BGS Global Hospitals Performs 100 Liver Transplants A First in Karnataka May, 12th, 2015, Bangalore: BGS Global Hospitals – Super Specialty Quaternary Care, organized a press meet today on performing 100 Liver Transplants, by the Global Integrated Liver Care Team, A First in Karnataka. There are a number of factors that have led to the establishment of a robust liver transplant program in BGS Global Hospital. The foremost was the formation of a team comprising of highly skilled liver transplant surgeons, hepatologists, specialized anaesthetists and intensive care experts. Dedicated and specially trained nurses form an important part of the team. Equally important are physiotherapists, nutritionists, and counsellors. Notably, BGS Global Hospital is the only hospital in Karnataka with a special dedicated liver ICU where all forms of advanced liver diseases can be managed in a state of the art manner. Dr Kaiser Raja, Consultant, Hepatologist, BGS Global Hospitals, said, “Global Integrated Liver Care (ILC) Team has also done a lot to promote awareness of liver disease, and liver transplantation in the community as well as the physicians in the state. This includes systematic studies to assess the prevalence of chronic liver disease through the Bangalore Hepatitis project, which is a first of a kind community based assessment of Hepatitis B and C prevalence in the city. More than 100 outreach programs such as seminars and continuing medical education programs have been conducted by the team in almost each district of the state involving medical colleges, large hospitals and physician associations across the state. The team has also established a training program for transplantation nursing to develop human skills in managing these complex patients, and have trained nurses for the private and government sector alike. This is the first dedicated transplant-nursing program in the whole country.” Dr Mathew Jacob, Consultant, Multi Organ Transplant Surgeon, BGS Global Hospitals, said, “One of the most encouraging things for the development of organ transplantation has been the increasing acceptance of organ donation after brain death. In Karnataka, the organ donation rates have increased over the last four years, but more than 200 patients are on the active waiting list for liver transplant in our State. The real success of transplant programs will be possible only if we as a society pledge to donate our organs after death.” Dr Rajiv Lochan, Consultant, Multi Organ Transplant Surgeon, BGS Global Hospitals, said,“While organ transplant from deceased donors were increasing, there was still a great need for organs. Living donation from close family members to save the life of a loved one still accounts for a majority of transplants performed in India. Several innovative surgical and medical techniques which have been developed for the Indian scenario, including the
development of ‘bloodless’ liver transplants, and the use of split organ and dual organ transplants to optimally utilize organs for the best outcomes. A split organ transplant is one in which a donated liver is split into two halves and used to transplant into two different patients. A dual transplant is usually a combined liver and kidney transplant done in the same patient.” Dr Sonal Asthana, Consultant, Multi Organ Transplant Surgeon, BGS Global Hospitals, discussed the results, "Among the 100 transplants, 64 transplants were from deceased brain dead donors while 36 were from related living donors. While the majority of transplants were for adults, 7% were done for children suffering from liver failure. The Global Integrated Liver care program has the distinction of performing three dual organ transplants. Our overall survival rate is 92%, which is at par with the best in the world. The team has conducted a study on the ‘Health related Quality of Life of a patient after Liver transplantation’, which has been presented at a National meeting. This study revealed several limitations due to emotional problems, Energy/Fatigue, Social functioning and General health before transplant. However, significant improvements in the quality of life of a transplanted patient were observed within 2 months post transplantation, which progressively improved as time progressed. Participants described living productive and meaningful lives and many reported a more positive outlook on life since transplantation." Mr Ganesh Kamath, Liver Transplant Survivor, who had received a liver transplant one years ago, said, “I’m eternally grateful to the families of all the organ donors who have made this emotional decision at the deathbed of a loved one to donate their organs, which have benefitted me, and other patients suffering from terminal liver failure.” Dr Venkatramanaa N K, Vice Chairman& Chief Neurosurgeon, BGS Global Hospitals, said, “At BGS Global Hospitals, we have established an advanced transplant program and have largely contributed to the concept of cadaveric organ donations and creating mass awareness in Karnataka. It is a big team work and with the help of multiple agencies, organized Green Corridors, eventually creating life after death”
About BGS Global Hospitals: BGS Global Hospitals - Super Specialty Quaternary Care, a unit of Global Hospitals Group, offers comprehensive integrated medical services for all sub specialties and super specialties with the best teams of clinical talent across disciplines trained in foremost institutions from across the world. With integrated patient care and accessibility to advanced technology, expertise, we are delivering exceptional clinical excellence & outcomes. We restore hope of more than 1,50,000 patients who visit our hospital annually. Today we are one of the premier health care providers in the country and with our committed vision; we continue to improve with ground breaking approaches to care and treatment of our patients.