Module 2 design

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MODULE 2 - Design Second skin, personal space

Glen George


Second Skin Design Exploration

The idea of using defence as a means to define personal space is a very surface based and dosent seem to dive deep enough into varied ideas of what personal space actually is.

I feel as thought the idea of embrasing someone within your personal space is a more underrated and personal approach to the concept. By digging deeper into this idea of ‘Wrapping’ the subject within the second skin the definition and concept will become more powerfull and meaningful.

encompasing the arm alone with a defensive mechanism is an idea that may be a little too straight forward.

Defensice skin Embrasive skin

The panel and fold system relies heavily on extention and retraction which if something that would be really good to include in the design. The wing idea used in a more literal sense means this extention is emphasised and a more intamate persomal space can be explored.

Second Skin Design Exploration

These sketches look into various way that the body can be ‘wrapped.’ They arent exactly design ideas but rather conceptual visualisations of how the body can be enveloped by the second skin and ways in which the form of the second skin is influences and determined by the form and structure of the body.

Second Skin Design Exploration Exploring the idea of the face being the most vulnerable section of the body leads to this mask idea. The concept behind it is that the face is hidden hiding identity which is a bit aspect of personal space. Cracks are and gaps are shown in the mask where essentials expose such as speach and vision are allowed. The mask provides a sense of security as your personal space is perceived differently.

The face can be revealed and the main portion of the second skin can retract when the wearer feels secure. The blank surface of the mask allowes for panneling to be done on the surface in order to create a surface that is more reflective of the concept.

Second Skin Design Exploration The idea of a mast along with the idea of wrapping can be combined together creating a face mask that wraps around the body as well as the head.

The main conseptual idea we had as a group was the idea of having a second skin that looks at interactive personal space, this means we wanted the second skin to have the function of wrapping someone else up inside wit you, this creates an intamant space that you only allow the closest of people that you feel comfortable with inside.

Second Skin Design Exploration From this idea of social and interactive personal space we decided to further develop the concept in order to generate some sort of form. To do this we decided we would track the eye movement of people when they were in a close personal conversation with another person.

The two people sat opposite each other and engaged in conversation while a third person watched the eyes of the models and tracked on paper the directions they moved and the places they tended to look.

Above are the sketches of the eye movement. we found that each peson has a different way of engaging in conversation therefore our second skin would be personal and specific to the particular wearer. Despite different eye movements we found that there were a few places that the subjects tended to look while in conversation that related to both of the tested models. This was an interesting concept and one I felt necessary to explore.

Second Skin Design Exploration

I took the two sketch variations of the eye movement and created a loose and siplified version that looks at specific points that are exagerated in both of the tests. It shoes the major direction that the eyes move relavant to both of the models, this was a good way to get a more generl, broad and simplified map of the eye movement.

Second Skin Design Exploration

I created a rough sketch of a face and using the eye as the central reference point i drew the map of eye movement over the head to get a general shape.

Once i had the shape I gave it a more solid form that followed the same track but had some dimention to it. This first sketch however resebled hair a lot and so I thought it needed to be simplified again and a new pattern needed to be added. That leads us to the rough concept to the right.

Second Skin Design Exploration This rough design proposal uses the same form and shape that was created sing the eye tracking technique. However this time i created a paneling pattern over the top of the surface to create a more engaging design. The pattern was chosen for its structural integrety and visual aesthetics. Although this is still a rough conceptual sketch with plenty of development still to go, I feel we are edging closer to an appropriate second skin. The design is still far to large and complex for the purpose and context in which it is seen. This will need to be rectified. Also from this skech it is hard to get a working understanding of the form that the second skin has. This is another thing we will need to devolop and work on.

Above is a very odd reference for materiality but the pattern of these fethers and the way they overlap oneanother is something I find interesting

Second Skin Design Exploration

Looking into some materiality i think cut card would be the most effective material to use to create this second skin. Solid shapes work weel in reference to privacy but it can be quite a costraphobic and isolated experience.

Using translucent spaces withing the solid shape is a way to open up the second skin to the outside world. This allowed privacy and external vision by creating a skin with both solid and trasperant aspects.

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