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PUBLISHER'S NOTE From Ifeoma Esonwune


CAREER AND PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT: 5 ways to increase your professional value in 2022 By Oge Nwachukwu

7. 8.

INSPIRATION: Living an extraordinary life in challenging times by Ruth Thomas

TEAM Publisher: Contributing Editors:

The Importance of a Mentor by Dr. Amicitia Maloon-Gibson


Moving Forward By Natalee Antoinette




SPOTLIGHT: Face your fears By Emily Rodger


BEAUTY AND FITNESS: Beauty Standards by Zeina Klayme


TRAVEL: With Wanderlust Excursions


EVENTS: Black Beauty Conference


International Women’s Day Conference

To contribute or subscribe please contact us:

Graphic designer: Columnists:

Events & Marketing:


Ifeoma Esonwune Kayla Geitzler Oge Nwachukwu Eucharia Remy-Kingsley Krystal Johnston Zeina Klyame Ruth Thomas Faith Ayomide Ajayi Natalee Antoinette Ruth Thomas Juliet Namugga J_ash Photography

To advertise please contact us:

Phone: 647-446-8399

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WSTAR Magazine is a quarterly publication of The STAR Women’s Network Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the publisher.



We are back and better! We are excited to be back! We have missed you a great deal. To re-evaluate, restructure and upgrade, it became paramount for us to take a brief hiatus from our publication. But, we are pumped and super happy to be back to continue serving you the most inspirational and motivational content possible through a more convenient and brand new channel. In addition, we rebranded our organization from Network for the Empowerment of Women to The STAR Women's Network Inc. and launched a beautiful new logo to that effect. STAR, an acronym for Strength, Tenacity, Audacity, and Resilience, correlates with our magazine brand - WSTAR (Women of strength, tenacity, audacity and resilience), which we have also redesigned. Our new-improved and interactive website will go live on January 24, 2022, and our updated web address will be

Why the change? Change, they say, is the only constant thing in life. This change was vital to improving how we connect, engage, inspire and empower our community of incredible women, provide solutions, and take advantage of opportunities to encourage self-improvement, business development and leadership in all ramifications. Running the organization for almost four years now, including two years of a global pandemic, has revealed that our women are the embodiment of STAR. Crisis indeed does show our strength and tenacity. However, these women proved they are not afraid to forge ahead despite life challenges and uncertainties, showcasing incredible resilience. They are women with the audacity to find their innate ability and utilize that ability to create safe and thriving businesses for themselves and their families while leading in their communities. These are our 'STAR Women!' Their unique show of resilience and fantastic support for each other and their communities prompted us to expand our mission and ultimately change our name to match that expanded mission and vision.

So, as we start the new year, a sense of optimism is in the air. But, while the new year is a typical time to ponder and make resolutions and changes that affect us positively, we must make a firm decision to focus on recovery, starting with ourselves. Frankly, these past two years have shown us how fleeting life is and how susceptible humans can be. But, if nothing, the challenges faced, lessons learned, and progress made have proven that we can get through anything with love for ourselves and others. In this edition, you will find inspirational stories relating to the challenges of facing a pandemic two years in a row ranging from facing your fears and advice on coping with difficulties in unfamiliar circumstances to tips on improving yourself professionally. This edition is jam-packed with inspiration and empowering messages; you definitely do not want to skip the pages. Furthermore, our categories have expanded, and we have added new and engaging members to our team in the beauty and health & fitness categories. Zeina Klayme and Faith Ayomide are young professionals passionate about what they do. Zeina will bring you genuine insights on beauty products and makeup tips, and Faith will be educating you every quarter on preventive health topics. Flip the pages to see their first articles. On the front cover is the delectable Dr. Amicita (Cita) Maloon-Gibson

Go grab a cup of your favourite beverage, sit, relax and enjoy! Happy reading!

