School Wide Analysis Topic #1

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Topic 1: Leader’s Initial Preparation and Analysis Leading a Team Through School-wide CRCT Analysis

Topic 1: Leader’s Initial Preparation and Analysis Leader Preparation

As in CRCT-1, the leader must perform certain steps in order to prepare for a school-wide CRCT analysis session, such as preparing the materials and assembling the data reports that will be used in the meeting. Once again, this preparation includes doing one’s own preliminary analysis of the data, so that you can use it to most effectively guide the team through the process. You will find that the steps for the leader’s initial preparation and analysis are very similar to those you learned in CRCT-1. One very important additional step (which should be completed at the very beginning of this process) is that of gathering and reviewing the data analysis results that were generated when you worked through the CRCT-1 module. In this topic you will prepare for a school-wide CRCT data analysis session.

When Do I Begin This Task? (Cues)

You should perform school-wide CRCT analysis very soon after you and your team have completed grade-level CRCT-1 analysis for (all) grades in yours school. Ideally, this should happen within a month. Complete this process (both grade-level and school-wide) either during pre-planning or as early in the school year as possible.

What Resources are Required?

Updated 5/13/2011

Results from grade-level analysis (all forms from CRCT-1) for each grade level being considered in school-wide analysis (summary documents only, not individual teachers’ results)

Flip charts, markers, name tags, colored dots; ability to make posters

A large room that can accommodate many posters on the wall, and many people moving around the room, and tables for teamwork

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Topic 1: Leader’s Initial Preparation and Analysis Leading a Team Through School-wide CRCT Analysis How Do I Do It?

Updated 5/13/2011

Read through the steps in the step-action table (see next page)

Study any accompanying examples

Complete the practice exercise

Share the results with your Performance Coach

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Topic 1: Leader’s Initial Preparation and Analysis Leading a Team Through School-wide CRCT Analysis Step-Action Table Step


1. Gather CRCT reports for each grade level

For each grade level being included in the school-wide analysis, gather the following CRCT reports for at least one year (if you have access to reports from years past, include those as well):  Class Performance Summary Report (one for each teacher in each grade level being considered)  School Performance Summary Report, all Student Populations in Reading, English / Language Arts, and Mathematics (all grade levels)  System Performance Summary Report (all grade levels)  State Performance Summary Report (all grade levels) IMPORTANT: Please remember that these reports should be handled with care to avoid any breach in confidentiality for either the students or teachers.

2. Gather documents from grade-level analysis

Gather all the documents generated by grade-level CRCT analysis. (At least one of the document sets will be the one you produced while working through the CRCT-1 module) For each grade level to be included in the school-wide analysis, you should have these forms completed (not blank):  Form #1-A: LEADER’s Grade-level Analysis  Form #2-A: LEADER’s Grade-level Trend Comparison  Form #3-A: LEADER’s Reflection on Grade-level Analysis  Form #1-B: TEACHER’s Grade-level Analysis  Form #2-B: TEACHER’s Individual Trend Comparison  Form #3-B: TEACHER’s Reflection on Grade-level Analysis  Form #4-B: Grade-level TEAM’s Reflection on Grade-level Analysis NOTE: Blank copies of these forms are provided in the Appendix of the module Leading a Team Through Grade-level CRCT Analysis. (They are not provided in this module.)

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Topic 1: Leader’s Initial Preparation and Analysis Leading a Team Through School-wide CRCT Analysis Step


3. Review and reflect on the document set of one grade-level

Review and reflect on the first set of grade-level documents. Consider:  What do these data appear to tell us about: o



Possible Areas for Improvement?

 Do the data reveal further questions for study? What are those questions?  What good news is reflected for us to celebrate?  What needs for school improvement are identified from this data? Capture your thoughts about what the data tells you on the form called Schoolwide CRCT Analysis Form/Poster, located in the Appendix of this module. 4. Repeat for each grade level

Repeat the process of reviewing and reflecting on the data in each of the remaining document sets. Fill out one School-wide CRCT Analysis Form/Poster for each grade level being considered. TIP: When you facilitate the school-wide analysis meeting, you will take these forms with you, using your own preliminary analysis to guide (but not direct) the meeting and to pose provocative questions to your participants.

