Glance Magazine

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Dr. Betta Edu Breaking Barriers Lending Support Making Waves

CHILD BIRTH “How i had my three kids after nine years of being pregnant”


The Perfect Holiday Spots ISSN 2545-5621




CALABAR Carnival 2016 +

Ways to Keep a Man From Cheating

GME is a fast rising independent media organization made up of a team that is passionate about building a strong media brand, offering world class services and media solutions at very affordable rates. Our fundamental goal is to become one of the world’s leading media houses and Nigeria’s number one magazine publisher. Presently, we specialize in Marketing, Advertising, Branding, Publishing, and Public Relations. Our quarterly magazine “Glance Events and Lifestyle Magazine” features unparalleled elegant weddings, lifestyles, food, travels, tourism. Culture, fashion, and lots of human interest stories. At Glance Media we are driven by passion in a world of possibilities. With us, No Business is too small, no dream too big and no idea is too ambitious.

: +2348100038258


Content PUBLISHERS NOTE . . . . . . . . . 1

FOOD / RECIPES . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

HEALTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

TRAVEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30



THE CHRISTMAS WISH . . . . . . 7 DO IT YOURSELF . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 SOCIAL MEDIA & IT’S NEGATIVITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 INTERVIEW WITH EXECUTIVE SECRETARY CARNIVAL COMMISSION . . . . . 10 THE DO’S AND DON’TS FOR THE CALABAR CARNIVAL 2016 . . . . . . . . . . . 12 FILM REVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 HOT TOPIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 DR. EDU BETTA COVER STORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 ENTERPRENEUR FILE . . . . . . . . 20 EVENTS . . . .. . . . . . 21 WEDDING ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION OF NONAGENARIAN STYLE & BEAUTY . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 WAYS TO KEEP A MAN FROM CHEATING . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 SELF MADE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

THE HOUNORABLES . . . . . . . . . 35 CELEBRITY STYLE CRUSH . . . . .37 NOT ON YOUR MENU . . . . . . . . . 38 MIRACLE BABIES . . . . . . . . . . . 40 DIVATUDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Publisher's Note

“Our focus for this edition is quite diverse as we took a peek into public office holders in the state and extracted from them pertinent information regarding their various roles and responsibilities.” nent information regarding their various roles and responsibilities. Undoubtedly, some of you may like the publication, some may be Hurray! Glance Magazine is two provoked by it and others might editions old. actually be inspired, whatever the I am excited to welcome you to case maybe, I invite you to the second edition of Glance "Events & Lifestyle" Magazine. As explore this magazine and enjoy we embark on this second edition, the content. So sit back pour yourself a glass it is paramount for us to inform of wine, water, juice or whatever you, our beloved readers of the resounding success of our maiden liquid you prefer, and dive into our interesting collection of edition which you graciously Articles, Stories of Hope, Interaccepted thereby giving the Glance Team the encouragement views, Food Recipes, Holiday Spots, Events, Fashion and of to go for a second round. course glamour. While still finding our way in the print world, we are certain that we Oh, and one more thing, there is a new column that promises to be have already won your hearts full of thrills, chills and spice… otherwise we wouldn’t be where The ‘not on your menu’ column we are today. We are enjoying the hard work of will feature real life encounters curated from all over the world. putting together a magazine which permits us to go out of our I'd like to say a huge thank you to Sophia Eyo and Olaniyi Bello who comfort zone, to maintain the helped us with our online platpublic interest. form, and This edition is quite special, above all, the most gratitude goes because we are spreading our to God almighty, our writers, and wings, going outside Cross River State, just like I mentioned in our to you our esteemed first readers for making Glance Magazine a maiden edition. Our focus for this edition is quite reality. Maureen Kennedy, diverse as we took a peek into public office holders in the state and extracted from them perti-

EDITORIAL TEAM PUBLISHER: Maureen Kennedy SENIOR EDITOR: George Wonah ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Angelique Ola PHOTOGRAPHY Weeshotit GRAPHICS/LAYOUT ARTISTE: WRITERS/CONTRIBUTORS Peace Eni Chiwendu Nweke Angelique Ola Harrison Otah Anthonia Okokon Ebukun Gbemisola Ogunyemi Noami Akan

Glance events & lifestyle NG November / March



PREPARATI ON Addal lt hei ngr edi ent s ; appl e, s pi nac h, y oghur t , banana, and gr apes . Bl endf orabout10 mi nut est i l li ti ss moot h. St op bl endi ngpr oc es sands c r ape downt oens ur et hatev er y c hunks t uc kont hes i desar e i nt r oduc edbac ki nt ot he bl end, andbl endonc emor e t i l li ti ss moot h. Ser v ewar m orc ol d.


hi si sanut r i t i onalj ui c e whi c hhar dl yr equi r esanydi ges t i on, s oev er ydos eofi t s nut r i t i onget sr api dl yi ny our s y s t em whi l es i mul t aneous l y gi v i ngy ourdi ges t i v es y s t em a r es t .Andi t ss uperpac k ed wi t hnut r i t i onswhi c hc anhel p y ous t epi nt ot heheal t hl i mel i ght . Gi v ey our s el faheal t hboos t wi t ht hi seas yGr eenSmoot hi er ec i pe.

I NGREDI ENTS •Oneandhal fpounds pi nac h •Ac upofs oury oghur torv ani l l ay oghur t •1pi ec eofbanana, c hopped •Hal fappl e, s l i c edor c hopped •Ac upofgr apes


THINGS EVERY GIRL NEEDS BEFORE You would have heard the saying that girls are full of sugar, spice and all things nice, while this is true, we shouldn’t lose sight of the series of drama that accompany each stage of their transformation from the proverbial duckling to a swan. While some already have a clue to what they would require at certain stages in their lives, others don’t seem to have an inkling. After a recent and I must add, revealing survey, I was led to make a compilation of the things every girl would definitely need before hitting 30. • Spirituality: A woman should know God and develop a deep and lasting connection with Him, this is none negotiable. • Purpose: approaching this age, a girl A life without purpose is as good as no life at all. It’s not worth it. Closing this age, a girl needs to know what she wants with her life and work towards it or else, you’ll be dysfunctional.

• Knowledge: acquaintance with facts, truths, or principles, as from study or investigation and familiarity gained by sight, experience, or report. No one thinks a “non-thinking” girl is cute, nope. And no, you don’t have an excuse, there are so many online courses, enrol in one. Don’t be intimidated by knowledge. • Information: In an age of information, ignorance is a choice. You need to be informed. Be up to date with the situation of your country, the world, and the economy. Good political views. When to try harder, to stand for your rights and when to walk away. Gain accessibility to the internet, an email account, and other social media account. A girl needs to know her tools; screw drivers, pliers, and wrench; how to change a bulb and even fit a socket. Be informed, don’t be a dummy.

• Exposure: It is important for a girl to have a variety of adventure before turning thirty so that when she looks back, she would have a rich pool of experience to refer to.

• Status: You need good and reliable friends, reasonable connections to relevant people in the society. Make sure you keep right associations, as wrong association will not profit you.

• Education is the key’, a girl needs to have acquired at least a first degree, Higher National Diploma or even National Diploma from a tertiary institution, a Master’s Degree or an MBA wouldn’t be bad at all.

• Personality: Your personality affects your self-esteem and self-worth. Self-acceptance is necessary for a girl that age, you cannot change yourself; as you have been created beautiful and you should believe in yourself. Feed your mind with the right information, so you can develop the right kind of personality.

• Independence: Financial stability is paramount, as a girl should be able to provide for herself and one other person at least. If you are not independent, you would be stifled and lack freedom of expression, this leads to mental slavery, as the people who you depend on would always want you to see things from their own point of view.

• Great culinary skills; if you cannot cook its advised to learn before that age, cook for yourself, learn intercontinental dishes. Keep an open mind towards learning, don’t be cuisine biased. Don’t restrict yourself to your local delicacies or what mummy taught you. Are you going to die a village girl? They are many kinds of food in the world. Glance events & lifestyle NG November / March


But don’t cook for free for anybody, (especially male). If you need to cook for them, let them pay you to cook. • Style: You need to have a good dress sense. Fashion is high on the list, it is good that a girl approaching that age dresses well, and looks attractive. Know what fits you, know your body type, own it and slay. Don’t copy other people’s style. Basically be presentable. I know that everyone comes with their own dress sense, make it look nice to the beholders, make up .Clothes .Shoes .Including underwear, I know no one’s looking out for your underwear and things like that, but sometimes you have to do stuff for yourself. There’s nothing like feeling super comfortable on the inside, it’s going to translate in a super confident outlook. • Maturity: Mental, Emotional and intellectual stability. It is important to know how to confront a friend and address a situation without creating a scene and ruining relationships. Don’t do boy drama. Never fight with a girl over a boy, that’s a taboo. Nobody is worth it, you’re so much more than that. Are they giving you oxygen? Or were you born glued to anybody. Wise up sister. Don’t give anybody power over your emotions. Place self-control on check. • Maintain physical fitness and a constant exercise routine. Exercise right, stay fit. Be in shape at all times. Don’t allow your body get out of hand. Don’t be overweight. Have your body max and index in the back of your hand. Know your statistics at every given time. Take care of your body, you have only one. And that’s the only thing that permits you to live on earth. If you don’t take care of your body, where will you live? •Ownership: It is not bad for a girl approaching that age to own her own properties, even a house. She needs to be mobile if she can afford it, so having a car isn’t a bad idea. She must have fun, so it is great to have something ridiculously expensive, purchased by you, for you alone. One or two bank accounts is also very important. •Relationship: A girl should have had past experience in relationships before that age. She should be stable in any relationship, if not married yet. From survey, a number of people said; it is important to start a family before the age of thirty (30). But I must emphasize, marriage is not a do or die affair, neither

is it compulsory. If the opportunity presents itself before this age, fine. But if it doesn’t, don’t beat yourself up over finding a man. Just get on with your life, there’s so much work to be done •Resume / CV: you need a professionally crafted CV/Resume •Technologically Savvy: The world is going high technologically, if you’re not tech inclined, you are outdated, and may not be valued in the world. So upgrade yourself now, if not you won’t be able to fit in. •Health Awareness: It is the state of being bodily and mentally vigorous. Life will be meaningless if your health fails. Do all you can to keep your health safe. Remember, health is wealth. Eat healthy, avoid junks. Take enough water to stay properly hydrated. Eat lots of fruits, and vegetables. Live defensive towards your health as prevention is better than cure. Don’t abuse drugs, alcohol or hard substances. •Good sense of humour: Well, find something to laugh about. Don’t take everything too seriously. No matter how hard life seems, find excitement when necessary. •Self – discovery: The world is getting too complicated, ain’t nobody got time for more complication. You have to define yourself, your personal value, you’ve got to know what your limits are, basically know what works for you. •Attitude: A great attitude is everything. You can’t go far with a bad attitude. Truth is, most times it’s going to be really difficult, but with the right attitude you can’t go wrong. •Personal Development: Learn a skill. Vocational skill, soft skill. Get yourself occupied. Believe it or not, an idle mind is the devil’s workshop. When you’ve got nothing occupying your thoughts and hand and time, the devil is definitely going to keep you busy. With gossips and idle talk and things that aren’t good for you in a long run. If you don’t develop personally, you’ll be unproductive. These things are very important and necessary for personal advancement and development. If you 30 and haven’t acquired all or some of these things yet, it’s not too late. Start now. If your approaching 30, Sister, you need this things.

