Glen George
The fan looks at the panel and fold system. It is made up of paper, metal, plastic and fabric. The fan acts around a single pinjoint which hols each stick together and allows the sticks to pivot. An external force is requited to open and close the fan. Dimentions: Closed- Hight 255mm width 25mm Open- Hight 255mm width 45mm
Down Up
Tention is applied when the fan is open spreading the membrane (fabric).
Pinjoint pushes sticks together to hold them in place.
Sticks pivot around the central pin.
Closed fan
Open fan
Glen George 638042
Pinjoint section Scale of 1:1
Fabric tightens
Pull out
Pull out
Sticks pivot around pinjoint
Side Scale of 1:3
External froce is required to open and close the fan.
Glen George 638042
3D Fan Modeling Rhino
The first time using the Rhino 5 software. The program is relatively straight forward but took quuite a bit of time to get used to, still plenty of things I still need to work out to enhance and improve my models. To the right is the technical out line of a fan which displays the panel and fold system that I will be exploring thorughout this journal.
3D Fan Modeling Rhino
The stcks are attached to the paper of the fan. The paper prevents the sticks from rotating to far around the pivot joint.
I chose to use simple colours to render the fan, the light wood colour if used for the sticks while red is used for the paper to create an obvious contrast between the two major aspects of the fan. The sticks are held together using the pivot joint at the base of the sticks allowing them to rotate. the paper is the folding aspect which restricts the point of movement that the fan can undergo.
The Pivot joint is what hold the sticks of the fan together and allows them to rotate apart and back together opening and closing the fan.
3D Fan Modeling Rhino
The sicks of a fan overlap one another when the fan opens however I havent quite managed to cappture this in my model. Small details like this are things I will need to learn from and work on for future models.
The paper fold in and out allowing it to expand and contract as the fan opens and closes, these ripples created by the folds are very obvious when the fan is open giving them a distinguishable form.
Object Reconfiguration Fan
We were told to create a model using our object and or new materials to investigate our system and the ideas of volume. The fan was unassembled relatively easily. It was interesting to see how unstable and unsuported the fan became once the paper had been removed. The wooden sticks no longer had any form and bent variously. the fan could now rotate 360 degrees around the pivot joint but could not come together in a neat bundle as it did when attached to the paper.
Object Reconfiguration Fan
I found it really difficult to come up with an obect to mak eout of the fan, in the end I decided on a boat as it incorporated aspects of volume as well using the system within the structrure.
The sail of the boat uses the pinjoint system and cut up sections of the fan.
Object Reconfiguration Fan
I used sections of the fan and glued them together to create the structure and base of the boat.
Generation of ideas Second Skin This idea like most of mine looks heavily at incorporating the pinjoint system in a monnor that promotes and displays a means of protection from the invasion of personal space. I decided to use the elbow joint as the point of roation at which the second skin can function and move. It would rotate on the movement of the forearm creating a defensive second skin when the arm in pulled up for protection. The idea is a very loose representation of what I would want to create. It focusses prodominately on function as apose to design, as that is the next step in the process.
Generation of ideas Second Skin Simular to the elbow design this one looks at the movement inpised by a joint in the body. Focussing on the shoulder this design aims to protect the head and upper body when the arm is down. The design could move as the arm moves up and down so when the arm is up there is no need for the second skin to act and protect but when the arm drops the second skin activates creating a protective barrier.
Generation of ideas Second Skin The face is a very personal area of the body and if probably the easiest part of the body to be invaded in erms of personal space. in order to protect your face a mask would be an ideal second skin the protects not only physically but mentally as the ideantity of the wearer is protected. I would expect this design to rotate off a pinjoint at the side of the head. The idea of the mask extends your idealogy of where abouts your personal space boundary is, it s a variable space and one that can be altered by the second skin.