Traveling with Denella It’s not unusual for me to sit around dreaming about my next vacation. I’m a self-declared travel gypsy. I’ve visited so many wonderful countries, I sometimes lose count. I’ve taken breaks to live, study and work in Africa and Europe; and oh yeah…Eat, Pray and Love there too! Today, I sit in my self-imposed quarantine dreaming about my next trip in this crazy different COVID world. I survey my list of dwindling places left that will still allow Americans with open arms; and then I quickly become depressed. So much of the world has closed their borders to us; and I guess with good reason. I asked my Facebook friends, if they were President or Prime Minister of a country, would they allow Americans in. Their answer was a unanimous “NO”. That’s coming from my American posse, and oh yeah, even my Canadian cousin! 54.
September / October 2020 -