August 26 2018

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August 26, 2018

Grace Lutheran Church 2411 Woodlake Road Denison, Texas 75021 (903) 465-1016

Ministers: Members of Grace Pastor ....................................... Michael J. Mattil Secretary....................................... Debi Wendorf Organist..........................................Cheryl Mattil Children’s Ministry Intern..............Sarah Pulliam

This Week at Grace Today August 26 9:15 a Blended Worship 10:30 a Sunday School/Bible Study 2:00 p Bridal Shower Wednesday August 29 7:00 p Sanctuary Facelift Committee Thursday August 30 6:30 a Men’s Bible Breakfast at Braums Next Sunday September 2 9:15 a Hymn Sing 10:30 a New Member Brunch

Serving in August Elders Bryan Hantsche James Patterson Ushers Chrissie Gilbert April Gilbert

Altar Care: Gloria Dube Jeana Parsons Stacy Bray

Serving in September 8:00 a.m. Elder Larry Miller 10:30 a.m. Elders Ushers Lindel Davis Michael Miller James Patterson Greg Pappas Altar Care Robin Gilbert, Chrissie Gilbert, April Gilbert Sojourner will meet Tuesday September 4, 10:00 a.m. If you have questions please contact Gorlyn Bronstad.

Worship Pastor's Welcome and We Greet Each Other Opening Song Light of the World Invocation Prayer Of The Day Psalm 34:1–8 Isaiah 29:11-19 Ephesians 5:21-31 Mark 7:1-13 Affirmation of Faith Children’s Message Sermon Hymn How Can I Keep From Singing Sermon Offerings Prayers of the Church Lord’s Prayer Confession and Absolution This is the Feast Words of Institution Peace of the Lord Distribution Seek Ye First LSB631 Here, O My Lord, I see You Face to Face Prayer Benediction Closing Hymn

Grace is collecting school supplies for families in Grayson County in need of them. A box is available in the Narthex for the donated supplies.

A Special Voters Meeting has been called for SEPTEMBER 16 after the 10:30 a.m. worship service. There are two items on the agenda. •The Sanctuary Facelift Committee will present their proposal. A video representation is available on the church website and Facebook page. •A request for additional funding for the ongoing renovation of the Education Wing will also be presented.

Waters Edge Frisco is hosting a men’s retreat October 12-14 and we have been invited to join them. For more information, there is a link on our church website, or go to: http:// men/

Cheryl Mattil and Joanne Miller will be hosting a Women’s Retreat in their homes November 9-10. More details will be coming soon, but for now mark the dates on your calendar.

The grounds around Grace have been looking nice this summer. Thank you to all those that have helped. There are still some weeks available if you would like to help keep Grace looking nice on the outside. The sign up sheet is on the bulletin board by the mailboxes. We have eight of the heavy, old, wooden eight-foot folding tables set up under the pavilion. We will no longer be using them here at Grace. Please help yourselves to them until they are gone.

Birthdays and Anniversaries this week! Baptism Tamara Patterson 8/29 Clayton Rupert 8/29 David Snodgrass 8/31 Birthdays Emma Blood 8/27 Cortney Taylor 8/27 Sydney Hart 8/28 Blake Bray 8/29 Joan Bentley 8/31 Anniversaries James & Tamara Patterson 8/27/1989 29 yrs

Next Sunday We welcome our New Members next week during worship and with a Pot Luck Brunch during the Sunday School Hour. Please join us in making our new members feel welcomed! The service will be a Hymn Sing. Rather than just taking requests from those present, we are asking you to submit the names of any songs NOT IN THE HYMNAL to the office this week so that we can have the appropriate music on hand. Thanks for your help. Ron Velten will be leading a new Adult Bible Study on Sunday mornings starting September 16th. The study will be on “Prayer�. Everyone is welcome.

Midweek Resumes!!! September 12 is the start of the new Midweek and confirmation year. The meal will be at 6 p.m. with classes starting at 6:30. All members are invited and are encouraged to bring a friend. The first session of the Adult Class will be led by Keith Lund. If you have a student confirmation age and have not received a letter, please contact the church office.

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