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Feeling a loss of control?

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Lately I’ve been feeling like some parts of our collective life are spinning out of control – or maybe they never were within our control, and lately it’s become obvious.

For example, whatever is happening with the Queensway? There must be a way to find out – an obscure, impenetrable, confused and unhelpful way, but nevertheless it must exist.

When will the Bronson east offramp open? When will the Bronson west on-ramp open? When will the Percy Street underpass be open to cars? Will the Percy Street underpass suddenly be closed as well to walkers and bikers, as happened a couple of weeks ago? Will the Percy Street underpass be clear of debris, or will I and my bike need to screech to a halt and weave around piles of dirt, construction gear, wires and other hazards in the dark, as was also the case a couple of weeks ago? It’s all in the hands of a Ministry of Transport (MOT) headquartered in Toronto, 350 kilometres away – and it seems a universe away in “caring.”

Then there’s the Queen Elizabeth Driveway. It seems there are no lights and haven’t been lights for some time now, while the NCC and the City “discuss” who is responsible. There is talk of temporary lighting but no actual movement in that direction. This discussion happening with little or no reference to the people who live there.

And will the Queen Elizabeth Driveway be closed to traffic permanently? It’s an idea that’s been floated, but www.glebereport.ca

Established in 1973, the Glebe Report, published by the Glebe Report Association is a monthly not-forprofit community newspaper with a circulation of 7,500 copies. It is delivered free to Glebe homes and businesses. Advertising from merchants in the Glebe and elsewhere pays all its costs, and the paper receives no government grants or direct subsidies. The Glebe Report, made available at select locations such as the Glebe Community Centre and the Old Ottawa South Community Centre and Brewer Pool, is printed by Winchester Print.

EDITOR............................ Liz McKeen editor@glebereport.ca

COPY EDITOR.................... Roger Smith

LAYOUT DESIGNER............. Jock Smith layout@glebereport.ca

GRAPEVINE EDITOR............ Micheline Boyle grapevine@glebereport.ca

WEB MANAGER................. Paul Goubko website@glebereport.ca

SOCIAL MEDIA................... Sophie Shields

ADVERTISING MANAGER...... Judy Field advertising@glebereport.ca

BOOKKEEPER.................... accounting@glebereport.ca




Hilda van Walraven circulation@glebereport.ca

Teddy Cormier, Eleanor Crowder

PROOFREADERS................ Martha Bowers, Jennifer D'Costa, Jeanette Rive

AREA CAPTAINS................. Martha Bowers, Bob Brocklebank, Judy Field, Jono Hamer-Wilson, Deb Hogan, Elena Kastritsa, Brenda Perras, Della Wilkinson again, decision-making seems to be entirely with the NCC, a federal body with a checkered history of listening to the people who live in this city.

The Glebe Report strives to be inclusive and to represent the full diversity of the community we serve.

Then we hear of a possible 90-week (that’s almost two years) detour being planned for the Queen Elizabeth Driveway and Colonel By Drive around the Queensway bridge replacements over the Canal (see elsewhere in this issue). That’s back to a decision of the MOT! Once again, not in our control.

I don’t know about you, but if I can’t have control, I’d love at least a bit of information. Or better yet, a free flow of fulsome information!

–Liz McKeen


175 Third Avenue Ottawa, Ontario K1S 2K2 613-236-4955


SUBMIT ARTICLES editor@glebereport.ca.


For Glebe Report advertising deadlines and rates, call the advertising manager. Advertising rates are for electronic material supplied in pdf format with fonts embedded in the file.

Views expressed in the articles and letters submitted to the Glebe Report are those of our contributors. We reserve the right to edit all submissions. Articles selected for publication will be published in both a printed version and an online version on the Glebe Report’s website: www. glebereport.ca. Please note: Except for July, the paper is published monthly. An electronic version of the print publication is subsequently uploaded online with text, photos, drawings and advertisements as a PDF to www.glebereport. ca. Selected articles will be highlighted on the website.

The Glebe Report acknowledges that its offices and the Glebe neighbourhood it serves are on the unceded lands and territories of the Anishinaabe people, comprised of the Ojibwe, Chippewa, Odawa, Potawatomi, Algonquin, Saulteaux, Nipissing and Mississauga First Nations.