Glance events & lifestyle NG November / March



t’s exciting to see that the year is winding to an end, signalling the holiday season and with it that one occasion that never fails to bring us joy… Christmas. You’d agree with me that Christmas rice be it jollof, fried or with stew has a different flavour. And another thing about this period is the spirit of goodwill that possess each person. The most annoying neighbour, the know-it-all colleague, the nightmare boss suddenly becomes more friendly and of course generous. Think about the parties, music concerts, comedy shows and what comes to mind… ‘Santa Claus is coming to town’. Santa Claus or Fada Krismos we used to call him back then, is known to bring gifts to children who have been good, but not just little ones take part in the exchange of presents, it has become a common ritual amongst peers over the years. This is a compilation of items and wishes that are high on the Christmas wish list;

• Cars (Ford Edge, Ford Explorer, Range Rover Sports, Bentley, Lambogini, e.t.c.) • Houses and mansions (locations; Banana Island, area 2 in Abuja, Lekki phase 1, etc.) • Good relationships • Great jobs • It is funny that make up box set was high on the list • Digital cameras (specifically; Canon DSLR and Canon EOS 5D MAC IV), are these nuclear bombs or some thing? • Laptops (mostly MACbooks) • Phones (iphones, android phones; I really don’t know why blackberries did not make the list). My kid brother opted for the newly released iphone 7…Apples rule the day. • Kenwood multipro compact food processor, for chefs • Television sets (specifically; LG LED, Ultra HD) • Money, lots of money • Airline tickets to exotic Islands • Someone said ‘EXTREME SUCCESS’ that really got my attention, very great wish • Private jets. Well there are other things on the list like; chocolates, champagne, jewellery and the likes, but from survey, these are the major this on the minds of Nigerians. Have a wonderful Christmas celebration, and i do hope your wishes come true.

Glance events & lifestyle NG November / March


DIY DO IT YOURRSELF Getting rid of dandruff; Holup, before you go ahead to read this, make sure you actually have dandruff, majority of us, often mistake dry itchy scalp for dandruffs, so if you are 100% sure you are dandruff infected, you can now read on. Natural Home Remedies, that are free from harsh chemicals and un-natural ingredients to get rid of that embarrassing itches. . Get some sun – Even though I can’t really explain this, rock and science have proven that sun light could get rid of dandruffs’.so make sure to expose your hair to sun rays. Spend at least 10-15 minutes out in the sun, as often as you can. But also bear in mind that UV rays of the sun are harmful to your skin and health. . Make aloe Vera your best friend – while Aloe is popularly known to help heal burns and dry up wounds quickly, among other things, it helps give a soothing relief from dandruff. All you need do is simply apply Aloe Vera gel to your scalp for 15 minutes prior to washing your hair. Shampoo and dry. . Salt it – As common as salt is to come by, you’d be surprised effective it is in getting rid of dandruffs. It works as a natural exfoliator, helping you get rid of the extra oil and dead skin flakes. Rubbing salt to your scalp, could be a pleasant experience as it helps in getti8ng rid of the itches. Three tablespoons of regular table salt is all you need to get that dandruff out. Gently massage into your dry dampened scalp for 2-3 minutes and shampoo immediately. . When life gives you dandruffs, give it lemons – Aside its tough reputation, the acidity in pure freshly squeezed lemon juice can help break down the fungus that triggers’ dandruff outbreaks. You’d need two tablespoon of fresh lemon juice, one teaspoon of lemon juice and a cup of water. Massage into your scalp and let it rest for a minute, mix one teaspoon of lemon juice into a cup of water, rinse your hair with it and repeat daily until it’s no longer needed. . Take advantage of baking soda – baking soda plays a large role serving as natural home remedies. It helps to remove dandruff because it mildly exfoliates, helping you get rid of excess dead skin, kills fungus and its tiny particles can be useful in removing loose flakes stuck in your hair. Just mix one tablespoon of baking soda to everyone cup of warm water, stir before using. (Do this in place of shampoo). . Healthy diet should be your lifestyle – This may sound like a cliché, but taking in balanced diets helps every aspect of your wellbeing, the kind of food you take in really vital to your health. It may surprise you to know that what you actually eat, has an effect on your scalp. It could be positive or negative. So make it a habit to eat lots and lots of veggies, fish oils and proteins. All this food will help to build your hair and skin, while keeping it healthy. Take more of non-meat proteins, such as eggs, fish, nuts and beans.

TIPS; Switch up shampoos Obey the law of L.R.R (Lather, Rinse and Repeat) Shampoo more.

Glance events & lifestyle NG November / March


SOCIAL MEDIA AND IT’S NEGATIVITY ocial media; a lot of definitions could be coined from those two words. The word ‘social’ is a characteristics of a living organism, which refers to the interaction of organisms amongst each other and to their collective co-existence, irrespective of whether they are aware or not, ‘Media’ can be collectively called; communication outlets or tools that are used to store and deliver information. From both definitions it is safe to say; ‘Social media is a communication outlet or tool used to carry out interactions between organisms, due to their collective co-existence. The social media therefore is to be used to; communicate information to people we have had a relationship with, when they are absent from your present vicinity; but it has now become a tool, used to dish out; verbal abuses, preach racial discrimination, and soil the minds of junior citizens by the indiscriminate posts of pornographic materials. The amount of backlash and downgrading we see on social media; compared to physical interactions today is depressing. Before the era of social networking; there was no time to conjure lengthy letters, aimed at destroying the self-esteem and reputation of a fellow human, but with advent of this platform; it is now convenient for a certain fraction of our population to hurt others for reasons that are baseless; causing hullabaloo amongst users. The anonymity afforded online is now a yard

stick to bring out the dark side in people, as they feel they would not be caught. Some people do not even have time for real life events again, as they relish at the fact that some; jargons and graphic presentation of pornography would be posted online for viewers’ enjoyment; taking their focus for events that would have been beneficial to their lives. Even our celebrities and socialites even have their own fair share from the negativity. A lot of crushing comments are made on their pages on a daily basis about their; stature, race, outfits, and even personal issues that got to the press. This year, celebrities in Nigeria and diaspora have vowed to not stay silent in the face of bullies. Some countries around the world even has a restriction on social media, the social networks are monitored by the government to streamline the kind of post and comments uploaded on the media. I am a strong believer in positivity, and I know what bullying and back lash can do to a person as I have had a taste of it. Let’s drop the negativity and embrace love and kindness, let’s make the world a better place even in writing. #be positive

Glance events & lifestyle NG November / March




Hon,Aus t i nCobhamsi st heexec ut i ves ec r et ar yc ar ni valc ommi s s i on,Cr os sRi verSt at e. ON THI SBEI NGHI SFI RSTCAR- WHATTHESTATEI SPLANLI NEDUPEVENTSFORTHECARNI VALASTHEEXECUTI VESEC- NI NG NI VAL A s u s u a l , c a r n i v a l i s a ma j o r b u s i n e s s T h e r ewasnewent r anc ei nt ot hec al enRETARY

hes t at e, s o, pl anni ngofc ar ni v al Wel l , y esandno. Yes , bec aus et hi si s oft i s a y e a r r o u n d t h i n g , a l t h o u g h i t s t hef i r s tc ar ni v alIam pl anni ngasex ec ut i oni si nDec ember , t hepl anec ut i v es ec r et ar y . Nobec aus e, Iwas ex appoi nt edt woweek sbef or et hel as t ni opgear . nghasbeenont c ar ni v als oIt hi nk , Idi dnotac t ual l y pl ani t , Ionl yc amei ns os oon. PLANSOFREDUCI NGORI N-


Wel l , t her ear ec oupl eofc hanges , l andmar kc hanges . F i r s tandt he mos ts i gni f i c anti st hat , c ar ni v alwi l l notf l agof ff r om onepoi nt . The bandsar egoi ngt obes pr ead ar ound, f i v epoi nt sont hec ar ni v al r out e, t hati st hel andmar k , andi ti s i nl i newi t ht hei nt er nat i onalpr ac t i c es . Ther ear eot her sl i k e; t hec ar ni v al Cal abarv ol unt eerc or ps , whi c hi sa poolofhaddoc kwor k er s , depl oy ed f orpar t i c ul arpur pos e, pr obabl yf or ; c r owdc ont r ol , v i s i t or ’ sat t endanc e, oragui de.

darl as ty earandwewoul ds eehow t heyc anbei nc or por at ed, ands t r engt hent hem. F i r s ti st hei nt er nat i onalc ar ni v al , t hegr eenc ar ni v alwhi c hi si nl i ne wi t hourc l i mat ec hangeques t , andt hi s y earwear ei nt r oduc i ngt hey out hand v er s i t yc ar ni v al . CREASI NGNUMBEROFBANDS uni Sof arwehav eappl i c at i onsf orband THEMEFORTHE2016CARNI VAL t obes oonr egi s t er ed, buti nl i ne F o r u s t h e w o r l d i s s u f f e r i n g n o w d uet o wi t houradmi ni s t r at i v er egul at i ons , c l i ma t e c h a n g e , a n d s o w e f e l t a s a anybandappl y i ngneedst opl ayf or peopl et hatwedi dnotwav eenough ami ni mum oft woy ear sbef or ei t a t t e n t i o n o n t h e c l i ma t e c h a ngewhen c oul dber egi s t er edasanonc omw e p l a y e d i t l a s t y e a r , s o w e hav et o pet i ngband. Soi tt ooky ear sf orex r e p l a y t h e c l i ma t e c h a n g e t h i s y e a r i s t i ngbandst opar t i c i pat easa agai n. nonc ompet i ngband, t hei rper f or manc esi nt henex tt woedi t i onswi l l THETHEMEWASI NSPI REDBY? s ol edet er mi nei ft heywoul dper T h e t h e me i s i n s p i r e d b y t h e pr ev ai l i ng f or m asac ompet i t i v eband. s i t uat i ont hewor l dhasf oundi t s el fi n.


Ri ghtnowi ti smov edt owar dpubl i cc andi dunder s t andi ng, i t smov i ngt owar dsapr i v at es ec t or f undedev ent , bec aus et her ei ss er i ousi nv ol v ementandbuy i ngf r om pr i v at es ec t ors o, wher e bel i ev i ngi nas hor twhi l enott ool ongf r om now, i twoul dbes ol el yapr i v at es ec t orf undedev ent , s of ari ti sa7030t hi ng.


Yes , wehav es pok ent oqui t eal otofi nt er nat i onal ac t s ; SeanPaul , andot her s , andwehav ehada y es . AndIt hi nkt hedeali sal mos tc l eanedup, Af t ert hatwewoul dbeabl et omak epubl i ct he f i nalnamest hatar eper f or mi ngi nc ar ni v alCal abar2016.


Yes , l i k es omepeopl ewoul ds ay , wewantt or ai s e t hebarands t i l lbr i ngaboutoneCal abar .


Thati swhyIs pok eonPPA, PPP. Wear ewor k i ng t owar dpr i v at es ec t ori nv ol v ement , am hopi ng, bec aus et hei rr ev enuegener at i oni sv er yhi gh, i t ’ s t hei nt entoft hi sgov er nment , andi t ’ sbeenwor k i ng, i t ’ sbeens t andi ngs t r ongt oens ur et hatt hi s ent i r eev enti ss el f s us t ai ni ng.


Wel lIwoul ds ay , i sany bodyc apabl et hes eday s ? I ti swi l l , t hes t at ehasas t r ongwi l lt ohos tt hec ar ni v al . Thec ar ni v ali snotanec onomi cwas t e; i ti s ofhi ghec onomi cadv ant age. Ri ghtnowt he

wor l di ss peak i ngt hel anguageoft our i s m, bec aus eoi lhasf ai l ed. Andi ti swhati sl ef tt o at t r ac tf or ei gnc ur r enc y . Sowear eex pec t i ng t hatwi t ht hedol l arc r unc h, Cal abari sgoi ng t obet hedes t i nat i onpoi ntf orhol i days eek er s , andt her ei snohol i daymak ert hatgoes any wher ewi t hempt ypoc k et , ev eni fhehas t obor r ow, s ot her ei snobodyt hatwoul d c omet oCal abarwi t hat hi c kpoc k etand l eav ewi t ht het hi c kpoc k et , andt hati sa heav ypl ust oCr os sRi v erSt at eandi t sec onomy .