See you again in April





5 ways to increase your professional value in 2022

By Oge Nwachukwu

Successful professionals are always looking for ways to get better and improve their value in the marketplace. Just as improving a property here and there can improve its market value, your professional value can also improve with some deliberate and controlled actions. Pursuing continuous improvement is not limited to career professionals; entrepreneurs and corporate organizations also do this; because the shareholders of a business are happier when the market value of the business grows steadily year on year. What you attract in life is a function of what you have become. If you wish to be successful and command more value in the marketplace, you must focus on working hard on yourself to BECOME more valuable and attract better value. Moving from a current state to a desired future state requires planning and deliberate execution. To improve your professional value, you will need to; first, identify the areas of your professional life that need improvement or updating. You can achieve this by performing a personal SWOT analysis.

Having Identified your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats; you are armed with information to set SMART objectives, timelines, and required actions that will up your value.

The benefits of this approach are two-fold: firstly, it allows you to better understand your strengths and weaknesses; secondly (and more importantly), it will supply an opportunity for growth that sets the stage for future success in your grow.





5 ways to increase your professional value in 2022

By Oge Nwachukwu

In the rest of this article, I will be sharing 5 (five) action plans you can consider as you look to increase your value in the marketplace. 1. Get an advisory team (personal board of directors):

According to Kisha Wynter in her award-winning DIVA method. She described an advisory team as key strategic relationships you will need to build or hire (in the case of an executive coach). An advisory team will comprise of Mentors, Sponsors, Coaches, Connectors, and Mentees. She recommends you network and cultivate these relationships even before you will need them. Your advisory team must challenge and stretch you out of your comfort zone to take bold steps and improve yourself. You can use them as sounding boards, to get advice and feedback. Remember to start small and grow the team as your gain mastery. Learn from them and most importantly act. Don’t forget to follow up and report back to them and think of how you can add value to them.

2. Acquire new skills and refine existing skills:

Skills have become the global currency in the 21st century economy. The benefits of acquiring new skills are wide-ranging. It can help you stay competitive in the marketplace, improve your prospects, provide you with more opportunities for promotion and bigger gigs. Also, refining existing skills improves your mastery resulting in an increased sense of accomplishment and improved performance. You must cultivate the mindset of a lifelong learner, continuously scanning your industry to identify new and highly sought-after skills that aligns with your goals. Then, invest in acquiring them. Also don’t forget to hone your old skills by putting them to use often.

3. Attend conferences and workshops:

Attending conferences and workshops are great opportunities to make new connections with other professionals in the same field and stay up to date with happening in your industry. Many conferences provide speakers from all over the world, which exposes you to different cultures and ideas. One of the benefits of the pandemic is the opportunity to attend global conferences right from the comfort of my home for far less the price of in-person conferences. Be sure to network, follow up and cultivate the relationships. Trap down new wisdom and knowledge shared by the speakers and set out action to put them to use and master them.

4. Get certified:

Professional certifications are an independent assessment of one’s knowledge and skills on a subject matter. Certifications offer immediate ROI because they confirm your competency and mastery of a subject. Pursuing one is a sure way to show your potentials in the marketplace. Identify highly sought-after certifications in your industry, preferably from globally recognized brand. Then, invest your resources to acquire them.

5. Be visible:

You have done all the hard work to improve yourself, don’t let it go unnoticed. If you have completed a project, flaunt it, if you created a design or artifact, share it out there. You acquired a new certification, tell the world about it. Share your accomplishments with graphics and visuals on social media platforms. You do not light a candle and put it under a bushel, rather you set it on a candle stick to give light to others. Let your light shine out to the world, some one out there may be waiting on you to light up their own candle.

Finally, remain curious with a continuous learning mindset, learn and experiment until you find what works well for you. Remember that true success is what you attract because of who you have BECOME. So, your focus must be on the process of becoming and all other things will fall into place.

I wish you good health of mind and body as you pursue to do more, become more and attract more value this 2022.



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Well, life can be extraordinary if you are intentional about making it so. It is that simple! Below are some intentional behaviours or decisions to allow you to live life on your terms.

What does it mean to live a great life? According to Tony Robbins, "It is to live a life of meaning, a magnificent life, a life of joy, happiness, love, passion, success and fulfillment. Life experienced on your terms."

Take a moment to think about the following: Are you living under the assumption that you have something to prove - your intelligence, your worth, your position? Do you find yourself absentmindedly wandering the aisles, lost in a head full of worries about the house, the kids, money, career probably? Do you notice that as you check off the boxes of life's to-do list - academic, job, fitness, marriage, kids – you still feel unfulfilled?

