December 17 2017

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December 17, 2017

Grace Lutheran Church 2411 Woodlake Road Denison, Texas 75021 (903) 465-1016

Ministers: Members of Grace Pastor ....................................... Michael J. Mattil Secretary ...................................... Debi Wendorf Organists .................Ajha Farrow & Cheryl Mattil Interim Children’s Minister ............Jeana Parsons

This Week at Grace Today December 17 8:00 a Traditional Worship 9:15 a Sunday School/Bible Study 10:30 a Children’s Program 11:30 a Praise Team Practice 2:00 p Caroling Wednesday December 20 1:00 p Quilters 6:00 p Advent dinner 7:00 p Advent Service 8:00 p Handbell practice Thursday December 21 6:30 a Men’s Bible Breakfast at Braum’s Next Sunday December 24 8:00 a Traditional Worship 9:15 a Sunday School/ Bible Class 10:30 a Blended Worship 11:30 a Praise Team Practice 7:00 p Candlelight Service

Serving in December 8:00 a.m. Worship 10:30 a.m. Worship

Elder: Scott Ducote Elders: Lindel Davis Josh Velten Ushers: Glenn Dube Paul Velten Altar Care: Open


LSB3 Welcome/Greeting Opening Hymn: LSB331 The Advent of Our King

Invocation Confession / Absolution Introit Lord have mercy Glory in the highest Salutation Prayer of the Day Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11 Gradual 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24 John 1:6-8, 19-28 Nicene Creed Sermon Hymn: LSB344 On Jordan's Bank

Sermon Offertory / Offering Offering Hymn LSB805 Prayers of the Church Preface Holy, Holy, Holy Lord’s Prayer Words of Institution Peace of the Lord Lamb of God Distribution Song of Simeon Thanksgiving Salutation Benedicamus Benediction Closing Hymn: TLH72 Rejoice, Rejoice,Believers

10:30 Children’s Program Invocation & Welcome Processional Hymn O Come, Little Children

A Baby in Bethlehem Two Parents Proud Three Fine Kings Hymn We Three Kings

Four Prophets Bold Five Candles Bright Six Sheperds Shouting Seven Stars-a-Shining Eight Doors a-Slamming Nine Gifts of Glory Ten Words of Wisdom Eleven Children Singing Hymn Joy to The World

Twelve Angels Praising Sermon Offering Prayers of the Church Benediction Closing Hymn The Advent of Our King

The third and final midweek advent services is this Wednesday, December 20th. The Handbells will be providing a lasagna dinner starting at 6:00 p.m. Members are asked to bring bread and deserts. The service will follow at 7:00p.m.

We will be Christmas Caroling this afternoon. Meet at the church at 2:00 p.m. After we will gather at the church for some light refreshments.

Our Altar flowers this week are in honor of Bill Jennings Birthday.

First Quarter 2018 Portals of Prayer are available in the Narthex. Pick up a copy for you and one for a friend.

The church large adult wheel chair is missing. If you borrowed it or know where it is please contact the church office.

January 7th, 2018 Sarah Pullium will be consecrated as our DCE intern, during both worship services. We want to welcome her with a Pot luck lunch and a Pantry shower following the second service. Please mark your calendars for this very special event. The new church officers will also be installed this day during both services.

All members are encouraged to sign or leave a message in the red book even if you did not attend the anniversary celebration. The book will be in the Fellowship hall after services. The theme of our Sundays in Advent this year is “Open Before Christmas.” You have seen tags that say, “Do not Open until December 25th.” But during Advent, you will be encouraged to open things before Christmas. December 3 Open Your Ears December 10 Open Your Eyes December 17 Open Your Heart December 24 Open your Mouth Please join us for our Candlelight service on December 24th at 7:00 pm celebrating the Birth of Jesus.

The winter quarter for the Lutheran Women’s Quarter is now available in the Narthex. Please pick up a copy. We will be putting up the annual Pro– Life Cross display on Saturday January 13th, starting at 9:00 a.m. After the display is finished we will have a general church clean up day. Lunch will be provided for those who wish to stay and help with the clean up. Want to stay informed? Sign up for Remind! You will receive messages about things going on here at Grace, you can sign up through our website ( or this link: You can join as many “classes” as you wish by using the codes below: @glcden General News @glcconfirm Confirmation Class @glcpray Prayer Chain @glcdyouth Youth Group @glcpt Praise Team @glcLWML LWML You can also join through the Remind app, or by texting any of the codes to 81010.

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