THE The" Dos "

The" Dont s "

•Bement al l ypr epar edf oral ongwal k . •Res twel lonChr i s t masday •Tak ebr eak f as tbef or el eav i nghomeon c ar ni v alday . i nkpl ent yofwat erbef or el eav i ng •Dr homet oav oi ddehy dr at i on. •Tak eanyk i ndoff r ui tbef or et hec ar ni v al . •Wearat r ous er /s k i r tt hatgi v esy ou f r eedom ofmov ement . •Wearf l ats hoesorc anv as/ dr i v er s . •Ar r i v eatt hes t adi um by7: 00am orat t het i meagr eedwi t hy ourbandl eader s att hedes i gnat edmus t er i ngpoi nt . •Hol datl eas tt wohandk er c hi ef sora f ac et owel . •I fy ouc annotwi t hs t andt hes un, wear s ungl as s es . •Hol ds omemoneyf orr ef r es hment s . •Mak eupy ourmi ndt of eelgood t hr oughoutt hec ar ni v al . •Enc our agey ourr el at i onsandf r i endst o wat c houtf ory oui nt hec ar ni v alt r ai n. •St opatdes i gnat edr es tpoi nt st or ef r es h. •Obeyal lt her ul esandr egul at i onsof y ours ec t i onandbandr es pec t i v el y . •Obeyandr es pec ty ours ec t i onl eader s andbandl eader sr es pec t i v el ybyc ompl y i ngwi t ht hedi r ec t i onst heygi v ey ou. •Keepy ourGSM t el ephonehands et s v er ys af e. •Us emobi l et oi l et spr ov i dedf ort hec ar ni v alf l oatwhent heneedar i s es .

•Donots mok eort ak eal c ohol / anyhar ddr ugbef or eanddur i ngt hec ar ni v al . •Donotweart i ghtf i t t i ngdr es s est oav oi dheat . •Donotc ar r yanybot t l eony ourper s ons . •Donotc ar r yanys har pobj ec ts uc hasbl ades , k ni v es , needl esandr ods . •Donotex pos eanys ens i t i v epar tofy ourbody . Av oi dt het empt at i ont oundr es soutofex c i t ement . •Donotwearanyhi ghheel eds hoes . •Donotex pos ey ourGSM t el ephonehands et . •Donotc ar r yheav ybags . •Donotr unaheadofy ours ec t i onorbandmember s . •Donotabandony ours ec t i onorbandunt i lt hec ar ni v alr et ur nst ot hes t adi um. •Donotar guewi t hy ours ec t i onorbandl eaderf orwhat ev err eas on. •Donotquar r elwi t hany onedur i ngt hec ar ni v al . •Donott hr owanyobj ec tori t em atany one. •Donotur i nat eout s i dedes i gnat edpoi nt s . •Donotl i t t ert hes t r eet swi t hdi r ts uc haswr apper s , paper s , pl as t i cbot t l es , paper sandot heri t ems / mat er i al s . •Donotdi s obeyl awenf or c ementagent sandt r af f i cc ont r olof f i c er ss uc has t hepol i c ec i v i ldef enc ec or ps , f eder alr oads af et yc ommi s s i on, mar s hal s , et c . •Donotpr ov ok eany onet oangert hr oughunc omf or t abl ej ok esors t at ement s . •Donotc hantant i gov er nments l ogans . Thi si snotapol i t i c alr al l y .

HEALTH TI PS •KnownAs t hmat i c ss houl dc omewi t ht hei rbr onc hodi l at or s( nebul i z er sor i nhal er ) •Knownhy per t ens i v et os eekt hei rdoc t or s 'adv i c ebef or epar t i c i pat i ng. •Tak eadequat egl uc os edr i nkorgl uc os et abl etorot herener gydr i nk s . CC.c al abar c ar ni val . c om

The Queen of katwe

Queen of Katwe is a 2016 American biographical sports drama film directed by Mira Nair and written by William Wheeler Starring David Oyelowo, Lupita Nyong'o and Madina Nalwanga, the film depicts the life of Phiona Mutesi, a Ugandan girl living in a slum in Katwe who learns to play chess and becomes a Woman Candidate Master after her performances at World Chess Olympiads. Adapted from an ESPN magazine article and book by Tim Crothers, the film was produced by Walt Disney Pictures and ESPN Films. Queen of Katwe was screened at the 2016 Toronto International Film Festival. The film had a limited release in the United States on September 23, 2016 before a general theatrical release on September 30. The film garnered critical praise for its cast, setting and subject matter. Cast Madina Nalwanga as Phiona Mutesi David Oyelowo as Robert Katende Lupita Nyong'o as Nakku Harriet Martin Kabanza as Mugabi Brian

Taryn Kyaze as Night (as Taryn "Kay" Kyaze) Ronald Ssemaganda as Ivan Ethan Nazario Lubega as Benjamin Nikita Waligwa as Gloria Edgar Kanyike as Joseph Esther Tebandeke as Sara Katende Peter Odeke as Mr. Burumba Maurice Kirya and Ntare Mwine have supporting roles as Theo and Tendo respectively. Critical response Queen of Katwe received positive reviews from critics, with David Oyelowo and Lupita Nyong'o's performances receiving unanimous praise. Review aggregation website Rotten Tomatoes gives the film an approval rating of 93%, based on 135 reviews, with an average rating of 7.3/10. The site's consensus states: "Queen of Katwe is a feel-good movie of uncommon smarts and passion, and Lupita Nyong'o and David Oyelowo's outstanding performances help elevate the film past its cliches." On Metacritic, the film has a normalized rating of 73 out of 100, based on reviews from 37 critics, indicat-

ing "generally favorable reviews". CinemaScore reported that audiences gave the film an "A+" grade. Film critic Steve Pulaski gave the film three out of four stars and said, "Queen of Katwe's arrival into theaters nationwide comes not only in conjunction with a slew of other potential awards contenders, but as a breath of air refreshing as the kind the fall season itself brings. In a time where the common-good of humanity is seriously questionable and those who are supposed to guide and lead us appear as nothing more than manipulative and divisive, Queen of Katwe inspires as it captivates, telling us a story we may have never heard about but one we'll probably never forget."

Glance events & lifestyle NG November / March


Career, God or Family Have you ever found yourself hard pressed and unable to make a decision regarding which one of these should take priority in your life? Or are you currently you struggling with this decision? I believe most people have had to grapple with this at some point in their lives and eventually settled for the option that seemed more appealing to them. The truth is, when it comes to prioritizing one of these three, there isn’t a consensus as reactions and responses vary. This brings me to another point, why should we ever have to decide which is to be given more prominence? I’m saying, why do we ever have to pitch these three side by side just to decide which should take 45% of our time, 35% percent our time and the rest of our time. As much as it is true that identifying or deciding what is more important over the other is an individual thing, should there really be a pattern to be followed in making these decisions? As a matter of fact, how do we identify and then decide which should take the most or the least of our precious time? Balancing spirituality, career pursuit and family responsibilities really depends on a person’s sense of what is more important or what brings more fulfilment and satisfaction. A person’s environment plays a vital role in the kind of mindset that individual develops. We all are privileged to be raised differently by the reason of parenting and family ties. Upbringing to a large extent influences some people’s idea of what should come first,

second or last. In a situation where a child grew up seeing less of the father or both parents due to work, this could become psychological and the child could grow to follow the same pattern. Or in a home where you only go to Church on Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve, no family altar, no guidance on how to know God, such a child grows up to see God as non-K-factor in life. Personally, I strongly believe that God comes first. He is the Supreme Being that holds everything together. Getting it right with God automatically translates to getting it right in every other aspect; everything falls into formation. God is the ultimate in life and every other aspect of life depends on God to succeed. Inasmuch as God is the ultimate he does not exist alone, that is why he created humans to have a relationship with Him. In other words, God, career, and family are inter woven. One cannot be seen as more important than the other. As one in a family, you cannot succeed without God and a career. You cannot also rely on God only to succeed, which is why you need a career. Gone are the days when manna fell down from.

Recently, I was having a struggle deciding if my career was really my career. I knew I had the gift to do this but what relevance is it if I’m doing what I feel I should be doing and not what God wants me to do, because the truth is, doing what God wants us to do makes everything around us peaceful and you wouldn’t have cause to start apportioning time to your family or to your career; everyone enjoys equal time. It would be easy and that causes you to begin to wonder “how have I been able to successfully create time for everything around me? And the truth is, you didn’t. If it were up to you, it wouldn’t be easy. . . travelling out for your company, working hours, night shifts, morning shifts, training your children, getting away with your family for the holiday, throwing your spouse a surprise birthday. . . all of these take time and effort, the only reason you could be successful at functioning at your best in these areas is because you made God your priority. You put Him first and allowed God Him decide what was good for you and what came next. However, there are misconceptions when you say to people, prioritize God or when you say God over everything. It doesn’t mean ostracizing everyone from your life, making every other thing less important, becoming a churchaholic in the name of putting God above everything because there are certain things we do that are contrary to what the point of serving God is and that is as a result

However, you cannot ignore the fact that family plays a great role in one’s life. No man is an Island and no one dropped from Heaven without passing through a family. We can’t see God but we see one another in the image of God through the eyes of love because God is love. Glance events & lifestyle NG November / March


of lack of knowledge, heretical teachings and extremism. Some people totally wipe themselves off the face of the earth in the name of putting God first. People can’t get a hold of them, even family member have to ambush them in their offices very early in the morning or stalk them on the social media, belabor them with incessant calls, just to see them. That is just wrong! Having an intimate relationship with God and putting Him first simply means allowing Him to matter. It suffices to say is that the three priorities of life are God, Family and Work, and yes, it should follow that order and you only get to function at your best when you are in fellowship with God and that is our first priority in life because at the end of the day when we are exhausted and it’s time to bid the world goodbye, none of these things would matter, not family, not work. Also, the family is mankind’s most basic social unit. It’s the idea of God, very sacred and although not everyone is called to ‘family’ (marriage) but we all are part of a family. We are called to protect it, enjoy it and grow it and that’s life most second priority, to our relationship with God and Career is God’s provision for our physical, social and community needs and needs of others and that comes last.

“how do we identify and then decide which should take the most or the least of our precious time? Balancing spirituality, career pursuit “My priorities have always been and family responsibilities God first, family second, career third. I have found out that when I really depends on a person’s put my life in this order, everything sense of what is more seems to work out. God was my first important or what brings priority early in my career when I was struggling to make ends meet. more fulfilment and satisfaction. ” Through the failures and success I and it isn’t late to re-strategize because letting God have it (the utmost priority) is synonymous to giving yourself everything!

have experienced since then, my faith has remained unchecked.” – Mary Kay. c.c Ebukun Gbemisola Ogunyemi Nkechi Offiong.

Do you think you have the three well ordered? Has it been working well for you so far? You would save yourself a lot of time and effort if you take some time to revisit and realign your priorities. Have you been trading quality time with family for work? All these you can answer on your own and make amends if need be. . . but the truth is, nothing works better than this Glance events & lifestyle NG November / March


“I want to be the United Nations Secretary General, this has been my biggest dream.”


r. Betta Edu is the first Director General of the Cross River State Primary Health Care Development Agency. She is a strong and consistent young woman who is passionate about rendering humanitarian services within and across the state. Dr. Edu who bags a master degree in Public Health from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine is an ambassador of the State of Arkansas, USA. THE FIRST THING YOU THINK OF IN THE MORNING.

The first thing I think about in the morning is Prayer; because my entire life and being is dependent on God. Therefore, I start by committing my day, and everything into His hands; asking for His help and favour through the day. THE MAJOR ADJECTIVES THAT DESCRIBES YOU?

