WINGED MAN you already know what to do when life gives you lemons... what if your present were wings?
Gleisson Cipriano | gleissonjose@gmail.com | cipriano-gleisson.tumblr.com
S t o r y b oard keyframes 1.
“The Story of a Winged Man�
Gleisson Cipriano | gleissonjose@gmail.com | cipriano-gleisson.tumblr.com
Ch a r a c ter turnaround
“The Story of a Winged Man�
Gleisson Cipriano | gleissonjose@gmail.com | cipriano-gleisson.tumblr.com
Ch a r a c ter expressions
“The Story of a Winged Man�
Gleisson Cipriano | gleissonjose@gmail.com | cipriano-gleisson.tumblr.com
Ch a r a c ter acting & exploration
MART MADAO’S MART is a small market located in the downton, close to the main square of the city
“The Story of a Winged Man”
Gleisson Cipriano | gleissonjose@gmail.com | cipriano-gleisson.tumblr.com
Ch a r a c ter exploration
“The Story of a Winged Man�
Gleisson Cipriano | gleissonjose@gmail.com | cipriano-gleisson.tumblr.com
Ch a r a c ter’s prop pocket knife
“SWEDISH” pocketknifes are pretty famous in town... for being a copy . It is a best seller at MADAO MART
“The Story of a Winged Man”
Gleisson Cipriano | gleissonjose@gmail.com | cipriano-gleisson.tumblr.com
Ch a r a c ter’s prop exploration
“The Story of a Winged Man”
Gleisson Cipriano | gleissonjose@gmail.com | cipriano-gleisson.tumblr.com
Ci ty
“The Story of a Winged Man�
Gleisson Cipriano | gleissonjose@gmail.com | cipriano-gleisson.tumblr.com
Ci ty environmental assets
“The Story of a Winged Man�
Gleisson Cipriano | gleissonjose@gmail.com | cipriano-gleisson.tumblr.com
Ci ty value & color studies
“The Story of a Winged Man�
Gleisson Cipriano | gleissonjose@gmail.com | cipriano-gleisson.tumblr.com
Ca th e d r al
“The Story of a Winged Man�
Gleisson Cipriano | gleissonjose@gmail.com | cipriano-gleisson.tumblr.com
Ca th e d r al environmental assets
“The Story of a Winged Man�
Gleisson Cipriano | gleissonjose@gmail.com | cipriano-gleisson.tumblr.com
Ca th e d r al environmental assets
“The Story of a Winged Man�
Gleisson Cipriano | gleissonjose@gmail.com | cipriano-gleisson.tumblr.com
Ca th e d r al value & color studies
“The Story of a Winged Man�
Gleisson Cipriano | gleissonjose@gmail.com | cipriano-gleisson.tumblr.com
As you notice, this is not a story about an angel or a super hero guy. It is a story about a really normal guy, with a really normal life. Yes, he have wings, but you probably have too... that special thing which makes you different of all the other people. Maybe this is not a bad thing or something you should hide. A whole new path can be waiting for you by time when you accept yourself as you are.
The Story of a Winged Man Gleisson Cipriano gleissonjose@gmail.com cipriano-gleisson.tumblr.com