January 18 2015

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January 18, 2015

Life Sunday

This Week at Grace Today 1/18 8:00 a Life Sunday Worship 9:15 a Sunday School/Bible Class 10:30 a Life Sunday Worship 5:30 p Handbells 5:30 p Children’s Choir 6:30 p Praise Team Wednesday 1/21 1:00 p Quilters 6:00 p Midweek Meal 6:30 p Confirmation & Midweek Thursday 1/22 6:30 a Men’s Bible Breakfast at Braum’s Next Sunday 1/25 8:00 a Traditional Worship - Communion 9:15 a Sunday School/Bible Class 10:30 a Worship 5:30 p Handbells 5:30 p Children’s Choir 6:30 p Praise Team

Praise Team Children’s Choir and Handbells will practice TODAY!

8:00 a.m. Welcome Opening Hymn LSB842 Son of God, Eternal Savior Invocation Confession and Absolution Entrance Hymn: Psalm 8 Hymn of Praise Oh, that I Had a Thousand Voices Prayer of the Day Scripture Lessons Deuteronomy 30:19-20 James 1:22-26 John 10:7-15 The Apostle’s Creed Children’s Messsage Hymn Jesus Loves ALL the Children of the World Sermon A Gift of Life from The God of Life Offering Offering Hymn Re-Dedication of Cross Display Prayers Benediction Closing Hymn God of Grace and God of Glory

10:30 a.m. Welcome Opening Hymns Borning Cry Father Welcomes Invocation Confession and Absolution Entrance Hymn: Psalm 8 Hymn of Praise Oh, that I Had a Thousand Voices Prayer of the Day Scripture Lessons Deuteronomy 30:19-20 James 1:22-26 John 10:7-15 The Apostle’s Creed Children’s Messsage Hymn Jesus Loves ALL the Children of the World Sermon A Gift of Life from The God of Life Offering Offering Hymn Re-Dedication of Cross Display Prayers Benediction Closing Hymn God of Grace and God of Glory

Pro-Life Crosses 3300. The number of abortions that take place every DAY in the United States. People don’t believe it when you tell them that, but it is true. Our crosses bear witness to the enormity of this atrocity. But they also share the message of God’s love and forgiveness earned for everyone when Jesus died on a cross. Please pray that God would use our display as a positive witness for Him and His message of love and forgiveness through Jesus Christ. And pray that it would change the hearts of those who may think that abortion is their only option. Choose life. Our local society of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League will meet at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday January 29. We will discuss hosting the Dal-North Zone Board of Directors meeting here in February and ways we can be part of “Grace Makes a Difference” this year. See Susan Knowles if you have questions or items you would like to put on the agenda.

Lutheran Women in Mission

We have printed membership directories. They are available at the Welcome Center in the foyer/narthex of the Church. Please inform the church office of any necessary correction/additions/changes.

Thought about ELECTRONIC GIVING? You can set up direct deposits of your offerings to the church account at NO COST TO YOU. It is a very convenient and secure way to support the ministry of our congregation. If you want more information or would like to set this up, contact the church

Have you come to the Table? Over 50 have so far. We are using it to interact and share information. Update your profiles to include your photos and contact information. It is a great place to share prayer concerns, photos, and news about what is happening here at Grace. Want to know more about our new Church Social Network? An information sheet is available at the Welcome Center. We’ve got a space for you at the Table! UPDATE: The mobile app for ANDROID has been updated and is very useful — a great improvement.

2411 Woodlake Road  Denison, Texas

Ministers: Members of Grace Pastor .......................................Michael J. Mattil Organist ......................................... Cheryl Mattil DCE Intern ................................. Kayla Meinscher Mission Grace exists to strengthen people in their relationship with Jesus Christ and to empower them to share Jesus with others.

We’re glad you’re here! 

Please fill out a Family Registration Card with your Prayer Requests. Pass cards to the center aisle so the ushers can collect them.  Children are welcome in the worship service. They are invited to the front for a children’s message in the Blended service.  A nursery is provided for children 3 and under during the Sunday School and the Blended

The Sunday morning Bible Class begins a study of the book of Ephesian today! All are welcome to join us.

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