5. Identify participants and teams

List the teachers from each grade level being considered. Re-roster the participant list into the number of teams that corresponds to the number of grade levels being considered. (For instance, if your analysis session will include grades 3, 4 and 5, you will create three teams.) Each team must include one teacher from each grade level, and one teacher from each subject area being considered. Once teams have been finalized, add one support staff representative to each team. OPTIONAL, but RECOMMENDED: Finally, add one observer for every 1-3 teams (max of 4 or 5 for whole school). Select an AP, media specialist, tech coordinator, or someone else with leadership responsibility from within the school (not an outsider) to monitor team discussions and report findings.

6. Schedule the meeting

Updated 5/13/2011

Identify a teacher work day/professional learning day on which to hold this meeting, so that sufficient time is available and all invited participants can attend. Plan for the meeting to take at least 1.5 – 2 hours.

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Topic 1: Leader’s Initial Preparation and Analysis Leading a Team Through School-wide CRCT Analysis Step


7. Reserve a meeting space

Reserve a space for the meeting that meets the following criteria (a cafeteria or gymnasium works well, as could a large hallway):  Has a large amount of wall space to accommodate posters  Is large enough to space posters far enough part so that teams can work comfortably  Has tables large enough for teams to work together

8. Invite participants

Communicate the date, time, and location of the school-wide CRCT analysis meeting. You may also wish to post the roster of teams in the faculty lounge.

9. Prepare data posters for a “Gallery Walk”

Make one set of poster-sized copies of the following reports for each grade level team who participated in the CRCT Grade-level Analysis meeting(s):  School Performance Summary Report  School Summary Report of all Student Populations for the strands being studied The posters should be large enough so they can be displayed on the wall and discussed by a small group (5-12 people depending on the size of the school).

10. Prepare reflection posters for a “Gallery Walk”

Make poster-sized copies of the form School-wide CRCT Analysis Form/Poster provided in the Appendix OR prepare flipcharts that contain the same questions

11. Prepare other materials

Pick a different color to identify each team. Obtain markers in each team color (1-2 markers per team). Obtain dot stickers in each team color (1 sticker for each participant). Create name tags for each participant. Place the correct colored dot on each name tag to indicate which team they are on. Arrange for any additional materials you would like to have available in the meeting space (such as paper / pens, flip charts / markers, laptop / projector, food and beverage, etc.)

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Topic 1: Leader’s Initial Preparation and Analysis Leading a Team Through School-wide CRCT Analysis Practice Exercise


Practice Scenario

Complete the steps in the Step-Action Table for this topic

Fill out the Practice Worksheet and/or forms, listing results that are realistic based on the information in the practice scenario below

Check your work

Meet with your Performance Coach to review the results and decide what to do next

Select two grade levels in your school upon which grade-level CRCT analysis has been performed with a team of teachers, and gather the outputs that were generated from those data analysis meetings. (Ideally, at least one of these grades you select for this practice will be one for which you served as the facilitator of the data analysis meeting while working through the CRCT-1 module.) Working on your own, work through the steps in the process of preparing for a school-wide CRCT data analysis session. Your preparation should include conducting your own independent, preparatory analysis of the data using the School-wide CRCT Analysis Form/Poster provided in the Appendix of this module.

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Topic 1: Leader’s Initial Preparation and Analysis Leading a Team Through School-wide CRCT Analysis Practice Worksheet Identify 2 grade levels you will include in your school-wide CRCT analysis meeting. For each grade level, place a check next to the relevant documents as they are assembled. Grade _______

Grade _______

Class Performance Summary Reports (one for each teacher in each grade level)

School Performance Summary Report all Student Populations for the strands being studied

