolud liek Leos I wolud liek Doys for Chrstmas Love, Bentley Byro. Dear Santa, I onl want 4 thing plthes. The fish thing on my list a Dream tent plthes. Sekit thing on my list skate doard. The teir thing on my lit I want a baby alive plthes the last thing on my list is moana doll. Think you. Love, Grace Castellanos. Dear Santa, Maockitin Phoae Phone Tablit puppy bany cat pine back with munesis sib Lush box pant bow ber anmol Plato Dire snokoli dress qon chran Rabo Prs Woth PLease Ckirkon raboo Unicorn Modsonel poli skate boare Love, Kimani Colemani. Dear Santa, Thank you for presents last year. I realy liked them. This year can I have a 2 wheel scooter, light up journal, Colored Pencil’s velvet coloring sheet, colored caldedar with a pen. That would be all Thank You! Love, Mackenzie Daniel. Dear Santa, Santa can I ahve a roox and afun and a toy shock. And sum decura shisa. Ples Santa thak you. Love, Trevor koleffel Dear Santa, My name is Lina Martinez I am 7 years old. I want you to know that I have been very good this year and I listened to my parents. This year I would really like a barbie house and Hatchimals. Thank you! Santa Love, Lina Martinez. Dear Santa, Here’s some items I would like this Christmas a lunchbox and a phone

thank you Santa Love, Layla Mattei. Dear Santa, I know most people think you are not real. But I think you are real. I think its nice that you give people what they need and want. I want a new horn for my bike and 15 Pokemon cards. Goodbye Santa Love, Alden Raney. Dear Santa, I would like you to bring me some legos, toys, and some Christmas lights please and thank you. PS I will leave you some milk and cookies for you. Love, Anthony Valdez. Dear Santa, I want for Christmas for the kids that dont got presents for Christmas to get what they + bike for christmas to give to a kid that wants one like me santa Thank you so much. Love, Tommy Vasquez. Dear Santa, I would like a cuddly bunny and a Toy shine doll. Love, Elliana Vaughn. Dear Santa, I wanta new bed for my toys and an Electric car, Doll baby alive. Love, A’niean Whiteheads. Dear Santa, I want slime for Christmas. Love, Ivan Zavalda

Mrs. Hoelscher’s 1st Grade Class Dear Santa, Can I please have a Xbox? Can you please give those in need some extra this year? Please give my sister some Barbies thank you! Love, Brazos Bloant

Dear Santa, My name is Elizabeth Simon. First ho are you I hope you and your elves are good Santa. I would like to please ask you for a few things I would like an Ipad and a motorcycle that would be awesome thank you Santa Love, Elizabeth Simon. Dear Santa, This Christmas I would like please can you bring me a bicycle, this year I have learned a lot in School, I know that many children wants gifts too, I would be very happy you can please me, thanks santa Love, Miranda Cervantes Briones. Dear Santa, First of all, thank my God for allowing me another year of life next to my loved ones. And in these letters i ask you that it is christmas that comes as a blessing of course waiting for you to surprise me with my christmas gift. Love, Kimberly Cruz. Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a Scentsy for my new room and some new books to read. Love, Abby Evans. Dear Santa, How is the north pole? Well this is what would like for christmas. A new Playstation 4 and ared dirt bike. i also would like a boy puppy and some hot wheel cars thanks inadvance Love, Kiyan Johnson. Dear Santa, I would like a new tablet a new doll, or some littlst pet shop. Love, Tenley Dear Santa, I want a Jeep please and thank you. Love, Jasmine Woods.

Dear Santa, My Name is Zoey and I am 6 ½ years old. How much snow is it in the North Pole? I want it to snow here so I can make snow angels!! I really like you and think you are awesome for giving presents to all the kids everywhere. For Christmas, I would like the LOL Big Sisters in every series, Lol Little Sisters in every series, the new LOL Pets, the bath bomb maker, a JoJo doll, JoJo microphone. JoJo bows and tickets to see JoJo in concert. For my little sister Rylee could you bring her a new gold necklace with diamonds. For my Papaw I would like for him to get a Houston Astros 2017 Worlds Series Jersey. For my mom I want her to have some new books for herself and some she can read to me and my sister. For my dad, I want him to get a new fishing pole. Thank you for doing all that you do! Have a safe trip, and I will leave milk and Hershey Kisses. PS I also love anything My Little Pony from the new movie. Love, Zoey Lynn Ferguson.

roller skates ad swimming pooll, and a ninjago game, I will make sure to leave you milk and cookies. Love, Gavn Vasquez.

Dear Santa, I am happy you are coming to my house. Some things I really want are, a toy spaceship, a DS with Mariocart7 and a medal that says from Santa. Thank you for bringing me presents. Love, Jacob Koy.

Dear Santa, Could you please bring me a remote controll puppy, remote controll cat and a remote control plane? I have been good. Love, Kyle Davis.

Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. I woubt like to ask for new shoes, a fotoball, nurf guns, and a remote control car. Santa thank you for reading my leters and hop to see you soon. Love, Romeo Penaloza. Dear Santa, Can I please have a nitendo DS, remote control car and a PS4 guitar or guitar or guitar Hero? Thank you Santa! Merry Christmas! Love, Leland Weaver. Dear Santa, How are you? I have been a good boy. For Christmas I would like a skateboard

Dear Santa, I was not to bad. Can you please bring me pokemon cards legos and soy dron. Thank you. Love, Nathan Wrobliski. Dear Santa, Could you please bring me a remote control helicopter, big truck and a motorcycle. I have been good thank you Love, David Panra. Dear Santa, I would like for you please brins me a micky mouse stuffe animal, pupppy and alot of pencis. I been good nt school and thank you. Love, Giselle Lemmo.

Dear Santa, My name is Lane and I would really like a few of these gifts this year please 1 Boat 2 Shark 3 men with a fishing pole. Thank you. Love, Lane

Second Grade Class Dear Santa, How are you doing? I hope you know where I live. I would like some slimes, figet spinner, fake nailsm make-ups huver board, I Phone, lap top. I pod, Savishys, minecraft, earrings, Shoes, clouths. Puppy, cat, rabit. See you nex year. Merry Christmas and Happ New Year. Ho Ho Ho. Love, Braylin Gonzalez.

Dear Santa, How is Mrs. claus? How are you? How do you know where I live? I have been good this year. This year I want some fashis stuff and a Hover board. Enijoy the the milk and cookies. Love, Shakira Kuykendall. Dear Santa, Is it snowing at the Nortr pole. Is your sle shereddy I want a iphone, a Hoverboard, Shoes. I hope you have a safe trip. Have a good chrrstmas and a happy new year. Love, Tayde White. Dear Santa, How are you? How Mrs. Claus? I have been good this year. Enjoy the milk and cookies! Can you please bring me a BaBy Alive. Clothes and a Alive Doll LOL Doll. Love, Alexa Rodriguez.

ic, sandm Barbie Shopkins. Enjoy the milk and cookies. I hope you have a good Christmas. Love, Yarel Sanches. Dear Santa, Are the elvs doing good? I hope you know where I live!!! I have been good this year!!! Can you bring me a XBox 360. Games, 2DS Xl Game mario Top of the 100, Hove bord, Nerf Gun that moves, 6 nerf guns , PS4, big bouce ball sciesec, bdanket cardinal, cowboy player, J.J. Watt and a Nintendo Switch. Love, Aiden Kelly. Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus? I hope you know where I live. Can you please bring me an I Phone, 2 DS, Figit cube, and Hatchimal. I hope you have a good Christmas. Enjoy the milk and cookies! Love, Isabella Hegar.

Dear Santa, How are you? How is Mrs. Claus? Can you please bring me hover board, I pod. American Girl Doll six gallons of glue. Girl yorkie Terrier Rea cup kned Sand. Proge MC Square Spi Kit. Back I podcast. Pop Sokit Boxer, and Merry Christmas and happy New Year. Enjoy the milk cookies. Love, McKenna Eden.

Dear Santa, How is Rudolf? How are you? I have been good this year. Can you please bring me a hover board, 2 i phones, and more books. I hope you have a good christmas. Enjoy the milk and cookies! Love, Faith Menke.

Dear Santa, I been good this year. Can you bring me 3DS. Babby puppy, apple phone, PS, Xbox is, I hope you have a good Christmas. Love, Eduirdo Lopez.

Dear Santa, How is Rudalf? I hope you know where I live. Have I been good this year? Can I please get Barbie dream hores that moves when you talk, and a xbox one x and a Amarlican girl doll. Have a very merry Christmas. Love, Kaylea McCarthy.

Dear Santa, How are you? Is it snowing at the North Pole? Can you please give me Don’t Wake up Daddy Gamem Hover board, American Doll with some clothes,: Phone, Compyoder, Hatchimals, galin of glue, glitter, baby Alive clothes, and some baby alive dipers., Fidget Spinner, markers, a doll that crals with clothes, books, ipad, canir-

Dear Santa, How are your reindeer? How is your wife? I have been good this year can I please have a 3DS, a 3DS case phone, Jumanji game, some Nerf Guns, and grossery gangs. I Hope you have a good year. Enjoy the milk and cookies. Love, Ryan Ross.

2017 T


Dear Santa, How are you doing? How is Mrs. Claus doing? I have been good this year. Have I been this year? Can you please bring me a bike, PS4, 3 figet spinners, 100 of bubble gum for 10$ at Walmart, Enjoy the milk and cookies. Happy new Years. Love, Brenden Reip. Dear Santa, Hos is Mrs. Claus? Are you ready for your big night. I have been good this year can you please bring me PS4-2k18, Huver board, Kate board and Avo iPhone 7 ihopey ovengoy the cookies. Love, Langston Lambert. Dear Santa, Are you ready for your big night? How is Rudolf? I have been good this year. Can you please bring me a baby Alive Clothes, American Girl DOll, Shoes, Haverboard, Kickball, 2 iphone, bike, figit cube, and XBox 1 X I Hope

you have a good Christmas. Merry Christmas. Love, Karina Camacho. Dear Santa, How are you? Are you reddy for the big night? Have I been good this year? Can you please give me xbox 360, bord games, and a go cart please, Santa I hope you have a good trip. I hope you like the milk and cookies. Love, Ethan Hovis. Dear Santa, How are you? How are your reinder? I have been good this year can you please bring me a wooden bat, cotten candy machine, Gumball machine, ipod. See yiy next year, Merry Christmas and Happy New year. Love, Jayden Spaulding. Dear Santa, How are you. How are the ranedeer. I

have been good this year. Plieas brage me a huverbrord Figit cube, Figit spiner. Merey Crismis. Enjiy the milk and cookies. Love, Jerronte Hopes. Dear Santa, How are your reindeer? Are you ready for your big night? I have been good this year. Can you please bring me an i phone 8 plus, Hoverboard, Makeup, Slime, fake nails, Shopkins, laBtop, Mesh balls, Squishys, trampoline, clothes, Pj’s puppies, cat and a ipod please enjoy the milk and cookies Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas!!! Love, Dem Roecker. Dear Santa, How do you give presents in one night? How is Rudolph? I have been good this year. I would like I phone Makeup Hoverboard, seuquin pillow, Gineapig and a toy horse. Enjoy your cookies. Love, Brisa Morales. Dear Santa, How are you? How is Mrs. Claus? I have been good this year. Can you please bring me Shopkins, books and Lap Top. I hope you have a good christmas. See you next year. Love, Sabrina Navarro. Dear Santa, How are you Santa I hope you are

doing Well. I can not wate till Chrismas I hope you know where I Love, Hunter Gundelach. Dear Santa, How are you doing? How are you Santa? You are the best. Love, Rayden. Dear Santa, How are you dooing a which and a Boxing game and a fig spiner and trucks slime pleaw Hoverboard. Love, Camron hamilton. Dear Santa, How are you? How is mrs. Claus? I have been good this year. Love, John. Dear Santa, How are you doing? Hos is Mrs. Claus is she doing good? I have been good. I would like house shoes and fake Nails and a Rudolf toy. I hope you have a Merry christmas. I will see you. Love, Calleigh Barret. Dear Santa, How are you? How is Mrs. Claus? I have been good this year. Can you Please bring me Mega blocks, legos, drones, and action figures, I hope you have a good day Christmas. Love, Steven Vasquez.

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10 T

Letters to Santa

Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus? Is the workshop busy? Santa can I get Make-up, toys, iphone and a cat and a dog. How are you doing? Love, Ashley Zalaya. Dear Santa, How are you doing? I hope you know where I live. I have been good this year. I would like Drone, Legos, Iphone laptop, hoverbord, xbox, Minecrat, and momotcancolmos Moster Truck. I hope you love the milk and cookies. Love, Domynick Hawk. Dear Santa, How are you doing? Is the elves busy at work? I have been good this year. I would like an ipod, A barbie house with dolls in it, Shopkins, Love, Evelyn Tovar. Dear Santa, How are you doing? I like your hat. How are the elves doing I have been good this year can you please bring me a xbox one, toy train track. Love, Christian Martinez. Dear Santa, How are You? How is Mirs Claus? I have been good this year. Love, Jerryan. Dear Santa, How are you doing. I Hope Rudolph is doing good and I am trying my best to be good. I would like a guitor, an iphone, a basketball goal, a basketball, a 3-D drone, a miny trampuling and a cuntroler car. I hope you have a safe trip and I hope rodolf is doing good. And I want a 3-Des. Love, Clayton Brown. Dear Santa, How are you doing? How is mrs. claus? I have been good this year. I would like shopkins, LOL dalls, barbey dall, guitar, and a iphone. I hope you have a safe

trip. Anden joy your milk and cookies. Love, Averie Miller. Dear Santa, Hos is Rudolph doing? Santa I want an i Phon. can i get a football? I wnat a lotop. I hopc that you will be safe. I wanta bike. Love, Jordan Sanchez. Dear Santa, How are you doing? Has it been snowing at the North Pole? iPhone and Nintendo Swich. Enjoy the milk and cookies. Love, Daniel Tello.

Dear Santa, How is Rudolph doing? How are you doing? I been good this year. I wold like a LOL Doll, shop Kins, bike, barbie, and an iPhone. Enjoy the milk and cookies. Love, Marisol Valenzuela. Dear Santa, Is Rudolph doing good? Is it Snowing in the North Pole? I have been good the year I would like a nerfgan, football, PS4, Nitendo 2DS (flat) and Splitune 2. I hope you have a safe trip. Enjoy you milk and cookies cookies! Love, Aivaro Gonzalez.

Dear Santa, How are you doing? Is Rudolf doing good I have Been good this Year I will like a Nerf gun, a soccer ball, a football, a DS=E a Xbox, a iPhone, a gocart, a basketball, a PS4, a bike, and sume books you are the best. Love, Xander Zabala. Dear Santa, How are you? How is Mrs. Claus? I would realy like a guitar, a vr head set, a iPhone, a iPhone case, a drum set, 3-D Drone, a PS 4, shopkins, LoL dolls, and all magic kittens books. I wish you have a Merry Christmas! Love, Logan Bonewald.

