Auust 23 2015

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2411 Woodlake Road  Denison, Texas 75021 (903) 465-1016 

Ministers: Members of Grace Pastor ....................................... Michael J. Mattil Secretary ....................................... Elaine Botka Organist ......................................... Cheryl Mattil

Mission Grace exists to strengthen people in their relationship with Jesus Christ and to empower them to share Jesus with others.

Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost August 23, 2015 We’re glad you’re here! 

Please fill out a Family Registration Card with your Prayer Requests. Pass cards to the center aisle so the ushers can collect them.  Children are welcome in the worship service. They are invited to the front for a children’s message in the Blended service.  A nursery is provided for children 3 and under during the Sunday School and the Blended Service. The ushers will assist you in finding the nursery.

This Week at Grace Today 8/23 8:00 a Traditional Worship with Communion 9:15 a Sunday School/Bible Class 10:30 a Blended Worship with Communion Wednesday 8/26 1:00 p Quilters Thursday 8/27 6:30 a Men’s Bible Breakfast at Braum’s Next Sunday 8/30 8:00 a Traditional Worship 9:15 a Sunday School/Bible Class 10:30 a Blended Worship

Serving in August 8:00 a.m. Worship 10:30 a.m. Worship

Altar Care:


Elder: David Bentley Elders: Glenn Dube Blake Bray Ushers: Alfred Dube Dan Williams Gloria Dube Stacy Bray Jeana Parsons Jake Jones

Worship LSB4 p.203 Invocation Welcome Welcome Opening Hymn LSB915 Opening Song Today Your Mercy Thy Mercy Invocation Confession Confession & Absolution Absolution Introit Hymn of Response Hymn of Praise Free Salutation & Collect Prayer of the Day Isaiah 29:11-19 Isaiah 29:11-19 Gradual Ephesians 5:6-21 Ephesians 5:6-21 Alleluia Verse Mark 7:1-13 Mark 7:1-13 Nicene Creed Nicene Creed Hymn of the Day LSB547 Hymn of the Day LSB547 The Lamb The Lamb Sermon Sermon Offerings Offerings Offering Hymn LSB805 Offering Hymn LSB805 Prayers of the Church Prayers of the Church Lord’s Prayer The Preface Holy Words of Institution Prayer of Thanksgiving Sharing of the Peace Words of Institution The Distribution Sharing of the Peace Post-Communion Prayer Lamb of God Benediction The Distribution Closing Hymn LSB477 Song of Simeon Alleluia, Alleluia! Post-Communion Prayer Parting Blessings Closing Hymn LSB477 Alleluia, Alleluia!

We are looking for wonderful people who are willing to serve as a PowerPoint Clicker during our worship services. There is an orange colored sign up sheet on the bulletin board next to the mailboxes. All training will be provided. Contact Pastor or Mont Taylor for more information. Sojourners will have their next Bible Study on Tuesday, September 1st, at 10am. Please contact Gorlyn Bronstad for more information. Please return items borrowed to the church: Six large white tablecloths are missing. Maybe someone took them home to wash them? A Kitchen Aid Stainless Steal mixing bowl with a handle from the week of Vacation Bible School. Also, a 4 gallon plastic jug with a pump that is used for the oil in the candles. Starting September 6, we will celebrate communion every Sunday at both Services.

September 11 — 13 Confirmation Retreat September 16 Mid-Week and Confirmation September 20 Praise Team Practice On the Last Sunday of August, we will have a Hymn / Song Sing. If you have a song that you would like to sing that is not in the hymnal let Pastor know in advance. Lutheran Early Response Training (L.E.R.T.) Chain Saw Training September 18-19, 2015 at The Summit Lutheran Church in Aledo, TX If you are interested in this training, please see Pastor for more information. Grace is having a Church Picnic on Sunday, September 27th. We will have an outdoor service at 10:30 a.m. There will be no Early Service or Sunday School that day. This will be a Pot Luck (Men are not cooking for this one.) New Member Welcome will take place during the service.

Luther and Bach A Music Marriage Made in Heaven You are invited to an upcoming music lecture scheduled to be given on Sunday, October 11th, 2015 starting at 7:00 pm at Zion Lutheran Church, 6121 E. Lovers Lane, Dallas, Texas 75214. This presentation will include an in-depth, hands-on analysis of two works... first, the hymn by Luther, "Christ lag in Todesbanden" (Christ lay in death's strong bands) and, second, the magnificent cantata (BWV 4) that 100 years later Bach based on this hymn. The presenter will be Steven Lund, a retired Lutheran educator, who lectures about music extensively in the Dallas area. This presentation is part of a series of events, which is planned to prepare Lutheran churches--LCMS and ELCA--in preparation for the year 2017 (the 500th Year Anniversary of the Reformation). Although there is no charge for this event, please RSVP by October 4 and direct questions to Sandra Bauer at 972-241-3545 or

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