Introduction to Pedagogy and Andragogy

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Introduction to Pedagogy and Andragogy Gina Fiorella Lavagnino Viaud


Contenido Statement of Purpose ......................................................................................................................... 4 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 4 Pedagogy- Andragogy 2015 ................................................................................................................ 5 Introduction: ................................................................................................................................... 5 Video: Andragogy (Adult Learning) ........................................................................................... 25 Video: Sporlight on‌ Malcolm Knowles.................................................................................... 26 Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... 27 Theories of Learning Presentation .................................................................................................... 28 Introduction: ................................................................................................................................. 28 Behaviorism ................................................................................................................................. 31 Video: Behaviorism 101 ............................................................................................................ 36 Cognitivism................................................................................................................................... 37 Video: Cognitive learning theorists ........................................................................................... 38 Video: Use a Learning Theory: Cognitivism ............................................................................... 44 The Individual vs. the Environment............................................................................................... 45 Social Learning Theory .................................................................................................................. 46 Video: Social-Cognitive Theories of Learning ............................................................................ 50 Museum of Adult Learning Presentation .......................................................................................... 51 PBL a Scenario, Andragogy vs Pedagogy: an investigation of praxis................................................. 51 Video: Adult Learning in Under Minutes................................................................................... 51 Video: Adult Learning Principles ............................................................................................... 52 Video: Motivating Adult Learners.wmv .................................................................................... 52 Video: The Psychology of Self-Motivation ................................................................................ 54 Conclusion: .................................................................................................................................... 57 Whole-Part-Whole Learning Process. ............................................................................................... 58 Introduction: ................................................................................................................................. 58 Conclusion: .................................................................................................................................... 71 From Teacher to Facilitator of Learning, Chapter 13 (Malcolm S. Knowles, 2005) .......................... 72 Introduction: ................................................................................................................................. 72 Conclusion: .................................................................................................................................... 72


Making Things Happen by Releasing the Energy of Others, Chapter 14 (Malcolm S. Knowles, 2005) ........................................................................................................................................................... 73 Introduction: ................................................................................................................................. 73 Conclusion: .................................................................................................................................... 74 Learning Contract. ............................................................................................................................. 75 Introduction: ................................................................................................................................. 75 Video: Learning Contracts ......................................................................................................... 80 Conclusion: .................................................................................................................................... 89 Core Competencies Diagnostic and Planning Guide ......................................................................... 90 Introduction: ................................................................................................................................. 90 Video: Learning Styles ............................................................................................................. 110 Conclusion: .................................................................................................................................. 130 Personal Adult Learning Style Inventory. ........................................................................................ 131 Introduction: ............................................................................................................................... 131 Video: Grouping ...................................................................................................................... 142 Video: Comparing Traditional Teaching and Constructivism .................................................. 149 Conclusion: .................................................................................................................................. 151 A Theory of Effective Computer-Based Instruction for Adults........................................................ 152 Introduction: ............................................................................................................................... 152 Conclusion: .................................................................................................................................. 190 Mona Liza Smile .............................................................................................................................. 191 Video: Mona Liza Smile ........................................................................................................... 191 Analysis........................................................................................................................................ 191 Introduction: ............................................................................................................................... 191 Analysis:....................................................................................................................................... 191 Conclusion: .................................................................................................................................. 192 International Research Foundation and the Implication for the Practice of Education with Adults. ......................................................................................................................................................... 194 Introduction: ............................................................................................................................... 194 Video: Adult Learning Theory.................................................................................................. 200 Video: The 6 Adult Learning Principles ................................................................................... 203 Conclusion: .................................................................................................................................. 210 2

Final Conclusion .............................................................................................................................. 211 ANEXES ............................................................................................................................................ 212 APA Paper Format ....................................................................................................................... 212 How to Write a Summary in 8 Easy Steps. .................................................................................. 212 Helpful-guide-to-essay-writing.pdf ............................................................................................. 212 How to Analyze an Article to Write a… Essay, doc ...................................................................... 212 How to write a Film Analysis Essay, doc...................................................................................... 212 The Adult Learning a 4-2pdf ........................................................................................................ 212 Bibliografía .......................................................................................................................................... 0


Statement of Purpose The purpose to enrolled in this course was to learn more about how to apply the different pedagogy theories, strategies, skills and methodologies in the adult learning process (andragogy), trying to understand the differences between the characteristics of the children learning process and needs and the adult ones.