Dear Santa, How are you doing? How is Rudulf doing good? I have been good this year. I would like a PS4, Xobox, money, soccer ball, basketball, bike. I hope you you have a great year and a safe trip. Love, Adan Ramos.

Dear Santa, How are you? How is Mrs. Claus doing? I have been good this year. I would like a laptop books, shose, clothes, Shopkins and Lol boll. I hope you like the milk and cookies. Love, Nevaeh Michelle Alvarez.

Dear Santa, How are you doing? Is the sled redy t go? I have deen good I would like a shopkins, volley ball book and close. You have a safe trip. Enjoy your milk and cookies. Love, Jamiyan Marshall.

Dear Santa, How are you doing? How is Mrs. Claus doing? I have been good this year, I would like a PS4, iphone, nerf gun, 3D Drone, go cart, Xbox and 3DS. I hope you have a safe trip. Love, Marcus Gonzalez.

Dear Santa, How are you doing? Are the elves busy making presents? I have been good this year. I would like football, soccerball, basketball and net, iPhone. Have a safe trip. Love, Ka’Mari Coleman.

Dear Santa, How are you doing? Is Rudolf doing good?I have been good this year. I would like iphene, tabitm copdr, LoL Poll shopkins, Drums soccerboll, guitar, gocart, volleyball, and a football. Have a safe trip back. Love, Sophia Nieto.

Dear Santa, How are you doing? Are the elves busy making presents? I have been good this year. I would like Xbox, volleyball, iphone, books, shoes and boots. I hope you have a safe trip. Love, Yuliana Rosales.

Dear Santa, How are doing? Is the sled ready to go? I have been good this year. I would like a new iPhone a virtal Reality glasses, a nitando switch, SHopkins, LOL surprise, a bike, uno attack, jwlery. I hope you have a safe trip. Love, Taseem Karim.

Dear Santa, How are you doing? Is the sled ready to go? I have been doing good this year. I would like a nerf gun, vr, computer, drone, mony, soccer ball, go cart, and a new room. I hope you have a safe trip. Enjoy the milk and cookies. Love, Bruce Sanchez.

Dear Santa, How are you doing? Is the sled ready to go? I have been good this year. I would like clothes, boots, iphone, go cart, guitar, drums and a cumputer. I hope you have a safe trip. Enjoy the milk and cookies. Love, Alexis Kulhanek/ Dear Santa, How are you doing? I have been good this year. I would like a go cart and a nerf gun. I hope yoi have a safe trip. I hope you have a great year. Enjoy the milk and cookies. Love, Kannon Rooks.

Dear Santa, First I would like say to thank you for all the presents from the past years. What does your house look like? I wa very good this year. Would you please give me a phone, ear phones and moeny. I love Christmas. Love, Mia Alacylla.

2017 T


Dear Santa, First I won to thank you for last years presents. How afe the rander? How is rudolph? Hos is Mrs Clas? What do you eat? This crismis I wad like a nurf fun a ar sort of gun remote control boat and a drone. Love, Aiden Dudemak.

Dear Santa, Thanks for all of the presents you have ever given me. How are the reindeer doing? And most of all how are you doing? You dont have to bring me anything. I have presents all redee, my family. Love, Khadia M. Torres.

Dear Santa, First I would like to thank you for all the post years. Hos is Mrs. Claus and yourself? Hos is Danser, Pranser, Consit, and cupid? This christmas year I wold like a nerf gun and nother nerf gun and a hat and a gam for my PS4 that is all. Love, Jason Cockren

Dear Santa, Thank you for all the toys you gave me last year. But is Rudlph okay? Because his light might turn off. May I have a sonic toy and a spidr man, home comeing toy, be warm and not cold. Bye bye. Love, Joshua Aguilar.

Dear Santa, Thank you for all you do for me. Last year. I like what you gave me last year. How is Rudoph is he okay? His light might turn off so try to make to Columbus plese. I been good this year so Santa may I have a sonic toy and a Spiderman, home comeing. Love, Joshua Aguilar. Dear Santa, First I would like to say to thank you for all the resents from the past years. How is Mrs. Claus? This chistmas I would like a bike and a phone. Cart would to see you Santa. Love, Bayren Leyva. Dear Santa, First I would like to thank you for all the prezents from last year. How is the weather? I have been really good. This year I would like a nerf gun and drone. Thank you have a safe trip. Love, Ramiro Lopez. Dear Santa, First I would like to say thank you for all the presents from the past years. How is Mrs. Claus? How is Rudolph doing? This chitmas I would like playdoh, phone, Memaid doll, BarBie doll. Please thank you and have a great day. Love, Esmeralda Garcia.

12 T

Letters to Santa

Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I would like to thank you for all the presents from the past years. Hos is Mrs. Claus doing? How is Rudolph doing? I have ben a good boy. This Christmas I would like a big box, big box of baseball cards, hulk hands, an ipod, giftcards, an x box 360 and all the pieces of gum the world and cecamera. Love, Cayden Johnson. Dear Santa, Thank you for all the presents last year. How is Mrs. Claus and how is Rudolph doing? This year I would like some Jordans. Love, Kaimon Lewis, Dear Santa, Frist I would like to say thank you for all the presants from the past years. How are the raindeer doing with their training? This year I would please like a my life JoJo Silua doll, an Amarican Girl doll, aton of Shopkins, Some oants for my mom and dady. Some Play cars for my Brothers, some my life doll clothes and some playdoh. Have a safe ride. Thank you and merry christmas. Love, Mylee Moffett. Dear Santa, First I would like to say tank you for all the presents from the past years. How is Mrs. Claus? Are all the raindeers good this year? Is the elf working? Santa are

you ready this year? Santa can I please have a toy helicopter, a toy car, toy jet and a nerf gun. Have a safe trip Santa. Love, Diego Pedro Dear Santa, Thank you for everyyear bringing Me presents. How are Mrs. Claus and Rudolph doing. This Christmas I would like Just 3 things. 1, a science kit 2. Some new Barbie dolls 3. A puppy bot thank you have a safe trip! Love, Alxis Caviness. Dear Santa, First I would like to say thank you for all the presents from the past years. I will like to play with a toy. I like toy. I wold like a dog and a cat am thankful for the toy from last year. Have a fun trip. Love, Desire Hamilton. Dear Santa, Fist I would like to thank you for the prents from the past yers. How is Rudolph doing this yer? How is Ms. claus doing? This Chistmas I would like a phone and play-dow and Sour Patch kids please. Good Night Santa. Love, Alley Hamman. Dear Santa, First I would like to say thank you for ail the presents from the past years. How is the weather? How are the raindeer? How is Mr’s Claws? This Chrismas I would like a claw machine and nerf gun. I love you Santa you’re the best! Love, Keegan Grisom. Dear Santa, First I would like to say thank you for the presents you have given me in the past years. How are you and Mrs. Claus? Do you like making toys for children? Santa would be kind and please get me fake jewlrey and a tiny contaner of playdoh. Santa could you get me a new shirt too? Have a safe trip. Love, Emily Barnes.

Dear Santa, First I would like to thank you for all the presents you have given me in the past years. How is rudolph doing? This year I have been good. This Christmas I would like play-doh, doll, good life, phone, bluetooth ear phone, baby doll Troll, jacket books, leptap, computer, Pajams, Flip Zoo, movies, chips, Hoverbord, lighting shoes, and a elf on the shelf. Love, Camila Arriaga Martinez. Dear Santa, Than you for giving everyone presents. Are your reindeer safe? For Christmas this year may please have back park, book, toy cat. I have been good. Good buy Be safe from a storm. Love, Jennifer Cordova. Dear Santa, Thank you for my gittslast year. How are you and Mrs. Clavs doing? I have been a good student. This year may I please have bey blades burst. Atone. Xbox one, PS 4, a pet dog, x box 360. Good Bye hope you have a safe trip. Love, Luis Carmona. Dear Santa, In would like to thank you for my presents last yer. Is it cold at the north pole? Please can I hove a 3DJ Pokemon sun. Love, Yael Chanoze. Dear Santa, Thank you for my gift last year. How are you feeling? Good or bad? I been good? I want VR head set and a real cat. Hope you like a great flight! Love, Kyle Reyes. Dear Santa, I have been so sweet this year. Thank you for the gifts last year. I Apereecate it. Santa how are you and Ms. Claus Doing? Mr. Claus can I plese have a phone, headphones, real slime, and a real pet turtle, real slimes, and a real pet turtle. Thank you. Good Bye and be safe on your trip Love, Gisella Herrera.

Dear Santa, Thank you for the gifts last year! I liked them a lot! Now is Roodoff? I hope he is good so he can fly you Christmas day? I have been so good at School and at home. I would like a football Football glove-a soccer ball please thank you. Have a good flight to the north pull goodbye thank you. Love, Charlie Canacho. Dear Santa, Thank you for my gifts last year. Is Rudolph feeling ok? I have been good I been helping my Mom. Please may I have a netendo, pokemon cards, Xbox one and IPhone. I love you so much. Love, Genesis Morales. Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claws doing I have? Been mostley good this yaer I. would like a Phone a Lamp a tent a handseak. Thank you Fauny Chrismest Presents last year. Love, James Bruny.

Mrs. Castillo’s Kindergarten Class Dear Santa, My brother has an Xbox so I want an Xbox. I saw an American doll with a bed with hearts and a chair and I want that. I want a necklace. I want shoes. I clothes, I want a baby doll. I want a bear. I want a barbie house. I want a barbie girl. I want a princess girl. I want a jacket. I want chalk. Love, Aubrey Ramirez. Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a Mermaid talk and a new tablet since I broke mine. Please bring my sister Shelby a mermaid tail too. She would be so happy. My furbaby Emma went to heaven can you pretty please bring me a new puppy. Thank you Santa. Love, McKenzie Hopkins.

Dear Santa, Thank you for the gifts every year. Are the elves making toys. I have been a good student every day at shcool. This year may I please have a phone, new shoes, clouths, candy, I hope you have a safe trip to the North Pole. Good Bye. Love, Dzisy Salas. Dear Santa, I’d like to thank you for my presents last year. How are you and Mrs. Claus doing? I have been Good. May I have a phone and a xbox 360. I hope you have a safe trip Love, Ellis Emmons. Dear Santa, Thank you for the gifts last year. Are the elves working hard? Thare been good this year. I would like a dron with s a camera and a phon. Hop you have a safe trip. Love, Eithan Dehoyos.

Dear Santa, Thank you for my Gift’s last year How is Mrs. Clavs Doing. I have been good this year. Can I please have iPhone and slime I cant wait to see you next year. Thank you. Love, Avery Garamillo. Dear Santa, Thank you for giving me gifts last year. I’s it cold at the Nerth Pole? I have been a good student This year. May I hplease have aj doll, blankik, book and tablet. Hope you have a safe trip. Love, Zoe Vasquez. Dear Santa, I have been very good last year. Thank you for giving me presents for christmas. Can I please have a phone for christmas and a doll house that has stairs in it. Please. Thank you Santa. Love, Devany Garcia.

T Weimar Elementary T

Dear Santa, My name is Calub. I would like a lite savat legos Xbox, bike please dont forget Jacub my brohers. Thank you. Love, Calub Schimcek.

Dear Santa, Race j car Remote control tractor. Trick set, flipazoo, bike. Love, Bratton Howlett. Dear Santa, Hope you are ok. Thi crismas I want Legos. Love, Gerardo Aimbris Dear Santa, I want a playstation 4 for Christmas. I want more clothes. I want a fullbank bed. I want a Scooter. Leven want another ipad. I promise to be good and

lprn until than. Brung my Sissy something. Love, Casoin Coleman. Dear Santa, I would like Robot a donut tou oi barbie playhouse a orange toy plane and Rockoship Thank you. Love, Vanessa Rufino. Dear Santa, I am so excited about Christmas! This year I want a yellow toy train, play-doh and a red fire truck. I will leave you some chocolate chip cookies. Love, Ty Stary. Dear Santa, I am so ready for Christmas. This year I would like play-doh, mega blocks and a swing. I will leave milk and cook-

Dear Santa, Thank you for my prezents last year. I loved them. I have been good this year. I would like a xbox 360 3ds and a nintendo swish Phone. How ore you filing. Love, Adam Strieder. Dear Santa, Thank you for my gifts last year. How is My Elf Freddy from last year? I have been doing my chores. How are you? This year I want a xbox 4, American girl Doll, Baby Alive, Flipazoo, Shelf on the Elf please. Hope you have a safe trip. Love, Aniyan Avery. Dear Santa, I’d Like to thank you for my presants last year. How is Ms. Clows doing? Are you feeling oill right? Are the elves makeing toys? Is it cold at the north pole? I have been helpfull to my mom. This year may I pleas have bookes, maiker fone, tablet, oind conect floor. Love, Trinity Henry.

ies on Christmas Eve. Love, Santiago Camacho. Dear Santa, I would like legos and blocks. I would like some trains and light up cars. An itunes card and a small trampoline to jump around for my brother and for my sister a hoverboard. Merry Chistmas I’ll Leave cookies and milk. Thank You. Love, Josser Amaya.

Mrs. Hattermann’s Kindergarten Class Dear Santa, This year I have been very good I would like a Power Rangers cup so I can put my favorite drink. I would also like a brown and white tree house. Love, Martin Gomez.

2017 T


Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like from you a coyboy gun set like at the boot store, “There’s a Yeti in my Spaghetti” game, a space projector and some new Monster Jam trucks. I’m thankful for the elves that help you and that you come bring us presents. I’ve been very good this year! Love, Cooper Osburn. Dear Santa, I want an american Girl dol. And I will do me hek popstar princess. I want some polkadot Clo Thes and Pink Stripe clothes. I want a now cradle for my Dolls. I like GinGe Sndp myself. She is funny and brings presents. I like my american doll Polly I wonder how you fly in the sky with yaur sleigh Ella Love, Ella Richter Dear Santa, I Bin ya Ding for yeare Snowing Weidog Fone Podgraboog BrBqr. Gare Sadies Efloxsisrrr Ef Broslit Figsbirrsht a I love you Thanks Sat. Love, Macie. Dear Santa, Do you remember me from last year? I am Alejandro Molina Jr. This year I am 5 years old. I hope you are doing just fine. I have behaved very good this year and doing a great job at school. I would like an army jet plane with army soldiers inside. But I would really love some candy canes in my stocking to share with my family. I

will appreciate any gift that you decide best for me. Santa my wish is that you wake me up on Christmas I would really love to meet you and your reindeers specially rudolph I feel so proud of him! Thank you PS I would leave you cookies out. Love, Alejandro Molina Jr. Dear Santa, I like is for Santa to bring me a Joker. Love, Oscar. Dear Santa, I really want a toy horse to Ride on. And I would also loute for you yo get me some dolls and I hope you get this letter. Love always, Ja’Kenzie Johnson. Dear Santa, I want a monster truck remote controller a battery for the monster truck and ten halos 5 of them are old 5 are new and also fake money and Legos and most of all I want a batman toy and robin and last toy I want is Joker Love, Daniel Alvarez. Dear Santa, How are you your I’m fine I think this year I’m a bit bad but I Wart you to forgive me and bring me a toy and I promise you to behave weill my toy will make the house of heros in pj mask. Love, Axel Camacho.

