Diabetes: A Lifestyle Disorder Diabetes over the last few decades has become a very common disorder amongst the people. Just about everyone has the problem and yet somehow none of us are able to prevent it or manage it as well as we should! The primary reason for the increasing incidence of diabetes across the globe is the ever changing lifestyles of people. Everyone’s lifestyle over the last few decades has undergone a sea change and it has gone in the unhealthier direction and therefore diabetes correspondingly has become more common and prevalent across all the sections of the society. The diseases is caused by following an unhealthy lifestyle that involves eating unhealthy, processed and untimely meals that is excessively rich in salts, sugars, carbohydrates and fats. This situation is further compounded by the fact that we exercise less, follow a more sedentary lifestyle and in general have become less active than our predecessors. This leads to a situation wherein the body is unable to process the excess sugars that we intake and causes the lifestyle condition known as – diabetes. Fundamentally, diabetes is classified into two types – type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Once a person develops the condition of diabetes, there is no permanent cure other than managing as best as possible. One can manage it both from a lifestyle perspective as well as from a clinical perspective. The best way of course is to make relevant and necessary changes to our lifestyle – such that the condition does not escalate and lead to various other condition. Lifestyle changes required would be to eat more healthy, wholesome and timely food. Avoid excess of sugars and undertake frequent exercise to burn the sugars taken in. If one can follow a strict diet and exercise regimen diabetes is easy to manage. Management of diabetes is highly important because diabetes often from the underlying factor of various other lifestyle diseases such as – heart conditions, kidney failures, liver failures, infertility and others. If diabetes can be controlled and manage well then all of those lifestyle conditions can be easily prevented and managed.
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