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Photography at PHOTOWORKS


301.634.2274 glenechophotoworks.org

Photoworks is a unique learning center providing a personalized atmosphere for students to develop their visual photography talents. Small classes in both digital and film mediums and professional faculty lead each student through the technical and aesthetic approaches to photography.

Photoworks Studio

Photoworks Studio is located in the Arcade building on the first floor. The studio is equipped for analogue and digital photography. The studio provides b/w film development and printing with an enlarger for each student, two film developing rooms and a mat cutting area. The digital studio is equipped with six iMacs, scanners and a new Epson printer. Laptops are encouraged for the digital student. A comprehensive photography library is available to examine the masters of photography. Visit glenechophotoworks.org for details of exhibits, teacher credentials, online exhibits and weekend workshops plus the monthly Sunday Coffee & Critique dates.

Photography Gallery

The gallery space provides an opportunity for emerging and professional photographers to exhibit their work. Exhibitions highlight both professional and student work. Exhibit announcements with details can be found on Photoworks website. Exhibits are shown on Photoworks with opening night conversations led by the juror. Slowly exhibits are beginning to fill the Studio walls. Check the website for additional information.

Professional Photo Services

Photoworks faculty will provide professional services upon request such as one-on-one tutorials, art portfolio reviews for adults and high school students preparing portfolios for college applications.


Photoworks provides internship opportunities for high school and college students during the academic year and summers. The program introduces the students to all facets of Photoworks operation – gallery sitting, all Park events, use of film and digital labs, event photography and creating monthly teen photo gatherings. Instructors encourage teens to join the summer youth program as teacher assistants.

Coffee & Critique - FREE!

Join with photographers from the metropolitan area for a 2 hour jam session led by a faculty member to view and discuss your photos over coffee and bagels. This is a “Prints “ONLY” photo session led by Karen Keating. The sessions are run every month except August. Currently. The monthly sessions sign-ups are through EventBrite for safe distancing! Refreshment donation welcome. Minimum age 15. Photoworks requires all students and instructors who are teaching and attending classes in-person at Photoworks to be vaccinated for the health and safety of everyone.

Students enrolled in classes at Photoworks must be

vaccinated and show proof of vaccination. The Vax card can be the original hard copy, a photo on their phone or an app that shows proof of vaccination. Per Montgomery County mandates, masks are required indoors. We also ask that all instructors and students stay at least 6 feet away from others and wash or sanitize your hands often.


This class takes place via Zoom, and the link to participate will be provided to only registered students by the instructor prior to the first day of class.


(sorted by category and start date)

Skills Classes

Skills: Intro to Black/White $350 Darkroom Photography

Bruce Falkinburg Class: Th, Jan 6-Mar 10, 7-10pm, Photoworks Studio This course is for those who love taking black and white photos and want to learn the basics of developing film and printing in the darkroom. We will go over camera functions, metering and making good exposures, film processing, and basic to intermediate darkroom printing. This course is a recommended pre-requisite for the Advanced Black and White Darkroom program. Skill level: beginner to intermediate. Supplies needed: working film camera (any format, black and white film) and photo paper. More info: bruce.falkinburg@gmail.com. Minimum age 16. 10 sessions.

Skills: Advanced Black and White $350 Darkroom Photography

Bruce Falkinburg Class: Tu, Jan 4-Mar 9, 7-10pm, Photoworks Studio This course is for experienced black and white film photographers who want to fine tune their camera and darkroom techniques. Topics will include advanced metering and exposure techniques, film processing strategies, and making fine art prints in the darkroom. We will feature regular special guests who will share their photography journeys and areas of specialization. Walk-ins are welcome for a nightly fee. For intermediate to advanced students. Supplies needed: working film camera (any format, black and white film), black and white photo paper. More info: bruce.falkinburg@gmail.com. Minimum age 16. 10 sessions.

Skills: Learning to Light $350

Robb Hill Class: Tu, Jan 4-Feb 8, 7-9pm, Photoworks Studio Are you frustrated with your flash? Learn techniques to improve your photos when you introduce artificial lighting. This class will work with off camera flash, mixing ambient and artificial light and studio lights. Students must have 1 strobe that works off camera. Masks and proof of vaccination required. More info: robb@robbhill.com. Minimum age 18. 6 sessions.

Skills: iPhone Still Lives $175

Sue Bloom Class: Tu, Jan 11-Feb 1, 1-3pm, Online “Still Lives” have been a constant source of inspiration in art for hundreds of years. What can a still life say to us now? How can you create a meaningful arrangement? And how can you use the modern photographic tool of the iPhone? This class will explore the use of the iPhone, and all its modes and lenses, curated apps to amplify the desired effect, as well as the importance of still lives. The winter months are a good time to nestle-in with your iPhone and your creativity. More info: sue@suebloom.com. Minimum age 18. 4 sessions.

