May 17 2015

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2411 Woodlake Road  Denison, Texas 75021 (903) 465-1016 

Ministers: Members of Grace Pastor ....................................... Michael J. Mattil DCE Intern ................................ Kayla Meinscher Organist.......................................... Cheryl Mattil

Mission Grace exists to strengthen people in their relationship with Jesus Christ and to empower them to share Jesus with others.

Seventh Sunday of Easter May 17, 2015 We’re glad you’re here! 

Please fill out a Family Registration Card with your Prayer Requests. Pass cards to the center aisle so the ushers can collect them.  Children are welcome in the worship service. They are invited to the front for a children’s message in the Blended service.  A nursery is provided for children 3 and under during the Sunday School and the Blended Service. The ushers will assist you in finding the nursery.

This Week at Grace

Today 5/17 8:00 a Traditional Worship 9:15 a Sunday School/Bible Class 10:30 a Blended Worship 12:00 p Council 5:30 p Children’s Choir Wednesday 5/20 1:00 p Quilters 6:00 p VBS Leader Meeting Thursday 5/21 6:30 a Men’s Breakfast at Braum’s Next Sunday 5/24 10:30 a Outdoor Worship 11:30 a Church Picnic

Serving in May 8:00 a.m. Worship 10:30 a.m. Worship

Altar Care: Mower:

Elder: David Bentley Elders: Lindel Davis Josh Velten Ushers: Paul Schroeder Michael Miller Robin Gilbert Build: Gene & Carin Monk

8:00 a.m. Welcome Opening Song LSB829 Christ the Eternal Lord Invocation Confession/Absolution Introit Kyrie Prayer of the Day Acts 1:12-26 Gradual 1 John 5:19-15 Verse John 17:11-19 Apostle’s Creed Sermon Hymn LSB709 The King of Love Sermon Offertory Offering His Sheep Am I Prayers Lord’s Prayer Prayer for the Word Benediction Closing Hymn LSB851

10:30 a.m. Welcome Baptism Hymn LSB588 Jesus Loves Me Baptism Hymn LSB594 God’s Own Child Readings Acts 1:12-26 1 John 5:19-15 John 17:11-19 Children’s Message Offering His Sheep Am I Prayer Lord’s Prayer Sermon Hymn LSB709 The King of Love Sermon Benediction Closing Hymn How Can I Keep from Singing

TODAY! 12:00 p.m. All council members are reminded to be at our quarterly meeting today after the late service. Mowers are needed! The sign up sheet is on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall! We have the equipment we just need the manpower. Thanks to those who have already signed up. However, there are still lots of opportunities for others to serve. If you would be willing to take a turn, please sign up today! Holy Cow Smokers from Lamb of God are planning a disaster relief trip to Bridge Creek, Oklahoma. They are leave Friday, May 22 and will return Monday, May 25. Ages 14 and up are typically most useful. St. John’s in Moore, OK has agreed to provide lodging for those staying overnight. There is more information on the bulletin board in the fellowship hall and the Table. To register, go to and follow the link there.

Grace is having a Church Picnic next Sunday, May 24th. There will be no Early Service or Sunday School that day. We will have an outdoor service at 10:30 a.m. The Picnic and games will follow. Hamburgers, hotdogs, bratwursts and drinks will be provided. Everyone is asked to bring a side and a dessert. Grace is selling t-shirts! Place orders on The Table or on the bulletin board in the fellowship hall. Turn in money or checks payable to Grace Lutheran to Kayla or the Church Office. Contact Kayla or Lindel for more information. We will be taking orders through Sunday, June 7th. During the month of June, Communion will be celebrated on the second and THIRD Sundays (June 14 & 21) instead of our normal schedule of the second and fourth Sundays. Eleonore Whiting is home now with assistance and wishes to thank Pastor for his visits, and the congregation for their prayers, cards, and concern. All were greatly appreciated.

Today’s we conclude our sermon series on Psalm 23: “Forever” VBS is Monday, July 27— Friday, July 31. For more information, to register, or to volunteer, visit or contact Elaine Botka, April Gilbert, or Jeana Parsons . For the first quarter of this year, our Sunday School offerings supported SHARE, a ministry of feeding the homeless in the Sherman and Denison areas. We sent them a check for $345.30. We Our mission project for this six months is supporting Sole Hope, a ministry that provides shoes for orphans in Uganda. There will be a hands on project for this in August. Right now, we are asking you to start saving cleaned, empty milk jugs and used blue jeans. More information will be provided in the coming weeks. You can also visit to learn more about this organization.

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