Dear Santa, Hello! My name is Richie I think I’ve been pretty good this year. This year I would like a guitar, a hulk mask, hulk hands, and a hulk action figure. I would also like the Power Puff Girls Starfire, and Beetle juice for Lego Dimensions. I will leave tamales and cookies with milk for your snack thanks Santa! I love you! Love, Richard Steven Johns. Dear Santa, I just want something nice for christmas. Love, Jacob Peterek Dear Santa, Legos Barbies learn how to be good. Love, Haylee Starry. Dear Santa, I want a barbie house, moving shirts and cooking toys. Love, Zoey Guerrero Dear Santa, I would like a 4 wheeler for Christmas I will be safe on it. I would also like a dirt bike. I love you Santa and I have been good. Love, Josiah McMillian.

Mrs. Weid’s Kindergarten Class Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a hatchimal and a trampoline, New dress would be

good too, but I will need leggings to wear under them. Can I also get new shoes, the dressy kind. My brother and sister have been good too. Can Gabe have a new video game. And maybe Chelsea would like make up. I’ll make sure to leave cookies and milk for you this year. Love, Trinity Mensch. Dear Santa, My name is Gabriel. I would like a big MayD Monster truck. Could you please bring me a hot wheel race car track and legos. Santa could you also bring my sister some more shopkins and don’t forget about my mom and dad. Please bring them lots of present too. Please bring me lots and lots of monster truck. Can you bring my sister some barbies too. Love, Gabriel Zavala Dear Santa, I would like a lots of toys for christmas. I would like a big Doll house so I can play with all my princess dolls. I would also like more toys for my mom and grandparents. Love, Mia Zaragoza. Dear Santa, I have been good this year, for christmas I would like to have a playstation, doc McStoffin Hospital set, some new clothes and paw patrol toys. Santa I hope you can come, I will leave some cookies and milk out for you, and some treats for your reindeer. Love, Sadie Highfield.

Wishing Everyone A




Trucare Living Center (979) 733-0500

1511 Montezuma St. Columbus

14 T

Letters to Santa

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! D-Zee’s Automotive Honest Answers, Solid Service, Always!


Dear Santa, My name is Johnathan I am five years old. I have been a good boy this year. My wish this Christmas is for a race track with cars, a hula hoop, a big water gun, and a big monster truck. For my new baby sister Maya I hope you bring her a dress and a pair of socks. Love, Johnathan Lleverino. Dear Santa, How are you? I would like a gymnastics mat and a gymnastics barbie. I would also like a puppy dog. Can you please bring my baby sister a walker? I will leave you some cookies and some carrots for the reindeer. Thank you Santa! Love, Carlee Seifert. Dear Santa, For christmas I would like to get a Xbox One with a Minecraft game. I also want a new pair of shoes and a pogo stick. Thank you and Merry Christmas. Love, Noah May. Dear Santa, I hope you are well rested from last yearr Christmas delivering all those presents. My name is David I am 4 years old. I want you to know dear Santa, that I have been very good this year. I helped my mom with chores and daddy with his yard work. I am also doing so much better in school now! This year for Christmas I would love a “Dreamtent” and a telescope. I also want a set of crayons! I promise I will keep being good little boy for mom, dad and Mrs. Wied. Thank you Santa. P.S. I will leave out oatmeal cookies and milk hope you enjoy it. Love, David Richards. Dear Santa, How is Rudolph? I would like a KidiBuzz phone, Aquabeads, and a Baby Born with bathtub. I am trying to stay on the nice list, but it is hard. My bubbas and I are going to make you cookies with milk. I love you Santa! Love, Aristyn Knaire Pieper.

Dear Santa, You give the best presents ever! I like your presents. Thank you. I hope you laugh at our Christmas tree. This year I would like an American Doll and stuff to go with her. Please give the poor kids more toys. You are the best. Thank you, Zoe Schoeneberg Dear Santa, I Michael Garcia have been good all year long! I’ve been good to my litle sisters and my mommy and my daddy so this year I am going to ask you to buy me a new Bicycle, a Thomas train movie and a Thomas the train camp house! For christmas and for me little sister Kimberly I also want to bring her some toys shes too little and cant speak yet but I know she would love some toys maybe a princess outfit and a princess pair of shoes! And for little Ruby I want you to bring her some milk because she’s so little and I love her! Love, Michael Jayden Garcia. Dear Santa, My name is DeLean Lackey and I am 5 years old. How are you doing? I would like to have a toy truck, video games, and a pair of blue tennis shoes. I have been good this year. There will be carrots for Rudolph and the other reindeer to eat. Soome oreo cookies and soda will be left out for you. I love you and thank you. Love, DeLean Lackey Dear Santa, I would like if you could get me toys. Please bring me a purple ball. I would also like candy. If you could bring me art supplies so I can draw a picture for my mommy. Love, Joselyn Cleto. Dear Santa, I would like Santa to bring lots of toys. I would be happy with a big red ball. I want Santa to take me to Chucky Cheese to play. Love, Maritza Camacho.

Dear Santa, My name is Na’Keal Williams. I want a doll an socks like my mom, I aso want a horse an trailer. I will leave you some milk and cookies. Love, Na’Keal Williams. Dear Santa, My name is Addison Gundelach. I would like a purple and black and pink horse. I have been good Santa, I will leave you some milk and cookies. Love, Addison Grundlach. Dear Santa, My name is Brayden Daniel Utley. I’m writing you this letter to let you know that I have been a very good boy in school, I get a green face everyday, so I was wondering if you could bring me a Nintendo 3DS for Christmas “Please”! Merry Christmas Santa! I’ll be waiting for you on Christmas Eve with cookies and milk. Love, Grayden Daniel Utley

Mrs. Hubenak’s Kindergarten class Dear Santa, Can I please have a big stuffed animal dog. Can I also have a big care Bear. A superstation with 10 choochoo trains. I want a Barbie Camper and Barbies to go in it. I would also like some doctor stuff. I am going to bake you some cookies. Love, Kaia Granham. Dear Santa, this year I been a good girl, I been getting a lot of green faces, and I want you to bring me and my brother Hanssel some toys. I want some shopkins and a big car for my baby brother Hanssel Thank you! Love, Makayla A. Cruz Dear Santa, I was very good this year I have. Studyied a lot I love school can I pleas have some toys figlet spinner legos imagi-

neo’s.have a great Christmas Santa Thanks. Love, Santiago Hernandez Dear Santa, How are you doing? I hope you are fine My name is Trenton Castillo, I am 7 years old. This year for Christmas, I would like to get a hover board, all of the Ninja Turtles, a skate board kit, a remote control car, monster trucks, and a phone. Can you bring my brother and sister a present too. Can you also bring mommy and daddy presents too. Love, Trenton Dear Santa, My name is Kadyn. I have been a good boy this year. Can you please bring me an Ipod to listen to music on, I really like country & rock & roll. Could you also bring me a bow and arrow. I already have a toy one so I really want a real one to go deer hunting with. The last thing I want is for you to bring lots of toys to all the kids who don’t have moms or dad. I’ll make sure to have my milk, cookies, and reindeer food ready! Love, Kadyn Bretting Dear Santa, I want a train with the tracks. And I want fake money to play. Love, Ricardo Rendor Dear Santa, Hi! My name is Mason. I am in Kindergarten and I am five years old. How are you and Mrs. Claus? How are Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donder, Blitzen, and Rudolf? How are all the elves doing? I am excited about Christmas. Can you please bring me a workbench for Christmas? I promise I will behave at school and at home. May I also have a little bag of Starbursts? Thank you for reading my letter. I hope you have a safe trip around the world and back home. Thank you. Love, Mason

2017 T


Dear Santa, My name is Archer. I have been a pretty good boy this year. Please bring me a new racecar colorbook, a new piggy bank, some new board games, and a bow and and arrow. Tell all the reindeer “Hi” for me, especially Rudolph. Please also bring my big sister Piper some new drawing books and supplies. Stop by my house for milk and cookies on your way thru Weimar. Love, Archer Nelson Dear Santa, I waited all year to write you and to tell you that I have been a good girl. For Christmas this year I am asking for Barbie house with barbies, toy dog, dress, and a cover. Santa, ill have some bad cookies and milk ready for you when you come Love, Arielle Martin Dear Santa, I want a piano a wand and a barbie dream house. Love, Elle Baker Dear Santa, How have you been? I’ve been good. The first I would like for Christmas is a ninja turtle vehicles and a house for them. I would also like gingerbread playset. The last think is a super hero car set. Love your friend, Lane Secor Dear Santa, My name is Adrian I am 5 yrs old. I like to play. I am a nice boy and like going to school and always get green faces. 100 in my tests. For chritsmas I want a transformer that will make me happy. Thanks. Love, Adrian Ortiz Dear Santa, I want a cat, and a dog. I would also like a tablet. Love, Logyne Hudec

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Letters to Santa

Dear Santa, I want a R.C. car with a ramp and a drum. Please send me a Batman car. I would also like a man in my R.C. car. Love, Josiah Okeke Dear Santa, I would like a toy dog and a doll. I want a teapot. Love, Kiara Alvarez

Mrs. Sestak’s Pre-Kindergarten Class Dear Santa, My name is Rocky but everybody calls me RJ. I’m 4 years old and I want a power ranger mask and a car with rocket jets. I also like some spider-man shoes. I wear a size 12. I want a spiderman piggy bank so I can put my money in it and a spiderman pillow and cover for my bed. I’ll leave you some cookies and milk to say thank you. Your friend, RJ Love, Rocky Jace Ramirez Dear Santa, This Christmas I would like alot of toys. I would like Paw Patrol things. I love to sing so a Karoake machine would be great. I would also like big trucks and cars. New Country boots would be nice also. Thats all the things I would like for Christmas. I will leave you milk and cookies. Love, Trayveon Thompson Dear Santa, I wish to get the Disney Princess Book Collection for Christmas this year. Also, I wish that all the boys and girls who can’t celebrate Christmas with their families to get lots of presents to make them happy. I wish to get Paw Patrol toys to so that I can share with my little sister, Anai, who loves Paw Patrol too. I will have lots of cookies waiting for you when you come to visit me this Christmas. Thank you! Love, Athena Faith Moreno

Dear Santa, My name is Aaron and I am 5 years old. I hope that you are all rested up from delivering presents last year, and I listened to my parents. This year I would really like to have a tractor, fire truck and a police car, dad says its to much to ask for but I really like to have them. Thank you for all, I’ll be waiting for you!! Please say hello to the reindeer. Love, Aaron Molina Dear Santa, how are you and miss Closs. I want a toy car. And a pa patrol toys. my mom wans a pors my Dad wans a new tools. my grama wans a box of choclis. his ant estrella wants a zombie book. Love, Alegandro Vazgruz Dear Santa, I have tried really hard to be good this year. I would really like a remote control air plane and a stuffed animal reindeer please. I hope everyone in the whole world gets presents! Love, Kasen Jahn Dear Santa, I love Rudolph. I would like a Hatchimal so I can see it hatch. I want a big ball that glows in the dark and you can bounce it. I want a Barbie camper to play with. Tell Rudolph he can take all the carrots and share with his friends. Love, Kensi Berger Dear Santa, I’m a little 5 year old boy name Christian. I’m writing to tell you I’ve been a good little boy and I want for Christmas a big truck and trailer and a real horse. I also want a new bike and a learning pad. Can you please get me PJ Mask and Paw Patrol toys and movies so I can play and watch movies? I’m so ready for Christmas so I can open my gifts and have so much fun. Thanks Santa!!!! Love, Christian Johnson-Kemp

Dear Santa, How is Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer? I want a Hatchimal. Also, a Barbie Camper and a stuffed elf like Elise. And any kind of toy butterfly. I love you and I love my sister. Tell Rudolph I will leave him carrots and he can take all of them. I have been good. Love, Salah Berger Dear Santa, I want make-up, a barbie, and a baby sister too. Love, Zion Ann Marie Mulaula Dear Santa, I hope you are having a wonderful Christmas Season. I am really hoping for a Hot Wheels race track this year. I really like your reindeer. I have really been a good boy this year. I would also like a cars 3 tricycle. I have really liked putting up Christmas decorations with my mommy this year. Thank you for all of the presents you will bring me! Love, Seth Seydler Dear Santa, I want the super ultimate garage race track, some hot wheels, a bubble machine, monster trucks, a ramp, power ranger toys, motorcycle, a tablet, soccer ball, and a basketball, bowling pins & ball, legos, and monkey bars! Im so excited Thank you Santa! Merry Christmas Love, Easton Denny Dear Santa, I would like some Paw Patrol toys for Christmas. I am going to school now and trying real hard to get green faces. Thank you, Santa! Love, Milan Ibarra Dear Santa, I would like a bicycle and a real Troll doll. I have been really good at school and at home. Tell Rudolph “Hi!” for me. See you at Christmas! Love, Trinity Koopmann

Dear Santa, I would like a Christmas bow for my hair, a blue Elsa Barbie and a Christmas glitter ornament. How are the reindeer doing? I can’t wait til Christmas! I am trying to be good and get green faces at school. See you at Christmas! Love, Evalisah Rosales

Ms. Osburn’s Pre-Kindergarten Class Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. I would like some power ranger stuff. I will leave some cookies for you! Love, Eli Ulrich Dear Santa, I have been a very good girl. I would like a stroller, Barbie, and make-up. Merry Christmas! Love, Serina Moreno Dear Santa, Yo quiero 1 book of frozen colors, one princess to play. Thank you Love, Yareli Dear Santa, This is my favorite time of the year! I have a Christmas tree with pink lights in my room! Can I please have a hot pink sled with a heart? I am grate-

ful for all my toys! Please help Popo feel better! Love, Aubrey Janecka

my brother and sister because they have been good this year. Thanks Santa Love, Railonie Gonzales

Dear Santa, I would really like an electric motorcycle for christmas with a helmet. I would also like a small bouncy house. I would like a remote control car and a tablet. Love, Simeon Williams

Dear Santa, this year I behave very well! with my parents. My sister and at school and I want you to bring me some shopkins. Thanks santa Love, Aletid Martinez

Dear Santa, I’ve tried to be very good this year. I want you to get me some presents. I would like the Wobbly Worm Game and the Sea Patroler from Paw Patrol. I want the one with the octopus. Please bring something to Lukas like baby toys or something we can share together. I promise to bake you cookies for Christmas. Thank you! Love, Hannah Bartos

Dear Santa, I hope all is going well at the North Pole! I have been a really good girl this year, so could you please bring me a new doll, some princess coloring books, legos, and an american Girl trundle bed & bedding set. Santa could you please also bring my baby sister Bree Lynn some toys and books. My puppy Trigger has also been really good so could you please bring him a new squeeky chew toy,he wore out his old one. Mommy, sissy, and I will leave out some milk and cookies for you! Have a safe trip and tell Rudolph hello for me! Love, Ava Nicole Kutac

Dear Santa, I want a doll for Christmas. I also want a baby stroller and some doll clothes. Please bring my sister and brothers Christmas presents also. Love, Bailey Dees Dear Santa, I would like to have a puppy dog for Christmas with a stroller and also a babie dream house with babie and Ken dolls and a car that go with it for they can have something to ride in. And a lot of toys for

Dear Santa, Dear Saint I want you to bring me a bicycle a remote control car. All that I want you to bring me. Love, Jarol Suriel Candelas Castorena Dear Santa, I want for Christmas a trampoline,

a skateboard and a helmet. I hope you can bring me what I ask you. I will leave you some cookies and milk by the Christmas tree. Thank you Merry Christmas Love, Santiago Antonio Espino Dear Santa, I want a barbie House with dolls & cloths & shoes & a Barbie Car. Love, Thania Lopez Dear Santa, I would like a Big Monster truck with a Remote control, little red car, a big Lego set, a robot, race car track, a new phone with the same game like daddy has, a boat for the bath and an octopus, and a new tablet for my baby brother or sister for Christmas. Love, Brisyn Dixon Dear Santa, I hope you, Mrs. Claus, & the reindeer are doing well. I have been trying really hard to be good this year. May you please bring me the Nintendo Switch and games, a t-rex dinosaur toy, hot wheel cars and tracks, and movies for the DVD player. May you also bring something for my 2 brothers, Kaden and Jacob. We will leave cookies for you and a special snack for the reindeers. Thank you and I love you! Love, Noah Wick

T St. Michael Catholic School - Weimar T

Mrs. Sommerlatte’s Kindergarten Class

Dear Santa This Christmas, I will be 6 years old. This year, I have been very nice, and the best big sister. What I would like most this Christmas is a Monkey Fingerling, and a toy for my brother. I promise to leave milk and cookies out for you. Love, Jordynn Long.

