E C I V R E S R U O Y T A s ading liquor trader
Spotong chats to le
E PORTIA’S PLAC | Organisation: NTHA Owner: Portia
trade? t into the tavern How did you ge aling d and I started de all My late husban sm so d te ar st e .W in liquor in 1989 at we pushed a th and I remember our stock! We then ith wheelbarrow w rmit and slowly got a shebeen pe After my husband s. grew our busines led to operate gg passed on, I stru name rmit was on his because the pe proud ry ve and I am but I persevered rough th n ow gr s rn ha of how my tave my struggles. is do you face in th What challenges industry? nges is that I am One of my challe the police even by often harassed compliant. I also though I am fully ith criminals w have a problem rn because I am targeting my tave think that it will ey a woman and th m me. I am in fro be easy to steal ploying security em of s es oc pr e th
erous ting to get dang because it is star . aff for me and my st being a joy most about What do you en tavern owner? that I am able to ess. I enjoy the fact sin with my own bu on f support mysel ns tro pa y m g atin I also enjoy educ spect king and they re responsible drin responsible trader. a me because I am my patrons are at I love the fact th rtable when they fo relaxed and com eciate the meals that pr rn is visit and they ap for them. My tave e ar ep pr d I sell an ! ay w y me in ever an extension of back to your How do you give community? are neighbours who st to I have very poor be y m ally but I do ed ne suffering financi ey th er th he em w accommodate th t or something to ea a decent meal to . m ar w keep them
Portia Madlabane owner of Portia's Place
lema Ext Z12, Makga Location: 5518 Street, Sebokeng
ion: NTHA otsau | Organisat
the tavern trade? How did you get into cially and I decided I was struggling finan myself and my to do something for th two cases in my children. I started wi small at the time. so s wa home, which
Halefele Motsau owner of Hadis Place
you face in this What challenges do industry? is very quiet until I find that my business it seems to be d an nth payday every mo es by. I know that go e tim as rse wo getting too and I am ng gli ug str my patrons are to se come to me grateful that they choo do get worried I t bu t for entertainmen siness is slow. sometimes because bu st about being a What do you enjoy mo tavern owner? ed both of my My tavern has afford nity to attend rtu po op children the graduated orn university. My last-b to say that they ud pro am I d recently an
chosen professions. are working in their ern, my kids If I didn’t start my tav t opportunity so tha wouldn’t have had at I have enjoyed I would say that is wh ern owner – tav a most about being ost in life by bo big a s kid giving my ty! rsi ive sending them to un ns for your Do you have future pla tavern? . I desperately Yes, I need to renovate section as or need to build an outdo my lounge of t ou g tin I am still opera my home. It is ide ins a are ing din and siness is literally hard because my bu e space that I am operating in the sam home so I can my in meant to relax and take time for never really switch off start operating to sh wi myself. It is my an – d soon! outside of my home oeshoe Street, Location: 1232 Mosh ng Zone 10, Seboke
Images: Tavern Owners
Owner: Halefele M