2411 Woodlake Road Denison, Texas
Ministers: Members of Grace Pastor....................................... Michael J. Mattil DCE Intern ................................ Kayla Meinscher Organist ......................................... Cheryl Mattil
Mission Grace exists to strengthen people in their relationship with Jesus Christ and to empower them to share Jesus with others.
Third Sunday in Lent March 08, 2015 We’re glad you’re here!
Please fill out a Family Registration Card with your Prayer Requests. Pass cards to the center aisle so the ushers can collect them. Children are welcome in the worship service. They are invited to the front for a children’s message in the Blended service. A nursery is provided for children 3 and under during the Sunday School and the Blended
This Week at Grace
Today 3/8 8:00 a Traditional Worship-Communion 9:15 a Sunday School/Bible Class 10:30 a Worship-Communion 5:00 p Children’s Handbells 5:30 p Handbells 5:30 p Children’s Choir Wednesday 3/11 11:00 a Ladies Bible Study 1:00 p Quilters 6:00 p Lenten Meal 6:30 p Children’s Activities 7:00 p Lenten Worship Thursday 3/12 6:30 a Men’s Breakfast at Braum’s Saturday 3/14 8:00 a Elder’s Meeting 12:00 p Sharon Whitmire Event 5:30 p Parent’s Night Out Next Sunday 03/15 8:00 a Traditional Worship 9:15 a Sunday School/Bible Class 10:30 a Worship 5:00 p Children’s Handbells 5:30 p Handbells 5:30 p Children’s Choir
Serving in March 8:00 a.m. Worship 10:30 a.m. Worship
Altar Care:
Elder: David Bentley Elders: Glenn Dube Josh Velten Ushers: Ben Wilson Sean Parks Susan & Waylen Knowles
8:00 a.m. Welcome Opening Hymn LSB433 Glory Be to Jesus Invocation/Confession/ Absolution Salutation and Collect Readings Exodus 20:1-17 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 John 2:13-22 Nicene Creed Hymn of the Day LSB435 Come to Calvary’s Holy Mountain Sermon Offering Offering Hymn LSB805 Prayers of the Church Prayers of Thanksgiving Words of Institution Lamb of God The Distribution Song of Simeon Post Communion Prayer Parting Blessing Closing Hymn LSB422 On My Heart Imprint Your
10:30 a.m. Welcome Opening Songs Above All By His Wounds Confession & Absolution Words of Institution Distribution Distribution Hymn The Lamb Once Again Post Communion Prayer Readings Exodus 20:1-17 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 John 2:13-22 Nicene Creed Children’s Message Offerings Offering Song As a Lamb Prayers of the Church Hymn of the Day LSB435 Come to Calvary’s Holy Mountain Sermon Benediction Closing Hymn Arms that hold the
Note: Praise Team will not meet until further notice. Printed copies of the March Calendars, Birthdays & Anniversaries are available at the Welcome Center.
Camperships are available for any youth wishing to attend Camp Lone Star or any LOMT sponsored camp this summer. Contact the church office if you are interested in receiving a campership for this summer. Deadline for applying is Sunday, April 12th. Do you need a scholarship? We are now accepting applications for the Leva-Whiting Scholarship and the Grace Church Work Scholarship. If you are interested, the church office has the guidelines and applications. Deadline for filing is Sunday, April 12th. Grace will have a Spring Cleaning Day on Saturday, March 21st. There is a list of jobs that need to be done on the Table. Contact Lindel Davis for more information.
We are looking for wonderful people who are willing to serve as a PowerPoint Clicker during our worship services. There is an orange colored sign up sheet on the bulletin board next to the mailboxes. All training will be provided. Contact Pastor or Mont Taylor for more information.
Join us for The Parables of Lent, a special series of services for the season of Lent. Each service in this series focuses on a biblical parable that connects to Lenten themes. This week our service is based on the parable of the hidden treasure and the priceless pearl. In this parable, two men give all that they have to buy objects of great worth. Please join this Wednesday at 6pm for dinner, a children’s activity at 6:30 pm and worship at 7pm.
Ladies Bible Study will be held Wed, March 11 at 11 AM in the church fellowship hall. We are currently studying "Extraordinary Women of the Bible." This month we will learn about Jezebel, who promoted idol worship in Israel. Read 2 Kings 9:30-37. A potluck luncheon follows. All women are welcome to join us. Contact Kay Parker Clark, 817-3078405 for more information.
LWML is collecting items for Lutheran World Relief. They will be assembling Personal Care Kits and School Kits. The School Kit Contains: 4 70-sheet spiral notebooks 1 30-centimeter ruler 1 pencil sharpener 1 pair of blunt scissors 5 unsharpened #2 pencils with erasers 5 black or blue ballpoint pens The Personal Care Kit Contains: 1 light-weight bath-size towel (dark color) 2 bath-size bars of soap in original wrapping 1 adult-size toothbrush in original wrapping 1 sturdy comb 1 metal nail clipper
Please drop off all items in the Narthex by Easter Morning (April 5th). If you have any questions please contact Susan Knowles.
There will be a special Voter’s Meeting on Sunday, April 12th after the late service. We will decide if the congregation would like to extend a call to Kayla and make her our Full Time DCE. Please make arrangements to attend this meeting. A potluck Lunch will follow.