Passion and Energy


It feels like a lot of responsibility; a lot is expected of me. You

know, the most tasking part of any job is the fundamental stage. When you do not get it right from the very beginning, it will be difficult to get it right at any other points. Starting an agency, building a structure that never was, trying to put people together to make the Primary health work; is a lot of responsibility, and I am glad God has been there, helping me through it. ON THE MAJOR CHALLENGES FACED AT THE BEGINNING

First, the major challenge for me was getting the agency going. I was first employed by the Cross River State Government as the special adviser to the Governor of Community and Primary health care. There was no agency then, so one of my first assignments and task was to get an agency going, that is; to have Cross River State establish and run an agency. So, I went about doing that, with all the key stakeholders, which were relevant to that mission, and together we were able to come up with that agency, which the governor approved on the 19th of August. Also we had challenges of having the staff; the remaining who were at the local government level, whom we are still trying to move, as the process is ongoing, hoping to finalize them. Other tooting challenges includes; financial, which the country and state are going through a period of recession. We are trying to see how we can harness funds and mobilize resources from all angles, to ensure we can get

quality health care service delivery at the Primary level. Another CHALLENGE would be, well I would say is a little of shock, expressed by so many people, you know, a young person in government, heading a parastatal of that sort. A lot of people asked, ‘are you sure you would be able to do this?’, but we were able to overcome all of that, and we are glad that overtime we have been able to build up confidence. INSIGHT OF YOUR PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES.

Well, if you say my professional responsibility, I am a medical doctor by profession, and my responsibility is basically to help humanity and save lives, that is; anything to keep people alive, not just alive, but living a quality life, is basically my responsibility. At the level of the agency, my responsibility is to see to it that I build the primary health care system, which is within the health sector. You know for many years, the government both at federal and state level, have taken the attention of primary health care, and added it amongst other tars of care; the secondary care, the tertiary care, and so on. In recent times, attention has been paid to the primary health care. There is a health pyramid, where you have a large based and it gradually thins its way up. At the top are the tertiary institutions; the teaching hospitals, government hospitals, and next you have the secondary institution, but the base is the primary health facility.

Glance events & lifestyle NG November / March


The base is the biggest component of a pyramid, showing that most persons at least ninety-five percent of the population, should be able to access care at the primary health level in their local community. If the cases are too difficult to handle, they are then referred to the secondary level of care. This level, the primary level, has been neglected a lot, so if you go to communities, you do not have health centers that are viable. There are no health workers present to render services to our people; sometimes they run out of drugs and they are many other issues at that level. But, the attention of the administration of his Excellency Senator Professor Ben Ayade, to revitalize the primary health sector, has enabled us to meet the medical needs of the people at that sector. So far that’s what we are working on, and we’ve recorded a lot of achievements in that sector, but a lot more needs to be done. ABOUT HER DECISION TO WORK FOR THE CROSS RIVER SATE HEALTH CARE AGENCY?

I have always hungered for a platform, to reach out to people in the rural communities, to the poorest of the poor, to the indigent members of our society. Before I was given this appointment, at least twice a year, I would go to a village, where they do not have access to quality health care, and I would carry out free health activities on my own, without any support or contribution from anyone. I go to these communities, identify them, and gather a group of doctors and volunteers from the Christian medical association. We put ourselves together, go into these communities, and render medical services to them. That has been my passion, my drive; to see that we have a healthier population and that people who do not have access to these facilities are met

with them. It has been a long standing passion which I have been working on, and this creates a big platform to reach these people who are very passionate to change their health care story. ABOUT THE ORGANIZATION AND WHAT IT STANDS FOR?

This is Cross River state primary health care development agency, it has the mandate to coordinate and implement all primary health care activities in the state. And you know previously that, different ministries, agencies, and departments, were handling bits and pieces of the primary health care, and there was duplication of activities, wastage; things were not really working well. From the national and state level, they thought we should get an agency which would take up all of these responsibilities, and hold them accountable if they do not deliver on their mandate. So, that was the catalyst that led to the birth of both the National and now the Cross River State primary health care development agency. We are presently working with the strategy of revitalizing at least one primary health care facility in every ward. We have about 196 wards in Cross River state, and we want to ensure that all primary health care facilities are functional in all of those wards. By functional we mean a hundred percent; their drugs, the right mix of staff available to offer; health services, maternal services, services of children under the age of five (5), and these services who run 24 hours 7days in a week without stop, serving as the hub for other primary health care facilities in that ward, so they can refer to them.

The Governor, his Excellency who is very passionate about the primary health care, has also been of great help to the agency, he has employed 18 medical doctors across the 18 local government areas in Cross River State, this is to ensure we boost service delivery, and the quality of the workers employed in those local government levels.


This is for all cross riverians, and everyone resident in cross river state. It is the state health insurance bill tagged, ‘Ayade Care’. The idea behind it is to provide smart sustaining form of medical financing that will; prevent individuals and families from having catastrophic health expenditure, and getting impoverished before time. This is sustainable being that we will all share the risk and benefits. Imagine a family with someone suffering from cancer or hepatitis B, you know how many millions it will take to give that person care for the disease, or to be able to take care of that person amatively throughout the period the person is suffering from the disease. It will take a whole lot and could lead to families being impoverished. We are saying, rather than having those families pay those huge bills, even as little as malaria; you know there are some anti-malaria drugs sold for a thousand two hundred, eight hundred naira, if you have to treat three or four people in a family you know how much it will cost. Government is saying, put a thousand naira into the central purse, then we would all have to bare the weight and burden of a person being treated. There are some exemptions in that policy, which exempts; pregnant women, children under five, the elderly, the very poor in the society who truly cannot be able to afford it, people living with HIV/AIDS, as well as persons who are mentally or physically challenged. This is just a form of sacrifice; a brother lending a hand, or support to another brother, all of us sharing our problems together, that is what


First and foremost, like I said previously; a sum of one thousand naira is expected to be paid by every capable cross riverian for their health care insurance, apart from the exemptions made earlier. Secondly, the state government would equally have to source for partners who would support the Ayade care, also we expect donations and gifts from persons. Budgetary allocations would be made to fund the health care. WHERE IT WILL OPERATE FROM & THE STRUCTURES THAT HAS BEEN BEING SET IN PLACE TO ENSURE IT RUNS SMOOTHLY?

They would operate from Cross River state, they would be an agency which has already been signed into law and so, it is left for the governor to appoint the Director General and members of the board, but basically there would be an agency called; ‘The Cross River state health insurance scheme’, that would; coordinate, monitor, and control all that has to do with the health insurance scheme, which is the AYADE CARE. There are several structures, one is the fact that the governor has stated that we run the whole place as transparent as possible, money would not be held by government agencies, but outside the government agencies, they will be of course third party administrators, like the HMO’s that are credible and well known world over. We will also have our partnerships with international bodies, they too would put an eye; checking to see that the process remains accountable and transparent. We would make sure to carry everyone along, making the process as transparent as possible; we need to build trust. Insurance is about trust, you trust that;

if I put my money into this, I will be able to get the benefits and returns for my money. WHAT PERSONAL QUALITIES DOES ONE REQUIRE FOR THIS LINE OF WORK?

For my kind of job, I think you must be; God fearing, passionate, and compassionate, people oriented (how can I give people a better life? How can I make life better for someone who is not able to afford it?), those should be your mind set. So I feel, if people are God fearing and disciplined, accountable and transparent enough in their dealings, committed to work, diligent and also energetic; because you need the energy to be around the state which is very humongous. You know, we have more than 131 primary health care centers across the state, monitoring must be at high level to assure the quality of services delivered in the primary health centers. You must have your eyes on the staff, to ensure they carry out their duties at the right time, and you must be able to communicate with communities, build trust, discuss with stakeholders, get them to buy into the intervention which you are bringing on board, and equally help them to take control of the monitoring process, so they can monitor those who have been sent to work in their communities and bring information back to the agency. So, it needs a lot of diligence, passion for the job, and above all; You really need to Fear God, because if you do and realize that someday, you have to give account of what it is that you rendered, then you render that service with the mind-set that you are account-

able to someone who sees anything, whether in secret or in the open; who will judge you based on what you have done. With that mind set you would not want to falter, you would want to do your part to see that primary health care is best in Cross River state.

Director General who was able to set a system in place for primary health care to become functional. To be remembered as a director that achieved one functional primary health care center, in each ward in Cross River state. I would also like to be remembered for involving communities to bring their solutions to LESSONS LEARNT ON THIS JOB? AND their health care challenges, in the WHAT DO YOU ENJOY MOST ABOUT communities where they reside. A YOUR JOB? few other things like; setting up a I think one of my greatest lesson is proper drug revolving form system ‘patience’. I am used to being on the for the primary health care, to ensure fast lane before now, if something that they have drugs making the has to be done, I have to get it done system more accountable and transright away using the right means, parent, such that everyone can but I have learnt patience, in quote indeed benefit from it. And I would ‘patience, in capital letters PATIENCE. love to be remembered for the state It is a demanding task, not everyhealth insurance scheme, as part of body sees the vison you see, but the people who worked hard to everyone has the same drive ensure that the scheme came on frequency, but then everybody or as board, and that it stood the test of many people must be carried along time. to help achieve the goals you want to achieve. As a team player and a ON HER ULTIMATE CAREER ACHIEVEleader, we try our best to carry MENT people along. I have learned I would die a fulfilled person if Nigepatience and I have learnt to put my ria, Cross River state can achieve trust in God because, most of the universal health coverage. That for things that happen are not physical, me is going to be like the highest they are of the spirit and so, if God is point of everything I’m doing. If you on your side you attract more; bless- go to the United Kingdom, they have ings, open doors, favour; and I have the NHS, a wonderful system that equally learnt that hard work pays. helps the United Kingdom achieve The more I have been to communi- the universal health coverage. You ties, interacting with people, going can walk into a clinic and receive out doing my job; I am beginning to care without being asked for money, see results, and beginning to have it is beautiful, it is one of the beautievidence that hard work pays. So I ful things I enjoyed living in the have learnt a lot about; leadership, United Kingdom, living in London. I teamwork, hard work, patience, just hope working with stakeholders interaction with people, and even at different levels, we would be able networking too, a lot about network- to achieve that in Nigeria; for the ing; practical experience with comfuture and lots of beautiful things. munity participation. And if you ask me, I want to be the United Nations Secretary General, this has been my biggest dream. HOW SHE WOULD LIKE TO BE REMEMBERED AFTER HER TENURE IN OFFICE

First, I would like to be remembered as one of the persons that gave birth to the Cross River state primary health care development agency. I would love to be remembered as a



J os ephEdet

nex tper s on, c r eat i ngt hegr andes tpos s i - WHATHASBE EN THEHI GHbl ev i s i onf ory our s el f , s ot hi st wot hi ngs L I GHTOFYOURCAREER? hav er eal l yhel pedmet ot hi nkaheadof t hegame. Mul t i pl eawar ds , onev er yk eyt hi ng t h a t h a s h e l p e d me t o s t a n d o u t i n Iam J os ephEdetI s o, f r om Cr os sRi v er WH A T I N S P I R E S Y O U R D E S I G N S ? t h i s c a r e e r , l i k e b e i n g a mo n g t h e St at e, Oduk paniL GAt obepr ec i s e. Ihad t op25mos ti nf l uent i alf as hi on mys ec ondar ys c hooleduc at i onatKi ngs Thei deaofr ei nv ent i ngt r ends , If i ndwhat i c o n s i n t h e N i g e r D e l t a r e g i on, I ’ v e Col l egeL agos , andt henpr oc eededt o i st r endi ng, r ei nv enti tandbr i ngabout al s o b e e n n o mi n a t e d f o r t h e p r e s i t heUni v er s i t yofCal abarwher eIbagged t heaf r oc ent r i cdes i gnt opl ay . dent i aly out hawar dsi nt hef eder aadegr eei nComput erSc i enc e. Apar t t i o n a n d a l s o b e i n g a b l e t o o p e n f r om t hatam anal umniofBek enand br anc hesnat i onwi de. DI DYOUEVERENVI SAGETHAT F or tBus i nes smas t er c l as s .



hadi ti nmi nd, andIc r eat edav i s i onal Gener al l ywedobr andi ngandc us t omi z r eady . I t ' snotas ur pr i s et hatam doi ng i ngs er v i c es . whatam doi ngr i ghtnow.

