October 7, 2018
The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) is the official women’s auxiliary of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Since 1942, the LWML has affirmed each woman’s identity as a child of God and her relationship with Jesus Christ. Lutheran Women in Mission are encouraged and equipped to live out their lives in active mission ministries and to support missions around the world through their sacrificial gifts of Mite Box offerings and tireless service. As God’s children, we rest in the assurance that He loves us and sent His Son to redeem us. God is our rock and salvation. That firm foundation enables us to reach out into a changing world in need of the Gospel.
This Week at Grace Today October 7 8:00 a Traditional Worship 9:15 a Sunday School Hour 10:30 a Blended worship 12:00 p Hand Bells Practice LWML Meeting Pioneer Campers Meeting 6:00 p Praise Team Practice Wednesday October 10 11:00 a Ladies Bible Study 1:00 p Quilters 6:00 p Midweek Thursday October 11 6:30 a Men’s Bible Breakfast at Braums Next Sunday October 14 8:00 a Traditional worship 9:15 a Sunday School Hour 10:30 a Blended worship 12:00 p Hand Bells Practice 6:00 p Praise Team Practice
Serving in October 8:00 a.m. Elder 10:30 a.m. Elders Ushers Altar Care
Art Farrow Glenn Dube Bryan Hantsche Roger Meyer Steve Gilbert Sandra Noth CeAnn Lundin
Grace Lutheran Church 2411 Woodlake Road Denison, Texas 75021 (903) 465-1016 glcdenison.org
8:00 LSB4 Welcome/Greeting Opening Hymn: LSB 728 How Firm a Foundation
Responsive Reading Kyrie Gloria in Excelsis Salutation Collect of the Day Daniel 6:12–27 Ephesians 6:10–17 Matthew 11:25–30 Nicene Creed The LWML Pledge Hymn of the Day : LSB 575 My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less
Sermon Offerings Prayer of the Church Preface Sanctus Prayer of Thanksgiving Lord's Prayer The Words of Institution Sharing the Peace Lamb of God Distribution Now Depart Post-Communion Prayer Benediction Closing Hymn Serve the Lord With Gladness
10:30 Welcome/Greeting Opening Song Here I Am To Worship
Confession/Absolution Gloria in Excelsis Salutation Collect of the Day Daniel 6:12–27 Children’s Message Ephesians 6:10–17 Matthew 11:25–30 Nicene Creed The LWML Pledge Praise Team We Believe
Sermon Offerings Prayer of the Church Lord's Prayer The Words of Institution Sharing the Peace Distribution Distribution Hymns Shout To The Lord Once Again
Closing Hymn Serve the Lord With Gladness
Today we observe LWML Sunday. After the late service there will be a short meeting . One of the topics will be the Fall Event being held at Faith Lutheran Plano on October 21st.
CAN YOU HELP US? Help Send the Pioneer Youth to Camp Lone Star this summer! Your empty cans can help pay the way! Please put them in the grey can outside the youth room! THANKS!!!
Wednesday October 31 Grace will host a Trunk or Treat in the church parking lot. Awards will be given for best decorated car, best costume for an adult and for children. Chili Dogs will be served with all the fixen’s, bring a side to share. There will be games and fun aplenty!!!
Baptisms and Birthdays this week! Baptism Jeffrey Miller 10/10 Emma Blood 10/12 Birthdays David Martin 10/08 Bryan Hantsche 10/10 Ron Botka 10/12 Anniversaries Philip & Mary Haning 10/08/2004 14 yrs Roger & Margarita Meyer 10/11/1980 38 yrs
Hand Bells and Praise Team have resumed practices on Sundays. Every one is invited to Raise a Joyful noise to the Lord! Hand Bells practice 12:00 p.m. Praise Team practice 6:00 p.m.
Ministers: Members of Grace Pastor ........................................ Michael J. Mattil Secretary ....................................... Debi Wendorf Organist..........................................Cheryl Mattil Children’s Ministry...........................April Gilbert
Where Love Abounds John 15:1-17
Fri Nov 9th 7:00 p.m.— Sat Nov 10th 1:00 p.m. Mattill’s & Miller’s Country Retreats. 2200 Hayden Hall Road, Bells TX. If you have questions contact Cheryl Mattil at 903-421-1011. You may attend all or some of the retreat. Ages confirmation through Seasoned Citizens. Bring a snack to share. Please join us. Ladies Bible Study will meet October 10, at 11:00 am, in the Fellowship Hall. All ladies are invited and please bring a friend. A luncheon will follow the study. All ladies are invited to a craft project at 1:30 pm in the craft room. If you have questions please contact Kay Clark.
If you are planning on attending camp next year, the Pioneer Campers will be having a short meeting today after the second service. They will meet in the Youth room.
The new online church directory is available to all members. You will be able to update your own information and only see others contact information. You must have an active email account. Please contact Debi Wendorf if you have questions or would like access to the directory.