12 minute read
Hey I'm the NO EXCUSES Guy
My name is Maxwell Ivey, and I’m known around the world as The Blind Blogger. I’m also known as the No Excuses guy because of all the people who have said that if Max can do it then “what is my excuse?”
I firmly believe that we can accomplish any goal if we decide to find solutions instead of making excuses, ask for help and accept it when offered, and always seek the positive in life.
This story is a perfect example of how I live my life and how I encourage my clients to live theirs.
On Tuesday September 4th I traveled to Philadelphia by Amtrak to speak at MAPCON, the Mid-Atlantic Podcasters Conference. I enjoy taking the train. I’ve been riding with Amtrak ever since they sent me off to New York City as one of the 2016 Writers In Residence. The trains usually run on time, and I love the conversations with other passengers. I also enjoy the slower pace and lower stress than that associated with taking planes or riding in cars.
But this time my train was delayed. By the time it got into Chicago it was over nine hours late causing me to miss my connection to Pittsburg and then on to Philadel-
phia. Because of the last minute change my suitcase went to Pittsburg instead. I talked with the manager at the 30th Street Station terminal, and she told me that the bag was most likely still there.
She told me that they would do their best to return it to me that day by about 3:00 PM) as a train makes the run from Pittsburg to Philadelphia every day. I should mention that this was at about 1:00 in the morning. The station manager did call me a taxi, and Amtrak did pay for it. But this was all their doing. By the time I got to the hotel, checked into my room, and made it to my bed it was well after 2:00 in the morning.
Still, I had lost the use of my suitcase. Inside was my new suit, the new vest outfit, my promotional T-shirts, copies of my books, and my laptop.
When people asked me what I was going to do, I said, “Hey I’m the NO EXCUSES guy. I’m going to do what I always do. I’m going to do what I can and not worry about what I can’t.”
So, in the morning, I took a shower and put on my clothes from the night before. Then I went to the first day of the conference like nothing had ever happened.
On Friday morning I attended a kind of school for podcasters. The goal was to help and encourage those who want to start a show or those who have a show but need to improve some aspect of it.
I participated in the conversations and answered several questions. I even got a chance to tell hosts to consider potential blind audience members when building their websites. I shared with them how adding the alternative text meta tags to photos not only made using sites with a screen reader more enjoyable, but they also improve your search engine optimization, SEO.
“It was kind of like an electronic crutch to me. Thanks to the lost bag I didn’t have a choice.”
to tell hosts to consider potential blind audience members when building their websites. I shared with them how adding the alternative text meta tags to photos not only made using sites with a screen reader more enjoyable, but they also improve your search engine optimization, SEO.
My Elevator Pitch
Joe, https://www.twitter.com/superjoepardo asked me to say what I do and how. I answered proudly that I book authors, coaches, speakers, and podcasters on radio shows and podcasts so they can share their stories, reach a wider audience, and build their brand. I provide a great service, so why not be proud of it.
Playing Frisbee
In between the presentations Joe would have attendees introduce themselves. He chose them by tossing a cloth Frisbee. I jokingly told my neighbor that next time I wanted to put my hand up to see if Joe would throw it to me. He wouldn’t, but he did let me try throwing it back to him. I almost hit him too. :)
By the end of the day I was proud of myself. I hadn’t let losing my luggage affect me at all. I was my usual inspiring, larger-than-life self. I charmed the people, and I was mentioned often from the microphone.
I told the host, my friend Joe, that if my luggage didn’t show up, I was going to do my talk in a conference T-shirt.
I had the shirt in my room, and planned to wear it with pride while educating people on how to use radio shows and podcasts to promote their own shows.
I also decided that just because my laptop was missing didn’t mean I couldn’t post to my site. I went and downloaded the word press app for my iPad. Then I installed it and entered the login information.
I actually wrote two posts for my website right from the WordPress app... something I would never do if I had my laptop. That is because, at least to me, the word press dashboard is confusing when using it with a screen reader.
This was a big step forward because one of my goals for this year is to be able to do everything I need to do from my tablet or iPhone. The point of this is I could have said, “Oh, woe is me.” I could have hidden in my room or bitched and moaned about what I didn’t have. But instead I used it as a form of motivation to get me to try something I had been putting off myself. I liked the idea of doing things from my iPad, but my laptop was more comfortable. It was kind of like an electronic crutch to me. Thanks to the lost bag I didn’t have a choice.