I t ’ sbeent ough, i t ' sbeent as k i ng, butl i k ear enownedent r epr eneur onc es ai d; “ Ent r epr eneur s hi pi sal l HOW LONGHASYOURCOMPANY a b o u t s t a r t i n g a b u s i n e s s / v e n t u r e WHATDETERMI NESYOURPRI CE BEEN I N OPERATI ON? andt hec onquer i ngi t " . I ' v ebeen RANGE? abl et odot hati nt hi sf i el dandam 5y ear s . t i l lc onquer i ngeac hday . I t ' snot Wet r yt ol ookatt hemar k etmi xandhow s b e e n r o s y b u t t h r o u g h o u r c r eat i v e pr i c eshav ebeenev ol v i ngandwehav et o WHATI NSPI REDYOUTO STARTUP i d e a s a n d t h i n g s w e h a v e b e e n a b l e c hec kt hepr i c eoff abr i c sandmat er i al s YOUROWN BUSI NESS? t o p u t o u t t h e r e , w e ' v e b e e n a b l e f orbr andi ng. Thenwear eabl et opr edi c t t os ur v i v e. anddi c t at eourendpr i c e. Ihav eal way sdes i r edt obeanent r epr eneurwhos t andsoutf r om t hec r owd, and ARETHEREANYPROJ ECTS EMODELS? t omak epos i t i v ei mpac ti nt hes oc i et y . WHO AREYOURROL


WHATLI FELESSONSHASHELPED YOUTHROUGH THI SJ OURNEY? Oneofmybes tpr i nc i pl esi st obet he per s ont oi mpac tpos i t i v eener gyt ot he

NGON? Oneofmyl eader s hi p/ ent r epr eneurr ol e I model si sJ ohnEt i m Bas s ey , t heDi r ec t or Am t r y i ngt os eehowIc oul dwor k Gener al , Cr os sRi v erSt at eI nv es t ment outs omet hi ngf ort hegov er nment . Pr omot i onsBur eau. Det ai l sConf i dent i al .


Wedding Anniversary

24th July 2016 was indeed a day of joy and merriment for the Edet’s family, as friends and well-wishers joined them in celebration of their 40th wedding anniversary. The couple, Chief, Colonel (Rtd) Joseph P. Edet and Rev. (Mrs) Vivian Edet who got married on the 24th of July 1976 are blessed with six children. The day started out with a thanksgiving and church service, where dignitaries, and well-wishers joined them to thank God for his mercies and blessings. Prominent among the attendees was the Obong of Calabar, (HRN) Edidem Ekpo Okon (V) and his wife. A warm/private reception followed at the couple’s resident. The highlight of the evening, however was the cutting of the anniversary cake.


Madam Grace Edum Henshaw, former proprietress of Andem Int’l School, Essien Town, turned 90 on the 28th of August 2016. Joining her in celebrating was her elder sister. Mrs. Eudora Success Odo (aged 92).

Glance events & lifestyle NG November / March




os tpeopl ehav et hei rf av or i t e

c omf or twhi l epr ot ec t i ngi t semot i ons andf eel i ng. Bl ac ki saneut r alc ol or , i t abs or bsal lc ol orandi t ' st heabs enc eof l i ght . Weal lus ebl ac katv ar i oust i met oex pr es sour s el v esi nonewayort heot her , s omet ohi def ear s , v ul ner abi l i t i es , and i ns ec ur i t i es . Ther ear es omanyr eas onswhyy ou s houl df al li nl ov ewi t ht hec ol or , bl ac k , andher ear es ome.

t of i ndwhi c hc ol ort hemos tas s oc i at ewi t hc er t ai nqual i t i es . 66% ofwoment houghtbl ac kwas at t r ac t i v ewhi l e46% ofmen( t he l ar ges tmaj or i t youtofanyoft he c ol or )al s opr ef er r edbl ac kon women

.I T’ SEASYTO MATCH. Youc anmat c hbl ac kwi t hpr et t y muc hanyot herc ol or . .BLACKREPRESENTSPOWER,CON- Coor di nat i ngdi f f er entc ol or st oTROLANDAUTHORI TY.WHI CH I S get her , ort r y i ngt of i ndt hepant s WHYTHETUXEDOS,J UDGE’ SROBES i ny ourwar dr obewi t ht hatper f ec t AREALLTYPI CALBLACK.BLACK s hadeofr edt hatwi l lmat c ht hat COMMANDSRESPECT. ones hi r tt hatl i t er al l ydoes n' t mat c hwi t hany t hi ngel s eot her .BLACKGI VESYOUCONFI DENCE. t hant hos epant si st ough. Ai n' t As t udyhasc onf i r mt hatwear i ngbl ac k nobodygott i mef ort hat . mak esoneat t r ac t i v e, c onf i denc e, * t he i ndependentr epor t s * Thes t udys ur v ey edov er1000peopl e



a) Moi s t ur i z est hes k i n b)Tr eat si nf ec t i onandal s o ac t sasanant i bac t er i al agent c ) Tak esof fdar kc i r c l esandr e duc eswr i nk l es d)Pr ev ent sagi ng e) Heal t hymak eupr emov er f ) Deepc l eans er

a) Tr eat mentf orac ne b)Tr eat mentf orSunbur n c ) Moi s t ur i z i ngagent d)Ant i agi ngagent e) Dependi ngons k i nt y pe, nat ur algl ow f ) Sk i nhy dr at i on


HONEY BENEFI TS a) Boos t sc ompl ex i on b)Tr eat mentf orAc ne c ) Ant i agi ngagent d)Openss k i npor es e) Sk i nhy dr at i on

a) Moi s t ur i z est hes k i nand pr ev ent sagi ng b)Hel pst ot ak eof fs t r et c h mar k saf t erpr egnanc OLI y VEOI L c ) Reduc esdar kc i r c l esandey B E N E F I TS e bags a) Ant i agi ngagent d)Canbeus edf ormas b)Ex s ages c el l entex f ol i at i ngagent e) Ac t sasaheal i ngagent c ) Moi s t ur i z est hes k i n f ) Canbeus edasaSuns c r een d)Sk i nhy dr at i on





WAYS TO KEEP A MAN FROM CHEATING? Ladies! You probably have wondered why men cheat. And it may have crossed your mind to know if there are ways to keep a man from cheating. Uhmm, well... personally I think there is no better/ effective way to keep your man from cheating than a healthy and happy relationship. Let’s be real: No one wants to deal with the pain and pressure of infidelity. The heartaches that comes with the betrayal. But at the same time, when you create an environment for an enjoyable relationship, you wouldn't have to worry about your man cheating. You may be thinking, how is that even possible? But the fact still remains that, most men cheat because they want variety in their sex lives, not basically because they don't love you anymore, others may complain of being bored, while some may relate it to lack of attention. The truth is Men are like babies, they also want a bit of that affection ladies crave for, they want to feel loved, respected, wanted, pampered and appreciated. They want to be with someone who places them at the center of their lives. Whatever the reason might be: you should be willing and able to take note of possible reasons why they cheat and at the same finding out ways to tame your man. The first step is for you to accept him the way he is. Then, • Be willing to initiate sex; keep things interesting in the bedroom, and take charge of the performance, make him feel more desired and express your love in a more physical way. • Be open to experiment; don’t be afraid to try new things sexually with your partner, don't feel uncomfortable trying out new things, he is your man, be open to try different Sexual experiences.

• Don't be too-controlling: when we find ourselves in a relationship we tend to be too controlling without even knowing it, wanting to always make decisions for the other person, that is one major destructive relationship habit, you don't have to nag, complain, blame, threaten at all time. • Make sure he knows how you feel about him, remind him occasionally of how much you love and appreciate him.

look like, most women tend to change and transform themselves to what they feel is "the perfect woman" for their partner, and in the process loose who they really are. One day the man may suddenly decide you are not exactly the perfect woman he envisioned, and move on to the next. Always try to maintain a healthy sense of self in a relationship... Don't give everything and loose out at the end. Always present who you really are. • Learn his love language; the way men love is totally different from the way women love, women are practical lovers, while men show their love in a quite different approach. Find that approach and love him the way he wants to be loved... Well.... if you follow this steps, you might just build a solid and long lasting relationship.

• Don't be too Clingy: men want their space, give him that, let him have some time to himself, men tend to cheat when they feel caged, they yearn for freedom, let him spend time with his friends. Don't be over bearing. • Be in control of your emotions: women are masters at using their emotions to speak and communicate in a relationship (you can call it emotional blackmail) I can tell you we are good at that, women communicate sadness, anger, disappointment just by their mood. It's always better to talk things out rather than sulking all day. • Prioritize your relationship; is that relationship really important, how well do you want it? You certainly have to make the success of that relation ship your priority. • Don't be too accommodating: before a man gets into a relationship, he already has an idea and a picture of what his lifetime partner should Glance events & lifestyle NG November / March



i nwar d, f i ndy our s el fpas s i on, f i ndy our OkeMaduewes i ni c heandgof ori t , don' tov ert hi nki t , Shei st heCEOof whi l ey ouar es t i l lt hi nk i ng, s omeonemay Zar ongr oupof l aunc hy ouri dea" . Sheal way spr epar es c ompani es . Zar on f ort hewor s t . Shei soneent r epr eneur i sawel l k nown whoi s n' taf r ai doff ai l ur e. Cos met i cbr andi n t hec ount r y . Ok e Bet t yI r abor Maduewes ii sa Theedi t ori n per f ec tex ampl eof c hi efandc hi ef howwomen ex ec ut i v eof f i c er s houl dhandl e ofGenev i ev e l i f e' sc hal l enges , af t erl os i ngherhus band magaz i ne, s ay s , t ot he2006Sos ol i s opl anec r as h. Sher et het r i c kt os uc f us edt obet het y pi c alf ac eofwi dowc es si s" t odoi t hood. Shei sonegr eatr i s kt ak er . Shel ef t af r ai d"s hes t ar t herbank i ngj obanddi v edi nt obus i nes s , edGenev i ev emagaz i newi t houtt hi nk i ng wi t houtl ook i ngbac k , s hewasdet er t o o mu c h a b o u t i t . S h e j u s t d i v e d i n t h e mi nedt or eac hs uc c es s . Shec ar v eda d e e p e n d a n d s t a r t e d g o i n g w i t h o u t ni c hebybui l di ngandc r eat i ngac os met i c nowi nghowt os wi m, i nherwor ds : “ I br and. Thoughi twas n' taneas yj our ney .k t h o u g h t I w a s g o i n g t o d r o w n a n d I Shewasnev ers c ar edoff ai l ur e. t houghtt omy s el f , Ihadbet t ers t ar t l ear ni nghowt os wi mf r om t hedeep Uc hePedr o end� . Now, s hei sonegr eats wi mmer . i st hef oundShei sI ndeedar i s kt ak er . erofBel l a Nai j a, t he Li ndaI kej i popul ar F ewy ear sagos hewas onl i nel i f ej us tal adywi t hadr eam s t y l e, f as hi on ands omef ewNai r ai n andent er herpoc k et , al ls hehad t ai nmentmagaz i ne. Shei sal s ot he wasabi gdr eam anda CEO/ MDofBai ns t oneL i mi t ed, amedi a z ealt os uc c eed. She c ompany . Uc hePedr oonl ys t ar t edBel dar edt opr es sf or war d, l anai j aasahobby , s hebl oggedt of i l l t odays hei st hemos t bor i ngmoment s . I t ' sl i k es hes ai d" s uc c es s f ulI nt er netent her ear enof i x edc ar eerpat hs , l ook t r epr eneur . As el f made mi l l i onai r e.



