Charles Elig’s Review Page 09
The Southwest Florida Edition of
REAL ESTATE HOT SHEETS Week of December 12, 2007
Volume 12 Number 50
Driving High Performance Levels for Coldwell Banker How William “Bill” Barnes is Raising the Bar for Coldwell Banker’s Offices on Sanibel and Capitva market, when buyers or a sellers may be seeking ways to 'wiggle out' of "I'm not an attorney, but agreements, we rigorously I play one on TV." manage our agents to It's a line I've often used in my career to break ensure all "i's" are dotted and "t's" are crossed." the ice, and to subtlely By the way, "manage" hint I might know what was the key word in that I'm talking about. sentence. So when I met Bill Barnes is a manager Barnes for a stroll on Sanipar excellence, and a turnbel's Lighthouse Beach, I smiled when he shook my around guru. Barnes has hand and said, "I'm not an a long and storied record of performance, one of the attorney, but …" key reasons he's now on Barnes explained. He teaches a class titled "List- his 10th assignment in 27 years. ing and Sales Contracts I personally believe he's - FAR #9," for all new a very wise man. I'll get Coldwell Banker agents. to that later. It's a Coldwell Banker Thirty days ago, he was requirement. asked to manage the three The class is about Coldwell Banker offices contracts, agreements, on Sanibel and Captiva amendments, documents and disclosures and all the -- Coldwell Banker Previews, Coldwell Banker paperwork Realtors must complete for a transaction Previews International and Coldwell Banker Resito occur. dential Real Estate. He has He absolutely loves left the Coldwell Banker teaching. "It's what I do Fort Myers/Plantation and best," he said. "In real estate, the devil Gulf Habour offices. What makes a great is in the detail," Barnes manager? said. "We live in a very Many things. For startlitigious world. Espeers, a manager must pay cially in a down-turned by Michelle Craft
attention to process. "Michelle, look at our sign," Barnes said. What sign? I asked myself. When I hesitated, he knew I couldn't see it. "Exactly!" he said. "That'll be fixed Monday (it was Friday)." "If no one can see our sign, how is anyone going to find us?" A silly example? It couldn't be a better illustration of process change. In the '90's, I worked for a management consulting firm in Dallas, Texas. The very first exercise we'd take a client through was to examine their documented processes. For example, Ford Motor Company. On the assembly line, there are 100+ processes that must be followed when the engine is lowered into the body of the vehicle. Sometimes steps were skipped. The result. Shoddy manufacturing. Re-introduce the steps, et voila, perfect craftsmanship. The same principles apply to real estate.
President Announces Plan to Freeze Some Mortgage Rates reckless decision to buy a home they knew they could never afford,” Bush said Last week, President Bush unveiled an aggressive plan after meeting with industry leaders at the White House. to freeze rates on some “But there are some adjustable mortgages. responsible homeowners “There is no perfect who could avoid foreclosolution,” President Bush sure with some assistance.” said. The agreement was Bush said 1.2 million hammered out with the people could be eligible mortgage industry. for help. But only a frac“The homeowners detion will be subject to the serve our help. The steps rate freeze. Others would I’ve outlined today are a get assistance in refinancsensible response to a seriing with their lenders and ous challenge.” moving into loans secured “We should not bail out by the Federal Housing Adlenders, real estate specuministration, Bush said. lators or those made the by Michelle Craft
Aid will only come to those who ask for it, he said. Thousands of borrowers who are falling behind on their payments have been sent letters about the options, and Bush also urged people to call a new hot line: 1-888-995-HOPE. Among other meausres, the FHA will have greater flexibility to offer refinancing to homeowners with good credit histories. This offer would apply only to people living in their homes and who have not missed any payments at the lower rate.
According to Sanibel tradition, any visitor that finds a junonia shell on the beach gets their picture in the paper. Bill found three, but he’s no visitor. He’s a permanent fixture at Coldwell Banker’s Offices on Sanibel and Captiva. He’s also on the cover of The Real Estate Hot Sheets.
continued on Page 5
INSIDE THE SHEETS ... Who is This Mover and Shaker? Find out how Bill Barnes is improving performance for Coldwell Banker. His thoughts on Pages 01 and 05. BOGO and JUMBO Buy One Classifed, Get One Cllassified Free -- BOGO. That’s right, two full color, photo classified ads are only $25. Send us 2 MLS#’s to and we’ll design them for you. Featured Listings -JUMBO Classifieds -- are now only $125. Offer expires 12/31/07. To Inspect or Not to Inspect, that is the Question New columnist, Attorney Don Ross, answers on Page 2. Ever Wonder What Makes a Loan “Conforming?” Will Dukes, a senior loan officer, details the 2008 Conforming Loan Limits announced by the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO). His new column, Money and Mortgage Matters is on Page 10.