November 18, 2018
2411 Woodlake Road Denison, Texas 75021 (903) 465-1016
Ministers: Members of Grace Pastor ....................................... Michael J. Mattil Secretary ...................................... Debi Wendorf Organist..........................................Cheryl Mattil Children’s Ministry............................April Gibert
This Week at Grace Today November 18 8:00 a Traditional Worship 9:15 a Sunday School Hour 10:30 a Blended worship 12:00 p Council Meeting 12:00 p Hand Bells Practice 6:00 p Praise Team Practice Wednesday November 21 1:00 p Quilters 6:00 p Youth Thanksgiving Meal 7:00 p Thanksgiving Eve Service Thursday November 22 Thanksgiving Next Sunday November 25 8:00 a Traditional worship 9:15 a Sunday School Hour 10:30 a Blended worship 12:00 p Hand Bells Practice 6:00 p Praise Team Practice
Serving in November 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m.
Altar Care
Elder Elders
Larry Miller Glenn Dube Lindel Davis Ushers Josh Velten Jeremiah Velten Open
Reminder!!!! to all those planning to attend the National Youth Gathering. You must have your deposit in by November 25th. Please contact April if you have questions.
Worship Welcome /Greetting Late Service: Handbells The Church’s One Foundation
Rededication of Sancturary Prayer Responsive Reading Opening Hymn: LSB907 God Himself is Present
Confession of Sins Absolution 2 Chronicles 6:18–21 1 Peter 2:4–10 Matthew 21:12–17 Offerings/Pledges Placed on Altar Early Service: Handbells The Church’s One Foundation
Late Service: Children’s Message Apostle’s Creed Prayers of the Church Words of Institution Peace of the Lord The Distribution Prayer Sermon Hymn: LSB733 O God, Our Help in Ages Past
Sermon Benediction Closing Hymn: Early Service: LSB794 The Lord, My God, Be Praised
Late Service: How Great is Our God
Hand Bells and Praise Team practice on Sundays. Every one is invited to Raise a Joyful noise to the Lord! Hand Bells practice 12:00 p.m. Praise Team practice 6:00 p.m. There will be no Midweek and Confirmation classes on November 21st. Classes will resume for one week on November 28th and then take a break until January.
The Advent meals this year will be provided by the Pioneer Campers. If you are planning on attending camp next summer you are encouraged to help with the meals to lower your cost for the camp. Please get with Josh or Amy Velten to see what you can do.
The new online church directory is available to all members. You will be able to update your own information and only see others contact information. You must have an active email account. Please contact Debi Wendorf if you have questions or would like access to the directory.
Baptisms and Birthdays this week! Baptism Jesse Haddock 11/24 Birthdays Danny Blackshear 11/23 Anniversaries Scott & Suzanne Peters 11/19/2005 13 yrs
Flowers on the Altar this week are from Sandra Noth in memory of family members.
The Church Council will be meeting TODAY after the second service. Please have your reports ready to present.
Annual Youth Turkey Dinner! The Youth Turkey dinner will be held on Wednesday November 21st at 6 p.m., before the Thanksgiving Eve service at 7 p.m. The funds raised from the meal will go to wards costs for the National Youth Gathering in Minneapolis next summer. If you are planning to attend the gathering you are encouraged to help with the meal. Please contact April on how you can help.
December will be a event filled month starting on the very first day! Saturday December 1 we will decorate the church for the Advent Season. Decorating begins at 9 a.m. Saturday December 1 will be a family night with Karaoke. The fun starts at 6 p.m. Please bring a snack to share. Sunday December 2 we will start hosting Family Promise for the week. Please contact Robin Gilbert or Elaine Botka to volunteer. Saturday December 8 the Praise Team (and anyone else that would like too) will be Caroling at the annual Denison on Ice. Please Contact April for the details. There will also be the Children's program and practices. More details to follow.
CAN YOU HELP US? Help Send the Pioneer Youth to Camp Lone Star this summer! Your empty cans can help pay the way! Please put them in the grey can outside the youth room! THANKS!!!