Skills: Introduction to Adobe $360 Lightroom Classic for Digital Photographers

Alec Dann Class: W, Jan 12-Feb 16, 7-9:30pm, Online Learn how to organize your digital photographs and bring them to life with adjustments that are intuitive and easy-to-learn. Class will include live demonstrations of the software plus hands-on practice with your own images. Includes setting up your phone to sync photos with your computer. More info: alec.dann@verizon.net. Minimum age 18. 6 sessions.


Skills: Photoshop Layers & Masks $325

Page Carr Class: Su, Jan 16-30, 11am-1:30pm, Online Learn to use Photoshop layers and masks to adjust and retouch images non-destructively. Some experience with Photoshop will be useful, but not required. This course is good preparation for Photoshop compositing and montage work. Illustrated notes will be provided along with practice images if you need them. More info: pagecarr@gmail.com. Minimum age 18. 3 sessions.

Skills: Steps and Practice of Photo Criticism $175

Karen Keating Class: M, Feb 21-Mar 7, 7-9pm, Photoworks Studio This is an introduction to a process of understanding images before starting the sentence with “I like or I dislike…”. Similar to the phrase, “do not put the cart before the horse” we will practice and lean on the photo criticism model and understanding of images introduced and practiced by Terry Barrett. Support for your opinion is clear visual statements from a lively conversation around each student’s images and master photographers. More info: karenkeating5002@comast.net. Minimum age 18. 3 sessions.


Skills: Creating Handmade $240 Photography Books

David Scherbel Class: Th, Feb 3-24, 1-3pm, Photoworks Studio The instructor will demonstrate the steps necessary to hand-make two different kinds of books of interest to photographers. Each student will make a leather spine book of approximately 12 pages with photographs they have printed. Supplies will be provided by the instructor. More info: 301.704.4252; davidscherbel@gmail.com. Minimum age 18. 4 sessions.

Skills: Photographing Artwork $350

Frank Van Riper Class: Sa, Feb 26-Mar 12, 10am-1pm, Photoworks Studio Learn to photograph your—or others’—artwork to show it off at its best for shows, proposals or catalogs. Handson classes; instructor provides lighting equipment. Intermediate level for students with some knowledge of flash. This in-person class is offered to vaccinated students. Info: GVR@GVRphoto.com. More info: GVR@GVRphoto.com. Minimum age 18. 3 sessions.


Skills: Photoshop Compositing Basics $325

Page Carr Class: Su, Feb 13-27, 11am-1:30pm, Online Learn to combine multiple images into montages and photo-illusions using image layers and image masks. Beginner experience using Photoshop layer adjustments and adjustment masks recommended. Illustrated notes will be provided along with practice images if you need them. More info: pagecarr@gmail.com. Minimum age 18. 3 sessions.

Skills: Still Life in the Studio $300

Scott Davis Class: Tu, Feb 15-Mar 15, 7-9pm, Photoworks Studio We will explore creating still life arrangements in the studio and studio lighting methods effective in the home environment. Students can use these skills in their personal environments and continue projects started in the class. More Info: dcphotoartist@gmail.com. Minimum age 18. 5 sessions.

Vision Classes

Vision: Projects and Practices - $300 Understand Your Method

Scott Davis Class: W, Jan 5-Feb 9, 7-9pm, Photoworks Studio A guided exercise for developing an understanding of how we approach our photographic practice, and how to apply them to become more effective in our photographic projects. We will use the Sasha Wolf book, “Photo Work: Forty Photographers on Process and Practice” as a textbook and begin a personal project. More Info: dcphotoartist@gmail.com. Minimum age 18. 6 sessions.

(ordered by start date)

Vision: Photographic Surrealism $400

Robb Hill Class: W, Dec 1-Jan 12, No Class Dec 29, 7pm-9pm,

Photoworks Studio Surrealism is about tapping into the subconscious to make images. Through readings and assignments, we will explore ways to embrace chance, dreams, and create realities into your image making. Surrealism is not “being weird,” rather it is a method of expression that challenges traditional, rational thought. More info: robb@robbhill.com. Minimum age 18. 6 sessions.

Vision: Walk in the Footsteps $325 of a Master Photographer

Karen Keating Class: M, Jan 3-Feb 7, 7:30-9:30pm, Photoworks Studio The first meeting is a discussion of Master Photographers covering early masters and current working photographers. Students will receive guidelines and suggestions one week before the class start date. The focus begins with student discussion of the “masters” signature content, quality of light and impact on the history of photography. Each student chooses a photographer to shadow and steps into their content, composition and quality of light. Weekly discussions center on the students’ images in the style of the chosen “master”. The final class is a set of each student’s photos influenced by the “master” photographer. More Info: karenkeating5002@comcast.net. Minimum age 18. 6 sessions.

Vision: East Wing Field Trip $150

Frank Van Riper Workshop: Su, Jan 9, 10am-4pm, Offsite at National

Gallery of Art Rain or shine, always a great field trip photographing I. M. Pei’s masterpiece. Opportunities for available light architectural, abstract and people photography in a gorgeous setting. No experience necessary. Parking readily available on the Mall on Sundays. More info: GVR@GVRphoto.com. Minimum age 18. 1 session.

