2 minute read
Term Dates and Arrangements
Beginning / End ofTerm Arrangements (dates to be found overleaf and on the SchoolWebsite)
At the beginning of each term, pupils are expected to be back in their boarding house in the window of time as indicated on the website. The duty Housemaster will be in the boarding house from the time indicated. If your child is returning in advance of this time, please ensure you have made prior engagement with them. We have three terms in the academic year, they are the MichaelmasTerm (September-December), the LentTerm (January-March) and the the SummerTerm (end of Aprilearly July)
At the end of term, arrangements are usually as follows:
MichaelmasTerm ends with the School Carol Service in the Abbey, followed by a Reception. Parents are very welcome.
LentTerm ends at 11:30.
The final day of the SummerTerm is Speech Day.There is a service and Prize Giving Ceremony that takes place on the day; all parents are welcome to join the event and bring a picnic and enjoy meeting their children ’ s friends and families. For the Upper Sixth pupils and parents there is a Leavers ’ Ball in the evening.
HalfTerms HalfTerms begin at 11:30 and pupils may be collected at this time.The School will arrange transport for those needing to travel to airports. All pupils are to return at the time stated overleaf. The Duty Housemaster will be in the building from 14:00 and the School can accept no responsibility for pupils before this time unless prior agreement has been made with your child’ s HsM.
Requests to leave early or return late can only be granted if there is particular travelling difficulties, for example longhaul flights. Requests must be made in advance to the HsM. Exeats We hold two Exeat weekends in the MichaelmasTerm, two in the LentTerm for First and Second Form only, and none in the SummerTerm, as this is shortest in the academic year.
Exeats are not mandatory for boarders who live outside of the UK. The School offers a programme of sport, culture and local activities (with plenty of rest included) for those who wish to remain in School. Parents will be asked at the start of each term to book their child’ s places in advance.
Authorised weekend leave If a pupil wishes to go out of School during Saturday or Sunday but does not wish to be out for the night, are required to seek permission from the Housemaster/ Housemistress, who must know the proposed times of departure and return.
Any absence from School which falls outside the above times, or which involves missing any class, or prevents a pupil from attending a sports fixture or other commitment, demands a special exeat.This is given only in exceptional circumstances following a written request to the HsM.
All transport requested of the School is to be paid for, even if, in the event, it is not used.