A Jack Nicklaus Signature Course Page 10
The Southwest Florida Edition of
REAL ESTATE HOT SHEETS Week of October 19, 2007
Volume 10 Number 41
Buying Florida Property in a Down-Turned Market How a Naples, Florida Realtor’s Vision and Personal Guarantee is Making a Difference for Buyers by Michelle Craft
Take science, add a little art and you get marketing. To that mix, add impressive results, and you get really great marketing. Two weeks ago my brother, a Realtor® with Downing-Frye in Naples, handed me an ad he’d cut out of a local business journal. It was unlike any other local ad I’d ever seen: four bold, black and white illustrations. The tag line was “Get Off the Fence Now.” I immediately loved it. Really great marketing is exciting because it is a rarity. Importantly, great marketing is more than just a good ad. And this ad was really, really good: well written copy; effective use of metaphors; black humor; and Addy® -quality illustrations. The ad’s message was clear and poignant. I asked myself, "Who is the genius behind the new ad? Is the ad a fluke, or part of a really great marketing campaign?" It was 9:00 a.m. on Saturday morning. Joe Belz answered the call. “Prestige
Properties of South Florida, how can I help you?” “For starters,” I said, “Congratulations on an exceptionally creative ad. I love it.” “Thanks,” he said. “It's gratifying to know that others like it also.” “Out of curiosity, how ARE you planning to get buyers off the fence now?’ I couldn’t see him, but I could tell he was smiling. “If you have a couple of minutes, I’ll explain,” said Belz. “We have designed a three-part marketing campaign , including the fact that I have personally put my signature and word behind the program.” I had found the answer to my question. Belz’ ad had “real legs.” Belz knows his stuff. And Belz’ personal guarantee is impressive. Connecting his wallet to “get off the fence now” provides his buyers with a comfort level that is missing in the local market place. I was fascinated by Belz’ story and the strategy behind “get off the fence now.”
“It’s important for more people to know what Belz is doing,” I thought. As it turns out, Belz and I have both spent a lot of time in Dallas, Texas. He’ll tell you that he’s from Oklahoma, but he acts like a Texan. He certainly exudes the confidence of a Texan. The proof he’s really a Texan is he’s a devote Dallas Cowboy fan. I will forgive him for that (as I am an avid Washington Redskins fan). Texans are a particularly strong lot, accustomed to having to pull themselves up by their bootstraps when times get tough. Importantly, they don’t take “NO” for an answer. Joe Belz and his family have been actively involved in Naples real estate for 25 years. They started Prestige Properties in 2002. Several months ago when it became apparent the real estate industry was entering a down-turned cycle, Belz and his family did not blink. They held a family meeting. His step father, mother, wife and he evaluated two options.
Is CNBC’s Mad Money Jim Cramer Really Mad or Just Really Bad? by Michelle Craft
The Today Show recently had Jim Cramer as a guest. By the end of the Cramer piece, my cell was buzzing, and I had two dozen emails on my Blackberry. When mornings start off badly, they rarely change. That morning lasted an entire week. Without equivocation Cramer said, “NO ONE SHOULD BUY A HOME NOW.” This after the Fed had just dramatically decreased interest rates.
When a TV personality makes such a broad generalization without qualification, you have to wonder whether’s he’s finally lost it (truly mad) or if he’s really that bad. If you Google Cramer, you will instantly find
thousands of references of where Cramer’s assertions have been wrong. DEAD WRONG. If you review the archives of his show, “Mad Money,” you’ll find dozens of public apologies he has had to make after large publicly traded companies have taken him to the mat. Perhaps the SWFL Real Estate Industry should take him to the mat. I personally believe he owes all of us an apology, and here’s why: continued on Page 4
Strickler’s innovative and compelling sign that started the phones ringing. “Its time to Get Off the Fence Now,” said the Prestige Owl. “ Interest rates are low and inventory high. It’s a buyer’s market.”
Option one: they could scale back, wait it out and hope for the best. That option didn’t seem very palatable. Option two: they could take control, get aggressive and increase their marketing efforts. They chose the second, much stronger option. Perhaps you heard a
similar theme in the Academy-award winning film, The Shawshank Redemption, “Time to get busy living, or get busy dying.” There are three major elements to Belz’ Get Off the Fence Now Program – a lease /purchase element for resale properties, continued on Page 5
INSIDE THE SHEETS ... Who is This Man? Find out why more about Joe Belz and Prestige Properties plans to help you buy property in Southwest Florida. More on Page 05. Tee Time at Pelican Marsh? Charles Elig writes a new column for REHS called “Fairway Living,” An Insider’s Guide to SWFL Golf Courses. See what he has to say about Pelican Marsh on Page 07. “Season” Greetings? What? It’s not Halloween yet! Find out how one local Realtor is planning to reward buyers when they buy property from her. No guessing, but it’s a great offer. See Page 19. On the Cover of “Rolling Stone ...” Local Artist Helene Dinand has created some wild new pendants that have been featured in Rolling Stone Magazine. They’re designed in Gold and Silver. Details on Page 12.