Confront your fears. If there is one thing, we have all learned in life, it is inherent in humans to be fearful, and our brains are hard-wired to be afraid, tend to protect us even when there's nothing out there. However, when you experience fears, it is vital to examine them. Figure out what makes you afraid of the situation or circumstance. Is it something you can control or something beyond your control? What kinds of fear do you experience uncertainties, missing out, unknown etc.? Although your fear might be a reminder to slow down and consider the consequences or implications of your actions and decisions, you should choose to confront it and dial it down while choosing to be courageous. James Neil Hollingworth put it this way, "Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear." Pay attention and be present. The key to enjoying life is living it a day at a time and just doing what you love. Living in the present moment rather than the past or the future is priceless. Consider cultivating being present by reducing the expectations you put on yourself and those around you. Permit yourself to be happy, feel the joy and take a minute to breathe. Enjoy the moment and take it one day at a time. Make out time to have fun. Sometimes it is a profound feeling of unworthiness or guilt of self-care that prevents us from taking time out to relax, chill and have fun. The truth is, if you keep pouring of yourself without replenishing, you will ultimately burn out. You will be depressed and lack the desire to keep going, and you will fail to enjoy life to its fullest. So, make time to follow the fun and let yourself overflow. Perhaps you could take on a ridiculous project just because it lights you up, and even if it feels silly, it doesn't matter as long as it makes you feel loved. Let it be messy; let it change directions. The important thing is to enjoy every moment during the process and relish the outcome. Draw strength from spirituality. We all believe in a superpower or practice faith somehow. Sometimes, drawing from spirituality - that place of infinite goodness and power could be a tremendous refreshing approach to living an extraordinary life

In conclusion, when you realize that the world is big enough to contain every person living an extraordinary life yet small enough to meet your unique needs and allow you to make a difference in the lives of others, you will acknowledge your exceptional capabilities.

Remember, one step at a time and beyond ordinary through these challenging times!

Have a great year, 2022!









by Dr. Amicitia Maloon-Gibson

The Mentor Role The fundamental conditions that strengthen and sustain relationships, involve complimentary views, goals, mutual respect, appreciation, shared understanding, and support. Every individual needs a mentor to grow successfully to their maximum potential. But, of course, the operative word here is 'successfully.' A mentor can help them on a path to acquire the necessary talents, abilities, gifts, and skills needed to move to the next level. They can start by leading from where they are, then evolve to mid-level management and executive leaders. Mentoring roles can be described as a deliberate act where a person helps another develop and grow. A pairing of a Mentor and a mentee is an important life decision for both persons, and although everyone mentors, it is clear that some are better at mentoring than others. Functional areas listed below have been identified as essential roles performed by mentors. Examine your own personal history as one who has been mentored and identify a person who responded to your developmental needs by playing one of the listed roles.

In addition to the basic requirements that everyone expects in a positive relationship, persons planning to enter into a mentoring relationship should be prepared to allocate sufficient time to the development of their mentee. That is critical! Mentoring is not a rush job. If the mentee and their mentor don't agree at specific times, it will not be effective for either side. So, initially, mentors are responsible for establishing and producing a positive mentoring experience. You want that mentee to say, oh, my mentor was the best. You don't want to have a negative relationship with your mentee. Mentors who frequently meet with their mentees during the early phase of their relationships find that their experiences are better and more productive than those who delay developing a relationship. Time commitment by the Mentor signals accessibility.

1. Motivator or Encourager 2. Instructor or Guide 3. Advisor or Counselor 4. Expert Problem Solver 5. Role Model 6. Challenger 7. Sponsor or Advocate 8. Spiritual Advisor or Servant Leader

"Persons planning to enter into a mentoring relationship should be prepared to allocate sufficient time"









by Dr. Amicitia Maloon-Gibson

In her book, 'Beyond the Myths and Magic of Mentoring', Margo Murray states, "the mentor role deserves your most careful attention as it is the linchpin in the mentoring relationship." She also reports that "competency and commitment are unequivocal and characteristics of a successful mentor." Margo Murray, also observed that most effective mentors have the following qualities. Consider who you know that has these qualities: Strong interpersonal skills Organizational knowledge Exemplary supervisory skills Technical competency Personal power and charisma

Status and prestige Willingness to be responsible for someone else’s growth Ability to share the credit Patience and risk taking

Mentors must master these two skills in the communication process to be effective. Listening actively and providing effective Feedback.

