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Career Education & University Guidance

In the Middle School, Career Education is integrated within all subjects and aims to equip students with the knowledge, skills and attitudes to assist them in making informed decisions related to their health, education, and future careers. Career Education topics are also covered in conference groups and within assemblies. Beginning in Grade 9, students gain experience in both written and oral presentations through debating, public speaking and collaborative projects. This course is interdisciplinary in nature, and allows students to interact with a variety of topics that come up in the media and in school life.

Beginning in Grade 10, University Guidance Advisors provide support and guidance for students and parents in such areas as course requests, SAT/ACT preparation and testing, post-secondary applications, and scholarship opportunities. All students are encouraged to make one-on-one appointments with a University Guidance Advisor to discuss best ‘fit’, program-specific admission requirements, time-lines, financing, and creating a transition plan.


Career Education 6

Career Education 7

Career Education 8

Career Education 9 Career Life Education 10 Career Life Connections 11 Career Life Connections + Capstone 12

Career Life Education 10

Career Life Education is a required four-credit course that includes six big ideas for students to explore: finding a balance between work and personal life is essential to good physical and mental health, a network of family, friends, and community members can support and broaden our career awareness and options, learning how to learn prepares us to be lifelong learners who can adapt to changing career opportunities, effective career planning considers both internal and external factors, the global economy affects our personal, social, and economic lives and prospects, and successful career and education paths require planning, evaluating, and adapting. Students will cover content in personal development, connections to the community and start to research their career life plan.

This course leads to Career Life Connections 11.

Career Life Connections 11

Career Life Connections 11 requires students to reflect on their knowledge and abilities, and to plan for life after graduation. This course involves several career and self-awareness related assignments and hours of research into different post-secondary options. The time spent on research prepares students to make well-informed decisions for their course selections in Grade 12. Through numerous learning experiences inside and outside the classroom, students are expected to develop an integrated post-graduation plan that is connected to a capstone or culminating project in Grade 12, which demonstrates their learning in an area of personal interest.

Career Life Connections + Capstone 12

In order to graduate in BC, all students must complete 4 credits in Career Life Connections. GNS spreads the course over two years, with the credits earned in the Grade 12 year. Students document a minimum of 30 hours of Service as Action, and complete a graduation transition plan that outlines their plans for the year following Grade 12. This graduation transition planning process involves workshopstyle classes where students research and apply for schools and scholarships based on personal fit. Students spend time in class preparing essay and short answer questions for university/college applications as well as editing and completing their online applications.

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