Choos i ng The


Sant or i nii soneoft heCy c l adesi s l andsoft hewor l d, l oc at edont heAegean Sea, s out hofGr eec e. Thi sGr eeki s l andwasdev as t at edbyv ol c ani cer upt i on i nt he16t hc ent ur y , t hi sc ont r i but est oi t swonder f uls hape. Thebl ueand whi t ec ol ourpal at eoft heanc i ents t r uc t ur esf oundont hei s l and, i soneof maj orbeaut yoft hei s l and, wi t hal i t t l ebeatofs uns etr ayt hatgi v esabr eat h t ak i nggl owt ot hei s l and, andi t swonder f ulbeac hes ; Sant or i niqual i f i esasa beaut yt obehol d. Sev er alc el ebr i t i eshav ebeens i t edont hei s l andand al ongt hebeac h, ourbeaut i f ulac t r es s ; Monal i s aChi nda, r ec ent l ygotmar r i edont hi si s l and, andt onsofot herc el ebr i t yweddi ngshav ebeenc onduc t edoni t , nowonderi ti shi ghont hel i s tofhol i days pot s .


Thi si sanot hergr eatt our i s ts i t e, as out her nAs i ani s l andc ount r y , l oc at edi n t heI ndi anOc ean. Thi si s l andi sk nownf ori t sr es or t sandhi s t or i c als i t esl i k e; i t sNat i onalmus eum, t hepopul arF r i daymos que, t hei rf i s hmar k eti nt he c api t al , andmos t l yi t ’ s ; beac hes , bl uel agoonandex t ens i v er eef s . Thehi ghl i ghtoft heMal di v esar et hebeac hes , whi c hhav eagl owi nt heni ght , due t ot hef l uor es c enc eoft hes and, whi c hi l l umi nat est hebeac h; t hi shasat t r ac t edt our i s tf r om di f f er entc or ner soft hewor l d, mak i ngi toneoft he mos tv i s i t edi s l and.


Gr eec ei sr eal l yt ak i ngt hel ead, asMy k onosi sanot herCy c l adesi s l andof t heAegeanSea. Aswek now, i s l andus ual l yhav ebeac hes , butt hi si s l and has‘ par t ybeac hes ’ , t hePar adi s ebeac h, ands uperPar adi s ebeac har e k nownt oat t r ac tr enownedDJ ’ s , whohos tt hei rs ummerpar t i esont he beac h. I ti sal s ok nownf ort our i s m, asi t sl andmar ki nc l udesar owof16t h c ent ur ywi ndmi l l s , l oc at edonahi l labov eMy k onost own. Wi t ht hepar t i es , andt our i s t


Popul ar l yk nownast hec l ubc api t aloft hewor l d, I bi z ahasbec omef amous f ori t sni ght l i f eandel ec t r oni cmus i ct hator i gi nat edont hei s l and. I bi z ai san i s l andoft heMedi t er r aneanSea, l oc at edi neas t er nSpai n. I t ss ummerc l ub s c enehasat t r ac t edt our i s tf r om di f f er entc our s esoft hewor l d, mos tpopul arc l ub; Amnes i a, k nownf ori t sf oam r el eas e, i soneoft hemos ts or tout c l ubsi nt hewor l d. Apar tf r om c l ubs , t hes c ener yoft hei s l andal onei soutof t hi swor l d; i t sbeac hes , r es or t s , andhi s t or i c albui l di ng, al s obr i ngpeopl e r unni ngt ot hei s l and.


Ast hes hoppi ngandbus i nes sc api t aloft hewor l d, y oumi ghtnotex pec t Dubait obeont hel i s t ; butwi t hpl ac esl i k e, t heBur jKhal i f a, Bur jAlAr ab whi c hf eat ur esa‘ i nt hec l oudsr es t aur ant ’ands k ys c r apert enni sc our t , Pal m J umei r ah, DubaiMal l , Wi l dWadiwat erpar k , t hedes er tSaf ar i , andi t sunder wat erhot el s , pl eas el et ’ smak ewayf ort heQueenofal ls i t es . Themos tpopul ousc i t yi nt heUAE, l oc at edont hes out heas tc oas toft hePer s i anGul f , Dubaii sdef i ni t el yapl ac et obef oranyf or m ofhol i day s .


Caboi sawor dc ommonl yhear damongs tmos tHol l y woodc el ebr i t i es . Thi s r es or ti s l andi sont hes out her nt i pofMex i c o’ sBaj aCal i f or ni aPeni ns ul a, i ti s k nownf ori t sbeac hes , t heex ot i caquat i cl i f e, s t r uc t ur als i t esandni ght l i f e. Oneoft hehi ghpoi nt sofCabos anL uc asi s ; ‘ ElAr c oDeCabo’t r ans l at ed, ‘ t hear c hofCabo’ . I t ss c ubadi v i ngl oc at i on, at t r ac t sdi v er sandadv ent ur er f r om ar oundt hewor l d, andt hev i ewf r om t her es or t sar el i t er al l yt odi ef or . Par t i es , c oolbeac hes , andamaz i ngs i t es , Caboi soneoft hegr eat es tget awaypl ac es .


Republ i c aDomi ni c anai sas ov er ei gns t at e, whi c hoc c upi est heeas t er n f i v eei ght soft hei s l andofHi s pani ol a, i nt heCar i bbean. I fy ouwantgood s c ener y , amaz i ngweat her , godl yt an, andr i c hc ul t ur e, Domi ni c anRepubl i c i st hepl ac et obe. Wi t hs i t esl i k e; Cat al i nai s l and, Mac aobeac h, t heHi at us es ’ nat i onalpar k , F or t al ez a, andt hei rBas i l i c aCat hedr al , i ti ss af et os ay , domi ni c anahasi tal l . TheCar i bbeanbr eez eal onei senought oc ooly ourner v es andus hery out ot hatc al mnes sy ouneedwi t hy ourl ov edones , f oraper f ec t hol i day .


Ool al a, andy ouc ans ayt hatagai n. Thec ent r ef orar t , f as hi on, gas t r onomy andc ul t ur e; Par i s , t heF r enc hc api t aldes er v esar oundofappl aus ef orat t r ac t i ngt our i s mf r om al lov ert hewor l d, s i nc et he12t hc ent ur y . Wi t ht he Ei f f elTower , t heev ergl or i ousNot r eDame, Ar cdeTr i omphe, t heL ouv r e andt hegl amor ousbout i quesonRueduF aubour gSai nt Honor e, Par i si s oneoft hebes thol i days i t ef orc el ebr i t i esandel i t esar oundt hewor l d. Summer si nPar i sar et hebes t , ast heweat heri sc onduc i v eandt hel andamaz i ngl ys eemst obegr eener , gi v i ngt our i s tt hev i ewoft hei rl i v es .


I tmayc omeasas hoc kt oy oubut , Sout hEas t er nAs i ai soneoft hebes t pl ac est obe. Knownmaj or l yf orr i c epr oduc t i on, Thai l andi soneoft hebes t t r av els pot sar oundt hewor l d. Thec ount r yi sf i l l edwi t hgr eatl andmar k s l i k e; i t st r opi c albeac hesandr oc kc ol l ec t i on, di v i ngs i t es , opul entr oy alpal ac es , anc i entr ui ns , andt empl eswi t hgol dens t at uesofBuddha. El ephant bac kr i di ngi soneoft hemaj orr eas onst our i s tt r oopt ot hec ount r y , and t hei rl ar gec ol l ec t i onoft heani mal smak esi tal lt oget hert heper f ec ts pot f orav ac at i on.


Ofc our s eIhav et obr i ngi thomet oAf r i c a, t her ear eal otofgr eatpl ac eson t hec ont i nent , butTanz ani ahasgr eatt our i s tat t r ac t i on. I tboas t st hel ar ges t s af ar ii nt hewor l d, wi t hL ak eMany ar aNat i onalPar k , Ser enget iNat i onal Par kandNgor ongor owi l dl i f ec ons er v at i on. Thet r opi c albeac hesofPemba I s l and, L ak eVi c t or i aandt hehi ghes tmount ai ni nAf r i c a; MountKi l i manj ar o andi t sbr ot hermount ; MountMer u, i t sl andmar k sgoonandon. Af r i c ai s beaut i f ulandi tc annotbeav oi dev eni ft r i ed, Tanz ani apr ov est hat , andhas at t r ac t edt our i s t sov ert hey ear s . Al t hought her ear eot heramaz i ngpl ac esar oundt hewor l d, andmor et obe di s c ov er ed. Thes ear es omeoft hebes tl oc at i onst ot ourandhav eav ac at i on, wi t hy ourf ami l yandf r i endst hi ss eas on.


L oc at edont hei s l andofL agos , t heL aChampagneTr opi c anaBeac hRes or t i sar omant i candex ot i cget aways i t uat edbet weent het r opi c alL agosf or es t andex t endi ngt ot hebeac hesoft heAt l ant i cOc ean, of f er i ngav i ewoft he l agoon, whi c hi sL agospr i c edt r eas ur e. Att hi sbeac hr es or t , y ouc anenj oy t heday ; s wi mmi ng, f i s hi ng, s t r ol l i ngont hebeac handwat c hi ngt hebi r ds , j us ts oak i ngi nt hec ul t ur e. Ther af f i ac ondosandhut s , c r eat edf orf ami l i es orc oupl esi sj us tj awdr oppi ng. I ti sar el ax i ngl oc at i on, wher ey ouc anenj oy t hes paandl oc alc ui s i nest hatex pl odest as t ebuds .


TheObuduCat t l eRanc hi nCr os sRi v erSt at ei sal s ok nownast heObudu Mount ai nRes or t , anat ur alex pans eofv i r gi nf or es t sf i l l edwi t hr ar eani mal s ex t endi ngf r om Ni ger i ai nt ot heCamer oons . Cons i der i ngt heunpol l ut ed weat herher e, t henat ur als pr i ngs , t hes t r aywi l dani mal s , t het r adi t i onalc hal et s , andot herac t i v i t i ess uc hashi k i ng, gol f i ng, hor s er i di ng, andbi r d wat c hi ngamongot her s–t hi si st heper f ec tf orf ami l i esal lov ert hewor l dt o v i s i t . Thec onduc i v eweat hermak esi tc omf or t abl ef orpeopl eofdi f f er ent r ac e, mak i ngi toneoft hemos ts or t eds i t esandhol i days pot si nAf r i c a.