Some quotes from my mentor

John C. Maxwell

"There is no development without hard lessons. Almost all growth comes when we have positive responses to negative things."

"There is no greater accomplishment for mentors than when people they develop pass them by."

"You can hire people to work for you, but you must win their hearts by believing in them in order to have them work with you."

"A person consumed with himself never considers spending time raising others up."





Welcome to 2022! As we reflect on the past two years of the pandemic, there are many things to be grateful for despite the difficulties, challenges, and setbacks. We begin 2022 with optimism hoping for the best. Unfortunately, though, for some of us, all we have been holding on to all this while is hope. While many will contest that the pandemic allowed us to experience some rough patches, uncertainties, leaving us no choice but to adjust our lifestyle, work and everyday routines, we are learning to move forward. We are learning to let go of the things we cannot control so as to move forward with purpose, intent and meaning. Regardless of the setbacks, disappointments and lockdowns, it's not a time to stagnate. We have to get to where no one can restrict what we want to achieve in life. And that is the place of purpose and meaning within us. Life has its ups and downs, and for some of us, we have experienced those ups and downs while living in uncertainties in the past two years. So, we may be asking ourselves, how do we move forward? We can, and we should, but with purpose and meaning.

As I reflect on my journey through the pandemic, one of the things I did was find a place of silence. I would go in my room daily and take five minutes to myself, no distractions, just me and my thoughts reflecting on what's within my power to control or not. I pondered on my goals and made revisions because it seemed that the whole world was making revisions due to Covid-19. Even though it wasn't easy, I had to adjust because it was necessary. I adjusted my finances and my self-care routines. I communicated differently and created a women's network support group to connect during the pandemic. I adjusted my business plan and offered virtual workshops on specific topics. It was all about adjustments. Being versatile is learning how to make adjustments when necessary. I paused. I needed time for myself and to gather my thoughts. Like many, I was not ready for a pandemic, but as we learned, it's not about what we are prepared for; the universe throws what it wants at us. So I choose a few words to help me focus on the year - faith and purpose. Throughout the year, I embedded those words into everything I did. As a result, life became mainly about the meaning, purpose, and impact I could bring to my community.

I learned that it was okay to take breaks and not rush the process. I learned to be grateful for everything. I remember going to the movie theatres and not eating popcorn inside due to the pandemic. Then, it hit me how we take the smallest things for granted. Imagine something so simple as eating popcorn in the movie theatres. Adjustments. Life is like that sometimes. But, what is vital is that we begin the process of adjustment by finding resources to help us, like finding the right balance, people and support to guide us to move forward with purpose, intention and meaning. It is essential to focus on what we can control, like improving our skills and knowledge, building our networks, connecting with others and serving in our communities. But, moving forward with purpose will sometimes mean pausing to selfreflect and being honest with ourselves. We may have to assess our habits to see what we need to change that will allow us to be more productive.





Our mindset and daily actions contribute to our success. So as we begin

2022, let's start with a positive attitude. We cannot change yesterday, but we can make better choices today. We cannot dwell on what we didn't do yesterday, but we can start the process today. We must hope for the best and move forward with faith. We must learn to have a growth mindset even in hard times. We must also learn to set realistic goals and be open to learning and adjusting.

Here are a few tips to focus on as we move forward in 2022: Be open to change. Connect with like-minded people and people. Practice self-care Have an accountability partner Do not dwell on what didn't get done. Focus your energy on how to get things done. Show more gratitude. You can keep a gratitude journal. Access resources that can help you on your journey (e.g. podcast, community support, books, networking groups, etc.) Ask for help when you need it Reflect on your habits and make necessary adjustments Focus on self-improvement

Remember, setbacks are temporary, and you can overcome them. Believe in who you are and that you can achieve.






Disclaimer: Note that information shared below is strictly for education purposes, it is not in any way intended to serve as or replace medical diagnosis. If you feel sick or uncertain about how you feel, please consult your doctor/physician.