Introduction The following e-portfolio aims to show the primary differences between andragogy and pedagogy, first presenting a historical context in order to connect the reader to the different theories of learning developed through the time due the needs of students. In addition, it also will show the different learning styles, both pedagogical and andragogical, in order the reader to understand the main differences between both. One of the main ideas of this e-portfolio is to present the process of learning in adults, showing diverse techniques and strategies to better understand the mindset and the specific needs of adults that must face in their working lives to a globalized world, which requires them to an education or training, and are constantly on the need to find ways and means to prepare, not only to face the world but also the new generations.


Pedagogy- Andragogy 2015 Introduction: The presentation will show you why of the importance of being a teacher and some significant reasons to enjoy that work, it also pretends to explore some tasks that a teacher should face to be an extraordinary guide. It also will present the mainly differences between pedagogy and andragogy so readers can differ between them, knowing the history and theories from each. February, 22nd. 2015





















Video: Andragogy (Adult Learning) Go to:

The following timeline is going to demonstrate the evolution of the Andragogy, depending on different theories and authors.

As we can notice, andragogy is really a new term and it is also in study process which means that other ideas are going to appear and that we must have an open mind to learn more. 25

Video: Sporlight on‌ Malcolm Knowles Go to:


The following mind map is going to organize the ideas presented by Malcolm Knowles about his study of andragogy, he divides their ideas in different sub-items so we can understand the specific characteristics of it.

Conclusion As we notice, the differences between pedagogy and andragogy are very light, that’s why it is very important to clearly understand the meaning, importance of the history and the characteristics of each and the relationship between them. In my case, it was also interesting to recognize in the classroom how students’ needs depends on the careers they are going to continue when they graduate from high school, and that they show specific characteristics that begin to demonstrate how they are changing from children to adults. 27

Theories of Learning Presentation Introduction: In the next presentation we will learn more about some theories of learning, like the Behaviorism, the Cognitive Learning Theory and the Social Learning Theory, making a comparison between them, beginning with the operational definition of them, the history and how that affected, affects and will affect the learning process form the students. March 1st. 2015










Video: Behaviorism 101


Go to:




Video: Cognitive learning theorists

Go to:







Video: Use a Learning Theory: Cognitivism

Go to:


The Individual vs. the Environment


Social Learning Theory





Video: Social-Cognitive Theories of Learning

Go to:


March 7th. 2015

Museum of Adult Learning Presentation Go to:

PBL a Scenario, Andragogy vs Pedagogy: an investigation of praxis Go to: Video: Adult Learning in Under Minutes

Go to:


Video: Adult Learning Principles Go to:

Video: Motivating Adult Learners.wmv Go to:



Video: The Psychology of Self-Motivation

Go to:

Video Analysis: The Psychology of Self-Motivation Scott Geller, in his video “The Psychology of Self-Motivation�, presents the self-motivation in a different and interesting way. He shows us how motivation is more than a simple fact in the education or training, and presents it as something beyond boundaries, that all the teachers and employees should take to improve, not only the learning process, but also the production and the quality of service. He also speaks about the leaders, and how they inspire us to, through motivation, achieve the call of duty and do more than we should do, only because we want to do it. In this video, he tries to explain us how to make this happen, not only for students, workers, but also for ourselves by the empowerment, that is, to give the power to the people to do the best, only by the self-motivation.


