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301.634.2273 artglasscenteratglenecho.org
The Art Glass Center at Glen Echo is a school, a resource center, and a gallery for kilnformed glass that serves the Washington metropolitan area. The Center is directed by artists-in-residence who are committed to both teaching and creating. These artists, plus other professional glass artists, offer a variety of classes for beginning, intermediate and advanced students/artists. Classes offered include basic and advanced fused glass techniques, kiln casting, jewelry, and Venetian glass beadmaking.
The Center holds exhibits each year featuring the glass art of emerging artists, studio artists, faculty and students. The Art Glass Center Gallery presents a variety of functional and sculptural fused glass pieces produced by the faculty at the Center. These pieces showcase many of the techniques that are taught in the studio, and are available for purchase; in person and at: artglasscenteratglenecho.org The Art Glass Center’s Studio and Gallery are open to the public Saturday, noon–4pm, Sunday, noon to 4pm, during Open Studio sessions, and by appointment (email: info@artglasscenteratglenecho.org). Additional information on the AGC can be found on our website: artglasscenteratglenecho.org. PLEASE NOTE: Some classes require previous experience working with glass, or permission of the instructor. Contact the AGC for more information on class prerequisites. Most kilnforming classes have an additional date arranged for the pickup of projects. All classes are taught at the Arcade Art Glass Studio. Minimum age is 14 years for all classes unless instructor permission is obtained.
Everyone who attends Open Studio or participates in an AGC workshop or class, must show proof of Covid vaccination if they are eligible to receive the vaccine in accordance with the CDC guidelines.
Open Studio
Art Glass Studio Time-$20 per hour, Two-hour minimum required.
Work independently on your kilnformed glass projects at the Art Glass Studio. Open Studio sessions are staffed by the Resident Artists and are designed to allow you to share space, ideas and energy with other glass artists. Previous fusing experience and an Open Studio Tutorial session are required. Firings, glass and materials are available for a fee; some tools are provided. As Open Studio times may be subject to change, attendees must reserve a space at least 24 hours in advance by signing up on the website at: https:// www.artglasscenteratglenecho.org/artglasscenteratglenecho. org/calendar/open-studio.
Day and Time
Wed, 11am-3pm-Staff Sun (if no class is scheduled), Noon-4pm-Staff

Family & Friends Workshops & Parties
The Art Glass Center presents special workshops, corporate retreats, parties, and events for groups. For further information, contact the Art Glass Center at 301.634.2273 or email info@artglasscenteratglenecho.org.
Art Glass Center Tour & Lecture
Bring your adult group to the AGC for a tour of the center and a lecture on kilnformed glass techniques. For more information and to arrange a custom visit for your group contact the AGC at 301.634.2273 or email: info@artglasscenteratglenecho.org.

First Time Fusers Workshop $285
Mary Wactlar Workshop: Sa, Su, Jan 8-9, 10am-3pm, Art Glass Center In this introduction to the art and techniques of fused glass you will gain the skills to create beautiful glass art through a mix of demonstrations and “hands on” practice. Learn to design, cut and fire glass with three projects that require fusing, slumping and draping techniques. Become familiar with the kiln firing process and how artists use time and temperature. This workshop is a prerequisite for most of our other workshops. A complimentary “two hour” Open Studio voucher is provided upon completion. Supplies included. Info: mwactlar@yahoo.com. Minimum age 14. 2 sessions.
Introduction to Drop-Out Vessels $330 Workshop
Michele Rubin Workshop: W, Sa, Su, M, Jan 19-24, No Class Jan 20-21,
W, 6:30-9pm; Sa, 10am-12pm; Su, 9:30am-1:30pm;
M, 4:30-7:30pm, Art Glass Center An introduction to the construction, firing and finishing of dropped glass vessels. In this workshop students will learn the following skills required for creating fabulous deepdropped glass vessels: designing and firing a thick disk; kiln set up for dropping a vessel; monitoring the drop firing to ensure a successful vessel; rim removal for a rimless vessel; and finishing the vessel edge. Prerequisite: First Time Fusers, or equivalent. Info: michele@michelerubinglass.com. Minimum age 14. 4 sessions.
Next Steps for First Time Fusers $295 Workshop
Janet Wittenberg Workshop: Sa, Su, Jan 29-30, 10am-2pm, Art Glass Center Have you learned basic fusing techniques, but don’t feel quite ready to work independently? Then this is the workshop for you! Build on basic skills, get assistance designing and creating a more advanced project of your own choosing and become more familiar with directions or techniques for further exploration. Prerequisite: First Time Fusers. Supplies included. Info: glasshabitat@glasshabitat. com. Minimum age 14. 2 sessions.
Imagery on Glass with a $200 Vinyl-Cutting Machine Workshop
Sherry Selevan Workshop: Tu, Th, Su, Feb 15, 17, 20; No Class Feb 16, 18-19;
Tu, Th 6:30-8:30pm; Su, 12-4pm; Online and Onsite If you’re looking for an effective way to add imagery to glass, but don’t have a darkroom (for screen printing) or don’t want to hand cut resists and stencils for sandblasting, the die cut machine may be perfect for you. Learn how to get the file ready for cutting and prepare the cut vinyl for use. The first
two sessions will be evening zoom classes (Feb. 15 and 17
from 6:30-8:30pm) to cover the steps in preparing imagery and cutting out the design. You do not have to own a machine and don’t worry: your processed images, or ones prepared by the instructor will be available for the final, in-person class on Feb. 20, from 12-4 pm, to create designs on glass. Supplies included. Info: sherry@sgs1.net. Minimum age 14. 3 sessions.
Stacked Glass Workshop $295
Janet Wittenberg Workshop: Sa, Su, Feb 12-13, 10am-2pm, Art Glass Center Learn several ways to create special effects with stacking layers of glass. You’ll create projects using sheet glass and powders and learn techniques for creating a variety of additional unique projects. Prerequisite: First Time Fusers. Supplies included. Info: glasshabitat@glasshabitat.com. Minimum age 14. 2 sessions.
Pressed & Flow Glass Workshop $330
Michele Rubin Workshop: Sa, Su, M, Feb 26-28, Sa, 10am-2pm;
Su, 10am-3pm; M, 5:30-9pm, Art Glass Center Explore two techniques to create unique custom glass art using flow techniques to blend & extend the fusible color palette. Using pressed glass techniques, students create a custom glass sheet for a bowl, tile or drape which will be coldworked, slumped or draped. Students will also create glass sliders for an 8 x 8 glass tile. Supplies included. Prerequisite: First Time Fusers skills. Info: michele@michelerubinglass.com. Minimum age 14 or permission of instructor. 3 sessions.