An ovarian cyst is a sac located either in or on the ovary. This sac contains fluid and resembles the blister that forms when hot oil touches the skin. It is common in women and goes after a couple of months by themselves, without causing any symptoms. An individual might get one every month as part of the menstrual cycle and never know it.

A cyst becomes a problem when it does not go away or gets more prominent. There is also the possibility of cancer, but it is rare. The chances go up as a woman ages. Ovarian cysts, especially those that have ruptured, can cause severe symptoms. Regular pelvic examination and detecting the symptoms that can signal a potentially serious problem are recommended for overall wellness.

There are two major types of ovarian cyst: 1) FUNCTIONAL CYSTS: This type appears during the menstrual cycle. These are usually harmless and painless and disappear after some time. Functional cysts The ovaries grow cyst-like structures called follicles each month. Follicles produce the hormones (estrogen and progesterone) and release an egg when ovulation occurs. If a normal monthly follicle keeps growing, it is a functional cyst.

There are two types of functional cysts: Follicular cyst: Around the midpoint of the menstrual cycle, an egg bursts out of its follicle and travels down the fallopian tube. A follicular cyst begins when the follicle does not rupture or release its egg but grows. Corpus luteum cyst: When a follicle releases its egg, it begins producing estrogen and progesterone for conception. This follicle is now called the CORPUS LUTEUM. Sometimes, fluid accumulates inside the follicle, causing the corpus luteum to grow into a cyst.

2) PATHOLOGICAL CYSTS: These cysts form due to abnormal cell growth. There are different types, and some have hair and teeth and can be problematic. Most ovarian cysts are not cancerous. The cancerous types are more common after menopause.






Disclaimer: Note that information shared below is strictly for education purposes, it is not in any way intended

RISK FACTORS The following increases the chances of developing ovarian

to serve as or replace medical diagnosis. If you


feel sick or uncertain about how you feel, please

Hormonal problems: Taking the fertility drug clomiphene

consult your doctor/physician.

(Clomid) to help ovulate can increase the risk of cysts. Pregnancy: The cyst that forms during ovulation may stay on the ovary after pregnancy and throughout pregnancy. Endometriosis is a condition when the cells that usually line the inside of the uterus grow outside it. These wayward cells can

SYMPTOMS Common symptoms of ovarian cysts include: Irregular Periods, lighter or heavier than usual. Pain during sex

attach to the ovary and cause a cyst to develop. A severe pelvic infection: If this spreads to the ovaries, it can cause cysts. A previous ovarian cyst: If an individual has had at least one ovarian cyst before, she is more likely to get others.

Frequent urination Difficulty getting pregnant

Most cysts do not cause symptoms and may go away on their own. However, a large ovarian cyst can cause: Pelvic pain - a dull or sharp ache in the lower abdomen on the side of the cyst Fullness or heaviness in your abdomen Bloating Seek immediate medical attention if you experience any of the following: Sudden, severe abdominal or pelvic pain Pain with fever or vomiting Dizziness, cold and shock, faint feeling, rapid breathing, light-headedness and weakness. See a doctor right away.

Complications Some women can have unusual complications with ovarian cysts. Therefore, it is crucial to get regular checkups. Ovarian torsion: If cysts grow large, they can make the ovary move and twist. This twisting (ovarian torsion) is very painful. Rupture: Cysts can break open, causing severe pain and bleeding, especially if the cysts are large. A ruptured cyst sometimes heals independently, but it is often a medical emergency. Infected ovarian cyst: A cyst can develop in response to pelvic infection, forming an abscess. If the abscess bursts, dangerous bacteria can spread through the body.

Diagnosis A doctor can detect an ovarian cyst during a routine pelvic examination. For example, he may notice swelling on one of the ovaries and then order an ultrasound test to confirm the presence of a cyst. An ultrasound test (ultrasonography) is an imaging test that uses high-frequency sound waves to produce an image of the internal organs. Ultrasound tests help determine the size, location, shape, and composition

Imaging tools used to diagnose ovarian cysts include: CT scan: a body imaging device used to create crosssectional images of internal organs MRI: a test that uses magnetic fields to produce in-depth images of internal organs Ultrasound device: an imaging device used to visualize the ovary.