INTERVIEW AND PERSONALITIES bad as people portray it to be. Funny enough, we all network daily. There is networking in the educational sector, churches, in the government as so on. Network Helping hands came into Nigeria in marketing is a 21st century busi2015, to touch and change the lives ness. A business that encourages network of Nigerians. From that time till marketing gets faster results. So now, this platform has benefited a lot of Nigerians, through the diverse people should not be discouraged, I would suggest they have an open income opportunities and empowmind-set about the networking erment. business. Networking simply means, teamTo become a partner with helping hands, there are certain services you work. should be able to render; first, is the How can one join this NGO? humanitarian service, where you For you to join, you have to register reach out to the less privileged, with 6,600 and that is done once in giving them financial assistance to a lifetime. After that you introduce start up their business, or the Please introduce yourself. people to be part of the NGO, a My name is Mrs. Banku Okpa. I am orphans, empowering them with a partner with helping hands inter- educational benefits. Another is the minimum of two. trade and skill acquisition, this is national. What would you consider to be open to both partners and your greatest achievement with non-partners, where they receive When and how did you join helping hands? free skills training, on computer, helping hands? That would be, when I become a soap production, perfume making, I joined helping hands in 2014, member of the board of trustees, through the help of my elder sister. baking, etc. We have asset and which automatically makes me a property support, with the situation She happened to be the first person in the country, a lot of people find it shareholder and receiving residual to introduce me to the NGO. income for life. difficult to get a roof over their heads, talk less of a car of their own, What level have you attained Contact Mrs Banku. but because we are help partners, with this network? +234 8037643211 I am a minister with helping hands, properties are given; cars, landed Adresss. Bk international house. 170 properties, house hold properties am in stage 4 M/M highway SPC junction, Calabar and more. Cross River State Give us an insight on your basic Also, once you are a member of responsibility as a minister with helping hands, you automatically helping hands As a minister, I create more aware- qualify for our scholarship scheme, we have about 30 orphans in ness, letting people know about helping hands, how they can come Nigeria that are beneficiaries. We also have an interest/collateral in and benefit. How they can grow free loan program, as a member or as partners, how to move the partner, you can get loans from the business forward, and be empowcompany, and at the end of the ered in the society. year, you return it without interest. Tell us more about helping hands As a Member you also enjoy an all-expense paid trip occasionally to and what it stands for travel round the world and explore. Helping hands is an NGO that touches lives and empower people A lot of people have reservations in the society. The founder of about joining a network, what helping hands Mrs. Luzviminda Mac-Elvis, who is from Asia, started will you say to change their the foundation with a vision to help minds? Well, network marketing isn’t as the helpless and empower the weak. She has been able to touch lives through this initiative. And she thought it wise to reach out to the rest of the world.

Glance events & lifestyle NG November / March



Awadees at the recent car awarding ceremony in calabar

Beneficiaries of the helping hands skill aquisition workshop

Mrs Banku after receiving her card award

Humanitarian service. a visit to the orphanage led by Mrs Banku Okpa

THE HONOURABLES people. The state revenue administration bill discovering that there is low provision for internal revenue services. The Calabar city development authority bill in 2015. That bill is referred to as the greater Calabar bill. And of course the port side development agency bill. That takes care of all the tanks farm in the state. This are the major bills I’ve sponsored even though I have co-sponsored over 21 bills. KINDLY INTRODUCE YOURSELF My name is Rt. Hon. Eteng Williams. I represent Yakurr 2 and am the adviser to the speaker and also the chairman House Committee on Finance and appropriation in the Cross River State house of assembly. AS CHAIRMAN FINANCE AND APPROPRIATION, WHAT ARE YOUR MAJOR ROLES? As the Chairman Finance and appropriation I have a responsibility which is constitutionally bound to look into the budget of Cross River State. HAVE YOU SPONSORED ANY BILL FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF CROSS RIVER STATE? IF YES, KINDLY HIGHLIGHT SOME OF THE BILLS AND THEIR OBJECTIVES I have sponsored six that have been passed into law, four are still pending on the committee stages. But the one I hold dearly is the homeland safety and security bill 2016, which I was awarded for by the state governor and also I became the most outstanding member of the house in regards that bill. I also sponsored the infrastructure fund bill in 2015. Other bills include, Tax exception. Excepting the low income earners. Especially the physical challenged and those vulnerable

HAVE THIS BILLS BEEN IMPLEMENTED? They have started implementations of most of them. Like I was a co-sponsor of the PHC, that is the Primary Health Care bill, which is being talked about, the Anti-Kidnapping is on, and so is the Infrastructure fund, the Homeland security is waiting for the reverse budget, the vehicles have been procured. HOW DO YOU MANAGE THE APPROPRIATION OF THE STATE’S FUND? I don't manage the fund, I only appropriate. We have a committee set up for that. It is our responsibility as a House of Assembly. The executive body manages the fund. CAN YOU SAY THE STATE’S FUNDS HAVE BEEN WELL MANAGED SO FAR? I'd say yes, the state fund is what is provided, the budget is just an estimate. Cross River State is one of the few state's that pay salaries as at when due. So for me, a civil service state like Cross River State who has a government that has the civil servants interest at heart is wonderful. So for a media resources and for a recess economy, the state's fund are well managed.

GIVING THAT THERE IS PAUCITY OF FUNDS IN THE STATE, HOW DOES THIS ADMINISTRATION INTEND TO ACHIEVE ITS GOALS OF DELIVERING GOOD ROADS, (LIKE THE SUPER HIGHWAY) AND THE DEEP SEA PORT TO CROSS RIVERIANS. That is the biggest challenge, the challenge of how to carry out all the things that we've embarked because even from top to down, we are on recess, we need to accept that. The APC government has not helped either. But that has not deterred us. This is why we are thinking out of the box to bring in investors to the state and also development partners. Because what we get internally can't sustain us. HOW CAN THE STATE BOOST ITS INTERNALLY GENERATED REVENUE? For us as legislators, that is why we come up with the laws that assist, we create a lot of money agencies. I call them that, because their major duty is to look for funds without over taxing our people. Agencies like the wolf landing. We are coming up with Agencies that will boost the revenue of the state. WHAT PRINCIPLES DO YOU LIVE BY? Believe in God and be truthful, God first.

Glance events & lifestyle NG November / March



KINDLY INTRODUCE YOUR SELF By the grace of God, I am Rt, Hon Moses Ushie Ucheche, I represent Obanliku state constituency and by His grace, A leader of the House of Assembly, Cross River State. AS LEADER OF THE HOUSE, WHAT ARE YOUR MAJOR ROLES? As leader, I have a responsibility to see the coordination of activities of member’s both during primaries and during community meetings. And every other engagement that the House has with the outside community or constituent. To see how we liaise with other government establishment on behalf of the house. WHAT ARE YOUR VISIONS AS A LEGISLATOR AND WHAT DO YOU INTEND TO ACHIEVE AS A MEMBER OF THE HOUSE? Principally, am here as a legislator with a desire to contribute to the development and prosperity of the society at large, as well as the observation of fundamental rights of the citizenry. It is paramount to ensure that rules and regulation are provided to facilitate the standards that ought to be obtained in an enlightened society. Besides this, am here to make sure that the rights and interest of the people of Obanliku and well protected and presented to the House of Assembly.

WHAT LED YOU INTO POLITICS? Strangely, at my first degree level. I studied political science and public administration, which offered me the opportunity to engage in student politics. And my experience at that level, aroused my consciousness to be more active politically. Seeing that I’ve always had passion to serve my people at all levels, when the opportunity finally showed up, I diligently joined the political train. Even though it wasn't easy, God was in charge and am here today. AS LEADER, WE BELIEVE YOU HAVE SPONSORED BILLS THAT MAY HAVE BEEN PASSED INTO LAW, CAN YOU GIVE US AN INSIGHT INTO SOME OF THEM? One of the Major bills I’ve contributed to as a leader of the house, apart from appropriation bills which have been passed into law, is the center for citizen’s right and public defender. This bill provides a platform for indigent members of the society to seek for justice. Though I have co-sponsored quite a number of bills, the second bill which am passionate about and would soon be passed into law is the Criminal Justice and administration bill in Cross River State. This bill is still at the committee stage and it will provide a platform for both judicial and investigative officers as well as the general public. This bill will enlighten the public to know the limits of their rights and their responsibilities. There are more bills, but this two are central. AS LEADER OF THE HOUSE, HOW WOULD YOU RATE THIS ASSEMBLY RELATIVELY? As a publisher and a media house, am sure you are aware that the assembly has made giant strides in legislation. We have just rounded up a number of bills that have been sponsored by all members of

the house, and if put together cumulatively we are moving on the fast lane. But asking me to rate the house would be inappropriate. All I’ll say is we have performed optimally with about 25 bills passed into law. CAN GLANCE MAGAZINE PEEP INTO THE THOUGHT OF THE ASSEMBLY REGARDING GROWING THE STATE’S ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY? We have dedicated a special committee in regards that, giving prudence to the fact that, we know that is one source of revenue for the state. Seeing that we no longer benefit from the oil revenue. The entertainment industry in the state, as it is evolving is one area that we are interested in and we always give attention to any issue regarding it. HOW DO YOU FEEL WHEN IMPEACHMENT MOVES ARE MADE? As leader, I don't pray for it, because it's one of my duties to coordinate a mutual understanding between members. So it’s a worrisome situation when faced with it. I think it should also be seen as a last resort, because impeachment can create dis harmony. So I try as much as I can with the help of God and His wisdom not to encourage discourse. WHAT LIVE PRINCIPLES DO YOU LIVE BY? Humility! In everything you do as human, humble yourself. It might be taken for granted, or as a sign of weakness or timidity. Humility is all you need to be a great leader.

Glance events & lifestyle NG November / March


RITA DOMINIC “Talk fabulous, talk Rita” Being one of our favourite Nollywood stars, Rita Dominic never fails to marvel us with her glamorous styles. This sultry film star, and AMAA (Africa Movie Academy Award) winner takes fashion to a whole other level. She sure knows how to ‘shake and move’ red carpets and the internet, with outfits that are ‘to die for’. Over the years, her style evolved, and as a known workout goddess; her body gives other ladies a run for their money. It is evident as; gracing the front cover of GENEVIEVE Magazine, and being named amongst the top stylish Nollywood actress in THIS DAY Magazine, is definitely not a day’s work. And we cannot take our eyes off her golden face and ice melting smile; let the breeze in, because its hot and totally fierce. From gowns to casual, traditional attires, and ‘even TURBANS?’, Rita has been able to captivate the minds of her fans and viewers, she has also gained the respect and admiration of top fashion icons in the industry. We see you Rita. Slay on!

FOLARIN ‘FALZ’ FALANA FALZ HAS BEEN CALLED TO BAR!!! And from the look of things, it was definitely the bar of Fashion. A popular singer, song writer, actor, rapper and television presenter, and known son of renowned lawyers, there is no doubt where he gets his dapper grooming and exciting style from. Falz broke into the scene, putting smiles on faces across the country, and also inspiring major fashion trends amongst youths and even some daddies. He sure brings the sexy back and he does it effortlessly; the shoes, the hats, his well sculpted body, the ‘jaw dropping’ outfits he displays; from red carpets to social media, television shows, and even normal days hanging out with the guys; Falz shows us why he is called “the bahd guy”. Not forgetting the signature glasses, that sits in the right place perfectly. With accessories and outfits that knock you off your feet, constant entertainment and humour, a clothing line, and a BET Award to crown it, he sincerely merits the spot on the fashion crush list.

Glance events & lifestyle NG November / March


with George Wonah

CHANGING LANES e sat in the dimly lit café waiting for her. The wait afforded him another opportunity to rehearse his already edited speech several times and make modifications where necessary. Today, he thought to himself, he was going to bare his heart and hoped that it would amount to something to her, assuage his pent up feelings and possibly save his relationship… he doubted if he could still refer to it as that. He caught a whiff of her perfume “Black’ by Kenneth Cole and wondered for the umpteenth time why she preferred masculine fragrances because if it wasn’t Black, it was BVLGARI Man. His heart skipped several beats as she approached. “Gosh” he whispered under his breath. He had always been mesmerized by her brown eyes, chubby round face, dimpled fingers and the baby fat that encapsulated and made her so damn adorable. Francis couldn’t help reminiscing… it all started with a dare whilst they were chatting on bbm. “Francis, if you aren’t shy, step up to me tonight after our play at the New Arts Theatre Unical, take me out to dinner and see if I won’t drown you with my awesomeness and leave you gasping for breath afterwards”. “It’s so on baby” was his response. They met at the entrance to NAT, bought their tickets and took seats at the back row. The semi-dark hall lent credence to the already budding magic of the night. Hip to hip, thigh to thigh, shoulder to

shoulder they sat, at first unsure of what to say, how to begin, where to begin. After a brief awkward moment of silence which in reality seemed like eternity, the seams barely holding the words burst open and they just couldn’t stop talking. Movies, books, politics, sports, celebrities, Tv shows, fashion, gospel, romance, revelations, the second coming, nothing seemed prosaic or boring to either pair of ears.

closer, he had to have her. He was jolted out of his reverie and back to reality by two taps to his wrist. He had it so bad that he didn’t even realize Nkese had reached him and pulled up a seat in front of him. “Thank you for accepting to see me”, he quickly offered, he cleared his throat and without any further pause to recollect his thoughts launched into his epic speech.

