July 2 2017

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July 2, 2017

Grace Lutheran Church 2411 Woodlake Road Denison, Texas 75021 (903) 465-1016 glcdenison.org

Ministers: Members of Grace Pastor ....................................... Michael J. Mattil Secretary....................................... Debi Wendorf Organist .......................................... Cheryl Mattil Interim Children’s Minister............Jeana Parsons

This Week at Grace Today July 2 9:15 a Worship Service 10:30 a Sunday School/Bible Class Wednesday July 5 10:00 a Sojourners 1:00 p Quilters Thursday July 6 6:30 a Men’s Bible Breakfast at Braums Saturday July 8 9:00 a VBS workday Next Sunday July 9 9:15 a Worship Service 10:30 a Sunday School/ Bible Class

Serving in July Elders: Ushers: Alter Care:

James Patterson Bryan Hantsche Brad Waters Tristan Hantsche Mollie Schulz Carrie Ott

Worship Pastor’s Welcome We Greet One Another Opening Dialog Prayer of the Day Litany Song I Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb Romans 13:1–6 Matthew 22:15–22 Children’s Message National Anthem Sermon Hymn Before You Lord We Bow The Offering Prayers National Hymn Confession and Absolution Lord’s Prayer Words of Institution Distribution Hymns It is God Who Holds the Nations God Bless our Native Land Prayer The Benediction Closing Stanza Beautiful Savior

Online giving made easy! Look for this link on our website, glcdenison.org. There is also a Give+ Mobile App available from Google Play and the App Store. You can give using your checking account, debit card, or a credit card. Contact the church office for more information.

Pastor’s Adult Instruction Class goes over the basic teachings of Christianity. If this is something that would interest you , please contact Pastor or the church office. A class will be forming soon. Vacation Bible School In Jesus the Victory is Won! JULY 10-14 9:00 AM—Noon At Mighty Fortress, kids learn that God is their refuge and strength. To register or to sign up to volunteer please go online to glcdenison.org

Because of VBS, The Ladies of Grace Bible study will meet Wednesday July 19th. Watch future bulletins for more information.

Mowers are needed here at Grace. The sign up sheet is on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall! We have the equipment we just need the manpower. If you would be willing to take a turn providing this service, it would be greatly appreciated.

Men’s Retreat Retreat Details When: Friday, September 22, at 6:00 p.m. through Sunday, September 24, at 10:30 a.m. Where: Brookhaven Christian Retreat center near Tyler, TX (www.brookhavenretreat.org) Fee: $148* (includes sleeping accommodations, all meals on Saturday, breakfast on Sunday, an event t-shirt, and Dr. Keith’s book). *Scholarships are available. For more information go to: https://watersedgefrisco.com/event/mensretreat-2017/

Sojourners will meet Wednesday July 5th at 10:00 a.m. Contact Gorlyn for additional information.

A copy of the Church directory is by the mailboxes. Please review your information. Call or e-mail (office@glcdenison.org) the office if changes need to be made. Jane Bronstad will gladly take a new picture for you.

Ladies Retreat LWML Texas District Spiritual Rest and Renewal Retreat Come to the Streams of Living Water Where: Lakeview Methodist Retreat Center, Palestine, TX When: Friday 3pm to Saturday 3 pm September 29-30, 2017 The cost of the event, if received by September 1, 2017, will be $65 for the two-day event and $35 for Saturday only. Go to www.lwmltxdist.org/ for more information and to register.

Mission Central

Third Quarter Sunday school offerings will go to Mission Central. Please read the Thank you from Shara. It is on the board by the mailboxes.

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