John Dance

Véronique Dupuis

Sheri Segal Glick

Pat Goyeche

Roland Graham

Joel Harden

Jean-Denis Labelle

Julie LeBlanc

Chris Leggett

Angus Luff

Carolyn Mackenzie

Ian McKercher

Shawn Menard

Margret Brady Nankivell

Yasir Naqvi

Janette Niwa

Tim O’Connor

Christine Osborne

Susan Palmai

Doug Parker

Kevan Pipe

Jeanette Rive

Carol Shipley

Dorothy Speak

Jane Spiteri

Sue Stefko

Marc St. Pierre

Dan Vivian

Joel Westheimer

Heather White

Cecile Wilson

Karen Christina Young


Editor, Glebe Report

According to the NCC Canal Lighting Rehabilitation Project, close to three years. The NCC has announced that outdated lights are being replaced along both sides of the canal, and the work will be done by sometime in 2025.

I first contacted the NCC in November of 2022 about the lights on Queen Elizabeth Driveway not working. Their response: “In partnership with the City of Ottawa, which is responsible for the maintenance and replacement of the street lighting systems on Queen Elizabeth Driveway and Colonel By Drive, we’re working to repair or replace all outdated and broken pathway and parkway lights along the Rideau Canal.”

In February 2023, I counted 70 lights burned out between Laurier and the Bank Street Bridge. I emailed Councillor Menard’s office and their response: “The NCC will have the more informative response, as it is their project. We

Mary Tsai Park?

The City of Ottawa is conducting public consultations on a proposal to name a preschool park at the Glebe Community Centre after Mary Tsai, long-time executive director of the Glebe Neighbourhood Activities Group, in recognition of her extensive community service. She received the 2012 Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Award and her commitment to community service has garnered the support of this commemorative naming from the Glebe Community Association, the Glebe BIA, MP Yasir Naqvi and more.

Lansdowne consultations a sham

Editor, Glebe Report


Carriers will await their reply with you, as the information is most helpful.” These non-answers are not solving the problem. Queen Elizabeth Driveway is dangerously dark for bikers, pedestrians and cars. Surely, in the name of safety, the timeline to repair can be advanced before December 2025.

J Spiteri

It has become obvious to all of us that the so-called “robust consultations” on Lansdowne 2.0 have been a complete sham. We have elected a new mayor, but this city’s governance is clearly same-old, sameold. Increasingly, those who follow politics are realizing that we never hear about developments until it is too late to change them, or, alternatively, that we are being fed outright lies. At all levels of government, we are seeing an alarming deterioration of democratic process. We elect representatives, believing that this will give us influence, only to find out that we are powerless.

Dorothy Speak

Jide Afolabi, Jennie Aliman, Lawrence Ambler, Nico Arabackyj, Ella Åsell, Aubry family, Miko Bartosik, Alessandra & Stefania Bartucci, Selena Beattie, Adrian Becklumb, Beckman family, Joanne Benoit, Inez Berg, Naéma and Raphaëlle Bergevin Hemsing, Carolyn Best, Carrie Bolton, Daisy & Nettie Bonsall, Martha Bowers, Bowie family, Adélaïde and Éléonore Bridgett, Bob Brocklebank, Ben

Campbell-Rosser, Nico Cauchi, Bill Congdon, Ava & Olivia Carpenter, Ryan & Charlotte

Cartwright, Chiu-Panczyk Family, Sarah Chown, Sebastian, Cameron & Anna Cino, Janis Ellis-Claypool, Jenny Cooper, June Creelman, Marni Crossley, Olivia Dance, Mark Dance, Dawson family, Richard DesRochers, Davies Family, Nathan and Roslyn Demarsh, Marilyn Deschamps, Diekmeyer-Bastianon family, Dingle family, Delia Elkin, Nicholas, Reuben, Dave & Sandra Elgersma, Patrick Farley, James & Oliver Frank, Judy Field, Federico Family, Maria Fobes, Liane Gallop, Joann Garbig, Madeleine Gomery, Joyce

Goodhand, Camilo Velez Gorman, Barbara Greenwood, Ginny Grimshaw, Marjolein

Groenevelt, Oliver, Martin, Sarah & Simon

To submit written comments on the proposal, complete the survey at ottawa.ca/en/city-hall/city-manager-administration-and-policies/ policies-and-administrative-structure/administrative-policies/commemorative-naming (or google City of Ottawa commemorative naming).

Comments must be received by Saturday, June 24, 2023.


Sandiso Johnston

Alison Lobsinger

Hudson Love


Avery & Darcy Cole

Henry Hanson

Iain Wood


Bell & Cambridge Streets: Powell to Carling. MacLean Street.

Powell Street: Bell to Bronson

Secure bike parking coming soon to the Glebe! PHOTO: LIZ MCKEEN

CONTACT: circulation@glebereport.ca

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