Thinking back to September, a particular highlight of the year was our welcome meeting, where many children and parents were able to gather in the sunshine to reconnect after so many months of separation. Many parents hadn’t even seen the PrePrep buildings due to Covid restrictions so it was a great pleasure to welcome everyone back onsite. This year, forest school was added to the weekly timetables of all Pre-Preppers and it has been so much fun to explore nature in more detail, build fires, make dens and develop our stamina for walking. It was also lovely to be able to return to Gore Farm and visit the animals there. In October we said a sad farewell to Miss Newport and Miss Lindsey who had both been teaching assistants with us for many years but we were happy to welcome Mrs O’Donnell who has been a fabulous addition to the Pre-Prep staff team. In November, we held our first music concert in the Tindall Recital Hall – music in Pre-Prep is thriving and it was wonderful to have such a fabulous venue to perform in. Our Christmas events were numerous as always, with the Christmas tree festival at Cheap Street Church, Nursery and Pre-