Ministers: Members of Grace Pastor ....................................... Michael J. Mattil DCE Intern................................. Kayla Meinscher Organist ......................................... Cheryl Mattil
October 19, 2014 19th Sunday after Pentecost
This Week at Grace Today 10/19 8:00 a Traditional Worship 9:15 a Sunday School & Bible Class 10:30 a Blended Worship 5:30 p Handbells 5:30 p Children’s Choir 6:30 p Praise Team Tuesday 10/21 8:30 a Circuit Conference at Grace 6:30 p Special Council Meeting Wednesday 10/22 1:00 p Quilters 5:30 p Children’s Handbells 6:00 p Midweek Meal 6:30 p Midweek & Confirmation Thursday 10/23 6:30 a Men at Braums Next Sunday 10/26 8:00 a Traditional Worship—Communion 9:15 a Sunday School & Bible Class 10:30 a Blended Worship –Communion 12:00 p Christmas Program Info Meeting 5:30 p Handbells 5:30 p Children’s Choir 6:30 p Praise Team
Mission Statement Grace exists to strengthen people in their relationship with Jesus Christ and to empower them to share Jesus with others.
8:00 TLH P. 5 Pastor’s Welcome Opening Song: LSB590 Baptized into Your Name Most Holy Invocation Confession & Absolution Catechism Review Sacrament of Holy Baptism Gloria Patri Kyrie Gloria in Excelsis Prayer Of The Day Acts 2:36-41 Romans 6:1-11 Verse Matthew 28:16-20 Apostle’s Creed Sermon Hymn: LSB605 Father Welcomes Sermon Offertory Offering Prayers and Lord’s Prayer Prayer for the Word Benediction Closing Hymn: LSB601 All Who Believe and Are Baptized
10:30 Pastor’s Welcome We Greet Each Other Opening Songs: Baptized You Are My Own Invocation Catechism Review Sacrament of Holy Baptism Confession/Absolution Prayer Of The Day Acts 2:36-41 Romans 6:1-11 Matthew 28:16-20 Apostle’s Creed Children’s Handbells Children’s Message Sermon Hymn: LSB605 Father Welcomes Sermon Offering Prayers and Lord’s Prayer Benediction Closing Hymn: LSB601 All Who Believe and Are Baptized
October 29 6-8 p.m. Join us for Food, Games, Trunk or Treat, Cake Walk, and Costumes! Invite your friends and join us for a great time! We will need tons of help, so if you would like to be involved please let Kayla know! Areas to volunteer: -Baked goods will be needed for the cake walk. -Meal Prep and service -Help run games -Vehicles for Trunk or Treat If you plan to bring a car for trunk or treat, please reserve your spot with Kayla. If you cannot be here, but would like to provide candy to hand out at the Trunk or Treat, Kayla would be happy to receive your donations. Thanks to Larry Miller for the hay bales! Thanks to everyone who helped with our Fellowship Hall Facelift. Special thanks to Cari Miller for spearheading the job and doing a ton of work on it herself.
This year's Christmas production will be a dinner theater that will take place on Saturday, Dec 20th. There are so many ways to get involved with this production. We would love to have you come and help out! There will be an informational meeting Sunday, Oct. 26th right after the late service. If you are interested in participating in any way please make arrangements to be at this meeting. If you have any questions, please contact Kayla.
October Altar Care 8:00 Worship 10:30 Worship
Carolyn Reneau & Kathy Smith Elder Larry Miller Elders: James Patterson Glenn Dube
Sip and See Introducing Trapper Scot Wallace Son of Katie and Aaron Wallace Grandson of Susan & Waylen Knowles October 26, 2014 2 - 4 p.m. 2421 Deer Lake Drive, Denison, TX RSVP kwilsoneng@aol.com
Special Meeting Tuesday Grace is hosting the Pastors of Circuit 8 for a conference on Tuesday morning. Pastor Phil Cook, our Circuit Visitor, will be in attendance. He has requested to meet with the Council that evening. He wants to share some things that are happening in our District and Synod. He also wants to hear from our leadership about what is going on here at Grace and give you a chance to share any joys or concerns that you have with him. Please plan to attend.
FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT Mark your calendar! November 1st we will hold a family movie night here at Grace. It will start at 5:30 with a potluck supper — bring something good to share! Then, around 6, we’ll show the movie “Luther” in the Sanctuary. This coincides with our observance of Reformation Sunday here at Grace on November 2. This is open to anyone who would like to attend.