2411 Woodlake Road Denison, Texas 75021 (903) 465-1016 www.glcdenison.org
October 9, 2016
Christ is the cornerstone of our faith and the foundation of our life as the people of God. We are looking at the teachings of Scripture that comprise the foundation of our faith and see how they center on Christ and shape our day to day living. Today we will look at Baptism. As a supplement to this series, there are materials available for individual and/or small group study during the week. Go to glcdenison.org to find the links to the study materials.
Ministers: Members of Grace Pastor ..... Michael J. Mattil Secretary ..................... Elaine Botka Organist ........ Cheryl Mattil Children’s Minister .... Jeana Parsons
It's going to get cold, and we don't want anyone to have chilled toes! LWML is collecting "Socks for Seniors". Colorful socks, funny socks, plain socks, slipper socks. The socks will be given to residents in nursing homes. A basket is in the narthex. Please help us! LWML Fall Event celebrating 75th year of Ministry to our Savior, Our Churches, our communities and LCMS Mission to the World. Saturday, October 22, 2016, Messiah Lutheran Church, 1801 West Plano Parkway, Plano, TX. Meet and greet at 10:00 a.m. program begins at 10:30 a.m. The Dallas Christian Jazz Band will present a concert. LWML members will have a DalNorth Zone fall meeting following the concert and lunch (cost is $8). Please RSVP to reid.priscella@gmail.com. It’s Fall Y’all and we’d like to get to know you s’more! Join us on October 22nd 4:00—7:00 pm for a community wide Bonfire at 2190 Hayden Hall Rd., Bells TX.
We will be roasting hot dogs, marshmallows and making S'more's, hot chocolate and apple cider to drink. There will be hayrides and a photo op. Don’t forget you lawn chairs and tell everyone you know. Just s’more down home food, friend and fun. See y’all there.
It's a girl!!!! Please join us for a baby shower honoring Leah Richardson at 3511 Montclair, Sherman on Sunday, October 16, 2:00 p.m. Hosted by DD and Tori Pappas, Cari Miller, Michelle White, and Nancy Davis. Leah is registered at Babies R Us, Amazon, Target, and Best Buy Baby.
Sojourners will not meet in October, next meeting will be November 1 at 10:00 a.m.
A ring was turned into the office, found in the women’s restroom on September 16.
Sunday School Confirmation age will be learning about being "TWEEN A ROCK and a HARD PLACE". Post-Confirmation Youth will be learning about "FREEDOM RIDE" .
Midweek Youth will be meeting on Wednesdays to discuss Bullying & the Bible. This week they will be exploring how FEAR attracts bullying behavior and how ASSERTIVE ENERGY repels it. Midweek younger kids will experience a PARABLE QUEST adventure each Wednesday night. Meals are provided at 6:00 p.m., followed by activities at 6:30 p.m. If you would like to help provide meals, speak to Jeana Parsons. In our nation we have the right to be involved in the election process. You can help make a difference in the future of our nation. If you are not registered to vote, you have until October 11 to do so. In Grayson County, you can call 903-893-8683 or elections@co.grayson.tx.us Belk Charity Sale Saturday, November 5 6 am - 10 am Grace kids going to Camp Lone Star are selling tickets for the Belk Charity Sale. The tickets are $5, and that purchase price stays with the Youth. The ticket gets you into the store for the sale and is worth $5 for you to spend on the day of the sale. Merchandise will be marked down 20-75% storewide. You can use up to 5 tickets per person.
LADIES OF GRACE BIBLE STUDY This coming Wednesday, October 12th, will be exceptional in that we will each share information about one woman we have found most interesting in our studies. If time allows, we will review an article from September's Lutheran Witness entitled, "For All the Faithful Women." Our study guide is nearly finished, so please bring ideas for future studies. This special time together will begin in the Fellowship Hall at 11 a.m., followed by our famous potluck luncheon. If you have questions or need help with your choice of a Biblical Woman, contact Kay Clark at 817.307.8405.
