The Jackson Cluster
Atlanta Public Schools Time 3:45pm
Segment Purpose GLISI team arrives at Mayson Avenue Cooperative Offices to set up welcome table, projector/PPT and bellringer activity
Roles Patty, Meca and Jennie will set up. Garry will let team in.
Materials ON WELCOME TABLE: * Nametags * Sign-in Sheet ON EASEL CHART PAPER: Welcome! Please complete the bellringer activity prior to finding a seat. ON POST-IT CHART PAPER 1: Share a point of pride or success story from the journey to becoming an “Innovation Cluster” – might be something happening in your building, or cross-campuses within the cluster… ON POST-IT CHART PAPER 2: What is one area of concern you have for your school or the cluster as you look ahead? ON TABLES NEAR CHART PAPER: Small square post-its, Sharpies, Agendas
4:55pm 5:10pm
Welcome and Greet Guests Guests should: - Feel at home - Know what to do - Know what is coming next -Feel that the event is well-organized
Pedro Noguera Arrives Welcome
Patty, Meca and Jennie will be at door and interior of room to meet guests and facilitate bellringer. Guests should: 1. Find nametag 2. Initial sign-in sheet 3. Complete bellringer 4. Take agenda Leslie drives Atiba opens session with words of welcome
PROJECTED: Slide 1 Coats can be taken and stored in office down the hall PROJECTED: Slide 1
Time 5:15pm
Segment Purpose District Welcome Connect the evening to a vision for the cluster and reinforce district commitment to support leader and school growth toward the cluster plan.
Other Special Guest Words of Welcome Honor importance of broader community and resources in support of Jackson Cluster schools, leaders and students. Overview and Reflective Introductions Set tone of learning community; honor work and progress of cluster to date; establish expectations for the evening and focus on purpose of gathering
Food Arrives
Casual Dinner Nourish body and heart!
Roles Emily Massey Offers words of welcome connecting to cluster plan and other district initiatives to support leader growth and teaching effectiveness. Encourage and lift up the cluster as a lighthouse for innovation and systemic improvement driven by intrinsic interest, not compliance. Atiba introduces other special guests as needed: Elizabeth Hearn Folami Prescott Adams Kristin Moody
Materials None
Leslie introduces GLISI and reviews agenda for the evening. Set evening in context of past work and future aspirations. Facilitate reflective introductions. Transition to dinner.
PROJECTED: Slide 2 (Agenda/objectives) Slide 3 (Horses)
Fox Brothers Set up food in small conference room. Garry and Atiba support food setup as needed.
Unstructured socializing and reacquainting with Pedro and one another.
HANDOUTS/GIFTS: Agenda GLISI Notebooks/Pens
Food, Drink and Dessert Includes serving utensils, plates, forks/knives/spoons, napkins, cups COVER PROJECTOR Food
Patty, Meca, Jennie, Leslie and Pedro review bell ringer responses. District leaders depart after dinner.
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Time 6:15pm
Segment Purpose Conversation with Pedro Enlist thought partnership from national expert and champion Pedro Noguera on cluster progress and barriers to date in becoming an innovation cluster, as well as advice on the cluster-wide journey to transition to IB. Transition Thank Pedro and divide into two working groups for Root Cause Analysis
Roles Atiba will reintroduce Pedro to group.
Pedro will offer 3-5 minutes of opening remarks. Organic Q&A ensues. Leslie to clean up food to clear meeting room table for RCA segment. Leslie thanks Pedro, connects conversation to next segment, and instructs participants to break then return sitting with their working group.
PROJECTED: Slide 4: (Groups)
Pedro departs. Atiba drives.
Growing as Leaders Build on assets of cluster, themes/opportunities that emerged in conversation with Pedro to begin to identify action steps; practice use of root cause analysis as a tool for determining priorities and clarifying potential action steps Report Out Share group findings and causes
Final Reflections and Next Steps
Jennie moves modular tables to corners of room to support groups. Patty and Meca facilitate root cause analysis.
Patty facilitates report out, reinforcing potential for using RCA as a tool with teachers. Jennie scribes. Leslie will offer reflections on themes across the evening and identify concrete next steps. Invite feedback. Acknowledgements to all.
PROJECTED: Slide 5 (Why RCA) Slide 6 (Root Cause Analysis Steps) Slide 7 (Question) Post-it chart paper Small post-it notes Sharpies COVER PROJECTOR Chart paper/easel and markers PROJECTED: Slide 8 (Reflection) Notecards
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