100% Free, Local & Independent
January 24, 2024
Heatwave can’t wipe these smiles First day of school pics inside.
L oc al Ne ws
Kilcoy teen’s Oz Open trip of a lifetime p3
C ommuni ty Ne ws
Golfers in overdrive for charity p5
Hands up for new mayor Somerset councillor promises to ‘take up the fight’ if voted in SOMERSET Councillor Sean Choat has confirmed he will stand for election as Mayor at the local government elections to be held on March 16. The councillor has received encouragement
from across the community to step up to the Mayoral position, after the announcement Cr Graeme Lehmann will retire at the 2024 poll. Cr Choat said he thinks Council needs to do some
things better, naming road improvement, promoting the region for business and tourism, and supporting the important agriculture sector as his priorities. “Ratepayers’ money must be spent wisely and Council
must ensure residents get value for money in every Council decision,” he said. He does, however, acknowledge Council had done some good work in its last term and is in sound financial shape.
Having a strong balance sheet is important to keep rates under control, build and maintain infrastructure, as well as provide the facilities and services people want, he said. Story p3
Softballer manages the Heat p20
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PLEASE GIVE DAVID A CALL to discuss the current market or for any of your livestock requirements.
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