In the first part, he focuses in three clue questions to let the listeners analyze their empowerment or self-motivation. The first question is: “Can you do it?”, called by Bandura “itself-efficacy”, that means that we must have the ability to recognize if we have the time, the knowledge and the training to reach the goals set, also to identify our faults and how to modify them, besides using our qualities to convince ourselves that we can do it. The second one is: “Will it work?” called by Bandura “Response efficacy”, in my opinion, learners must be motivated, and know why they are doing that and for what, setting clear objectives that could be reach with a little bit of effort or extra effort, but with the security of having the enough theoretical knowledge and the practical experience to achieve them. And the third one is: “Is it worth?”, called by Skinner “Selection by consequences”, I think that nobody would do anything if it isn´t worth, people will be motivated and empowerment if they know that reaching the goals will have a good or positive consequences. I consider, that these questions, the training question, the educational question and the motivating question, were explained clearly and very specific for anyone, doesn´t matter the educational level; they can be analyze them and use them to modify the behavior of students, workers and oneself, to maintain a positive attitude, be motivated and able to take the power to achieve their personal, business and social goals. Then, Scott Geller speaks about the Cs words, and how important they are to increase the self-motivation. The five “C word” are: consequences, competent, choice, community and control. How he explain, I can say that all these words are related; by nature, people is social, that means that we must be with other people, in community, respecting rules, feeling and thoughts; that’s why, we must be competent, not only in the academic area, also in values and actions, to make choices with freedom to improve our personal, labor and social goals, knowing that, depending on the choices taken, there are going to be positive or negative consequences, but we must have always the control of our decisions. If you can manage these 5 C words, you will be motivated to enjoy your learning process 55

and/or your job and try to increase your knowledge, to be more competent and reach your purposes. In the third part of the video, he shows us how self-motivation can help us in the learning or training process. He shows us with a simple example, how to learn to play drum; how being motivated made her learn to play it. I will make an analogy, and compare this process with the English learning process of paragraph writing. Some students ask you to help them to write an essay, their consequence is to get into a specific university, but they don´t know how to write a paragraph, so they get interested in learning how to do it. They begin choosing a topic, then they write a topic sentences and writing some related sentences, but without any sequence or unity; so the teacher ask them to improve the sentences and practice using transition symbols to connect them and write the paragraph with fluency. Students learn how to order them, then, they read the “paragraphâ€? and the teacher motivates them to analyze if they can add more information or give some examples. At this time, the teacher must recognize the good work form the students, but also show them, that they must improve somethings. As they are motivated because they have a goal to achieve, they make the changes they need, to improve the paragraph. When they notice that they could write their first paragraph, they continue practicing so they achieve their goal writing the complete essay. This is easy example, shoes us how being motivated can make you change your mind and try to reach their aims. In conclusion, Scott Geller shows us how to be self-motivated, giving us some tools to help students, coworkers and ourselves to improve our empowerment, constantly making a self-evaluation of our self-motivation by making the three questions and changing the results if they are not good. We must also take care of the C words, to be always in control of our life, working together with others and respecting them, and of course, as teachers, we must be


more careful in guiding our students to be motivated to improve their learning process and be competent.

Conclusion: As we could notice, all the theories were based in a the concern to reach a better learning process in the students, depending in the needs from each time and the ways how the societies demanded to be educated according to their thought, feeling and needs. It is also interesting to recognize that all the children and adult learning is based on the mixture of some or all the learning theories, because we always need or use some behaviorism theory techniques, a lot of constructivism theory techniques and of course social learning theory techniques to maintain our students motivated to make them enjoy their proper learning process.


Whole-Part-Whole Learning Process. Introduction: In this part, readers will learn some tools and teaching methods to support adult learning process, one of it is the Whole-Part-Whole that is based on different activities. Readers will learn about the theory of the method to understand how useful it is to be apply in any plan to help adults in their learning process, taking care of, taking into account the learning styles of each person. April 18th, 2015














The following page shows some questions that make us analyze if we understood the topic.

