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Excelerate Experience
Why attend Excelerate Experience 2018 LIVE Event October 26-27, 2018 in Durham NC?
What if you Discovered the Answers to Finally Getting What You Want?
1. It’s an age-old Mystery that only a handful of us ever learn! Our Speakers are master teachers and have solved it. They’ve spent years helping others uncover the Mystery for themselves. They’ll entertain, enlighten and show you the path that will take you from where you are right now to where you want to be! They’ll give you the maps required to solve the Mystery for yourself at Excelerate Experience!
2. What if you could get what you want using an easy, repeatable process, that always gives you your ‘best shot’ at success? It isn’t hard at all to have influence over your results, once you uncover the Mystery of the ‘how-to’s’ of actually getting what you want. That’s when you are ready to catapult your business to the success you deserve!
3. What if Excelerate Experience LIVE turns out to be the most important weekend of 2018 for you?? When you have the Answers and have Solved the Mystery, you’ll realize that the business and lifestyle you’ve always wanted is within your reach! You’ll see it was always possible! Now you’ll enjoy being in a business that doesn’t run you ragged, once you know the exact path from where you are to where you want to be. You’ll run home exhilarated and ready to get into massive Action!
REGISTER TODAY: http://ExcelerateExperience.com
Our Goal at Excelerate Experience 2018 is for you to Learn New Things and Have a Repeatable Process to Get what you Want and Deserve!
We’re taking the Mystery out of the equation in your Success, and you will…
• Feel in control of the direction of your life!
• Create a deep sense of renewal, well-being & balance in your life!
• Enjoy a BEingness of ease, joy, comfort and choice!
• Feel strong, sovereign, and supported!
• Feel energized by a true sense of accomplishment & success!
• Have the renewed Confidence to “Ask for what you deserve ... and get paid!”
Excelerate Experience 2018 DELIVERS!
Leslie Flowers, speaker, twice best selling Amazon author, and women’s truth guide, is a Trailblazer for women’s success and achievement. She has discovered how to usher women into the 21st century with confidence and empowerment like never before. Leslie has ‘cracked the nut’ on unbridled success, by teaching women how to build confidence, harness the power of positive belief, and take inspired, structured action.
Leslie is a global subject matter expert in achievement, performance, and business success principles with more than 14,000 hours teaching and facilitating more than one hundred mastermind
studies around age old business success practices. In her 2014 best seller, CHAMPION, she shares the unique process that frames and serves as a foundation for her high performance, high yield business masterminds for women. The power and effectiveness of her mastermind program has produced a momentum for her clients that yields consistent, measurable, and lasting positive results.
A practiced speaker, since majoring in Drama at San Francisco State in the 60’s and performing for Burt Lancaster at UCLA, she received her CS certified speaker (Gove-Siebold) and coaching/ consulting certification LSC with LifeSuccess Productions.
Leslie currently serves as adviser culture director for new tech food truck industry startup foosye(TM), served as founding board member for growandshare.org, and head of family coaching at peoplebuilders.com.
Connect with Leslie at www.leslie-flowers.com Facebook Business Page: https://www.facebook.com/LeslieFlowersGrowthExpert/ Facebook Group for Women Thought Leaders: https://www. facebook.com/groups/370485126648830/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lflowers/
With forty-five years in corporate and twenty years as an entrepreneur, Leslie is uniquely qualified to present in an empowering and engaging way, age old success concepts by reshaping them into 21st Century language, sharing them with women determined to grow their businesses and reach their dreams.