Worship 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Welcome Opening Hymn LSB590 Baptized into Your Name Most Holy Invocation Confession Absolution Psalm 111 Lord have mercy Salutation Prayer of the Day Ruth 1:1-19a Gradual 2 Timothy 2:1–13 Verse Gospel Lesson Luke 17:11-19 Nicene Creed Catechism: Baptism Page 325 Sermon Hymn LSB594 God’s Own Child Sermon Baptism Offertory Offering Offering Hymn LSB805 Prayer of the Church Preface Holy, Holy, Holy Lord’s Prayer Words of Institution Peace of the Lord Lamb of God Distribution Song of Simeon Thanksgiving Benediction Closing Hymn LSB601 All Who Believe and Are
Invocation Welcome Opening Hymn Baptized Catechism: Baptism Page 325 Confession Absolution Words of Institution Peace of the Lord Distribution Distribution Hymn LSB601 All Who Believe and Are Baptized Ruth 1:1-19a 2 Timothy 2:1–13 Praise Team Come See the Son Gospel Lesson Luke 17:11-19 Nicene Creed Children’s Message Offering Prayer of the Church Lord’s Prayer Sermon Hymn You are My Own Sermon Baptism Benediction Closing Hymn You Are Holy
Altar Flowers today are given by Willie and Kay Clark celebrating their son Mike’s birthday, Willie and Kay’s 48th wedding anniversary and Kay’s birthday.
Men of Grace will be smoking briskets on Saturday, October 15. This meat will be available after the late service next Sunday as sandwiches or in bulk for donations. The money raised will go towards buying tools and equipment for the Disaster Response Trailer, which should be arriving in the next month or so. Our Sunday School Offerings for the fourth quarter (October thru December) will also go toward this project. As we search for ways to share information with our members in a timely manner, we are using Remind on a trial basis. This is used by schools to share information with parents. If you would like to receive messages about things going on here at Grace, you can sign up on our website (glcdenison.org) or go to this link: https://www.remind.com/join/glcden
Hand Bell Choir practice today 5:30 p.m. Praise Team practice today 6:30 p.m.
Printed copies of the October Calendar with Birthdays and Anniversaries are available in the Narthex. Current information is always available at www.glcdenison.org. Remember in Prayer Our Fall schedule here at Grace Those with medical concerns Those who are shut in Elections for our government
Please remember Heather Bleier in prayer as she considers the call we have extended to her to serve with us as our Children’s and Family minister here at Grace.
This Week at Grace Today October 9 8:00 a Traditional Worship 9:15 a Sunday School/Bible Class 10:30 a Blended Worship 5:30 p Hand Bells Choir 6:30 p Praise Team Wednesday October 12 1:00 p Quilters 6:00 p Midweek Thursday October 13 6:30 a Men’s Breakfast Bible Study Saturday, October 15 4:00 p Men of Grace Next Sunday October 16 8:00 a Traditional Worship 9:15 a Sunday School/Bible Class 10:30 a Blended Worship
Serving This Week 8:00 a.m. Elders 10:30 a.m. Elders Ushers
Larry Miller Bryan Hantsche Lindel Davis Roger Meyer Waylen Knowles
Altar Care Nursery Today Nursery Next Week
Kathy Smith Amy Velten
Elaine Botka
We’re glad you’re here!
Our 8 a.m. service uses the traditional liturgies and hymns of the Lutheran Church. The 10:30 a.m. Worship Service is a more contemporary service, using a variety of formats, instruments and newer songs along with traditional hymns. Please fill out a Family Registration Card with your Prayer Requests. Pass cards to the center aisle so the ushers can collect them. Children are welcome in the worship service. They are invited to the front for a children’s message during the 10:30 a.m. service. A nursery is provided for children 3 and under during the Sunday School and the 10:30 a.m. Service. The ushers will assist you in finding the nursery.