Vision: All About the Light $325

Eliot Cohen Class: W, Feb 2-23, 10am-12pm, Online Natural light has many characteristics. It can illuminate, but also convey mood or feeling. Light can be beautiful but it can complicate what we are trying to express. Our class will be about using natural light to best advantage in our images. We will consider the light in the scene and how it is represented in our files. Student files can be shared in dropbox. New shooting or existing is appropriate. Students should have comfort with the Lightroom Classic Develop module. Suitable for intermediate or advanced students. More info: info@eliotcohen.com. Minimum age 18. 4 sessions.


Workshop: Digital Camera Clinic $100

Page Carr Workshop: Su, Dec 5, 11am-1:30pm, Online Get help with your camera settings, exposure control, and other questions and problems in a small group. Send questions ahead of time. Any skill level. Notes will be provided. More info: pagecarr@gmail.com. Minimum age 18. 1 session.

Workshop: Advanced Cyanotypes $200

Mac Cosgrove-Davies Workshop: Sa, Su, Jan 8-9, 10am-2pm, Online Starting with cyanotype printing on paper we will explore creative applications of this versatile medium. Based on student interest, this could include printing on fabric or transparent vellum and/or applying colors or collage techniques. Medium/large format negatives will be needed. Contact the instructor if this is an issue. More Info: gummist@gmail.com. Minimum age 18. 2 sessions.


Workshop: Photoshop Layers & Masks Clinic $100

Page Carr Workshop: Su, Dec 12, 11am-1:30pm, Online Get help with your Photoshop layers, masks, and compositing questions and problems in a small group. Send questions ahead of time if you like. For any level. Notes will be provided. More info: pagecarr@gmail.com. Minimum age 18. 1 session.

Workshop: “La Faccia” - Photographing the Face $250

Frank Van Riper Workshop: Sa, Jan 8-15, 10am-1pm, Photoworks Studio Photographing the face in all styles of light - available, studio light, silhouette - concentrating on close-up expression and gesture for dramatic portraits. All levels welcome. More Info: GVR@GVRphoto.com. Minimum age 16. 2 sessions.

Workshop: Printing Photographs on $75 Alternative Papers for Inkjet Printers

David Scherbel Workshop: Tu, Jan 11, 1:30-3:30pm, Photoworks Studio Have you printed photographs that you believe could look more appealing? Consider printing them on noncommercial photography papers, such as archival paper, vellum, cotton drawing or watercolor papers, or “metallic” papers. The various colors and textures of traditional art papers can add new character and alternative looks to your photographs. Instructor will provide demonstrations. More info: davidscherbel@gmail.com. Minimum age 18. 1 session.

Workshop: Glen Echo Night Photography$150

Frank Van Riper Workshop 1: Th, Jan 13, 7-9:30pm, Photoworks Studio Workshop 2: Th, Feb 10, 7-9:30pm, Photoworks Studio Prowl the glorious neon-lit shadows of Glen Echo Park with lighting guru Frank Van Riper and make shots you never dreamed of. Learn drag-flash, time exposure and painting with light. No experience necessary. More Info: GVR@GVRphoto.com. Minimum age 18. 1 session.

Workshop: Large Format Photography $150

Bruce Falkinburg Workshop: Sa, Su, Jan 22-23, 11am-5pm, Photoworks

Studio If you have ever wanted to unlock the mysteries of 4x5 or bigger large format film cameras, then this workshop is for you. It will be a blend of classroom instruction and hands-on experience with both field and studio large format cameras. We will explore the construction and function of large format cameras including lenses, film holders, camera movements (tilt, rise, shift) focusing, depth of field, needed gear, and various calculations to make proper exposures. More info: bruce.falkinburg@gmail.com. Minimum age 16. 2 sessions.

Workshop: Pictures in Books $150

Steve Greenberg Workshop: Su, Jan 30-Feb 6, 7-9pm, Photoworks Studio This workshop will focus on the history of illustrated books with an emphasis on the role of photography in both illustration and broader areas of book production. We will cover book illustrations from papyrus and illuminated manuscripts to the digital age, with samples of original historical materials from the instructor’s personal collection. More info: patzere4@gmail.com. Minimum age 16. 2 sessions.

Workshop: Intro to Studio Lighting $150

Bruce Falkinburg Workshop: Sa, Feb 12-19, 11am-4pm, Photoworks Studio This hands-on workshop will explore the basics of studio lighting equipment and techniques. We will transform Photoworks into two functioning studio environments for portraits, products, and still life with backgrounds, stands, moonlights and power pack lights, common light modifiers (including soft boxes, reflectors, umbrellas…) and triggers for the most common cameras. More info: bruce.falkinburg@gmail.com. Minimum age 16. 2 sessions.

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