August 13, 2017 Grace Lutheran Church 2411 Woodlake Road Denison, Texas 75021 (903) 465-1016
Ministers: Members of Grace Pastor ....................................... Michael J. Mattil Secretary.......................................Debi Wendorf Organist ......................................... Cheryl Mattil Interim Children’s Minister.............Jeana Parsons
This Week at Grace Today August 13 9:15 a Worship Service 10:30 a Sunday School/Bible Class Wednesday August 16 1:00 p Quilters Thursday August 17 6:30 a Men’s Bible Breakfast at Braum’s Friday August 18 7:00 p Youth Lock In Next Sunday August 20 9:15 a Worship Service 10:30 a Sunday School/Bible Class
Serving in August Elders: Ushers: Altar Care:
Josh Velten Lindel Davis Mike Mulkey Brad Waters Gloria Dube Jeana Parsons Stacy Bray
A pair of prescription sunglasses was found. If you think they may be yours, please check in the office.
Pastor’s Welcome We Greet One Another Opening Song Invocation Call to Worship Praying the 23rd Psalm Confession Absolution Hymn Change My Heart, Oh God Words of Institution Sharing of the Peace Distribution: Video Remembrance Post Communion Prayer Hymn Blessed Assurance Old Testament Lesson Job 38:4-18 Epistle Lesson: Romans 10:5-17 Gospel Lesson Matthew 14:22-33 Offerings Prayers Lord’s Prayer Children’s Sermon Hymn Oh For A Faith That Will Not Shrink Sermon Benediction Closing Song: VBS VIDEO In Jesus The Victory’s Won!
Altar flowers today are in honor of Blake and Stacy Bray for their wedding anniversary on the 11th.
The church council meeting is scheduled for August 20th at 12 noon. Start getting your reports ready.
Please take the time to read the thank you and look at the picture from Faith Comes By Hearing. It is by the mailboxes. Want to tell others you are happy to be a part of this congregation? Now you can order shirts, jackets, or other items with our Grace logo embroidered on them! The 75th anniversary committee decided to open an online store with a WIDE VARIETY of items in every price range. A link to the webstore is on or you can go to it directly at:
We would like to have a Grace team in the race. Please contact Robin Gilbert or Benda Hantsche if you are interested. It only takes five to make a team.
Ladies of Grace will have a Kick off Luncheon on August 27, 2017 at 12:00 pm. More information to follow.
Thrivent Financial, as part of their “Summer of Impact” campaign, is giving each member who logs in to their online account $50 to designate to their favorite charity! This is in addition to any other Choice Dollars you may have accumulated. You can designate this to go to any charity: Grace, LWML, LOMT/Camp Lone Star, or a host of other choices! The deadline is August 31, or whenever they run out of the 8 million Choice Dollars they have designated for this effort. All you have to do is log in to your Thrivent online account and designate the Choice Dollars however you wish. You can divide it between multiple charities if you wish. If you designate the monies to Grace and want them to be used for something special, please let us know. Put these dollars to work! If you have any questions, contact the church office and we will be glad to assist you.
On August 18, 2017 at 7:00 pm to August 19, 2017 at 8:00 am, the Youth of Grace are invited to spend the night, here at the church, having fun playing games, making their own pizza’s and just having awesome fellowship. So bring a game and a friend. See you there!!!