Dear Santa My name is Justin Ohnheiser. I am 5 years old. I have tried very hard to be a good little boy. This year for Christmas, I would like a toolbox, a new wrench, screwdriver, and a pair of pliers. Please also bring my sister a new Lego set. We will leave you some milk and cookies by the fireplace. Have a safe trip. Love, Justin Ohnheiser.

Dear Santa I have been a very good boy all year. I help my dad work on our land. I help my mom to keep my room clean. I would like a PS4, Call of Duty WWII game, RC Battleship, and an A-10 Warthog. Thank you, Orion Sherwood Dear Santa I would like dinosaurs, puzzles,

Nerf gun, Astro’s stuff, clothes, hats, money, books, and a dart board. Love, Gage Kainer Dear Santa For Christmas, I would like some Baby Alive toys, Barbie’s and American Girl Dolls. Could you also bring Zaid a toy train, and my pets some treats? Thank You, Zaylin Romine.

2017 T


Dear Santa Please, can I have a big Hatchimal and a microphone, Soggy Doggy, and a Shopkins movie? Also, please bring other kids special gifts. Good luck to you and Rodolph! Love, Andie Melnar. Dear Santa I have been good this year. I would like a Num Num lip balm. I also want a crying baby doll, a new notebook, and colored pens. Thank you. Your friend, Samantha Goldman. Dear Santa, I want a real baby in my heart. I need a new cradle for my babies. I would also like a dollhouse, new backpack, and can you bring balls and bones for Lilly? Can you pray for Bella to make sure she is okay? Maybe you can bring something for the family to do together. Love, Olivia Eistner

Mrs. Barlows 1st grade class Dear Santa I would like sea monkeys and fur real kittens and keep secret birds and a trampoline and a great christmas with my family. Sarah Jane Berger Dear Santa, My name is Layne Schimcek I am 6.5 years old. I would like some Pokemon cards (Ex and Gx). I would also like some transformers. I will leave you some cookies and milk, and your reindeer some water and oats. Love, Layne Schimcek. Dear Santa, my name is Joseph. I have been a good boy. For Christmas I would like a Xbox 360, a Justice League toy, a camera, a Batman mask and tickets to go to the movies. I promise to leave milk and cookies out for you. Please be save traveling. Joseph Milton Rowland.

Warmest Greetings! May holiday joy warm your heart and home. Thank you for your patronage.

COLUMBUS BUTANE CO. Propane Sales & Service 1340 Walnut Street • 732-2074

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Letters to Santa

Dear Santa, I am wishing you a Merry Christmas I Would like you to bring something for those in the nursing home. Can you bring me a guitar and Magical flying powers? My sister a sled, mommy a bread machine, daddy blue jeans. will you take me to the North pole in summer time? and maybe some snow. Emily Kay Wied. Dear Santa, I hope you had a good time with your reindeer. I would like a guitar, Decoupage Animals, Heart pendants Kit, a Zipline kit with a seat, pogo Stick, and soft ball stuff. I will leave carrots for your reindeer by the cookies. Chloe Brandt. Dear Santa Mallarie I would like Bar Bie Doll I would like BarBie Dream house I would likea phone I would like a Barbie Jacket I would like a Jewlery Box I would like a light up ball I would like a roller skates I would like a scooter I would like a smart wath I would like a Tv I would like a pink laptop Mallarie Williams. Dear Santa I would like a toy coruette. I would like a toy T rex I would likea TV I would like a SaDDLe I would likea Treehouse I would like a necklace I would like a Bank account I would like a build beah I would like a Fishing yap I I. Nicholes Williams

Mrs. Muras 2nd grade class Dear Santa, First off I want to thank you for all the gifts I got last year. I have been a good gird and working really hard in school. This year if you can I would like a baby kitten, new trampoline, some new ear rings, and some crafts to do. If you have room I would like a 4-wheeler for my sister and I. If you can please bring me a sister mommy and daddy some gifts also. Thank you Santa Kendall Jahn.

Dear Santa How are your reindeer doing? Is Rudolph real? Thank you for the telescope last year, I’ve enjoyed looking at the stars. This year could you bring me a telescope for my doll with glitter and a free trip to Disney World. I hope the elves are doing good. We will leave you milk and cookies and food for your reindeer, Ella Grace. Dear Santa I cleanedthe living room this year can I have Descendants2 Barbies, descendants 2 costumes, Mal, Evie coloring purse, Descenidants 2 DVD, Slime kit box, A Christmas tree. Victoria Sherwood. Dear Santa, I want a Xbox with a mine craft game, a Electric guitar, a hot wheels shark. And a little 4 wheeler with gas. I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas. Cullen Frank Marek. Dear Santa, How are you feeling I want a six fet tall pool and a fivefeet tall diving bord and a eleven feet tall slild thank you Santa for bringing us presens. Dayson Mace. I want for Christmas a 22 rifle coast Guard set, fire station set, power wheels, bike. I will be waiting for you. Hudson Hillje

T Eagle Lake Primary T Mrs. Mora’s and Mrs. Lucero’s Dear Santa, Hi. How are you? How is Mrs. Claus? For Christmas I would like a bicycle, cars and roller skates. Santa, would you like to spend a day with me? Love, Alan Dear Santa, Hi. How are you? How is Mrs. Claus? For Christmas I would like a doll, doll house and a doll bath. Love, Alexia Dear Santa, Hi. How are you? How is Mrs. Claus? For Christmas I would like a pony, toy elephant and a horse. Santa, did you have a lot of work at the North Pole? Love, Amalia Dear Santa, Hi. How are you? How is Mrs. Claus? For Christmas I would like some dolls, a toy kitchen, and a toy for my baby sister. Santa, what do you want me to leave you to eat when you come to my house? Love, Catherine Dear Santa, Hi. How are you? How is Mrs. Claus? For Christmas I would like a little kitchen, a tablet and a Barbie with a Barbie van. Santa, how are your reindeers doing? Love, Daisy Dear Santa, Hi. How are you? How is Mrs. Claus? For Christmas I would like a toy dragon, a toy car and candy. Santa, will it snow? Love, Damian Dear Santa, Hi. How are you? How is Mrs. Claus?

For Christmas I would like a bicycle, a football and a CD of Christmas songs. Santa, do you like to sing? Love, Darrel

a playground and a remote-control car. Santa, what are your favorite kind of cookies? Love, Kyle

Dear Santa, Hi. How are you? How is Mrs. Claus? For Christmas I would like an orange tractor, a truck and horse trailer and two John Deere tractors. Santa, do you like chocolate chip cookies? They’re my favorite. Love, Davin

Dear Santa, Hi. How are you? How is Mrs. Claus? For Christmas I would like a Baby Alive that can use the restroom, a Pepa Pig and some clothes and shoes. Love, Margarita

Dear Santa, Hi. How are you? How is Mrs. Claus? For Christmas I would like a gold bike, a motorcycle and a 4-wheeler. Santa, How do the reindeer fly? Love, Drae’dyn Dear Santa, Hi. How are you? How is Mrs. Claus? For Christmas I would like a play house, a puppy and toy men. Santa, did you feed your reindeer this morning? Love, Eric Dear Santa, Hi. How are you? How is Mrs. Claus? For Christmas I would like a green toy truck to ride on, a toy gun and toy firetruck. Santa, I hope that you have lots of toys to give to all of the kids. Love, Joshua Ra. Dear Santa, Hi. How are you? How is Mrs. Claus? For Christmas I would like a batman cave, action figures and a bicycle. Santa, Have I been a good boy? Love, Joshua Ru. Dear Santa, Hi. How are you? How is Mrs. Claus? For Christmas I would like a nerf gun,

Dear Santa, Hi. How are you? How is Mrs. Claus? For Christmas I would like a Barbie with dog and puppies, Mickey Mouse clothes, a pair of pants and some food for my little brother and my mom. Santa, where do you live? Do you live in the moon? Love, Quetzally Dear Santa, Hi. How are you? How is Mrs. Claus? For Christmas I would like a skateboard, some cars and tractors. Santa, where are you from? Love, Rogelio Dear Santa, Hi. How are you? How For Christmas I would Princess doll dressed in car, Barbie clothes and

is Mrs. Claus? like a Barbie blue, a Barbie shoes for Ra-

punzels party. Tomorrow is Rapunzels birthday party. Love, Sofia Dear Santa, Hi. How are you? How is Mrs. Claus? For Christmas I would like a puppy, toys and some clothes. Santa, do you really eat all of the cookies or do you share with your reindeer? Love, Stephanie Dear Santa, Hi. How are you? How is Mrs. Claus? For Christmas I would like a Car’s Mack car carrier, a race car and a toy tractor. Santa, can you tell me the story about how you exist? Love, Thomas Dear Santa, Hi. How are you? How is Mrs. Claus? For Christmas I would like a Barbie House, a Barbie car and some playdough. Santa, how do you fly? Love, Anonymous Dear Santa, Hi. How are you? How is Mrs. Claus? For Christmas I would like bicycle, a doll and a table. Santa, can you come to my house? Love, Zetare

Happy Holidays

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2017 T


Mrs. Stelzel’s Class Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. Can I play with your reindeer? For Christmas, I would like a unicorn, a car, and a Doc McStuffins playset. Love, Sa’Rya Sewell Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. When do the elves sleep? For Christ-

mas, I would like a dream tent and a tablet. I would like a Spiderman bike with lights too. Love, Eli Garcia Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. How are you? For Christmas, I would like a train and an airplane. I would like a dog too. Love, Ian Montejano

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Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. For Christmas, I would like a car for my Barbie. I would like a motorcycle and a tablet too. I just want my presents now. I can’t wait until Christmas. Love, Nicole Reyes Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. How are the elves and Mrs. Claus? For Christmas I would like a Barbie house

and a Snacking Sara. I would like a bike with a doll carrier too. Love, Juliette Gasca Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. Where do you live? For Christmas, I would like a doctor Barbie and Barbie clothes. I would like babies for my Barbie too. Love, Zoe Samaniego

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Letters to Santa

Terry S Braun

Financial Advisor 2126 Highway 71 South Suite A Columbus, TX 78934 979-732-2910 Member SIPC

Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. For Christmas, I would like a skateboard and a scooter. I would like colors too. Love, Aeden Lott Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. How are your reindeer and elves? For Christmas, I would like a Toothless Dragon toy. I would like a stuffed Spiderman and Batman too. Love, Javier Flores Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. Why does Rudolph have a shiny, red nose? For Christmas, I would like a pink color with glitter. I would like some princess shoes with pink glitter. I want a princess dress that is the color pink too. Love, Delmy Molina

Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. How are the elves? For Christmas, I would like an Ariel mermaid doll and a baby doctor set. I want a Barbie vet play set too. Love, Aubrey McDonald Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. How are the elves? For Christmas, I would like a soccer ball and a football. I want a lot of dinosaurs too. Love, Roger Toriz Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. For Christmas, I would like a Power Wheels truck and a puppy. I want a Nintendo 3DS too Can I have all three gifts for Christmas? Love, Ja’Brae Callis

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The employees, officers, and directors of Industry State Bank would like to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We enjoyed serving you throughout 2017, and we look forward to serving you in 2018! 16886 Fordtran Blvd. Industry, TX 78944 979-357-4437

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Merry Christmas

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1139 Fannin in Columbus

979-942-9101 2017 T


Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. Where do you live? For Christmas, I would like a little pony and a piano. I want a little baby brother too. Love, Karla Ontiveros Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. Do your elves live at the North Pole? For Christmas, I would like a Barbie house and a Barbie doll. I want a 4-wheeler too. Love, Rhilyn Barten Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. Do all your elves come and visit? For Christmas, I would like a bike and a baby doll. I want some books too. Love, Chloe Baker Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. How are your reindeer? For Christmas, I would like a transformer and Pokemon cards. I want Spiderman that shoots webs too. Love, Julio Aguado Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. How old are you? For Christmas, I would like a talking Cat Boy car and a PJ mask pajama. I want a Mario toy too. Love, Ian Cortez Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. How are you? For Christmas, I would like a car and a bus. I want a phone to play games on too. Love, Naes Lopez Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. How long does it take to deliver all the toys? For Christmas, I would like some PlayDoh and a big Barbie doll. I want some clothes too. Love, Anallancy Negrete

22 T

Letters to Santa

Dear Santa, How are you? Can I ride in your sleigh with you please? What are you going to give all the kids for Christmas? I have been a good girl this year. I am 5 years old. I would really like a real baby horse. Love, Brunel Dias Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. Do you go to school like I do? For Christmas, I would like dinosaurs and some Nerf guns. I want some Hot Wheels too. Love, Marcus Ramirez

Mr. Canaris’ Class Dear Santa, My name is Dayanna Aguirreand I have been a good student. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was behaving at home and at school even though I got a couple of bad grades and give my mom and Stepdad a hard time. I try my best to be a great child. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts, My Little Pony Collection, Friends Hot Chocolate Leggos, a guitar. Thank you, Santa! I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Dayanna Dear Santa, My name is Shaurya Bhakta and I have been a good boy. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was to get good grades and help with Daddy’s work. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts, a Big train, airoplane, a number box. Thank you, Santa! I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Shaurya