(solid or fluid-filled). The exact treatment for ovarian cysts depends on some critical factors, decided by a doctor (a Gynaecologist). However, surgery may be necessary to get the best results in some cases.





Meet our STARblazers of the Quarter Women who live and walk their talk. They are seasoned professionals, thought-leaders and mentors in every sense of the words. We are proud to name them the W-STAR Women of the quarter simply coined - The STARblazers!





















20 W





I didn't feel like I was ever quite good enough for most of my childhood, adolescence, and early adult years. I didn't feel smart, pretty, or like anything about me made me special or unique. I sought approval from others, and I craved validation. But, over the course of my life, I've discovered that I am good enough; I am more than enough. I would never have reached this conclusion by seeking validation from external sources—I had to start looking within. It took me years to get to a place where I was willing to do that. I spent a lot of time improving myself, and while I still want to continue my journey of self-improvement, my first step now is always to continue to get to know myself more.

"I've discovered that I am good enough; I am more than enough"

I'm a former elite athlete, avid outdoors enthusiast, and Certified Executive Coach raised in New Brunswick, Canada. However, sports were not part of my life until adulthood. After working as a dental hygienist, I decided to pursue my passion for triathlon and cycling. In my first year of bike racing, I competed in 21 races, including 17 podiums, 14 1st place finishes, a national masters title, and a World Masters title in Time Trial. Before I knew it, I found myself racing in the professional peloton.






Some notable career moments include being a 2x UCI GranFondo World Champion (both Time Trial and Road Race), Canadian Masters National Time Trial Champion, and 70.3 Ironman world qualifier. But along with my success in cycling/triathlon came more than a few hardships. I was involved in two severe cycling crashes where I was struck by vehicles, resulting in multiple broken bones, a brain injury, and extensive soft tissue damage. I could go into details about the crashes and my struggles during recovery, but instead, I want to share with you that I know how it feels to be shattered, both mentally and physically. But no matter how broken and defeated I felt, I always found a way out of my darkest places. These life-altering events made me a stronger, more resilient, more grounded, and more grateful person. It was during my recovery that I found my love for fly fishing. When I was mentally struggling with the trauma I experienced, I put my focus on what truly brought joy to my life. That's when the memories of fishing as a child came back to me. I thought about how much I loved being by the water and outdoors. While I searched the water for fish, I came to a greater understanding and acceptance of who I am, what I value, and what areas of myself needed healing. I have taken a step back from racing professionally to pursue all that genuinely bring me joy. Joy is not found in everything going your way, more trophies, or the picture-perfect life. Instead, joy is found when we stop chasing that circumstantial happiness and set our minds on something extraordinary.

For years I hid my struggles. All I cared about was people seeing me as someone strong. However, My definition of strength has expanded—strength does not only show up as an elite athlete; strength is when we continually embrace who we are and rise back up, no matter how many times we get knocked down. I am grateful that I wasn't given an easy path in life. I am thankful for my hardships and the lessons I learned along the way because they have shaped me into the woman I am today. We will all face challenges in this life—many we don't see coming—but it's up to each of us to make a choice when those challenges do come. We can either sit in our grief and feel sorry for ourselves like I did after my accidents, or we can rely on God and that strength and courage we each have inside of us to become an even better, stronger, and more authentic version of ourselves. I, for one, am choosing the latter option.

Which will you choose?

22 W





Here we are again. It's a brand-new year, a time to start fresh. New beginnings, new resolutions — that we tell ourselves we will keep up. Some of us do. Some of us try. Some of us don't... and it's okay. The goal is not to be hard on yourself. After all, it's about the journey, not the destination.

I encourage my readers to do something in the new year that makes them feel empowered. Feeling good has always struck me as more important than 'looking good.' I believe when you embody it, you become it.

This got me thinking about Beauty Standards. We've all been exposed to the different ideas and measurements to which beauty is held — depending on our cultures and communities. These expectations vary in various parts of the world, from Africa, Asia, Europe — all the way to Antarctica — and beyond. Some destinations put curvy bodies on a pedestal; others highlight thinner bodies. Who's right? Who's wrong?