Conclusion: As we notice, there are different tools and methodologies that can be use in the adult learning process, taking care on the specific needs from each student and their personal, social and economic environment, always thinking in how to help them to be motivated in the process. This kind of technique is very useful to guide the students so they can reach their competencies, not only a single theory learning, but the application of that theory in their life environment. The wholepart-whole technique makes the students begin their learning process with what they already know (pre-knowledge) and changes their knowledge with new information that complete or change the one that they had; it is very applicable in andragogy, because adults have not only the knowledge, but also the experience. 71

From Teacher to Facilitator of Learning, Chapter 13 (Malcolm S. Knowles, 2005) Go to:

Introduction: This chapter from the book will show us how to change the mind of been a teacher, like in a behavior theory, to a facilitator in a contemporary learning, that will help and guide the students in their learning process. The following mind map shows the mainly characteristics from the teacher and the facilitator with the idea readers can compare them.

Conclusion: It is interesting to notice how most of the teachers continue thinking in transfer the information to their students, not allowing the students to be critical and analytical and become independent in their learning process, that´s why it is very important to know the characteristics from a good facilitator, because in now days, the learning process is based in competencies, so the facilitator must help and guide the students or employees in their learning process to reach the competencies they need to be competitive in their life. 72

Making Things Happen by Releasing the Energy of Others, Chapter 14 (Malcolm S. Knowles, 2005) Go



Introduction: This chapter will explain us some characteristics that positive leaders should have to be not only a good facilitator, but also a good employer, administrator and trainer, and know how good leaders believe in others to make them feel motivated in all the activities they do to improve their abilities to be competitive. The following mind map shows a summary of the leaders’ characteristics and qualities they should have.


Conclusion: As we analyze in this chapter, we can notice how good leaders can manage not only the educative part of a company, but also the administrative part, thinking always in how to create a positive environment to make the employees fell motivated, because in that way, they will like to know and learn new things that would help the company to increase in the economy part and in the ecological environment to have happy employees.


Learning Contract. Introduction: Another helping tool to the adult learning process in the Learning Contract, that will help the student to be organized in their learning process, with this presentation readers will learn step by step how to make a contract between a tutor or guide and the student, so the learner will organize not only the time of learning but also their objectives focused in the competency they need to have to be competitive in their environment. April 26th. 2015






Video: Learning Contracts

Go to:









This is an example of a Learning Contract which can help your students to organize their learning process.


Conclusion: With this presentation we learn how to guide adult learners to organize their learning process, not only depending in their academic needs, also paying attention to their time and competencies, diagnosing their learning needs, specifying their learning objectives, learning resources and strategies, and the evidence of accomplishment, requiring the evidence that will be validated, reviewing their contract with consultants, carrying it out and evaluating their learning. This kind of contract can be also apply to students in projects methodology, because they should organize their time and learning needs with the help of the teacher.


Core Competencies Diagnostic and Planning Guide Introduction: The following presentation will make readers think and analyze their greatest strength and weakness they have to perform in a specific role as adult educator/trainer, checking one by one the cores each one needs. We will analyze the educator as a learning facilitator, in a conceptual and theoretical framework as adult learning, designing and implementing learning experiences, helping learners become self-directing; the educator as program developer, underlining the planning process, designing and operating programs; as an administrator, understanding organizational development and maintenance and understanding program administration.





















Video: Learning Styles

Go to:



















The following mind map is a summary of the important information of the core competency presentation, so the readers can organize their ideas in a different way.


