September 24, 2017
Grace Lutheran Church 2411 Woodlake Road Denison, Texas 75021 (903) 465-1016
Ministers: Members of Grace Pastor ....................................... Michael J. Mattil Secretary ...................................... Debi Wendorf Organist..8:00 Ajha Farrow...10:30 Cheryl Mattil Interim Children’s Minister ...........Jeana Parsons
This Week at Grace Today September 24 8:00 a Traditional Worship 9:15 a Sunday School/Bible Class 10:30 a Blended Worship 11:30 a Praise Team Practice Wednesday September 27 1:00 p Quilters 6:00 p Midweek Thursday September 28 6:30 a Men’s Bible Breakfast at Braum’s Next Sunday October 1 8:00 a Traditional Worship 9:15 a Sunday School/Bible Class 10:30 a Blended Worship 11:30 a Praise Team Practice
Serving in September 8:00 a.m. Worship 10:30 a.m. Worship
Altar Care:
Elder: Larry Miller Elders: Bryan Hantsche James Patterson Ushers: Greg Pappas Michael Miller Elaine Botka Carol Botka
Serving in October 8:00 a.m. Worship 10:30 a.m. Worship
Altar Care:
Elder: Scott Ducote Elders: Josh Velten Lindel Davis Ushers: Paul Velten Roger Meyer Chrissie Gilbert April Gilbert
LSB1 p. 151 Invocation Welcome/Greeting Welcome/Greeting Opening Hymn: LSB570 Opening Songs Just as I Am, Without One God of Wonders Plea Once Again Invocation Catechism: Confession/Absolution The Lord’s Prayer Kyrie Isaiah 55:6-9 This is the Feast Philippians 1:12-14, 19-30 Prayer Of The Day Matthew 20:1-16 Isaiah 55:6-9 Prayer Of The Day Gradual Children’s Message Philippians 1:12-14, 19-30 Confession of Sins Matthew 20:1-16 Absolution Sermon Hymn: LSB507 Words of Institution Holy Holy Holy Sharing of the Peace Sermon The Distribution Nicene Creed Distribution Song Offerings Father Welcomes Offering Hymn Offering Let the Vineyards Be Offering Hymn Fruitful Prayers Prayers of the Church Sermon Hymn: The Preface Jesus King Most Wonderful Prayer & Lord’s Prayer Sermon Words of Institution Benediction Peace of the Lord Closing Hymn Lamb of God Sent Forth by God's Blessing The Distribution Post-Communion Hymn Prayer Benediction Closing Hymn: LSB554 O Jesus King Most Wonderful
Would you be interested in a 9.5% investment? Consider a Reformation Note from Texas Church Extension fund. Contact the church office or CEF at 888-951-1233 or go to for more information
Reformation Note The Reformation Note is a LIMITED TIME OFFER to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in 2017. Note terms: •$500 investment amount •9.5% interest rate, interest will accumulate 7 month term •At maturity investor may withdraw funds, switch to another investment type or investment will automatically switch to a one-year term at then current rates •Limit of one $500 investment per household •Promotion will be for a limited time •Penalty for early redemption of the note will be 90 day’s interest
Get ready for the Fall Festival! Hayrides, bonfire, nature walks and great fellowship. Once again the Mattil’s will host the festival on their land. The fun starts at 4 pm on October 21st. More details will come soon!
Midweek continues this Wednesday starting at 6:00 pm with a meal. Brandon Cranshaw will lead the adult study reviewing the Book of Revelation. Praise team will start practice today after 10:30 service. If you like to sing, come and lift your voice to the Lord.
Grace Lutheran Church 75th Anniversary Dinner Mark your calendars for Sunday November 5th. The anniversary committee is preparing a special service and lunch for the entire congregation (family and former members are invited also). The Kidd-Key Auditorium has been rented out for this momentous occasion. More information will be available when the date gets closer.
Please help make the grounds around Grace look great! We are still in need of mowers. We have all the equipment (it’s a riding mower) we just need the man power to get the job done. The sign up sheet is on the bulletin board.
Ladies Retreat Sponsored by LWML Texas District Lakeview Methodist Retreat Center, Palestine, TX Friday Sept. 29, 3pm to Saturday Sept. 30, 3 pm If you are plaining to attend the retreat please contact either Jane Bronstad or Cheryl Mattil to discuss carpooling.
Sojourners Bible Study Group will meet Tuesday October 3rd at 10:00 am. Contact Gorlyn Bronstad for more information.
Want to tell others you are happy to be a part of this congregation? Now you can order shirts, jackets, or other items with our Grace logo embroidered on them! The 75th anniversary committee decided to open an online store with a WIDE VARIETY of items in every price range. A link to the webstore is on or you can go to it directly at: