Topic 2: Leading School-wide CRCT Analysis Leading a Team Through School-wide CRCT Analysis
Topic 2: Leading School-wide CRCT Analysis Leading Teams Through Schoolwide CRCT Analysis
Oftentimes, teachers work in silos, concentrating on their work with the children, and not communicating about students with other adults in their school‌others who could positively impact their student performances. Even if teachers work as a team on their grade level, many do not interact with or even know all of the teachers and support staff in grade levels above and below them. Everyone in the school is responsible for student achievement. When students are tested on one grade level, their performance on that test is a combination of all the instruction they have had in grade levels prior to the one in which they are being assessed. Student knowledge, skills and performance build from prior grade experiences, especially when the typical spiral curriculum is used from grade-level to grade-level. A performance-based curriculum is established upon specific standards that define the knowledge and skills that must be mastered at a level of performance taught by a rigorous and aggressive instructional design and evaluated by an assessment or rubrics which are aligned back to the curriculum. Each ensuing grade level is defined by a set of specific performance standards. Education in a school is a collective responsibility. Thus, it is critical for all adults in the school to clearly understand the performance of all students in the school, and to work together as a team to improve student achievement schoolwide. In this topic you will facilitate the process of analyzing school-wide CRCT data.
Why Should the Data Analysis Be School-wide?
The activity is designed to allow all staff members to work together to analyze, question, and make suggestions for further study or improvement to positively impact school-wide achievement. When teachers come together as a team, they often work in grade-level teams. This activity, in contrast, outlines a structure to engage the staff in discussions across grade levels, so that they are learning about the strengths and abilities of their colleagues in other areas of the school. It also develops a communityat-large within the school where all consider it their responsibility to lead students to attain greater academic achievement.
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Topic 2: Leading School-wide CRCT Analysis Leading a Team Through School-wide CRCT Analysis When Do I Begin This Task? (Cues)
Begin this task after you have completed the leader’s initial preparation and analysis, and when you feel ready to lead a cross-grade-level team of teachers through the process.
What is the Leader’s Role?
Your role is to facilitate the meeting, provide instructions on how to perform the activities, and use your pre-analysis to provide direction and provocative questions for discussion.
What Resources Are Required?
You will use the materials you prepared in Topic 1.
How Do I Do It?
Read through the steps in the step-action table (see next page)
Study any accompanying examples
Complete the practice exercise
Share the results with your Performance Coach
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Topic 2: Leading School-wide CRCT Analysis Leading a Team Through School-wide CRCT Analysis Step-Action Table Step 1. Prepare the meeting space
Action Hang the sets of Grade Level Data and Reflection Posters around the room, leaving enough space between each set that the teachers have enough space to view and write without disturbing other groups. Place name tags around the room to indicate where participants should sit. Teams should sit together. Place the appropriate colored marker with each team.
2. Convene the meeting
Give staff instructions where to sit by marking tables with the same color used on their name tags.
3. Review the purpose
Explain the purpose of the activity and how the groups were structured. The purpose of the activity is to give all staff opportunities to review the Georgia CRCT school results by grade level, to contribute to the interpretation of the results, and to give input for celebration and improvement. Share that the written responses on the charts will go back to the grade level for input into their grade-level improvement goals. Explain that the groups were structured to allow cross grade level or department collaboration – a way of sharing various perspectives. Each team includes at least one representative from each grade level and each subject area analyzed, who can help answer specific curriculum questions. Additional observers are being employed to listen to conversations and report back during the debrief.
4. Give instructions for the activity
Direct each team to select a facilitator and recorder. The recorder should be the keeper of the colored marker. The different colored markers will tie back the comments listed on the charts and to the group that made them. Assign a starting place (poster set) for each group. The group will have a designated time (usually 5-7 minutes) at each station to discuss the data display and complete the questions posed on the flipchart. The recorder should record their input. Explain that the observers will be posted at several locations around the room to listen to discussions and report back at the end of the session. (Observers do not rotate.)
5. Call time when groups should rotate
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Each group should review the data and the previous comments documented by the groups before them. The leader should keep the groups moving after approximately 5-7 minutes at each station.
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Topic 2: Leading School-wide CRCT Analysis Leading a Team Through School-wide CRCT Analysis Step 6. Facilitate debrief discussion
Action When all groups have visited each poster, lead a wrap-up session with the entire group. Facilitators of each group should share their group’s overall reaction to the complete set of data highlighting common observations. Observers should also share their experience at this time. Based on your own preliminary data analysis, pose provocative questions that may encourage group discussion include:
7. Summarize the data
What did we learn from the data?
What did we learn from the process?
How can we use what we learned to improve our instructional effectiveness in the school?
After the meeting, have all charts summarized and produced for the entire staff. The original chart sets should be given to the appropriate grade level to use as they develop grade level and individual goals for improvement. Use the meeting’s findings to update the Comprehensive School Improvement Plan for each grade. Share minutes from the meeting with participants and stakeholders.
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Topic 2: Leading School-wide CRCT Analysis Leading a Team Through School-wide CRCT Analysis Practice Exercise
Practice Scenario
Complete the steps in the Step-Action Table for this topic
Fill out the Practice Worksheet and/or forms, listing results that are realistic based on the information in the practice scenario below
Check your work
Meet with your Performance Coach to review the results and decide what to do next
Recruit a small group of teachers to help you with this Final Practice. Your team should include at least one teacher from each of the 2 grade levels you selected to work on in Topic Practice 1. Recruit 1-2 additional volunteers to serve as observers during the meeting. Their role will simply be to observe the process as it is performed by the other participants, and to report their findings to the rest of the group during the debrief. Use the materials you prepared in Topic Practice 1, as well as the data analysis you did on your own during preparation. Facilitate a meeting with your “volunteer” team in which you lead them through the process of analyzing school-wide CRCT data (including follow-up activities).
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Topic 2: Leading School-wide CRCT Analysis Leading a Team Through School-wide CRCT Analysis Topic Practice Performance Checklist Select one:
Performer’s self-assessment Performance Coach’s observations
Performer’s Name: Performance Coach’s Name: Date of Performance: Check off each criterion that is observed. If the performance meets criteria with satisfactory quality, mark Yes. If not, mark No and provide feedback (use the back of the page for more space). Enter this performance into your portfolio when all items are marked Yes. Evidence 1. Meeting preparation is complete
Criteria Data displays are posted with adequate space for groups to assemble
Proficient? Give Feedback. Yes No
Sufficient number of colored markers, charts, and other materials are in place Communication of staff group assignments is made Name tags are available
2. Meeting purpose is reviewed
Clear explanation is offered as to the purpose of a school-wide analysis of CRCT results
Yes No
Explanation of how and why groups were structured is offered
3. Clear directions for Facilitator and recorder are selected gallery walk are Use of colored marker is made available provided Assigned starting point
Yes No
Moved groups at appropriate times
4. An effective Employed additional observers observation of the Observers noted themes of conversations activity is executed
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Yes No
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Topic 2: Leading School-wide CRCT Analysis Leading a Team Through School-wide CRCT Analysis Evidence 5. Debrief discussions take place
Criteria Each team given opportunity to report experiences during activity
Proficient? Give Feedback. Yes No
Each observer given opportunity to report observations Leader prompted discussion using provocative questions and leader’s own preliminary data analysis
6. Debrief discussion and follow-up are facilitated
Collected notes from observers
Summarized charts typed and distributed to staff
Charts distributed to appropriate grade levels Prepared summary data to share with school leadership team Shared summary data with school’s leadership team
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Final Practice Leading a Team Through School-wide CRCT Analysis
Final Practice Instructions
Practice Scenario
Perform this practice, referring to the topic step-action tables as needed.
Complete the Final Practice Worksheet, listing results that are realistic based on the information in the practice scenario.
Check your work.
Meet with your Performance Coach to review the results and decide what to do next.
Completing this Final Practice requires meetings with a small team of peers. Prepare for these meetings by: o
Communicating the time and location of the meeting to the participants in advance
Preparing and providing copies of a meeting agenda
Being prepared with all the necessary materials and resources
Recruit a small group of teachers to help you with this Final Practice. Your team should include at least one teacher from each of the 2 grade levels you selected to work on in Topic Practice 1. Recruit 1-2 additional volunteers to serve as observers during the meeting. Their role will simply be to observe the process as it is performed by the other participants, and to report their findings to the rest of the group during the debrief. Use the materials you prepared in Topic Practice 1, as well as the data analysis you did on your own during preparation. Facilitate a meeting with your “volunteer” team in which you lead them through the process of analyzing school-wide CRCT data (including follow-up activities).
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Final Practice Leading a Team Through School-wide CRCT Analysis Final Practice Performance Checklist Select one:
Performer’s self-assessment Performance Coach’s observations
Performer’s Name: Performance Coach’s Name: Date of Performance: Check off each criterion that is observed. If the performance meets criteria with satisfactory quality, mark Yes. If not, mark No and provide feedback (use the back of the page for more space). Enter this performance into your portfolio when all items are marked Yes and all Feedback Form (next form) items are marked 3 or 4 (or Not Applicable).
Evidence 1. CRCT data gathered
Criteria At least one year’s CRCT data reports are gathered for each grade level to be considered:
Class Performance Summary Report
Proficient? Give Feedback.
Yes No
(one for each teacher in each grade level being considered)
School Performance Summary Report all Student Populations in Reading, English / Language Arts, and Mathematics
System Performance Summary Report State Performance Summary Report
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Final Practice Leading a Team Through School-wide CRCT Analysis Evidence 2. Grade-level analysis reports are gathered
Criteria For each grade level being considered, all documents generated by grade-level analysis are gathered:
Proficient? Give Feedback.
Yes No
Form #1-A: LEADER’s Grade-level Analysis
Form #2-A: LEADER’s Grade-level Trend Comparison
Form #3-A: LEADER’s Reflection on Grade-level Analysis
Form #1-B: TEACHER’s Grade-level Analysis
Form #2-B: TEACHER’s Individual Comparison
Form #3-B: TEACHER’s Reflection on Grade-level Analysis
Form #4-B: Grade-level TEAM’s Reflection on Grade-level Analysis
3. Leader reflects on grade-level analysis
One School-wide CRCT Analysis Form /
4. Participants are identified
All teachers from each grade level are listed
Participants are re-rostered into cross-grade-
Poster (8.5 x 11 size) is completed for each grade level
Yes No
level teams
The appropriate number of teams is created (1 team for each grade level)
Each team includes: 1 representative from each grade level being considered 1 representative from each subject being considered 1 support staff member 1 observer is included for every 1-3 teams Updated 5/13/2011
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Final Practice Leading a Team Through School-wide CRCT Analysis Evidence 5. An appropriate room is selected
Has sufficient wall space to accommodate poster sets and team work
Has sufficient table space to accommodate
Proficient? Give Feedback.
Yes No
team work
6. Invitations are issued
All participants are invited
Invitation includes date, time, location,
OPTIONAL: Team rosters are posted in teachers lounge
7. Materials are prepared
CRCT reports for each grade level are copied into poster size
School-wide CRCT Analysis Form/Poster
Yes No
is copied into poster size (1 for each grade level), or flip charts are used
Dots and markers in team colors are gathered
Other materials are identified and gathered
8. Meeting preparation is complete
Data displays are posted with adequate space for groups to assemble
Yes No
Sufficient number of colored markers, charts, and other materials are in place Communication of staff group assignments is made Name tags are available
9. Meeting purpose is reviewed
Clear explanation is offered as to the purpose of a school-wide analysis of CRCT results
Yes No
Explanation of how and why groups were structured is offered
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©2013 Georgia Leadership Institute for School Improvement, Inc. (GLISI). All rights reserved. Not to be used or reproduced without written permission.
Final Practice Leading a Team Through School-wide CRCT Analysis Evidence 10. Clear directions for gallery walk are provided
Proficient? Give Feedback.
Facilitator and recorder are selected
Use of colored marker is made available
Assigned starting point Moved groups at appropriate times
11. An effective observation of the activity is executed
Employed additional observers
Observers noted themes of conversations
12. Debrief discussions take place
Each team given opportunity to report experiences during activity
Yes No
Each observer given opportunity to report observations Leader prompted discussion using provocative questions and leader’s own preliminary data analysis
13. Debrief discussion and follow-up are facilitated
Collected notes from observers
Summarized charts typed and distributed to staff
Charts distributed to appropriate grade levels Prepared summary data to share with school leadership team Shared summary data with school’s leadership team
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©2013 Georgia Leadership Institute for School Improvement, Inc. (GLISI). All rights reserved. Not to be used or reproduced without written permission.
Final Practice Leading a Team Through School-wide CRCT Analysis Final Practice Feedback Form (page 1 of 2) Performer’s Name: Performance Coach’s Name: Date of Performance: Use the rubric below to rate only the cross-cutting leadership skills on this page (including write-ins). Enter this performance into your portfolio when all Performance Checklist (previous form) items are marked Yes and all Feedback Form (this form) items are marked 3 or 4 (or Not Applicable). Performance Levels 1
Emerging Needs Study and Practice Few/none of desired behaviors were adequately displayed.
Developing Needs Practice Some but not all of the desired behaviors were adequately displayed.
Proficient Distinguished Meets Criteria and Could be Used as a Expectations Model to Teach Others All desired behaviors were displayed and performed correctly. Eligible for Portfolio
How effective was the performer in these Cross-Cutting Skills?
Facilitating group interaction and managing participation
Assisting the group to meet task criteria
Modeling appropriate leadership behaviors
Teaching others how to perform the tasks
Presenting information clearly and concisely
Leveraging technology to increase effectiveness?
Motivating others to achieve success?
Using group processes to achieve desired results?
10. Other:
Turn the page to provide additional written feedback (required). Updated 5/13/2011
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©2013 Georgia Leadership Institute for School Improvement, Inc. (GLISI). All rights reserved. Not to be used or reproduced without written permission.
Final Practice Leading a Team Through School-wide CRCT Analysis Final Practice Feedback Form (page 1 of 2) Performer’s Name: Performance Coach’s Name: Date of Performance: If any element was rated less than 3, what needs to be done to score a 3? To score a 4?
What greatest strengths did the leader exhibit through this performance?
What could be done to improve this leader’s performance? Include any criteria on the Performance Checklist that were missed. Be specific.
Were there any significant issues that must be rectified (by additional practice and assessment) before entering this evidence into the Portfolio?
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