I was really disappointed that my suitcase turned up missing. I was really hoping it would be returned to me. The suit is the first one that I bought willingly! And so many people had a hand in putting it together.
There was also my grooming supplies. My stylist, Chelsea Nguyen, had shopped for me and found products both easy to use and most suited to my hair, skin, and nails. She took the time to show me how to use them properly. She had even helped me figure out how to tell one from the other. Thankfully I had my hair gel, toothbrush, and toothpaste in my shoulder bag. When you ride the train, it’s good to be able to fix up your hair and to brush your teeth. I was able to use the shampoo and conditioner that most all good hotels provide to their guests. This experience has taught me that from now on I will be carrying my personal care stuff in my messenger bag. Like everything else missing, it can all be replaced.
I hoped the suitcase would show up. But I wasn’t going to have a bad time if it didn’t. Or if it didn’t before I was ready to leave town. I was hoping the bag would turn up before Monday. happened to it.
I wasn’t looking forward to having to head home or to another speaking event not knowing what happened to it.
This article started out as a post for my editor Lorraine Reguly, https://wordingwell.com, She suggested a post on excuses people make.
The original intent was to include excuses such as “I’m too old,” “I don’t have enough time,” “I can’t afford it,” etc. I thought sharing this story would be a great beginning. Maybe I’ll write a series of posts why a given obstacle shouldn’t be an excuse that keeps you from your dreams.
After the end of the first day of talks there was a mixer with music by DJ’s and an cash bar. But Joe decided to be nice and he provided tickets so many of us drank free. I had a couple of beers and more wonderful conversations. I didn’t dance or sing. I felt really special, I never lacked for great people to talk with. people to talk with. When one person would leave someone else would sit down.
Saturday morning I changed into a different t-shirt but same old blue jeans.
Creative Podcast Competition
In the morning there was a “create a podcast competition”. Teams of four were chosen and each group had to put on a brand new pretend podcast. You had to come up with a title, show description, a logo, and an intro and outro. You also had to use a list of five words in your show in some way. I was surprised when our team of four was judged to have put on the best show.
I Won A New Mic
Each of us won a new Audio Technica ATR 2100 USB microphone I’m told it’s a really good entry level mic and sells for over $100.
I listened to all of the other shows, and I honestly thought the group who did a show called beer tent should have won. In addition to meeting all the requirements they came up with and sang their own intro music. Even though I’m not sure we were the best I’m keeping the prize. I got the sense that people thought I was crazy for recording a podcast with the built in mic on my laptop. I thought about giving it to my new friend Staci Greenberg because she knew she wanted it. I wasn’t sure I could even use it. Some tech may look simple but require you to see it in order to configure it or know if it’s working. For example I once bought a microphone headset that gave me fits. You couldn’t tell if the microphone part was on or not without looking at a lighted display. The same applied for the volume level while recording. And when I’m recording interviews for my podcast the last thing I want to be doing is wondering if my tech is working properly or not. I believe that it’s best to get in and stay in the moment. I can’t do that if part of my brain is worried we aren’t being recorded. After talking to a couple people who knew more about this microphone than i did I decided to hold on to it. In addition to the possibility that it might make my show better it will help with my goal of being completely free of my laptop by the end of the year.
I Almost Went Viral
My new friend Stacy asked me if there had been any news on my suitcase. I told her no. She said I’m going to ask Joe to make an announcement. And off she went. She spoke to a few other podcasters on the way to see Joe and told them about it too. Before I knew it there was a hashtag on twitter and the whole MAPCON community was shaming Amtrak.
The hashtag was #FreeMax’sBag
I should mention that allowing this to go forward was hard for me. I like to get my way with a smile and asking nicely. There have been many times where I should have pitched a fit and didn’t because it just didn’t seem right. But I decided that I have told others to accept help when offered. Often this unsolicited assistance is a response to a request for help that we didn’t speak out loud. I had been sitting there thinking of something I could do to move Amtrak along. I wished for help, and it came in the form of a twitter barrage. You could call it prayer, meditation, or using the law of attraction; but it worked. And I’m glad I decided to accept their help.
My Talk
Before long it was my turn to speak. I got a little caught up in following along on twitter. I was a little off my rhythm when I stood up to walk to the mic. I went up and gave a pretty good talk on how to use podcasts and radio shows to grow your audience.
While sitting in my seat it seemed that the other people’s talks were just flying by. Because of that I think I rushed my talk leaving me a lot of time to kill. I finally decided to fill the rest of my time with Q & A. I didn’t feel like it was my best talk ever. I need to get better at judging time.
