Color Trends
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Introduction 2022 builds on trends that started emerging last year as a psychological response to the pandemic. 2022 will be a year of grand and ambitious re-emergence, and the aesthetic These trends express how we took care of ourselves and attitudes following this global-scale reckoning.
G14010 fr green
WABI-SABI A more balanced outlook on our life.
G36030 oak crest
Y34040 sweet butter
Y95040 terracota red
Y42010 baked sand
G14010 fr green
Y77010 moonstone brown
The pandemic gave us the opportunity to meditate deeply on ourselves and our life directions. Science- a reliable partner of our civilization- complements this practice with objectivity and insight. Being with ourselves meant embracing being in the present, nurturing a deeper understanding of life, and making more sound decisions for the future. This trend expresses Zen and rationality with a dark green, a natural red, and a golden ochre. A combination of material that allows us to imperfection.
Y77010 moonstone brown
Y42010 baked sand
G36030 oak crest
G52005 trout grey
SYMBIOSIS Us and nature.
G92030 Greek olive
B32020 feyruz stone
Y21020 yellow bloom
G52005 trout grey
Y54005 tapenade brown
Y41005 fresh sand
The closure of urban spaces brought many of us back to nature, open spaces and parks. De-urbanization meant forging a new symbiotic relationship with the earth and its gifts of nurture and connection. It made us realize how interconnected we are with all forms of life, and how important this bond is for our emotional well-being. SYMBIOSIS’s colors are neither strong nor dark. Rather, they are paler, lighter shades of nature. The palette is accentuated by a greenish blue that lends energy to its calm temperament.
Y21020 yellow bloom
Y41005 fresh sand
Y54005 tapenade brown
G53030 green moss
BLOOM The emergence of radical optimism.
R31020 dusk pink
R63050 lavender meadow
G53030 green moss
R33050 raspberry red
B40300 ocean blue
Y21050 morning sun
R33050 raspberry red
This trend is propelled by Gen Z’s rebellion against the existing world order with its terror, economic uncertainties, pandemic, and anxieties. Now that the doors are open again, this digital-native generation wants to transport the life intensity they share on screens to the physical world. Thus, this exuberant trend celebrates togetherness, enjoyment, and expressiveness. BLOOM is characterized by an explosion of spring colors, with vivid fuchsia or bougainvillea, apricot yellow, and fresh meadow.
R31020 dusk pink
R82020 cerulean day
ESSENCE Resetting to Zero.
B10050 warm water
R82020 cerulean day
N03000 paper cream
R84040 ancient blue
N90000 nigella black
R85005 concrete grey
which is our need to return to absolute Zero. It is only in pure potentiality that all possibilities are still open, and all forms of a future life are realizable. In spaces and buildings, we are more preoccupied with health and purity. In products, we are more interested in the functional, the sustainable, and the durable. In color, this trend means re-embracing black and white, the two most essential colors, and infusing chromatic colors with various shades of grey, contrasting the total with a luminous blue.
Y31010 cream pebble
R85005 concrete grey
N90000 nigella black
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Super SuperPlatine PlatineHygiene HygieneSilk Silk8000 8000 Interior Interior&&Exterior Exterioruse use Super Super Platine Platine Hygiene Hygiene Silk Silk 8000 8000 isis a a %100 %100 pure pure acrylic acrylicpremium premiumquality qualitywater-based water-basedpaint. paint.Its Itsunique unique formula formulaprevents preventsthe thegrowth growthofofbacteria bacteriaand andfungi fungifor for long longperiods. periods.Developed Developedusing usingthe thelatest latesttechnologies technologies toto obtain obtain a a high-quality high-quality product product with with exceptional exceptional performance. performance.Its Itsunique uniqueformula formuladelivers deliverslong longlasting lasting durable durablecolors. colors.
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Super SuperPlatine PlatineLuxury LuxuryMatt Matt7000 7000 Interior Interior&&Exterior Exterioruse use Super SuperPlatine PlatineLuxury LuxuryMatt Matt7000 7000isisa a%100 %100pure pure acrylic acrylicbased basedemulsion emulsionpaint. paint.Developed Developedusing usingthe the latest latesttechnologies technologiestotoobtain obtaina ahigh-quality high-qualityproduct product with withexceptional exceptionalperformance. performance.Its Itsunique uniqueformula formula delivers deliverslong longlasting lastingdurable durablecolors. colors.
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Super SuperPlatine PlatineDay-Stone Day-Stone7070 7070 Interior Interior&&Exterior Exterioruse use Super SuperPlatine PlatineDay DayStone Stone7070 7070isisa ahigh-quality high-qualitylatex latex matt mattemulsion emulsionexterior exteriorand andinterior interiorpaint, paint,based basedon on a aselection selectionofofacrylic acrylicpolymers polymersand andspecial specialadditives additives totogive giveit,it,itsitsunique uniquefeatures. features.
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Super SuperPlatine Platinecombines combinesthe thebest bestingredients ingredientswith with our ourpassion passionfor forexcellence. excellence.Its Itsrich richand andintense intensecolors colors
terracotta red
sweet butter
Y42010 baked sand G14010 fr green
Y77010 moonstone brown
G36030 oak crest
trout grey
yellow bloom Y54005 tapenade brown
Greek olive
feyruz stone Y41005 fresh sand R63050 lavender meadow
G53030 green moss
Y21050 morning sun R31020 dusk pink
ocean blue
raspberry red
B10050 warm water
N90000 nigella black
R82020 cerulean day N03000 paper cream
R85005 concrete grey
R84040 ancient blue
. Disclaimer: We have made every effort to reproduce these colors as accurately as possible. However slight changes may occur with the actual paint.
GLCpaints GLC.paints
Since its establishment in Egypt, GLC paints has been a leading coatings manufacturer in Africa and the Middle East, providing excellent products to protect and beautify our world. We deliver full paint solutions that cater to all market segments.
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German Lebanese Co. For Industry, GLC Paints
El Obour City. Industrial Zone, B, C. Plot 1 B Block El Mahager El Obour City. First Industrial zone, Block 13027, Plot 3, street 54 C.R. 5231 El Obour Hotline: 16730