Core Competencies Diagnostic and Planning Guide Synthesis In this presentation, we could learn more about the abilities that a teacher should have to be a learning facilitator; they must select methods, techniques and material, design and implement learning experiences and opportunities to help the learners to assume their responsibility in their learning process, for example in planning, organizing activities and choosing correct evaluation methods depending to the necessities of the students and/or organization. We could also learn about the competencies that a program developer must mature, in the way he/she can make a good mapping of the process, to have it clear and organized, knowing how to guide their students in their learning process and evaluate them when necessary, so they can define if they need more information and/or practice, or if they can continue with their learning. He/she must also build, design, plan, assess and the most important develop the operating programs to help the students to increase their knowledge so the organization increase their production or give a good service. And obviously, as an administrator, understanding the organizational development and maintenance, designing programs to adapt them to different environments, implementing actions to ensure the educational philosophy of the organization, maintaining a continuous renewal of the process, delegating the planning process and analyzing the different situations and positive and negative decisions, taken by the managements and/or the trainers, and the/she must also understand the program administration, designing and operating programs, knowing the economical capacity that the organization has to acquire material or technology, interpreting new approaches to train the employees and having a good relationship with the colleagues, preparing grant proposals and innovating new programs after assessing the program result. It is important to know that the contemporary education is based on competencies or abilities that the people must show in a real environment, such as in different kind of organizations and


companies, that´s why the capacitation must be focus on competencies and not in theory without meaningful application.

Conclusion: As we notice, there some specific cores that the educator must have to be competent in the different areas of the company, if you follow them, you could take advantage of your strengths and improve them, but also pay attention to the weakness, to modify them and change into strengths.


Personal Adult Learning Style Inventory. Introduction: In the before presentations, we have learn that they are different learning styles, but in this chapter or presentation readers will analyze, by a test, what kind of learner is, a traditional one or a contemporary. Readers will answer the test while they will learn some theory and watch some examples about the 4 learning styles, some learning tools and methods, such as the grouping, and the theories of learning.












Video: Grouping

Go to:








Video: Comparing Traditional Teaching and Constructivism

Go to:



Conclusion: The before presentation made us think in the type of learner we are and how does that affects us as educators, in the way we teach or guide our students, that´s why it is very important to recognize our qualities and work in the items we should improve to be better educators and make our students feel motivated and with the feeling of necessity to continue learning.


A Theory of Effective Computer-Based Instruction for Adults Introduction: Today and with the speed that education is facing the requirements of a competitive world, are held constant change, in order to form competitive students, not only personally, but of community, national and global. For these reasons, educational technology is a good tool to motivate students to be more proactive in their learning process, that’s why in this presentation we will learn about the use of the Computer-Based Instruction for adult method.







































The following mind map is the synthesis of the before presentation, taking the main ideas to make a metacognition to check if the I understood the topic.

Conclusion: We have learned that it doesn’t matter what age you are, the level you are studying, or the personal needs you have to learn, the use of the CBI method would be a great opportunity to help your adult learners and young too to use the technology as a great tool for learning. In this globalizing word students, doesn´t matter which age, must be able to use electronic devices, not only to communicate but also to investigate and become critical to help their environment, social, economic, familiar and be competitive for the country. 190

Mona Liza Smile Video: Mona Liza Smile

Go to:

Analysis Introduction: The following analysis will show a comparison form the real live presented in the movie with the different theories of learning, learning styles and methodologies learned during this semester in the course of Introduction to the Pedagogy and Andragogy.

It will show the difficulties contemporary educators

must face to change the traditional education.

Analysis: At the beginning of the movie, we can see that the education manage in the school is a total traditional education, based in the teacher as the mainly and most important part in the learning process of the students, a classroom without opportunities of sharing between the students and a group of students totally rote and cero analytical. It was rough for the teacher to brake that kind of teaching 191