Dear Santa, My name is Tra’Dae Johnson and I have been a good boy. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was help my dad around the yard. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts, a blue fishing pole, a PS4 sonic game, and the Pie Face game. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Tra’Dae Johnson Dear Santa, My name is Londynn and I have been a good girl. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was to be good and also very helpful. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts, a doll house, a bike, and a swing set. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Londynn Dear Santa, My name is Kyndal Wilks and I have been a good student. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was make good grades. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts, a bike, new clothes, and tables. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Kyndol Wilks Dear Santa, My name is Caliyah Armsteed and I have been a good girl. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my

family was cooked eggs with my mommy for breakfast. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts, a doll, a table, and a doll house. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Caliyah Dear Santa, My name is Raelee Ramirez and I have been a good girl. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was to help my mom and dad with my baby brother Cameron. I also make good grades in school. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts, a wooden swing set, a vampirina doll, and a truck for my brother. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Raelee Dear Santa, My name is Allisson and I have been a good girl. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was I bee good with my family. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts, a doll, a tablet, and toys. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Santa Dear Santa, My name is Amerika and I have been a good kid. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was I’ve helped my mom with chores around the house. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts, Ipod, a panda backpac, and a shopkins cover. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Amerika

Dear Santa, My name is Jose and I have been a good boy. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was helping out and been great with my family. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts, a 4-wheeler, a gocard, and a cure for all cancer painets. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Jose E. Almaruz Dear Santa, My name is Alisonar and I have been a good student. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was take care of family and help my mother and sister and a lot more stuff. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts, a car, a motorcycle, and a doll to take a bath and comb her hair. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Alisonar Bautista Dear Santa, My name is Jonathan and I have been a good kid. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was I’ve been going to school and been a good kid. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts, I want an i-pod, I want a T-Rex, I want a godzilla. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Jonathan Dear Santa, My name is Ashton Sauceda and I have been a good Boy. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy

getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was clean my room and be nice to my sisters. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts, PJ Masks Rival Racers Track Playset, a Playhouse with kitchen to play with sisters, and a Police playset. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Ashton Sauceda Dear Santa, My name is Adriana Vital and I have been a good daughter. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was to behave well, did all my chores in school and house, and assist to school as much as I could. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts, shoes, clothes, and barby dolls with clothes. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Adriana Dear Santa, My name is Arceli Dubon and I have been a good girl. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was to play good and help take care of my sister. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts, a princess doll, a puzzle, and a zebra. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Arceli

Mrs. Center’s Class Dear Santa, My name is Anthony (AJ) and I have been a good Boy. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have

been this year. The best thing I did for my family was showing respect caring and love for them. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts, a Ninja turtle set, a bike, and a Chucky doll. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Anthony Brown Dear Santa, My name is Ashlen and I have been a good girl. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was to spend time with them.. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts, a mal doll (2), an American Girl, and a Hatchimal. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Ashlen Dear Santa, My name is Ayden and I have been a good boy. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was to clean up my mess and I help her sweep. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts, a Spiderman bike, a remote control car (with steering wheel), and a (blue) Ninja Turtle. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Ayden Dear Santa, My name is Emerey Howard and I have been a good girl. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was to listen to my parents, and clean up after myself. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts, a silicone baby doll, a new tablet, and a vampirina doll. Thank you, Santa.

I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Emerey Dear Santa, My name is Jaliyah and I have been a good daughter. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was helping my mommy wash the dishes, sweep the floor and keeping my room tidy. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts, glitter glass slippers, a life-size mermaid doll, and a sea shell mermaid sofa. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Princess Jaliyah Dear Santa, My name is Janiya Williams and I have been a good girl. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was to help take care of them and make sure that nobody gets left behind. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts, a go cart, a flute, and a Giant Barbie House. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Janiya Dear Santa, My name is Joel and I have been a good boy. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was that I do good in school, and do all my homework everyday. I like to make jokes for my family. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts, Nerf guns, a guitar, and Fast shoes (Nike). Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Joel

2017 T


Dear Santa, My name is Keith and I have been a good Boy. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was to clean my room help with baby crsten. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts, Simon Says, Head Phones and Pouer Rangers. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Keith Dear Santa, My name is Lillie and I have been a good girl. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was clean my room. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts, my little Ponies, a toy bunny, and a mirror. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Lillie Dear Santa, My name is Lyric and I have been a good girl. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was to help cleaningua and goin efqmilqqctinties. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts, a baby alive, a piano, a barbiedoll. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Lyric Dear Santa, My name is Mazimo Overa and I have been a good boy. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was to help my mom clean. This year for Christmas, I would like the

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Letters to Santa

following gifts, a drone, a pool, and toys. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Max Dear Santa, My name is Serenity Utley and I have been a good Girl. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was helped my mommy clean my room, and I learned how to say my bedtime prayers all by myself. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts, a Mystery doll, a Big Barbie Doll House, and New Backpack. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Serenity Utley Dear Santa, My name is Theresa Anthony and I have been a good girl. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was I was a good like help my mommy clean up and help daddy feed horse. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts, a Ketchen Play set, Paw Proal toys, and a Bike . Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Theresa Dear Santa, My name is Trevon Eaton and I have been a good Boy. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was I help them clean the yard and keep my toys out of the way. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts, a truck, money, and a hat. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Trevon

Dear Santa, My name is Yuli Garcia and I have been good. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was to be good and pay attention to what they tell me to do. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts, a paw patrol, my little pony, and frozen. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Yuli Garcia Dear Santa, My name is and I have been a good . I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was . This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts:. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Dear Santa, My name is Alayna Ruiz and I have been a good girl. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was help walk our dog coco. I also helped Mom with laundry This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts: Hatchimals, Barbie plane and a coloring set . Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Alayna Ruiz. Dear Santa, My name is Jayce Castillo and I have been a good boy. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was help take out the trash and feed the dog. This year for Christ-

mas, I would like the following gifts: Imaginex Batbot, boxing gloves and Louie game. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Jake. Dear Santa, My name is Emory and I have been a good boy. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was help the family do chores. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts: Electric scooter, computer and a new bike. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Emory. Dear Santa, My name is Harmony and I have been a good kid. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was I help mom when she works and sometimes I also help her folding clothes. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts: Skateboard, stuffed reindeer and a Cinderella toy. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Dear Santa, My name is Lila Rene Torres and I have been a good girl most of the time. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was I helped feed our animals and I keep my room clean. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts: A big jeep that I can drive, a Barbie dream house and a TV for my room.. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Lila Renee Torres.

Dear Santa, My name is Moises Trajo Martinez and I have been a good boy. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was I played with my sister, sometimes I helped mom do house chores, helped dad by passing tools when he worked at home. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts: Eggs dinosaurs, King Kong and a trailer of transformers. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Moises. Dear Santa, My name is Landon Johnson and I have been a good boy. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was I helped dad take the trash out and helped mom do important stuff. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts: Snow T-Rex imaginex, Sharp fiaget spinner and a toy ball. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Landon Dear Santa, My name is Stacey Maldonado and I have been a good girl. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was helping and playing with my baby brother. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts: A princess carriage, a twilight pony and flurry heart big toy. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Stacy Maldonado Dear Santa, My name is Armoni Weems and I have been a good boy. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to

know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was did my homework, cleaned my room, and helped my grandma. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts: Batman playset, guitar and a Spiderman playset. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Armoni Weems. Dear Santa, My name is JD Kemper and I have been a good boy. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was I shared my snacks and toys and we played all together. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts: Dinosaur, nerf gun and a new bedroom. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, JD Kemper. Dear Santa, My name is Emmanuel and I have been a good boy. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was helped around the house. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts: Mario kart, a football and a Ninja turtle toy.. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Emmanuel. Dear Santa, My name is Jazmin and I have been a good girl. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was that I tend my bed. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts: I want a princess car, doll of Lady bug and a stuffed Elsa. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Jazmin.

May the peace and joy that Christmas brings always be with you and your family.

Merry Christmas

from the Officers, Directors, and Employees of your hometown bank.

420 Walnut • Columbus • 979-732-2332 2017 T


Mrs. Pagano’s Kindergarten Class Dear Santa, My name is Yvonne Moralles and I have been a good girl. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was listened, and helped my sister clean my room, and I also helped watch my kitten . This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts: a big Lol surprise egg, a new Playstation 3, and a Cinderella bike.. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Yvonne Morales. Dear Santa, My name is Alena and I have been a good girl. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was I made them happy by making better choices at school. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts: a Sky build-a-bear, a swing set and another lunch kit. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Alena P. Dear Santa, My name is Isabella Moreida and I have been a good girl. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was showing my mommy and daddy I can be a good girl in school. I love to make them proud. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts: Doll house, play kitchen and a Hatchimals toy. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Isabella Moreida.

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Letters to Santa

Dear Santa, My name is Shae Pereira and I have been a good boy. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was I prayed to God to keep them safe. I helped my mom to clean the house. I helped dad with outdoor work. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts: Octomus Prime, race car and a reindeer toy. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Shae Pereira. Dear Santa, My name is Deshannon Eaton and I have been a good boy. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was I cleaned trash out the yard. Clean out room This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts: a truck, a bike and a toy. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Deshannon Eaton. Dear Santa, My name is Johnny Hall and I have been a good boy. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was help out around the house and made sure I had good grades in school. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts: Thomas and friends Super Station, a new Bike and paw Patrol my size look out tower. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Johnny Hall. Dear Santa, My name is Kayson T. Webb and I

have been a good boy. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was picked flowers for mommy and helped daddy with the cows and played with my brothers . This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts: robot with different weapons, ninja turtles and dinosaurs.. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, T Webb. Dear Santa, My name is Eric and I have been a good boy. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts: Dirt bike, helmet and dirt bike clothing. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Eric Maciel Jr. Dear Santa, My name is Preslee Engelbrecht and I have been a good girl. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was give hugs and kisses and put my clothes away . This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts: slippers, a car and shopkins. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Preslee. Dear Santa, My name is Craig Dabney and I have been a good boy. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did

for my family was help my mom with my baby sister. Help clean up with my mommy. Help my sister was dishes. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts: Dinosaur, Optimus Prime and cars. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Craig. Dear Santa, My name is Cam Cam and I have been a good boy. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was clean up the toys by myself. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts: Beats, gold chain, white tee-shirt and pants and a remote control car. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Cameron.

Mrs. Cranek’s Kindergarten Class Dear Santa, My name is and I have been a good . I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was . This year, for Christmas, I would like the following gifts: . Love, My name is Bellanira J. Vital and I have been a good daughter. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was I go to school everyday, do my work and homework at the house and also be a good daugher. This year, for Christmas, I would like the following gifts: Dolls, boots and clothes. Love, Bellanira Vital

Dear Santa, My name is Alexa Vabantra and I have been a good Student. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was I take care of them, I listened to them and I helped them do chores. This year, for Christmas, I would like the following gifts: Barbie house, yoyo and Spiderman outfit. Love, Alexa Dear Santa, My name is Jazmin and I have been a good child. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was helping them out to move in our new house. I clean my own rom and help out with dishes. Also I help my mom with the bags from the store to put inside the house. This year, for Christmas, I would like the following gifts: A bike, a doll “Ana” and a baby doll that crys.. Love, Jazmin Jadira Dear Santa, My name is Trinity. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was I helped fold blankets, cleaned my room and helped mom cook. This year, for Christmas, I would like the following gifts: A doll house with an elevator, a Barbie doll and a Teepee tent. Love, Trinity. Dear Santa, My name is Alayna Ruiz and I have been a good girl. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for

the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was I helped walk our dog coco. Help mom with laundry This year, for Christmas, I would like the following gifts: Hatchimals, barbie plane and coloring set. Love, Alayna Ruiz

Mrs. Gold’s First Grade Class Dear Santa, I want a football a sonic in truaks I want a Dragon Ball. I want a cars a aimy. Love, Joseph Acosta. Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a bike, an American girl doll, an ice cream shop toy. Love, Camila Becerra Dear Santa, Litel dog, little cat a phone, Love, Sasha Becerro Dear Santa, I would like to have: Love, Andre Gonzalez Dear Santa, I want a Lamborghini Figet spinner for christmas, And I Also want White and red Jordans, And I really want a phone silver 5E. I will make sure tu leave Some cookies for you. Love, Luis Hernandez.

Dear Santa, I been a good boy this year. I will like a toy that is a toy pick-ax and a poster that has Minecraft in it, and the last of all is at blue playdoug is mideum size. Thank you. Love, Jonathan Molina.

Dear Santa, I want a tablet. I want a Barbie house, trolls toys, I cant wait for you to come. I will have cookies for you. Love, Jennife Vital

Mrs. Janow’s First Grade Class Dear Santa, I want a Garbie house. I have tried to be a good girl. I want a dog. Love, Elizabeth Navarro. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, can I have a dog. This year I bent good I give you thanks for the present and I wish this present that I ask yo for. Love, Fatima Rutiaga. Dear Santa, I want barbie cloths. New pencil new bunny. Love, Aiyleen Ruvaleaba. Dear Santa, This year I have been a very good girl. For Christmas I would like to wish for a toy piano I can play with. Love, Sophia Salazar. Dear Santa, I am good for Christmas I want new white tennis shoes. Love, Ra’Rev Tarver.

Dear Santa, I would like a power wheels dually, a basketball goal and a monster game PS 4 game. Love, Dae’ton Johnson.

Dear Santa, How is your family santa? For christmas I would like Descendants 2 robe. Descendants pjs. Descendants 2 clothes. Can you bring my family what they have always wanted. Love, Briannah Toriz.

Dear Santa, I want a box of lego city, and a hatchable and a toy police car and a army with a tank. I wont a fidget spinr to. And a Journal. Love, Jaiden LankFord.

Dear Santa, This year for christmas I want a microwave with play food. A doll house and. Shoes, that Light up with hearts I will leave you some cookies. Love, Mia Torres.

