June 5, 2016 Third Sunday after Pentecost
Grace Lutheran Church 2411 Woodlake Road Denison, Texas 75021 (903) 465-1016 glcdenison.org
Ministers: Members of Grace Pastor ....................................... Michael J. Mattil Secretary ....................................... Elaine Botka Organist ......................................... Cheryl Mattil Interim Children’s Minister…………..Jeana Parsons
This Week at Grace
Today June 5 9:15 a Worship Service 10:30 a Sunday School/Bible Class Monday June 6 1:00 p Funeral Tuesday June 7 10:00 a Sojourner 6:30 p Mission Board Meeting Wednesday June 8 11:00 a Ladies Bible Study 1:00 p Quilters 3:00 p Adult Instruction Class Saturday June 11 9:00 a.m. VBS Work Day Next Sunday June 12 9:15 a Worship Service 10:30 a Sunday School/Bible Class
Serving in June 10:30 a.m. Worship
Altar Care:
Nursery Today: Nursery June 12:
Elders: Lindel Davis Brian Hantsche Ushers: Gorlyn Bronstad Philip Haning Betty Williams Suzi Parker Carol Botka Suzanne Peters
The Thursday Morning Men’s Bible Breakfast at Braum’s will not meet again until further notice. Sojourners Bible Study will meet Tuesday, June 7 at 10:00 a.m. Contact Gorlyn Bronstad at 903-813-6428 for more information.
Worship Service Welcome Opening Hymn God Is Here! Invocation Confession Absolution Hymn of Praise Gloria in Excelsis Salutation and Collect 1 Kings 17:17-24 Galatians 1:11-24 Alleluia Verse Luke 7:11-17 Nicene Creed Children’s Sermon Hymn: LSB816 From All That Dwell Below The Skies Sermon Offerings Offering Hymn LSB805 Prayers of the Church The Preface Holy Prayer of Thanksgiving Words of Institution Sharing of the Peace Lamb of God The Distribution Distribution HymnLSB813 Rejoice O Pilgrim Throng Song of Simeon Post-Communion Prayer Parting Blessings Closing Hymn: LSB918
Grace provides a quarterly devotion book, Portals of Prayer, for anyone who would like to use them. The July—September issue is now available in the Narthex. There are a limited number of large print editions. Please take them to use and to share. Spend time in God’s Word every day. Camp Noah VBS Because of the tornado that swept through Garland six months ago, Tree of Life Lutheran is offering a special VBS this year. At Camp Noah, a team of Certified Camp Staff will accompany campers through an intentional process that enables the children to process their disaster experiences and gives them the space and time necessary to tell their stories and build resiliency skills. Camp Noah is a two week camp at which 80 children will be fed breakfast, lunch and two snacks. Camp will run Monday-Friday 8:30am3pm, July 25-29 and August 1-5. If you would like to help provide things for this camp, there is a list of items needed for meals and snacks on the bulletin by the church office. Ladies of Grace Bible Study Wednesday, June 8, 11:00 am All are invited to join us as we pray, learn, share, and then refresh ourselves. Bring a dish for the luncheon to share. Call Kay Clark if you have any questions: 817 307 8405.
VBS 2016 Barnyard Roundup June 13-17, 2016 9 a.m.—Noon Welcome to Barnyard Roundup, where Jesus gathers us together, picks us out, calls us by name, and loves us now and forever, no matter what! Children will learn Psalm 23 through memory verses, songs, and activities. All children ages 4 years – 6th grade are welcome to attend! Register your children online, or see Jeana Parsons. In the Narthex are white sheets listing items to be donated. Please bring these items and put them in children’s ministry office along with the sheet. Be sure to designate if items are donated or borrowed. Volunteers are still needed.
Mission Board Meeting at church Tuesday, June 7 at 6:30 p.m.
Sunday School Offerings for the second quarter—April to June— go to Lutherans for Life. The Summer 2016 Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly is available in the Narthex for any ladies of the congregation who would like to have a copy.
Printed copies of the June Calendar with Birthdays and Anniversaries are available in the Narthex. Current information is always available at www.glcdenison.org. Youth Group Meeting Today 12:00-2:00 p.m. BYOB—Bring Your Own Bible Lunch will be provided. Be there or be square.
Please remember in prayer Nick Pappas as he serves as a counselor at Camp Lone Star this Summer under the theme “Truth Revealed”. Funeral Services will be held here at Grace on Monday for Hayward Brown at 1:00 p.m. If you can help provide items for a meal to be served after the service, it would be appreciated.
We are looking for wonderful people who are willing to serve as a PowerPoint Clicker during our worship services. There is an orange colored sign up sheet on the bulletin board next to the mailboxes. All training will be provided. Contact Pastor or Mont Taylor for more information.