September 17, 2017
Grace Lutheran Church 2411 Woodlake Road Denison, Texas 75021 (903) 465-1016
Ministers: Members of Grace Pastor ....................................... Michael J. Mattil Secretary.......................................Debi Wendorf Organist..8:00 Ajha Farrow...10:30 Cheryl Mattil Interim Children’s Minister ...........Jeana Parsons
This Week at Grace Today September 17 8:00 a Traditional Worship 9:15 a Sunday School/Bible Class 10:30 a Blended Worship 12:00 p Potluck Luncheon Wednesday September 20 1:00 p Quilters 6:30 p Movie Event/Cinemark Sherman Thursday September 21 6:30 a Men’s Bible Breakfast at Braum’s Next Sunday September 24 8:00 a Traditional Worship 9:15 a Sunday School/Bible Class 10:30 a Blended Worship
Serving in September 8:00 a.m. Worship 10:30 a.m. Worship
Altar Care:
Elder: Larry Miller Elders: Bryan Hantsche James Patterson Ushers: Greg Pappas Michael Miller Elaine Botka Carol Botka
An invitation to the wedding of Scott Dewald’s son Ross has been extended to the members of Grace. Please see the bulletin board by the mailboxes.
Flowers on the Altar today are in honor of Myra Gilbert’s birthday on the 21st.
LSB4 P.203 Welcome /Gretting Welcome /Greeting Invocation Opening Hymn LSB#869 Opening Songs With the Lord Begin your Glorious Day Task Confession / Absolution Invocation/Confession/ Words of Institution Absolution Sharing of the Peace Hymn of Praise (P 204) The Distribution Gloria in Excelsis Distribution Songs Salutation and Collect There is A Redeemer 1 Chronicles 29:10–16 My Jesus I Love Thee 1 Timothy 6:6–12 1 Chronicles 29:10–16 Alleluia Verse 1 Timothy 6:6–12 Matthew 6:25-33 Matthew 6:25-33 Nicene Creed Nicene Creed Hymn of the Day LSB685 Children’s Message Let Us Ever Walk With Offerings Jesus Offering Hymn Sermon Prayers of the Church Offerings LSB780 Offering Hymn O Lord, Hear My Prayer Prayers of the Church Lord’s Prayer The Preface Song Holy You Are My All in All Prayer of Thanksgiving Sermon Words of Institution Benediction Sharing of the Peace Closing Hymn LSB922 Lamb of God The Go, My Children, With My Distribution Blessing Song of Simeon Post-Communion Prayer Parting Blessings Closing Hymn LSB922 Go, My Children, With My Blessing
A big Thank You to Rev. Dr. Jerry Keischnick for leading both services and Bible study today
Online giving made easy! Look for the link at There is also a Give+ Mobile App available from Google Play and the App Store. You can give using your checking account, debit card, or a credit card. Contact the church office for more information.
Join us today for some Good food and Awesome fellowship.
Praise team will start practice September 24th. They will now meet after the 10:30 service. If you like to sing, come and lift your voice to the Lord.
We are still lookfor volunteers to with the Flood ReThe next trip will Orange Texas. September 21 through the 24 or Please contact the Church office if can help.
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For news about Texas District congregations and how you can help, visit: or both of which update regularly. To make donations, visit or send a check to the Texas District office. Texas District— LCMS 7900 E. Hwy 290 Austin, TX 78724 You can also give through Grace. Just mark the offering envelope to Disaster Relief and we will forward it on to the district The fourth quarter Portals of Prayer and the Lutheran Women’s Quarterly are now available. Please pick one up for yourself and one for a friend.
Ladies Retreat Sponsored by LWML Texas District Lakeview Methodist Retreat Center, Palestine, TX Friday Sept. 29, 3pm to Saturday Sept. 30, 3 pm The cost of the event, will be $85 for the two-day event and $50 for Saturday only. Go to for more information and to register. Want to tell others you are happy to be a part of this congregation? Now you can order shirts, jackets, or other items with our Grace logo embroidered on them! The 75th anniversary committee decided to open an online store with a WIDE VARIETY of items in every price range. A link to the webstore is on or you can go to it directly at:
The Martin Luther movie is sold out. If you have purchased a ticket that will not be used please let the church office know. There is a waiting list of people who would like to see the movie.