Dear Santa, How are you today? I hope you can bring me some presents. I want a dog, dirt bike, and a Nintendo Swich. Please Santa. Love, Adan Martinez Dear Santa, Hello Santa, For this Christmas I want to ask you for a dinosaur or a train or a robot please. Thank you. Love, Rodrigo Espinoza. Dear Santa, Hi my name is Laila I’ve been a very good girl. I would like barbie tree house, books, a new sun glasses. I will have cookies for you. Love, Laila Lugo. Dear Santa, Hello dear Santa, Christmas is coming. This year I have well. At School I was good even if the bases were difficult. This Christmas I hope to have a hatchables, Rollerskates, something special for my family. Love, Kazey Macias. Dear Santa, These are the thing i like for christmas, woiking t-rex Dinosaur Ben 10 Deluxe omnitrix calculator Cash Register, Xbox one, Star Wars nerf Glowstrike, Madden NFL 18, Hungry Hippos games Pie Face sky high game, Don’t Break the Ice classic game. Love, Trevor Powell. Dear Santa, I want a Dinosor, air plane, a bike (red) Love, Damian Gonzalez

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Dear Santa, How are you doing? I have been a good boy this year. For Christmas, I would like a Play station 4, Madden 18, a Hover board. Love, Kyle Sims. Dear Santa, My name is cristal Salazar and I am 6 years old. I have 1 sister and 1 brother. I have been a good girl this year. I want for christmas Xbox, Chocolate, a doll and to have a great year. Love, Cristal Salazar Dear Santa, How are you? I have been very good. I would like the Soggy Doggy game. Barbie Dreamhouse, baby alive doll, and some Descendants stuff. And please give all my friends some toys too. Thank you very much Love, Alizabeth Gonzales.

for christmas is a table and a tea set. Love, Judit Becerra Dear Santa, I will like a bike. I will like an X-box. I will like a neon. I will like a Minecraft. Love, Trae’Shawn Dear Santa, I want a toy dog. I want a toy doll. I want a toy elf. I want a rainbow pillow. I want a toy phone. Love, Trinity Hemphill. Dear Santa, Hi Santa how are you and the reindeer doing? I am trying very hard to be a good boy this year. I would like a cozmo a paino and art supplies. Love, Jordan Lugo.

Mrs. Zipp’s First Grade Class Dear Santa, For Christmas I want a JoJo Dress That has her on it and a Special gift. Love, Sierra Skiles. Dear Santa, I would like a fidget spinner, a hatchable and a baby alive. Love, Libby Lankford. Dear Santa, I want for christmas is a puppy. I want for christmas is a doll. I want

Dear Santa, Will you bring me toys? Love, I would like a big hatchamul and a hoverboard. Dear Santa, For Christmas I wunt a red car that drives. And thank you Santa! Love, Jensis! Dear Santa, Can I have a Playstaion 4, new

Merry Christmas

and thank you for a wonderful year! 1336 FANNIN • COLUMBUS • 979-733-0267

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Letters to Santa

clothes, a bike, and I phone, some toys and new shoes, Please. Love, Xavion.

spinners. Love, Miguel.

Dear Santa, Can you please bring me plato and a cashier machine and a doll to play with my other doll because she don’t have nobody to play. Love, Amaris.

Dear Santa, My name is Breana I am 7 years old. I wanted to tell you what I would like for Christmas. I want a Baby Alive and a bike and I also would like a barbie doll. Love, Breana.

Dear Santa, I hope that God makes this year great christmas. Santa used to give kids presents that they need. Santa would deliver presents to poor kids. Love, Ava Herrera.

Dear Santa, My name is Diasia Holloway. I’m 6 years old and I been a good girl this year I would like a bike, a Baby Alive and an Ipad for Chirstmas, Santa. Love, Diasia Holloway.

Dear Santa, I would like a new purple bike. And a Ipad. And new furbees. I would like for my puppy shadow to get a new stuffed animal. Love, Payton Simonds.

Dear Santa, This year I was very nice with my family and I wish you would get me a gift. I want a tablet, a doll, and some clothes for my doll and for me. Thanks Santa Love, Amaris’

Dear Santa, I want a monkey that hangs on my finger. I also want a puppy that opens and closes its eyes. And a box where I can keep all my toye. Love, Fernando Tovar. Dear Santa, My name is Alonso and for this christmas I want to ask that all children receive a gift that to eat and above all be happy that is what I want for this Christmas. In advance thanks, Santa. Love, Alonso. Dear Santa, I want to ask to bring a game of Kitchen, a tablet, and a doll. Love, Miram Becerra. Dear Santa, I want a walking robot. I want also like some Avengers, legos and finnaly I want a book on how to make

Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a x-box for Christmas I would like a ball. For Christmas I would like a drone. Love, Jose. Dear Santa, My name is Brian. This year for Christmas I would like to get an Xbox One games for my Xbox one, and a few nice games for my Playstation 4. Please and Thank you. Love, Brian Shorter Jr. Dear Santa, I want a dinosaur and a water gun and a boat. Love, Oscar. Dear Santa, I like a doll. I like sum Pants. I like a Phone. Love, Marcela.

Dear Santa, Dear santa I would like a phone and clothes and a big truck. Love, Darell Tarver. Dear Santa, I would like some light up shoes and a Jiboen medol and a sword toy. Love, Mark Anthony Vital Losino.

Mrs. Zeinhert and Miss McCain’s Second Grade Class Dear Santa, I want a real goat, also I want army men, I want a PS3 game. And I will like to have some cars Love, Josh Montgomery Sanchez Dear Santa, I want a coloring book and a dry erase board and a bunny. I want a bunny and a dog to play with my dog. I

want a horse and a poodle, whae, cheetah, a leppard, an animal poster and a turkey, an animal t shirt, and my little pony, a chew toy for my dog. You’re nice. I like your suit. Love, Priscilla Morales. Dear Santa, I want a TV, a computer, and a rc car. You’re kinf and always helpful. I be good, be kind to Otner people and get good grades, and be polite. Love, Eli. Dear Santa, I hope you are doing well this year. I was a good girl in school and at home too. This year I don’t want any gifts to all the poor children around the world because they need things more than I do. God Bless you and the whole world. Take care, thank you! Bye! I love you! Love, Shia Pereira

Dear Santa, This year I would like a pair of LED shoes. I would also like an ipad. I been good Love, Nariyah. Dear Santa, I will want a phone and a camera and a xbox with Mario game. I also want a barbie with lots of clothes, lots of makeup, and lots of bracelets. I will leave a cup of milk and cookies that have extra chocolate. Love, Emily Tovar. Dear Santa, How have you been? I have been very good this year. I would really like it if you could bring me these things: a pair of boots, a hoverboard, a phone, and games for my PS4. Be safe and keep warm. Love, Kedarian Platt.

Dear Santa, How are you doing this year this christmas? I want a scooter, a phone, a german shepard and a little dirt bike and some pants. Love, Luis Martinez. Dear Santa, I love you a lot. I want a phone and a real doll. I want a shopkin I help. I have long hair on christmas. I hope you have fun passing out presents. Love, Natalie Surovcak. Dear Santa, Do you delivery presents to Africa? Santa can you please bring me a PS4, AC charcatds, Pie face, Sky High, chronobomb, descendants, spider-man homecoming and a guitar, I phone and I will leave milk and viscochos. Love, Kedrian Myers.

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Dear Santa, How are you and the reindeer doing Santa? I have been good this year. If you can will you bring me an x-Box one, Madden 17 and 18, and a new blue controller? Thank you Santa you are the nicest guy ever. Love, Levi Rodriguez. Dear Santa, Please bring me a metal dector, a drone with a camera, and a phone. I would also like some legos and a computer. Love, Joseph D. Alaniz.

Dear Santa, I been very good in school and I make good grades. I really want clothes, shoes, and lego’s Love, Duran Amos. Dear Santa, I am rele looking forward to christmas. What is christmas all about? I like christmas and do you now something? I eat your cookes that you do not finish. I Forgive you tho they are yummy. I cant wait for christmas. I have to ask you something. I whant a Lego set. I want a wii. A I want a electric guitar. Love, Andrew Tovar.

Dear Santa, I would like a dirt bike, I phone 7 and a PlayStation 4! Would you please bring Michele and Maurice a new TV? I love you santa and Mrs. Claus. Thank you for everything would thank you please bring my dirt bike back Love, Kivor Porker Dear Santa, I want a hurbor d I want a toy. I want a blanket. I want a game of Pokemon sun. Thank you for all of the presents for last week. I hope you come to my home. I will leave you some cookies and milk. Love, Adam Gonzalez.

Dear Santa, I cant wait for christmas. I am a big fan. My name is Ellie. Am I on the nice list or the naughty list? I know why we have christmas, it is Jesus’s birthday. I love christmas. By the way its my favorite holiday. Love, Ellie.

Dear Santa, How are you? Are you ok? I’ve been good this year so can I please get a bike, a toy and makeup please? I would like a computer and a drawing set. I will have cookies foar you in my house. Love, Mia.

Dear Santa, Hay santa what are you doing what is ms claus doing is she baking dinur for you. Can you give me a guavajuice box and a roblox game. By Santa and ms. claus have a good christmas Love, Fernando.

Dear Santa, I want a barbie. And my own basket of clothes. And my own tv in my room. And my own bathroom in my room. And get my own chores. And my own table. And my own job. And my own phone. Love, Amanda N.

Dear Santa, How are your elfs? I was good at school. Thank you for the other presents. I would like a xbox one. I want something else. I would like a puppet and a applewatch. I will have cookies for you in my house. Love, Aaron.

Dear Santa, How are tou! Can I plese can I plese have lol doll and hamchls and barbie dolls y and so oushes and num nums and slime and shopkins and a toy box a big gone barbie dol house an ham chls her sere? Love, Taylin Williams.

Dear Santa, I wish that I will have a dirt bike. I want an elf so I can play with it. Do you have a map? Can I see you outside? I want a car to play with. My mom needs a computer. My dad wants an xbox. My puppy wants a bed. Love, Kaleb Garner.

Dear Santa, I hope you aer ok and I hope you have a wunderfle crismis and there are three things that I could get. Can I get a hoverboard and a new tablet and the game madin? Thank you four all the thing that you give me. Love, Noah.

Dear Santa, Santa my name is Kimberly Cano. I am 7 years old and I have been very good. Can you please bring me some toys like new minions that just came out and the unicorn robot. Love, Kimberly Cano.

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Letters to Santa

Dear Santa, I want a tablet and a hoverboard and a bike for Christmas and a phone for christmas. Santa I am going to give you cookies and milk. How is Miss Closs and the reindeer doing? Does it snow up there? Love, Ahlaydria.

Dear Santa, I have been good all year. I hope your year was awesome. This year I would like a video game, a remote control red truck, and a new soccer ball. I hope you have a great Christmas. Love, Bryan Guerrero. Dear Santa, This year for christmas I would like a go cart, a hoverboard I have been nice to my sister and helpful to my parents. I have been a good girl. Love, Brion Williams. Dear Santa, Hello Santa are you cold? How is miss clos? I bet she has a surprise for you.

Dear Santa I want a num nums lip gloss truck, a purple hisicle without support rims, Project Mc Squared hail paint, and happiness of everyone. Love, Yanaris. Dear Santa, How are you doing? Will am doing grate today. I study a lot and it is hard well its not that hard but also do tests that are esy and hard. Some of them are not that kinda hard. By the way have a good Cristmus. Can I get a Minecraft and a plushy foxy. Love, Kevin Lopez. Dear Santa, I have been good this year. I thiecl my best. What I would like for Christmas is remote for ps4 and crate toy and a big Nerf gun. Love, Eric. Dear Santa, How are you? I want a vee stays and a lol doll and Legoos. I need a tooth brash and a shirt and a dress. Love, Juliet. Dear Santa, How are you doing? I please wont a xbox one soccer game. I will save you cookies and milk. Love, Oscar.

Mrs. Wicke’s Class Dear Santa, How are you can you get me a pool, toy gun, pie face, coloring book, new pants, new shirt Love, Aaron James. Dear Santa, My name is Ashley Cano. I have tried to be good most of the Aime this year. So have is my christmas list. 1. Apple I pod in pink 2. A monster high doll house 3. A purple hover board. Love, Ashley Cano.

Dear Santa, How is ms. Claus Mat I please have a hoverboard, and a barbie doll house and vampirina’s scar band and a table and a phone and a Bioj girl bike and a pool and a little kids toy car and a little kids moter sikle. Love, Cherish, Dear Santa, How are you doing? How are your elves doing? can I get one this year? How is miss Claus doing? We got a surprise for you but I cant tell you can I get christmas present? I want operation board game and a new tablet for christmas that is all I want. Thank you very much. Love, Jamarin. Dear Santa, Hi! Santa I do it god things these years I want DDli’s houses for me and my sister’s please don’t forget me I like christmas a late blessing Love, Kimberly Jimenez Dear Santa, How are you doing today? I wonder what is in the north pole. I like rudolph. I wish for two barbie dolls. I wish for numnums. I wish for my mom a glass angel. Love, Ivonne, Dear Santa, How are you today? For christmas I want a goldfish so I can feed it. I really whant a turkey so I can eat it when it is thanksgiving! I also whant $50 to buy presents for my parents. Love, Cielo Dear Santa, My name is Abby Aguilar. I hope my name is on your list. I been a Really good girl this year. I want a puppy because my dog ran away. I know you will work your magic to bring me a puppy. I will be asleep when you come, so there will be milk and cookies waiting for you. Love, Abby

Dear Santa, Hi Santa my name is Alonzo. I am 7 years old. I bin good boy thot years I hope everybody has a merry christmas. Ho ho ho Love, Alonzo Gonzalez. Dear Santa, I hope you had a god day. I would like a nintendo swich, a 3dsXL and a puppy. Tell the elves and reindeer I said hello. Be safe and have fun. Love, Ronaldo Calderon. Dear Santa, How are you and mrs. claus doing? Good I hope. I have been good this pasy year. I would like a PS4 game need for speed Playback, a Dallas Cowboys uniform and a cosmo robot. Love, Gabe A. Barrios. Dear Santa, How are you. You should be exhausted by all the work here is the list I want for christmas first I want a game of monopoly, Then Pie Face sky high, then air hog, then hot sheels, then soggy doggy, that is all thanks. Love, Sergio Aguado. Dear Santa, My name is Ja’Brian McTear. I hope Mrs. Claus is doing good. I hope you are doing good too. Are the elves doing good at the north pole> I hope they aren’t too cold. Will you please bring me a Marvel Zombie toy and a Ant Farm and a mario odysse game? I have been good this year. Love, Ja’Brian McTear. Dear Santa, My name is Brody. I hope everything is okay at the north pole. How are Mrs. Claus and the reindeer and elves doing? Will you please bring me a Halo Leggo se, a new Ipad, and a call of duty 2 game? I have been very good this year. Love, Brody Simonds.

Dear Santa, My name is Carlos R. I will leave you cookie and milk on Christmas Eve. Will you please bring me a Mario Odysse game and a remote controll car and an iPad and leggos and bike. I have been very good this year. Love, Carlos Rivas. Dear Santa, My name is Alex Dario. I will be leaving you cookies and milk. I have been very good. Would you please bring me some Addias tennis shoes pants shirt and jacket. See you soon Santa! Love, Alex Dario.