methods with her modern (revolutionary) methodology, but it began step by step, first being a total behaviorism theory of education, because the students must repeat and react before specific pattern of conduct, so they can be part of the “perfect society� but through the movie, the teacher began to make the students think, analyze, not only memorize and repeat, following the opinion from, in their thoughts, the experts of the matter. The teacher could notice that there were students with the initiative of changing that position, so she began to apply the constructivism in their lessons, questioning the students by changing the common pictures with new or different ones, changing the common classroom with an art studio, and applying the different learning styles, for kinesthetic, visual, auditory and/or logical mathematic students, so they can enjoy and feel the learning process, being motivated and not only memorizing the contents. It was difficult for the teacher to fight against the tradition, because the society was really square, with fair to change, but when she gave the opportunity to her students to think by themselves and choose their future a small change began to grow there need to change. It is impressive, when the girl told her mother that she is going to get divorce and she will go to live with her friend, that part shows that the new learning methodology was functional and it represented a significant learning to the student. Finally, when the teacher received the new contract letter, with all the rules, she noticed that despite of their good results in the art class, the traditional methodology from school didn’t want to accept it and they prefer to lose a good teacher than change their minds. But for the teacher it was the proof that she was doing a good job, because all the students show her their love. Maybe not all the students change their mind, but with one or two she made the difference.

Conclusion: In the environment where we work is really difficult to know exactly the secret of a good teaching method, process, activity or theory, but the movie shows


us that no matter the group, the students thought and/or the pressure of the society, if you love to teach, and enjoy the challenges, you will combine the theories, methodologies, learning styles and all the tools you have to help your students in their learning process, to see them motivated and enjoying also their learning process. The movie shows us that it is possible to change minds, one by one, but that we can do it.


International Research Foundation and the Implication for the Practice of Education with Adults. Introduction: This Presentation aims to show the different studies over the years to define what is andragogy , also analyzes the different contributions of several authors who saw the importance of making a division of the educational process , realizing that not the same in the Process children than in adults , in addition to showing the two trends , both American as European.







Video: Adult Learning Theory




Video: The 6 Adult Learning Principles








Conclusion: As we can see, it is very important to know the process of study and analysis of several authors in order to be assured that andragogy is not just a new idea, but it is a theory well studied, researched, analyzed and defined with the only purpose of supporting a more functional and professional way for the learning process of adults, which shows different needs, and thus not to be confused with a process in children, that should learn because they must.


Final Conclusion This course has allowed me to understand the different theories of teaching and learning and how the learning process definition has been having well-marked changes, such as the traditional idea of teacher as primarily responsible on students learning, knowing now that the teacher or instructor should only be a guide in the learning process of students, who are the main responsible for it. We are still accustomed to traditional education, based mainly on pedagogy, both school and university level, however this course taught me that higher education should be totally focused on andragogical approach, with the freedom to maintain open communication between students and professor to make changes in the contents depending on the needs of the student group, also how important it is to keep the group motivated, so the learning process is effective for personal and social improvement.

It was also interested to learn some strategies that trainers can use and learn to be good leaders and make their companies grow, having the employees and learners motivated to grow in their personal life and learning new things that would help them to improve in their labor positions. In conclusion, the course made me think in all the new information that I should know to be a good teacher, doesn´t matter in which level I´m teaching on the class I´m giving, so my students can enjoy their learning process with a good guide and leader.


ANEXES APA Paper Format

How to Write a Summary in 8 Easy Steps. %20in%208%20Easy%20Steps.docx?dl=0


How to Analyze an Article to Write a‌ Essay, doc 20to%20Write%20an%20Essay.docx?dl=0

How to write a Film Analysis Essay, doc alysis%20Essay.docx?dl=0

The Adult Learning a 4-2pdf


BibliografĂ­a Alvarez, M. E. (2015). Pedagogy, Andragogy 2015. Guatemala. Augustine, K. (s.f.). Augustine, K., Simmons, K., & Lavado, G. (s.f.). Museum of Adult Learning, Pedagogy vs. Andragogy. Obtenido de Donnelly, E. (s.f.). PBL A SCENARIO. Obtenido de Malcolm S. Knowles, E. F. (2005). The Adul Learner. USA: ELSEVIER. S.N. (2014). Theories of learning. Theories of learning. Guatemala.

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