Personally, I think it's all wrong. I've often asked myself why we can't seem to live in a world where all shapes and sizes are celebrated. And why it's such a challenging obstacle to overcome. Although ideals on appearance differ in different parts of the world, one major identical element stands out across the board:

We are trying to measure up to the expectations of others and not ourselves. How many times as women have we stared in the mirror and thought about what others might think about our hair, our outfit; have we put on weight or have we lost it? Will they notice? Will they comment? 'Let me just brace myself before this event — Keep a good comeback in the pocket.'

23 W





Now, not all of us over-analyze to this extent, but in one capacity or another, we have all had similar discussions with ourselves… and it can be emotionally exhausting. For someone about to reach a 30s milestone, I'm not about to stress over anyone. I guess that's the beauty of ageing; you really do become wiser and less susceptible to the unsolicited comments of others. This can come with time. Fortunately for me, I've always had this selfawareness and confidence. I attribute it to selflove. I was always proud of my size. The curve of my back. My hourglass shape. My full face. My fierceness. This was MY superpower. As wild as it sounds, daily affirmation about loving yourself is a thing. But, first, you have to look at yourself and acknowledge that being you is special, that you bring something unique to the table that nobody else does.

I had never been a size 0, and I never will be. I don't wish to be. This can be met with side-eye; it is hard for some people to believe that women of a certain size can love how they look.

I mean, how dare we? We're taught that we can't love ourselves if we don't fit the mould of what we're told to look like. And when you're constantly being shown that only a specific look is revered, the people around you start to believe it too: *enter audacity. *

We are conditioned to be this way, and that's where all the nasty remarks are birthed. Gaining self-confidence is definitely easier said than done, but I genuinely believe that we must strive every day to love ourselves — to value ourselves. The opinions of others shouldn't even be in the equation. A great start is to surround yourself with people who uplift you, inspire you and see your worth. If you leave conversations with people feeling drained: these are not your people. And if you find yourself thinking a nasty or negative comment about someone's appearance or style, because unfortunately, we are sometimes the villains in our own stories… be aware enough to check yourself. Ask yourself why you're thinking those things about someone. Usually, the answer is inner insecurity. Maybe the confidence displayed in someone else strikes a yearning within you — wishing you could attain the same tenacious attitude. It's time to do the real work… the sometimes ugly work, to fix unnecessary, repetitive trends in behaviour. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is: If you love you, you'll love others too.

Writer's note: Readers - are you listening? Here's your homework: I'm asking all of my readers to send me ONE thing that empowers you and WHY.

SOCIALS: @theereelqueenzee

“Breathing Life into Your Travel Dreams” WANDERLUST EXCURSIONS

Services: Personal Vacation Planning Group Planning & Arrangements Hosted Group Tours River & Ocean Cruising



Specialties: Creation of Tailored Holiday Packages (according to Client preferences) Family/Multi-Generational Holiday Planning Destination Weddings

Travel has been a passion of mine since my teens. At 18 I set off on a travel experience that totally changed my life; England, France, Belgium & Netherlands. Fueling my love of history, arts, entertainment, and new customs to exploring new cuisine. Now with 30+years’ experience in organizing and travelling throughout North & South America, Europe, Caribbean and Oceans. Wanderlust Excursions was founded in 2016 with a goal to bring joy, happiness and worldly experiences to clients while removing the work, stress and time involved in searching & planning. Experience and ongoing professional development with attention to detail ensures the utmost service to you.

Starting with a “Complimentary Travel Consult” where we discover the answer to: “What is Your Imagine”? I always tell my clients there is “No Dream to Big or Too Small” it is yours and yours alone!

“Breathing Life into Your Travel Dreams” Wanderlust Excursions proudly presents “Sailing for Wishes” in Support of Make-A-Wish Canada. This initiative was developed to utilize my travel business as a tool to make a difference and give back to others.