Mrs. Hubenak’s Kindergarten Class Dear Santa, This year I been a god girl, I been getting a lot of green faces, and I want you to bring me and my brother Hanssel some toys. I want some shopkins and a big car for my baby brother Hansel! Love, Makayla A. Cruz. Dear Santa, I was very good this year. I have studyed a lot i love school can I pleas have some toys figet spinner Legos have a great christmas santa thanks. Love, Santiago Hernandez. Dear Santa, How are you doing? I hope you are fine. My name is Trenton Castillo, I am 7 years old. This year for Christmas, I would like to get a hover board, all of the Ninja Turtles, a skate board kit, a remote control car, monster trucks, and a phone. Can you bring my brother and sister a present too. Can you also bring mommy and daddy presents too. Love, Trenton. Dear Santa, My name is Kadyn. I have been a good boy this year. Can you please bring me an ipod to listen to music on, I really like country and rock and roll. Could you also bring me a bow and arrow. I already have

a toy one so I really want a real one to go deer hunting with. The last thing I want is for you to bring lots of toys to all the kids who dont have to moms or dad. I’ll make sure to have milk and cookies and reindeer food ready! Love, Kadyn Bretting. Dear Santa, I want a train with the tracks. And I want fake money to play. Love, Ricardo Rendon. Dear Santa, Hi! My name is Mason. I am in Kindergarten and I am five years old. How are you and Mrs. Claus? How are Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Cupid, Donder, Blitzen, and Rudolf? How are all the elves doing? I am excited about christmas. Can you please bring me a workbench for christmas? I promise I will behave at school and at home. May I also have a little bag of Starbursts? Thank you for reading my letter. I hope you have a safe trip around the world and back home. Love, Mason. Dear Santa, I want a R.C. car with a ramp and a drum. Please send me Batman car. I would also like a man in my R.C. car. Love, Josiah Okeke. Dear Santa, My name is Archer. I have been pretty good boy this year. Please bring me a new race car color book, a new piggy bank, some new board games, and a bow and arrow. Tell all the reindeer “Hi” for me, especially Rudolph. Please also bring my sister Piper some new drawing books and supplies. Stop by my house for milk and cookies on your way through Weimar. Love, Archer. Dear Santa, I want a piano a wand and a barbie dream house. Love, Elle Baker.

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Dear Santa, I waited all year to write you and to tell you that I have been a good girl. For Christmas this year I am asking for barbie house with barbies, toy, dog, dress, and a cover. Santa, ill have some bad cookies and milk ready for you when you come. Love, Arielle. Dear Santa, How have you been? I’ve been good. The first I would like for Christmas is a ninja turtle vehicles and a house for them. I would also like ginger bread playset. The last thing is a super hero carset. Love, Lane Secor. Dear Santa, My name is Adrian I am 5 yrs old. I like to play. I am a nice boy and I like going to school and always get green faces. Too in my tests. For christmas I want a transformer that will make me happy thanks. Love, Adrian Ortiz. Dear Santa, I want a cat and a dog. I would also like a tablet. Love, Layne Hudek. Dear Santa, I would like a toy dog and a doll. I wanta teapot. Love, Kiara Alvarez.

Mrs. Center’s Kindergarten Class Dear Santa, My name is Anthony (AJ) and I have been a good boy. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was showing respect caring and love for them. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts: Ninja turtle set, bike and Chucky doll.

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Letters to Santa

Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Anthony Brown. Dear Santa, My name is Ashleh and I have been a good girz. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was spend time with them. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts: Mal doll, American girl and Hatchimal. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Ashleh. Dear Santa, My name is ayden and I have been a good boy. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was clean up my mess and help mom sweep. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts: Spiderman bike, remote control car with steering wheel and blue ninja turtle.. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Ayden. Dear Santa, My name is Emily Howard and I have been a good girl. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was listen to my parents, and clean up after myself. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts: a silicone baby doll, a new tablet and a vampirina doll.. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Emerey. Dear Santa, My name is Jaliyah and I have been

a good daughter. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was helping mommy wash dishes, sweep the floor and keeping my room tidy.. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts: glitter glass slippers, life sized mermaid doll and sea shell mermaid Sofia.. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Princess Jaliyah Dear Santa, My name is Janiya Williams and I have been a good girl. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was to help take care of them and make sure nobody gets left behind. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts: a gocart, a flute, a giant barbie house. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Janiyah Dear Santa, My name is Joel and I have been a good boy. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was I do good in school, and do all my homework everyday. I like to make jokes for my family. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts: Nerf guns, guitar, fast shoes. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Joel. Dear Santa, My name is Keith and I have been a good boy. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted

you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was clean my room help with baby and listen. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts: Simon says, head phones, and pour rangers. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Keith Dear Santa, My name is Lilia and I have been a good girl. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was clean my room. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts: my little pones, toy bunny, and mirron. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Lilia. Dear Santa, My name is Lyric and I have been a good girl. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was help cleaning and doing other stuff. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts: A baby alive, a piano and a Darbecedoll. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Lyric Dear Santa, My name is Max and I have been a good boy. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was help mom clean. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts: drone, pool, and toys.. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Max

Dear Santa, My name is Serenity and I have been a good girl. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was helped my mommy clean my room and I learned how to say my bedtime prayers all by myself. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts: Mystery LOL, bib barbie doll house, and new backpack. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Serenity Utley Dear Santa, My name is Theresa Anthony and I have been a good girl. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was I was a good like helping mommy clean up. And help daddy feed horses. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts: Ketchen play set, paw proal toys and a bike.. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Theresa. Dear Santa, My name is Trevor Eaton and I have been a good boy. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was I help them clean the yard and keep my toys out the way.. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts: truck, money and hat.. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Trevor Eaton. Dear Santa, My name is Yuri. I hope you have had a great year! How are the reindeer and

elves? I bet Mrs. Claus has been busy getting your suit ready for the big day. I wanted you to know how good I have been this year. The best thing I did for my family was be good and pay attention to what they tell me to do.. This year for Christmas, I would like the following gifts: paw patrol, my little pony and frozen. Thank you, Santa. I promise to leave you milk and cookies! Love, Yuri Garcia

Mrs. Hyek’s First Grade Class Dear Santa, Hello Mr Santa I would like a big doll house with lots of dolls and lots of other toys. Love, Kierra Frazier Dear Santa, I am trying to be good. For X-mas I would like a fone so I can call my femeley, and I want a Tv, and a lot of bows for my neir. I will lev you Love, Sophia Hernonsos. Dear Santa, This christmas I would liek you to bring me a Num Num lips gloss truck, Barbie doll house and a Kitchen with pots. Thank you if you bring me this I will make sure to leave milk, cookies, and carrots. Love, Nataly Garcia. Dear Santa, Hi Santa I am kaiden. I am 4 years old that I want a nerf gon, phone, and a lot of toys. Love, Kaiden Martinez. Dear Santa, My name is Brandon I am 7 years old. I wanted to tell you what I want for Christmas an x-bow and a monster truck, I also would like an hoverboard. Love, Brandon. Dear Santa, Dear Santa this year Christmas I

would like a shopkins toys. A new bike a nintendo switch. Love, Jackain.

Black Shoes and a row bot oinddreic. Love, Anonymous.

Mrs. Englebrecht’s Class Dear Santa, I would like a ninja fidget spinner atramdo lilne Ana computer Love, Rem. Dear Santa, This year I would like a big Lol ball. A pink go cart. A win Hatchimal. And a laptop. Love, Averie Martell. Dear Santa, How are you and mrs. claus doing? How are the reindeer doing?I have been a pretty good girl this year. I would like a unicorn. Solly and Jack barbie doll and crafting toys. Have a great christmas. Love, Aubree. Dear Santa, I want be thankfal this year I’m so glad is christmas coming soon and I want everything. Love, Carmen Squiaushies. Dear Santa, I want an alive baby. O wnat a toy dog for Cresh. I want glasses. I want a phone. I want a hooverboard. Love, Taniyah Hemphill. Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a game called Super mario Odyssey, a pair of NIki shoes and the original game of Super Mario. Thank you Santa! Love, Luis P. Dear Santa, 1.Paw patrol toys. 2.Ninja turtle toys. 3.transformer toys. Love, David Wente. Dear Santa, Dear Santa I want to have a threedds an Kity Buzz and a hubra and Jordans

Dear Santa, How have you been this year Santa can you please give me a DC Super hero girls but a Wonder woman and super girl that comes with a invisible ship and a lot of little poney toys and a big fat Hello Kitty. Santa I will leave milk and cookies and sugar cookies and choclate chip cookies. Love, Audrey Yeverino. Dear Santa, Hello. How are you . I been a good kid this year. And I would like a nintnedo swich, Super Mario Odyssey , Hover board. Thank you so much. Love, Daniel Belman. Dear Santa, I like your coat. I have been sooo good this year, I want a pikmi pop and a JoJo Blanket and a LoL toy just 5 Lol toy’s. Love, Nevareh Cobia. Dear Santa, How are you? Am I on the nice list? I hope. I am 7 years old and what I want for christmas is a hatchimals and new emoji shoes beause me old ones broke. And I want a bracelet making set. I hope you bring me this stuff. Love, Leah marie Ruvakaba. Dear Santa, For crismis can you get me a mutecrcharcar and a fone and light up shoes. Please. Love, Ambrosiu. Dear Santa, How are you can I please have Shopkins and a Lol doll and new clothes and new shoes I also want a hover board and one doll car and a doll house. Love, Zyriah Hernandez.

2017 T


Dear Santa, I want a doll house and a ice cream maker a cotton candy maker and mike an a car and close and a teddy bear and a Puppy and a Hello Ketty bear and a Santa bear and a Elf bear. Love, Mei’Liyah. Dear Santa, Hi Santa how are you doing? I tride my best in class. I want a shatow dron a fnaf plushy and a Lego pack of all of the colors of the rainbow Love, Derek Yeverino. Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus doing can I please have a Mega Mistery powers box for Christmas that is all I’m asking for. Love, Damian Flores.

Kindergarten Dear Santa, I have been really good this year. I hope you and Mrs. Claus had a great year. I would like some nail polish, some clothes and a trampoline for my new house! Thank you so much I hope you have a merry Christmas. Love Ria Thompson Dear Santa, I have been really nice this year. I am excited about Christmas because I like to give people presents. I like decorating trees with my mom and dad. I love you and Rudolf, and doing Christmas stuff at school. I have been very good, I have made a lot of friends and I love my family so much. I would like if you would bring me an iPad, ballerina clothes for my doll, and a Rudolf toy. I will leave some cookies and milk with a lid so my cat won’t drink it. I love my kitten so much. Love Abigail Peacock, 6 Years Old

34 T

Letters to Santa

Dear Santa, How are the deer Santa and how is Mrs. Clause how is the is the north poles and havea good time and tel thee if have a good time. Love, Sanjuanita. Dear Santa, How are you and can I have after and can I have a shopkins and can I have a Poll and how are your wife and how are your elf and how are your rain deer. Love, Audre’ Ona Shanae Eaton. Dear Santa, How are you?! Santa claus!!! I would like a toy car and a lego set and a remote contrl bus. I hope you have a good day oh and have fun. That’s all i wan’t to ms. claus i said hey. And tell the elves i said hi. Can you bring me some shoes

tome so i can give my friend the shoes that you gave me thank good bye!!! Love, Bradley Knox Dear Santa, I have tried to be good boy this year. Can I have a playstation 4, 2 board games, checkers and a laptop with a mouse. I hope you have a safe trip around the world. Love, Tyler Wilkersoh. Dear Santa, I was good in school and I will like a new iphone and a new Game and a new tablet and a new blanket. Love, Chris Cobia.

Dear Santa, I want a real 4-Wheeler like poppa’s. Some big trucks, tractors, legos and lots of toys. Love, Cole Schneider. Dear Santa, How are you doing? I love you and I have been very good. I like your reindeer. This year it would be nice if you could bring me a toy Peppa Pig, genies like Shimmer and Shine, dress-up princess dresses and a real horse! I promise to leave out cookies and milk for you! Thank you, Santa Love, Sophie.

Dear Santa, How are you I need some pants and new shoes Santa this is what I would like to have, transformer robot lital truck, and laptop. Thank you santa for what you will bring for me. Love, Jesus Vasquez

Dear Santa, Hello my name is Dayvan How ore

T Garwood Elementary T

Dear Santa, My name is Alan Flores, I am 5 years old, I have been a very good kid this year. For Christmas I would like Hot wheel super ultimate Garage, Disney cars 3 ultimate Florida speedway, SKywaker Trampoline 15’, Dash Cam vehicle, Merry Christmas Santa! I’ll be waiting for you on Christmas Eve with cookies and milk Love, Alan Flores, 5 Years Old.

you and your reindeer I have been a good boy this year. I wish for a play station 4 and a baby puppy I will b esleeping but I will have warm milk and cookies waiting for you. Love, Dayven Casillas

Dear Santa How are you doing? I hope I make the good list. I’m trying to be good. For Christmas and I would really like 1. A new Pop the Pig Game 2. A remote control airplane and rocket that goes high as the moon 3. Lego blocks in a pickup wagon please bring my brother Tristin Farming Simulator 18 for his Xbox. Love you Santa with all my heart. Love, Samuel Leal.

Dear Santa, I phone 4, Helmet, Blue MiniElectric Motorcycle Love, Elon.

Dear Santa, I hope you are as excited about Christmas as I am! This year I would like a drone, a remote control airplane, a kid motor cycle, and a new baseball bat. I love you Santa. Love, Colt Joines.

Dear Santa, I want these five things. 1. Nietendo Swich 2. A huge gummy bear 3. Pie face showdown 4. A electric car truck color black 5. DK Walkie Talkies Discovery kids. Love, Giovanni.

Dear Santa, I have been pretty good, I would like monster Jam Dragon, Dino Discovery set, dinoinvasion, extremetrex Switchgo Dino. Love, Wade Hoffman.

Dear Santa I want Super Mario Odyssey, play-doh machine, lego Minecraft, luigi stuffed animal to go with my Mario. Nerf Zombie Strike Dreadbolt. Love, Malachi.

Dear Santa, I have been really good all year. I want a remote control car for Christmas. A new and much bigger bike with no training wheels a big Christmas tree. Love, Cullen Rooks.

Dear Santa, I want a Trovs Play-Doh Set. Love Celest Castillo. Dear Santa, I want a remote control car. Love, Joshua. Dear Santa, Helicopter, red paw patrol cup, toy horse, toy woody, new phone. Love, Carlos. Dear Santa, All I want for Xmas 1. Forwheeler 2. Games 3. Bike 4. Clothes Love, Marcus Goodlow. Dear Santa, I hope you’ve been having a good time. I want a trampoline, a little pool, a baby with a stroller and a carrier, a Barbie house, a bunch of Shopkins, DVD player for car, a farm set and waffle blocks. I really want 3 cash registers and Velcro play food and some play money. Love, Emma. Dear Santa, It’s been tough but I’ve tried to be a good boy. I’d like a remote control truck, blue airplane, small drone, video game system, and a belt blaster. Everything might not fit, but please try. Love, Justin. Dear Santa, I love you! I have been a good girl and I share with my friends. I would like Project Mc² lab bag, Hatchimals, a Unicone, barbie’s Dreamhouse and flipa-zoo slippers. I hope everything fits. Love, Megan.

First Grade Dear Santa, I want a Lego set, a Skat cord and a game. Cresms is not just presents its female. Love, Cason Class.