The night sped on and the play which they hardly noticed came to an end at which time it was apparently too late “What I’m about to say is based on for dinner. some months of observation and not necessarily one of those hasty

He hailed her a cab. Moments later he got home, was about to text and thank her for an incredibly revealing evening when he noticed that she had updated her display picture. What was now on display was the picture of a couple kissing with the words, ‘there is no way in hell I can be just friends with you’, he couldn’t contain the smile that spread itself across his face. He had a moment of epiphany which led to the realization that Nkese was much too phenomenal to be just a rebound tool. There were hidden layers of depth to her that he wished to explore, the whole slutty Barbie appearance was just a façade and he needed to know more, he had to get

conclusions you’re so quick to accuse me of jumping into. I have neither the strength nor willpower for another fight so please don’t take anything I say out of context or assign it unintended meaning. I stand to be corrected, but I’m sensing a yawning gap between us. Things are no longer the way they once were. I’m also having the feeling that you are no longer enjoying this relationship; it would appear that you’re no longer happy in it and with me. I feel you gradually pulling away from me. You no longer talk to me, you hardly respond to my pings, you don’t laugh at my jokes or tell me how funny you think I am and how content you are to be my girl.

Glance events & lifestyle NG November / March


You’ve suddenly become too busy to take my calls or even call back when you miss them. In addition to this, whatever I do or say these days seem to piss you off… I don’t wish to turn into something that disgusts you or have you resent and further avoid me, so if you’re no longer happy with me, kindly tell me. If it’s something about me you need me to change, as usual, I am willing to try. But if you’ve concluded that you’re happier and better off without my annoying presence in your life tell me. As much as I don’t wish for this to end, I’d hate to turn into something you look upon with a growing feeling of resentment instead of love and respect. I’ve searched myself deeply and can’t for the life of me figure out where I went wrong or what I did to make you turn so cold and mean towards me.

doubt me after all the sacrifices I’ve made. I ended a two year relationship just to be with you, this should at least count for something. Or are you subtly passing on a message? Have you had enough of me and wish to dump me? Is that what this is about? How can you even imagine my love for you has waned when you’re the one too busy for me these days! I spent days and weeks at home doing nothing but think about you and here you are telling me this crap. You’ve really hurt me tonight. You were busy; I had to find something to occupy myself with so I don’t go crazy. Anyways, I’ve got to run, I’ll call you later”, and with that she got up and flew out of the café.

“They met at the entrance to NAT, bought their tickets and took seats at the back row. The semi-dark hall lent credence to the already budding magic of the night. Hip to hip, thigh to thigh, shoulder to shoulder they sat, at first unsure of what to say, how to begin, where to begin. After a brief awkward moment of silence which in reality seemed like eternity, the seams barely holding the words burst open and they just couldn’t stop talking. Movies, books, politics, sports, celebrities, Tv shows, fashion, gospel, romance, revelations, the second coming, nothing seemed prosaic or boring to either pair of ears”

To be continued.

I called you here today because I need closure, if this is the end of ‘us’ please have the decency to tell me and stop avoiding me, just lay the truth on me so that I can have my life back because as it were, my entire life seems to be on hold, thank you”. “Francis”, she began, are you done? Acknowledging his nod with her own she went on. “I’m actually late for a meeting. I’ve heard all you’ve said and must register my displeasure and disappointment at the fact that you still

Glance events & lifestyle NG November / March



MIRACLE BABIES AFTER My name is Mrs Nkebem U. I, I was 51 years of age at the time I delivered my first set of babies. I had my first daughter 1989. After the birth of my first daughter, I have had about twelve pregnancies which I miscarried. Which made me channelled the life of Hannah, and I started attending Shiloh in the year 1999, but in 2005, I went with an expectation. I prayed and prepared fervently towards the program, before the major program, I was in church listening to the word, I picked the word ‘faith’, and that kept me going through it all. I read a lot of motivational books to lift my spirit, during those difficult times, and they really helped and I kept on telling myself; ‘I will not be barren’. I went over to Shiloh with a friend, a Deaconess, and together we reassured ourselves that our miracles are coming. At the program we were asked to tell God what we want, to design our children; I went on to ask for triplets, although my husband was not there with me, I picked three names arranging


them in this order; David (son). Deborah (daughter), and Samuel (son), sowing a sacrificial seed to back it up. I told myself that as I go back to Calabar I would be pregnant, I had a vision of receiving my babies, but something just came and swipe them away, but I did not end it there, I prayed to claim them back. I went back home to Calabar and told my husband about everything, I told him to review the design of our babies, he laughed but he supported me through it. I had already given up my one month salary, sowing it as a sacrificial seed. I kept up with the faith, and after three (3) months, I went to the doctor after feeling slightly odd, and they confirmed I was pregnant. Before this I has my last period, were I was in so much pain, that my daughter had to give me drugs to stop. The next month the menstrual cycle seized, and I know what it means when you are trying to have a baby, but I got pregnant even without the menstrual cycle and it was a very happy

moment for me. After five months and two weeks, when I was getting excited that the delivery date was close, problems started. The due date drew near but there was no sign of labour, I then went for a scan; and reports confirmed there were no babies in my womb anymore, yet I haven’t miscarried any child. We went to other medical practitioners who gave us the same report, we were dumbfounded by the result but I did not give up.

Glance events & lifestyle NG November / March


I kept on going for different scans and tests telling doctors I was pregnant and they should check me, until a doctor got angry and told me to leave his office, he said i should stop deceiving my husband and go home; that was when I decided I would not go to a public hospital for tests anymore. Husband; if we had, had our babies then (when my wife got pregnant), they would have been 10 years of age by now, probably in secondary school. After some years, I was diagnosed of malaria and I went to a hospital, I begged the doctor not to give me any strong medication because I was pregnant, but he refused and did as he wished. I took the drugs to a matron who suggested another drugs, which would help me, and even cause the baby to move. I started feeling movements and I went for a final test, after the test, the doctor at the private hospital which I was recommended to said; madam, ‘you did not tell me you were coming with a male child’ (A’boy). I was shocked at his statement but very excited, the tests also confirm that there was a build of excreta in my tummy and they had to evacuate the baby fast that was how I delivered my son David. Few weeks after the birth of David, as I was observing the routine morning tummy massage was when I experienced another movement in my tummy, I told my sister I think there is another baby here, (My tummy), she then took me to the hospital to confirm it. Getting to the hospital, no one was interested in hearing me out, because I just had a baby, they were not convinced that I could have another child almost immediately, they concluded there was no baby. After so much pressure from my side, they requested money for

another test which confirmed there was indeed another baby. And that was how we welcomed our daughter Deborah. Husband; David was born on the 7th of August, while Deborah came on the 5th of September. People started questioning the birth of our children due to the one-month gap, saying they are twins and were meant to arrive on the same day, but they did not know what they were in for. They were not aware of the kind of God we serve. After more than a year, back in

Uyo, my cousin was driving me around the market, I was shopping for David and Deborah, when I felt a little funny. My cousin took me back to my sister’s house, where I was resting. I was supposed to be back to Calabar then, but the car brakes were having issues. My sister left me to go to church, when I started feeling funny again. I called my older sister back home, which asked that my younger sister search for a nurse within, when they arrived, they told me I was in labour and the baby was coming immediately. They asked for a lot of things like; cotton wool, some sanitary

products which we did not have because we never expecting another baby. I told them I want to go to Calabar, because I was no longer comfortable, but they advised against it. Immediately I sent my cousin to the pharmacy to get whatever it was they needed. The house was already sparkling clean and sanitised, in a period of minutes, I held my baby, Samuel in my arms, he came this year on the 1st of June. Husband; Samuel is still a baby, while David and Deborah resumed school in September at

the crèche level. The children are very healthy and they have not had any issue since their birth.


Glance events & lifestyle NG November / March



Ma u r e e nK e n n e d y


l i ps t i c kwhi c hof t ent i mesl eads don' tt hi nkIwoul dwantt o t obuy i ngmor ec ol or st han c hanget hef ac tt hatIam a nec es s ar y , t ot heobl i gat or y womanf orany t hi ng. Il ov e " mont hl y "pur c has est oex penbei ngawoman, Il ov ewear i ngmy s i v eper f umes . ( Iam s ur emen c ut edr es s es . Il ov eget t i ngdol l ed l ov ewomenwhos mel lgood! ) . up, Imean: t her ei ss omet hi ng Whataboutt hos ec r az i l ybeauaboutgoodmak eupt hatmak esy ou t i f ulheel s , wedgesandpumps ? f eelpr et t yonanugl yday . Il ov et o t r endyc l ot hesandwhat not s . wearmyl i nger i e, c ookonhi gh heel s , andgetmyhai rdonef orno We of t en r eas onatal l . ( Iwon' tt r adet he hav el oads powerofbei ngawomanf orany o f s h o es t hi ng. ) a n d Menc angoaheadandc ompl ai n l ot hes , aboutt hec os tofdat i ng, t her ec an c b u t y o u s hak et hei rheadsal lt heywant . ButI eeus woul dl i k et os t at ec l ear l yt hatbei ng s a goni z awomani sr el at i v el yex pens i v e. ngov erwhats hoest owear Cons i der i ngt heamountofmoney i andwhatout f i tt owear , and wes pendonbeaut ypr oduc t s . a t t h e s a me t i me s u l k i n g Bas edonmyt hought s , t her ear e i ngenough. l ot soff emi ni nei t emswomenhav e aboutnothav L OL !t hebeaut yofbei nga t opur c has epermont h, whi c hpr ob- ( w o ma n , w e a l w a y s n e e d new abl ywoul dnev eroc c urt oaman. s hoesandnewout f i t s ) . I nr eal i t y , womennev ers t op Iam t al k i ngaboutl i v i ngasa b u y i n g . Me n c o u l d ma k e d o womanondai l ybas i s , i s , s i mpl y wi t habarofs oap, butwomen mak i ngour s el v espr es ent abl e. I t pec i alc l eans erf or c omesatapr i c e, r angi ngf r om t he needas hei rf ac es , oh!Wegof or pur c has eofbeaut ypr oduc t s , pay - t bodywas ht oc l eanour s el v es . mentf orhai r do, mani c ur e/pedi t ' sunl i k el yf oramant ogo c ur e, f i ndi ngt heper f ec ts hadesof I

c hoos i ngapar t i c ul arbr andofpr oduc tf orhi ss k i n. Tot hem, Soapi s s oap, al ot i oni sal ot i on, anda c ombi sac omb. ( L OL ) . Asi fbei ngawomani snotdi f f i c ul t enough, y ous t i l lhearmenc ompl ai ni ngabouthowmuc ht hey s pendont hei rl adi es , howmany beaut ypr oduc t sdot heyhav et o buyi nas i ngl e mont h?Now, c ompar et he pr i c eofmal e undi est o f emal eundi es ! Thedi f f er enc e i shi gh, c ons i der t hec os tofa br a, k nowi ng t hatanav er agewomanhasatl eas t ei ghtbr ass hewear sr egul ar l y . Sol adi es , t henex tt i mey ouheara manc ompl ai ni ngofhowmuc hhe s pendsonhi swoman, mak ehi m under s t andt hatbei ngawomani s f r i ggi ngex pens i v e. And, unt i li tbec omesac c ept abl ef orust ogetout ofbedands t ar tourdaywi t han unk epthai r , af adedpai rofj eans , a wor noutdr es s / t opandapai rof wor nouts hoes , onl yt henc anwe putt hei s s ueofr el at i v eex pens est o r es t .


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