“Sailing for Wishes” is a European Christmas River Cruise offered through Wanderlust Excursions on board AmaWaterways Vessels. Please see the video below and you too will see why I choose AmaWaterways for this special offering: Why Sailing for Wishes? To help raise the funds needed to bring Children such as Addy, their Wish. By your purchasing a cabin onboard this exciting Christmas River Cruise, Wanderlust Excursions will donate a portion of the proceeds to M.A.W. who will in turn be able to grant 2 large or 3 smaller wishes. See contact info below. Ama Means Love

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BLACK HISTORY MONTH ABOUT THE EVENT: The STAR Women’s Network Inc. celebrates Black History Month with The Black Beauty Conference is a one-of-a-kind community event honouring all the Beautiful Black Women and Men celebrating African Heritage Month. The event will showcase organic/ethnic beauty products, beauty and wellness tutorials, tips and techniques led by experts from the Canadian beauty industry, local beauty products manufacturers, and trained make-up artists.

THEME: Blac k is no t just a skin tone a nd kinky hair, bu t a mind set: How b eing bla ck sho uld be emb ra ce d!

Our Focus:

Being black is not merely having dark skin; neither should the word black connote just a colour; it is a mindset. So this educational event will create a memorable and valuable experience full of new, insightful learning and business opportunities for all attendees! And there's going to be lots of fun, so call it the fun interactive and educative conference of 2022, and you won't be wrong!

Our Why:

Unfortunately, beauty has long been considered "white and straight hair." Mainstream media contributed significantly to building black people's self-perception and impression of beauty and society. Over the years, women and young girls have resorted to bleaching their skins or changing their natural looks to keep up with the media definition and perception of beauty and feel "confident" about themselves without realizing the adverse effects of such decisions both physically and mentally.

Our Approach:

We carefully selected a team of black female beauty experts and entrepreneurs from across Canada in what would be an intimate and relaxed setting to share their knowledge and expertise about the latest beauty trends and business opportunities. Topics will range from current beauty trends, tips to keep your skin glowing all seasons long, information on natural hair styling and tricks for achieving natural results to product trends, selections and recommendations. Each topic was carefully curated and designed to be general enough to benefit attendees of different knowledge levels, skin and hair types while diving into enough detail for everyone to walk away feeling like they learned new skills to apply at home.

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INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY 2022 The STAR Women's Network Inc. (TSWNI) celebrates International Women's Day 2022 with a virtual conference. TSWNI proudly invites you to join us for a virtual conference celebrating International Women's Day

on Saturday, March 5, starting from 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM EST.

About IWD International Women's Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating women's equality. IWD has occurred for well over a century, with the first IWD gathering in 1911 supported by over a million people. Today, IWD belongs to all groups collectively everywhere.

IWD 2022 campaign theme:

Imagine a gender-equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. A world that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. Together we can forge women's equality. Collectively we can all #BreakTheBias. TSWNI is a membership-based organization with an incredible network of influential, thriving and audacious female leaders. In addition to creating opportunities for learning for women and girls in underprivileged communities, we support women and girls' charities of choice with part proceeds from our events all year round. The event will feature a phenomenal, powerful and influential line-up of speakers, female leaders and achievers who will engage, inspire, motivate and empower attendees. Stay tuned for their bios! About The STAR Women’s Network Inc. The STAR Women's Network Inc. is devoted to women succeeding in business and leadership. We provide a safe environment for women of all ages and from all walks of life to discover, develop, and drive their innermost passions, transforming themselves into visionary entrepreneurs, thought leaders, career professionals and business owners. We provide opportunities for women to learn, connect, collaborate and flourish through personal and professional development, skill-building, enrichment programs, coaching, networking, and mentoring. We believe in the power of education, equality, and inclusivity. We are committed to amplifying female voices and creating non-judgemental spaces to engage, inspire, empower, thrive and lead.

Eventbrite registration: You are required to register for the conference on Eventbrite. Upon registration, you will receive an email with your ticket. You will also receive an email a day before and on the day of the event. The email will contain your Zoom meeting login information.

Sponsorship opportunities: If you would like to support or sponsor this event or any of our upcoming events, please reach out to us via email @ or through our website:

Connect with us: Please follow The Star Women's Network Inc on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook. Please sign up for our monthly newsletter as well. Celebrate IWD 2022 with us and choose to #BreaktheBias Your support and sponsorship help bring valuable programs to low-income women and girls worldwide. Partner with us today!

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