Dear Santa, I want a scatbord and xbox if legos a toy snare. I want to toy dog, I want a toy Ea913 and coll close. Love, Johnathen Danet. Dear Santa, Ifone and IPad Love, London Filds. Dear Santa, I wat a big Hachbl for Crismas. I want a toy pap. I wunt a fone. I want a havrbord. I wut a robt gore. Love, Bristol Freeman.

becus I love Santa all of the teme. Love, Noel. Dear Santa, I wut a new HiWheels is a robit pup hackh I wut a macup is I wut twsew is a fwlbrd I love Santa. Love, Blessyn Shorter. Dear Santa, This yere I hav bin good. I want a phone. I want a huvrbord. I want 100 hi tops and a hors and cool clos and that’s on my list. Love, Sofia Hernandez.

Second Grade Dear Santa, I wutt a Satbord. I wut a car. I wut a pupee. I wut a toto bou. I bin good. I wut a little Hachbl. Love, Khloe Swallow. Dear Santa, Dear Santa I been good and I want a toy rockit but big. And I want a hot welstoy and I want a lego and I want a toy that is a banosore robot. Love, Mason. Dear Santa, I wut a col. I wut a frer. I wat a bicrc. I wat a mousic. I want a clcost. I wat a jegac. Love, Jacob. Dear Santa, I wut a car. I wut a fool welr. I wut a drt bick. I wut a Matrsickel. I wut cool clos. I wat a jet pack. Love, Conrad Roosk. Dear Santa, I wunt a Huvrdrd I wut a sum bascit Lrzez. I wunt a do gatine wun Wunt stvmoos and a Kchinfigrs. Love, Rhett Weid. Dear Santa, I love Santa becus I ben good becus I wunt a scrobord and I wuntt a game

Dear Santa, I would like a basket ball goal and basket ball, I also would like a glow in dark track with two car and a minecraft legos. There will be milk and sugar cookies for you on Christmas Eve. Love, Dean Baker.

Dear Santa, I want baby alive. And fake toys you can on on a fake tove and a babyailve eat play doh and plate. Love, Isemeriva Curtis. Dear Santa, I will want a lol big supris this Christmas. Then next I will want three little doll. Next I a Barbie car. Next a new jump rope. I will like a pare of new shoes. Then a fake finger monkey. Next I want odies. Next a marker an some decheraction for my lockor. Love, From Lupita Rodriguez. Dear Santa, I want to have a good fijit spinr. I wish I had a forweir and a dirt bicke. I wish I had a otor nerf guns. I wish I had one of thos modrskootrs. I wish I had some lego minekraft. I wish I had some minekraft toys. Love, Hagen.

Dear Santa, I want a new TV. I want a xbox I want a dirt bike. I love you Santa. Love, Key Aubre.

Dear Santa, At Christmas I wont a hatchimals please and I hope every single person has a great Christmas day you too dear Santa. Thank you Love, Devin Ramos.

Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a doll house, a go cart, a toy puppy, and a bed for my puppy. I also would like a drone and new clothes, and shoes. Love, Promise Shorter, your favorit.

Dear Santa, Your beard is fluffy. I want a Nintendo switch, lego Minecraft nether computer game Minecraft and xbox plants vs zombies. Love, Cooper Labay.

Dear Santa, Please can I have a tablet. For please can I have a tea set. Please can I have a power ranger set. Love, Cloey

Dear Santa, Santa, please bring me a toy deer and a toy monster truck. Good luck Santa Love, Jose Gonzalez.

Dear Santa I want a 22 rifle can you pleass get me it pleass. I hope you have a good crissmiss. Love, Sinceily Caden Driver.

Dear Santa, Please can I have a unicone for Christmas please, please have a good Christmas I ♥ you. Love, Charly Spanihel.

2017 T


Dear Santa, Did you have a good year? I can’t wait to see woody, my elf! Santa would you please give me a drone and Jose’ Altuve stuff. Have a good Christmas Santa and happy birthday Jesus! I love you Jesus hope you have a good birthday! Love Weston Krpec. Dear Santa, I want a toy Dinosaur, toy boutcheckers, and a toy air plane. I love you Santa. Love, Lorenzo Castillo.

36 T

Letters to Santa

Third Grade Dear Santa, I want a plessie plush from the Mario game, could you make me a grenija plush if do I would apreciate it. I would like it if you made me a cozmo toy. Mason and I would love it if you got Mason and I a 3ds. The best thing I want is a turtle. You should give me all these things because I do all my dads favors. If you do I’ll make a picture of you and the reinder bad news is there seperrated. Love, Tristan Juarez.

Dear Santa, How are you feeling this Christmas. I hope you are feeling good, and I think I deserve some items that I whold like. So santa the first thing that I whold like is two diary of a wimpy kid books. Then I whold like a binder for keeping my papers in at home. Next I whold like like big trampoleane. If you didn’t get the letter from my sister, last I whold like a little cabnet for my things. Finally I whold like a kid sewing machine. I love you santa. P.S. I will give you and your rainder some snacks. Love, Paige Eggemeyer.

Dear Santa, HELLO SANTA I want to make my school list short. I will only have two things on my school list. I want to shoot a buck I deserve it because I help my parents. I want a new breakover pellet gun I deserve it because I clean my bedroom. Santa tell your raindeer hello. I want to give you and your raindeer something I want to give you and your Raindeer some cookies. I love you and your raindeer. Love, Ridge Schneider.

Dear Santa, I hope you are feeling well and so excited for Christmas. This year I would like a foam sord because I vacuumed the floor and made good grades in school. That’s all I want for Christmas yep just one thing. For the things you give me I will give something back Malases cookies and milk! For your reindeer we will give them oats with spinkels in the oats. I can wait til Christmas. Love, Lauren Rae Joines. Dear Santa, I want a notebook for my secret stuff kinda like a diary for Christmas I hope for enough money so my mom can buy a new Christmas tree this year. electric car that I can ride in. I really want a huge box of chihaujaus. I feel like I deserve it because I have helped carry in grocereyes and help my mom and aunt. I plan on making delicious cookies and crunchy carrots for the reindeer. Love, Serenity Cantu. Dear Santa, I would like a harer board, omugie pillow, a coll fidet spinner. I would also like a Nintendo switch and a cople games for it. I would also want to know how Mrs. Clause make’s her hot choklate. Also I would through raindeer food cat side. I would also leave out cookie and choklate milk. To earr all that stuff I helped my dad clean the house also I emptied the dish washer and cleaned out my dad’s truck. Love, Westyn Rooks. Dear Santa, How are you this chrismas I hope its going good. So lets talk about gifts for chrismas. I want a cat. I deserve one because I hang my up my panys and shirts. Then I want a stufe dog and a hippopotmess. I also clean my room I think I need those things for Christmas. Love, Rylie Schmidt. Dear Santa, I have been waiting for a long time

for Christmas. I want a hover board because I have been helping my dog down stairs. It would help if you got Uno a dog tag or instead of a hover bord. Santa I will have cookeis laying on the table and milk for the reindeer I oat meal in yard. Love, Fallan. Dear Santa, I have ben good! Have you? I think. I daserve to have gifts be cause. I work fence chors, and do school. I want a collectors knife, a sponge bob shirt Large, a nintendo swich, a nintendo swich mario game, golden watch. Happy Chirstmas Santa! Love, Taft Rodgers. Dear Santa, I’ve been a good girl. To show santa that i’ve desereeve presents I feed my cat leo and clean the litter box which has to be clean onee a day. I’ll give santa chocolate cookies and warm milk i’ll give the render some carrot. I want shopkin supermall, flipazoo slipper, towel, bean bag and puppy surprise. Love, Ali Ishee Dear Santa, I want essential the 3rd and 4th Michael Jackson discs, a trampoline, dog maj and dog man unleashed. Heres some reasons I should get these items. I haven’t failed any big tests in school or made 90 or under in honor roll. My mom will probably leave reindeer food, we will leave milk and cookies for you. Love, Camron P. Laabay Dear Santa, I want a nintendo switch and a baby kitten. I deserve it because I feed my doggy nitro. I’ll help your rain deer on getting healthy because i’m giving them carrots for Christmas eve. Last, im setting one dollar bill cookies, and milk on my fire place for Christmas eve for you. Love, Weston Floyd.

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Dear Santa, I know you still have a lot of letters to look over, so I decided to make this short. For Christmas, I would like a 15 foot long snake. I deserve one of these because I walk my dog every day, so she does not, you know what, in my house! I would also like a big box of marbles. Maybe about 7,897 marbles! I think I deserve this because I give my kids food and water and vaccume the floor. That was all I was thinking! I hope you don’t have trouble with anything I wish! Also, my dog Lollie’s birthday is on

Christmas day. So, I was hoping you could get her a dog toy or a nice warm dog bed for the cold days of winter. Thank you Santa! Love, Olivia Labay.

Mrs. Stephanie Foeh’s Kindergarten class

Dear Santa My name is Layla Taylor. I have been nice. This year I would love it if you could bring me a dolly and clothes for it. Love, Layla

Dear Santa My name is Aurora Stevens. I have been nice. This year I would love it if you could bring me a Hatchable and an ice cream maker. I also want my own makeup. Love, Stevens

Dear Santa My name is Rhiotte Tate. I have been nice. This year I would love it if you could bring me some robots. I could a tractor with forks and a front loader. I would like a beach ball. Love, Rhiott

Dear Santa My name is Seriyah Smith. I have been nice. This year I would love it if you could bring me monstor high dolls, and a house for them. Love, Seriyah

Dear Santa My name is Dulce Avila. I have been nice. This year I would love it if you could bring me a toy doll and a puppy. Love, Dulce Dear Santa My name is Wyatt Harlour. I have been nice. This year I would love it if you could bring me a Magic Net toy. Maybe bring me some new colored pencils. Love, Wyatt Dear Santa My name is Lexie Hernandez. I have been nice. This year I would love it if you could bring me some Hatchabls, and their train, and their tree. Love, Lexie


Dear Santa My name is Kyle White bread. I have been nice. This year I would love it if you could bring me diamonds and ribbons. I would also like a transformer. Love, Kyle


700 South Eagle | Weimar, TX | 979-725-6772

38 T

Letters to Santa

Dear Santa, I would like a figit spinner, a little mediam tree, and a book for Christmas. I had worked a lot this year, I

T Sheridan Elementary T

Merry Christmas



Dear Santa, How is misses clous? I want a baby Reborn for Chismas. I feel I beserve one because I put up my clothes. I will make sure I leave some cookies and milk. Love, Faith Thompson.

Dear Santa, I would like a video games, Legos, and army soliders for Chrlstmes. Sometimes I cook bacon and eggs for my mom and I also make pancakes and I fix iecream for my her. I will leave you choclate chip cookes milk, and Raindeer food. Love, Bryce Mccabe.

Dear Santa My name is Devin Pilsbury. I have been nice. This year I would love it if you could bring me a big doll house and a little one too. Please bring me a carriage rider. Love, Devin Dear Santa My name is Saige Laurson. I have been nice. This year I would love it if you could bring me a set of toy dishes. Please bring me a basket from the dollar store with play food. Love, Saige Dear Santa My name is Lawrence Kazmir. I have been nice. This year I would love it if you could bring me a Thomas train city. Also a dinosaur toy. Love, Lawrence

took out the trash fed the dogs and washed dishes. I will leave you cookies and milk. Love, Jocelyn. Dear, Santa I want new shoes, sacks, and a backpack for cristmas. I helped my mom in the kitchen, cleaned the bathroom and cleaned my room. I will leave you oatmeal , a taco, salsa and milk. Love, Guadalupe Rodriguez Juarez.

Mrs. Stephanie Foeh’s First Grade Dear Santa, I want a puppy doll. I am a good boy. Love, Carlos Dear Santa, I want a puppy with a puppy caej. I was a good grl. Love, Haley Dear Santa, My name is Nicholas and I have bin good. I wunt a noou toy farm anumal. Luv, Nicholas Dear Santa, I have bin good this year. Mi name is William can you get me sumthing. Love, William Dear Santa, Mi num is Adalynn. I wuz a good gurl. I want a pupy. Luv, Adalynn Dear Santa, Mi name is Paisley and I was good. I want a doll set and a hachabol. Love, Paisley

Mrs. Lea Bludau Dear Santa, Is it snowing in the North Pole? Santa can you please get me a Barbie computer because I really want it so badly. Santa, can you get me a Barbie computer with it dancing Barbie please. Santa the Barbie computer comes with a clock to tell me the time. Santa the cookie are waiting. Love, Isabella Juarez Dear Santa, How are your fun reindeer? Can you please bring me a pocket knife so I can cut a tree branch? Can you please get me a nerf gun machine gun so I can play nerf fight? Can you get me a toy sword so I can sword fight? I can’t wait. Love, Eli Greenwood Dear Santa, Is your red sleigh ready to fly yet? This year could you please bring a safari ltd pronghorn buck to play with wild animals? Please bring me a big toy lion so I

can play with the rest of my lions. Could you please bring me a striped bangal tiger so I can make it hide from my little brothers? Will your reindeer eat the food we make this year like every year? Love, Eric, Kalisek Dear Santa, How are your beautiful reindeer? This year could you please bring a twin baby boy and girl doll for me to take care of. Next, I will love a pink Barbie car. Last but not least, I will love a black puppy so I can play with it. I love you Santa. Love, Tyra Belota Dear Santa, How is Dancer and Prancer this year? Could you please bring two puppies that can stay little and be trained please! I will play with it. Can you please get me a kitty so I can play with it because I can bring it to the beach for me and Edie. Can you please get me a real and a tiny horse that is going to stay little so I can ride it. What do you want? Love, Chloe Rose Kutach

Happy Holidays



1391 Bus. Hwy 71 • Columbus, TX 78934 Office (979)732-9981 • Fax (979) 733-9755

May Peace, Joy & Beauty Surround You All Season We are moving to the square!

Stop by in the New Year to meet your new agent, Matt Gaby, and the rest of the team! Our team would like to thank you for your continued support and wish you and your family a blessed Christmas, and a Happy New Year!

1120 Milam St. • Columbus, TX 78934


May your days be merry and bright at Christmastime and throughout the New Year. We hope all of your wishes come true! 2017 T


Youens & Duchicela Clinic 402 Youens Drive, Weimar, TX 78962 (979)725-8545 Board-Cer�ed Family Physicians

Y&D Clinic physicians are Board Cer�ed in Family Medicine and have a combined 69 years of pa�ent care experience. We were one of the rst in the na�on to have electronic medical records and are con�nuously available to our pa�ents to coordinate their care.

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We also have an outpa�ent clinic staffed by specialists in cardiology, podiatry, orthopedic surgery, allergies, and general surgery.

Se Habla Español Office Phone: (979)725-8545 A�er Hours: (979)732-2371 Hours: Monday — Friday 8 am – 5 pm Saturday 9 am – 11 am 40 T

Letters to Santa

Olga Duchicela, M.D. • Jorge A. Duchicela, M.D.

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