But when I sat down the guy next to me said great job. He said whenever you run short always go to questions.
The Idea That Resonated
I felt better later when I noticed how many people were tweeting one of the things I said in my talk.
It was “don’t wait until you think you are good enough to start reaching out to hosts to appear on their shows”. There are too many amazing people with inspiring stories who aren’t sharing them. And we need them to share theirs. I’m para-phrasing, but that’s pretty close.
My Bag Is Freed
Later we would get the news that Amtrak had found my bag. There was applause. They felt like together as a group they had done something amazing for me and they had. I may not be famous, but in that room I know I was loved.
I did get my bag back, but Amtrak was much more difficult to deal with than any of us expected.
Amtrak Should Have Done Better
The way Amtrak responded is an example of how not to do it.
First, they instructed me to make a claim. Karen Yankovich, one of the ring leaders, pointed out to them that the idea that I hadn’t already filed a complaint after three days was just silly. You will remember that the station manager took my report the night I got to Philadelphia. Amtrak did finally decide to make a effort to find the bag. But when they found it they refused to deliver it. They insisted they couldn’t and wouldn’t do that.
I loved one follower on twitter who wrote they obviously don’t know who Max is and are just giving him the standard canned answers. I got a big smile out of that one.
Amtrak Changed Their Mind
About 10:00 I got a call from the front desk saying my suitcase was in the lobby. I went down there to find my bag but no Amtrak people. They didn’t stay around to apologize, explain, or answer questions. They didn’t even bring a camera to take photos of the happy ending. I was shocked that after the stink we created that they would turn over the bag without requiring me or the hotel staff to sign for it. But they didn’t.
Accidentally Inspiring
Sometimes we will affect people without even knowing it. This often happens with children. Many parents will remember those times their kids did something wrong because they
had been watching or listening to their moms or dads. I found out at the end of the day that several people had been watching me work on my iPhone during the day. I usually wouldn’t even have my phone on me much less be using it in a public setting like the conference, but I was following and participating in the twitter campaign to get my bag back. I felt I needed to be online and active. I didn’t realize just how much of an impression I was making. I’ve always thought of myself as slow and clumsy with my iPhone. But several people told me personally how impressed they were with the way I was using my smart phone. I was a little embarrassed because like I said it didn’t feel right to have my phone out. Even if I did have my ear buds in. People are watching. So, if you can’t bring yourself to show up for yourself in tough situations think about the people you could be inspiring just by deciding to find a solution instead of making excuses.
We can let life’s setbacks crush us, or we can decide to enjoy the moment and do the best we can at the time. Often the trick is to divorce ourselves from a given outcome. I find that many people will refuse a possible answer because it’s not the answer they wanted or were hoping for.
I call this the puzzle box problem. When you assemble a jig saw puzzle ARTICLE you have a picture to TITLE
go by. You know exactly where every piece will fit. Too many people have pictures in their mind as how things will turn out. I like to look at the problem and think what I would do if I didn’t care about how the problem got solved.
Share Your Setbacks
I’m looking forward to hearing your stories of overcoming things that should have ruined your plans.
I also want to hear how you managed to stay positive and what steps you took to overcome the setback.
Celebrating My Win
The week turned out to be a great one for me personally and for my business.
I gave a solid talk with one take away that resonated with many in the audience. By sharing that one idea I may have inspired someone to reach out to me or another podcast host and start sharing their story. I met many podcasters, producers, radio network owners, and service providers. I started building many new friendships and relationships. I will probably be speaking at two conferences next year because of my talk. They would be the Podfest Expo in Orlando in March and the fifth annual MAPCON in Philadelphia next fall.
I got to tell a lot of people about what I do and how I do it. And I believe I have at least one new client because of speaking at this event. I have already started booking my clients on shows belonging to people I met there.
So many great things happened because I didn’t let the loss of some clothes keep me from having a great time. I’m hoping this serves as an example to you.
Max is an author, blogger, entertainer, podcast host, speaker and media connector. One of Max’s main goals is to share the story of his personal growth and transformation, hoping it will motivate and inspire anyone who hears it. Max lost his sight at age 12 and this has not stopped him from creating a business, traveling throughout the US and building his business!! Listen to his podcast “What’s Your Excuse” at
Connect with Maxwell Ivey at www.theblindblogger.net. Find all of Max’s books on Amazon at https://www.amazon. com/Maxwell-Ivey/e/B00S1T1OY8.