System Performance Summary Report

State Performance Summary Report

Form #1-A: LEADER’s Grade-level Analysis

Form #2-A: LEADER’s Grade-level Trend Comparison

Form #3-A: LEADER’s Reflection on Grade-level Analysis

Form #1-B: TEACHER’s Grade-level Analysis

Form #2-B: TEACHER’s Individual Trend Comparison

Form #3-B: TEACHER’s Reflection on Grade-level Analysis

Form #4-B: Grade-level TEAM’s Reflection on Grade-level Analysis

Complete one School-wide CRCT Analysis Form/Poster (8.5 x 11 size) for each grade level. (See Appendix A)

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Topic 1: Leader’s Initial Preparation and Analysis Leading a Team Through School-wide CRCT Analysis Practice Worksheet List all of the teachers in each grade level being considered. Grade _______

Grade _______

Re-roster participants into 2 cross-grade-level teams, and add staff representatives and observers. Team 2 – color: _______

Team 1 – color: _______ Staff representative:

Staff representative:



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Topic 1: Leader’s Initial Preparation and Analysis Leading a Team Through School-wide CRCT Analysis Practice Worksheet Identify a date, time, duration, and location for your meeting. Invite your participants.

List materials you need to assemble for the meeting. Place a checkmark when completed.

 Data posters

 Markers in two colors: ______ & ______

 Reflection posters

 (other) _________________________

 Name tags

 (other) _________________________

 Dots in two colors: _______ & _______

 (other) _________________________

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Topic 1: Leader’s Initial Preparation and Analysis Leading a Team Through School-wide CRCT Analysis Topic Practice Performance Checklist Select one:

 Performer’s self-assessment  Performance Coach’s observations

Performer’s Name: Performance Coach’s Name: Date of Performance: Check off each criterion that is observed. If the performance meets criteria with satisfactory quality, mark Yes. If not, mark No and provide feedback (use the back of the page for more space). Enter this performance into your portfolio when all items are marked Yes. Evidence 1. CRCT data gathered

Criteria At least one year’s CRCT data reports are gathered for each grade level to be considered:

 Class Performance Summary Report

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 Yes  No

(one for each teacher in each grade level being considered)

 School Performance Summary Report all Student Populations for the strands being studied

 System Performance Summary Report  State Performance Summary Report

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Topic 1: Leader’s Initial Preparation and Analysis Leading a Team Through School-wide CRCT Analysis Evidence 2. Grade-level analysis reports are gathered

Criteria For each grade level being considered, all documents generated by grade-level analysis are gathered:

Proficient? Give Feedback.

 Yes  No

 Form #1-A: LEADER’s Grade-level Analysis

 Form #2-A: LEADER’s Grade-level Trend Comparison

 Form #3-A: LEADER’s Reflection on Grade-level Analysis

 Form #1-B: TEACHER’s Grade-level Analysis

 Form #2-B: TEACHER’s Individual Comparison

 Form #3-B: TEACHER’s Reflection on Grade-level Analysis

 Form #4-B: Grade-level TEAM’s Reflection on Grade-level Analysis

3. Leader reflects on grade-level analysis

 One School-wide CRCT Analysis Form /

4. Participants are identified

 All teachers from each grade level are listed

 Yes

 Participants are re-rostered into cross-grade-

 No

Poster (8.5 x 11 size) is completed for each grade level

 Yes  No

level teams

 The appropriate number of teams is created (1 team for each grade level)

 Each team includes:  1 representative from each grade level being considered  1 representative from each subject being considered  1 support staff member  1 observer is included for every 1-3 teams Updated 5/13/2011

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Topic 1: Leader’s Initial Preparation and Analysis Leading a Team Through School-wide CRCT Analysis Evidence 5. An appropriate room is selected


 Has sufficient wall space to accommodate poster sets and team work

 Has sufficient table space to accommodate

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 Yes  No

team work

6. Invitations are issued

 All participants are invited

 Yes

 Invitation includes date, time, location,

 No


 OPTIONAL: Team rosters are posted in teachers lounge

7. Materials are prepared

 CRCT reports for each grade level are copied into poster size

 School-wide CRCT Analysis Form/Poster

 Yes  No

is copied into poster size (1 for each grade level), or flip charts are used

 Dots and markers in team colors are gathered

 Other materials are identified and gathered

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