Globe Magazine January 2020

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Globe Magazine Gibraltar

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Gibraltar Stoma Support Group AN OSTOMY-STOMA is a life-saving surgery used in the final stages of several cancers, such as, colorectal and bladder. When deadly complications from inflammable bowel disease, such as, Ulcerative Colitis/Crohn’s or diverticulitis and other diseases arise, it can give life back. At its most simple, it’s just a new way to go to the bathroom. A stoma is a medical term used to describe an opening on the abdomen that can be connected to either your digestive or urinary system to allow waste (urine or faeces) to be diverted out of your body. It looks like a small, reddish, circular piece of flesh that is sewn to your body. It may lie fairly flat to your body or protrude out. Over the top of your stoma, you will wear a pouch, which can either be closed or have an opening at the bottom. Your stoma has no nerve endings


recent announcement from the Department of Equality and Government of Gibraltar on the ‘Invisible Disability’ Card Scheme and the radar key for Accessible Public Toilets.

so you feel no pain from it. A Stoma can be temporary or permanent, depending on the reason for having a stoma. Our aim is to create awareness of our hidden disability. Please feel free to ask anything you like and if we can’t help, we will surely find someone, who can. We know how isolating and difficult “STOMAS” and the condition that causes us to have them can be, so we are here for you to chat

to, to make friends, to help and offer support. “Stomates” owe our life to this wonderful pouch/bag. We have to thank the GHA, who recently started hired a Stoma nurse. They can be contacted at stomanurses@ Since our first get together as a support group in June 2019, we have come a long way and we are very pleased with the

We need the different public services involved with security to recognize our needs, our aim is to create awareness around this topic and educate the relevant authorities and general public to make life easier for us and alleviate the sometimes embarrassing situations we find ourselves in. Hope all bag/pouch wearers find this information useful. We can be contacted by email at or my mobile +350 56849000. You can also follow us on our Facebook page Ostomy (Stoma) Gibraltar or you can also join our ‘WhatsApp’ support group.


Why Magazine, Newspaper and Direct Mail Advertising Still Work Print advertising Isn’t Dead!

DON’T LET ANYBODY tell you that print is dead. Even in the age of ‘smartphones’ and the Internet, your potential customers are still paying attention to the printed word, and you can boost your sales by advertising in magazines and newspapers, as well as, with direct mail. Here’s why these old-school media still matter and how you can succeed with each of them. PRINT ADS COMMAND ATTENTION THAT ONLINE ADS DON’T The era of digital media has not killed the print magazine. If anything, it has drawn into sharper focus how much of an impact print advertising can have compared to advertising online. For one thing, print ads command attention that online ads don’t. Our brains are literally built to remember print ads better than we remember digital ads; even ‘millennials’, the first generation to grow up with the Internet, are far more likely to pay attention to print ads than they are to digital ads. Print ads also offer a permanence that online ads don’t. A banner ad is gone once the user clicks on another page; even a viral video or meme only commands attention for a few seconds or a few minutes. On the other hand, 8 GLOBE MAGAZINE

print ads can literally live forever. Thumb through the pages of magazine from 1, 5 or 10 years ago, and the ads will still be there. PRINT ADVERTISING MEANS STRONG CREDIBILITY Another advantage of print is that it offers a strong credibility factor: consumers trust print ads in much larger numbers (71 percent) than they trust TV (41 percent) or online advertising (just 25 percent). Of course, sales of digital ads are growing and

will continue to grow, but print advertising is hardly dying. If anything, it’s levelling off after a period of decline. That means it’s here to stay, and the truth is that the most effective advertising strategies will probably combine print and digital media. Often, buying one through a media outlet will also get you the other. Print can be an inexpensive and surprisingly effective way to advertise your business and bring in new customers. In this article, we’ll look at some best practices for how to advertise


Magazine ads don’t have the built-in analytics that digital ads have, so you might want to take testing into your own hands. Promise a discount or other special offer to customers, who mention your ad or bring it into your place of business, if you have one. If you advertise in more than one place, check, which magazine is bringing in customers. Also, take care to track your sales figures for the time period when the ad runs (a week or a month, normally), and see if you notice a bump.

in magazines, newspapers and direct mail. MAGAZINE ADS Yes, people still read magazines. In fact, most people who read online also read magazines in print, and those could end up being some of your best customers. Social media might reach more potential customers, but print is more likely to reach the right ones. Of the three categories of readers—those, who read in print and online, those, who read only in print and those, who read only online— print-digital readers have the highest average income, followed by print-only. Online-only readers have the lowest average income of the group. HOW TO WRITE A MAGAZINE AD As for how to write a magazine ad, remember to keep it simple. Nobody flips through magazines to see the ads. Your best bet is relatively little text, an engaging headline and an arresting image. There’s a reason, though, that ad wizards get paid what they do to create the images you see in magazines. It’s surprisingly hard to do! Don’t worry if you can’t create ads that look like what the pros produce; not many people can. Still, you can use the principle of simplicity to your advantage. Remember that the average reader’s attention span these days is about 140 characters—the maximum length of a tweet. If you’re using more text than that, not counting your company name and contact info, you’ve probably written too much. You could even run your text through a letter counter online to see how far you’ve gone over and decide what to trim. A sentence or two is plenty. Above all else, just make sure to mention what your product or service is and how people can get a hold of you. If there’s something that makes your business unique (“the only lawn care service that also washes windows!”), mention it. Just keep it short. WHERE SHOULD YOU PLACE YOUR MAGAZINE AD? Once you develop an ad, you’ll need somewhere to place it. Don’t worry if you can’t afford the rates at Time or Newsweek. Those types of publications are probably not what you need, anyway, although some publications (such as Sport Illustrated) offer regional issues with 10 GLOBE MAGAZINE

discounted ad buys that will only be distributed in the area where you choose to advertise. Very few media are as targeted as magazines. There’s a print publication for virtually every hobby and profession in existence. Do you make collectible dolls? There’s a magazine for that. Starting a little farm stand at home? Here you go. There’s even a magazine just about chickens. There are lots of magazines of regional interest, too. If you don’t already know where you’d like to advertise, just try typing a business idea or region into Google followed by the word “magazine” and see what happens. Chances are, you’ll find something targeted to your customers. MAKE SURE TO TEST FIRST A word of caution: You don’t have to jump into magazine advertising with both feet. See how it works for you at the start. Take out a small ad, maybe a quarter page, in a magazine of your choice. If you can afford it, try taking out another in a similar publication.

DON’T FORGET TO NEGOTIATE Keep in mind, too, that magazine ads don’t exist in a vacuum. Some publications practically give their print ads away if you advertise with them online (and vice versa—a print buy can lead to free digital ads). Don’t hesitate to negotiate a print package when possible when you’re buying other forms of advertising. You might get better results from your free print ad than from your digital ads. One important tip to note: Don’t assume that just because you advertise in a magazine, a reporter will write a story about you in that publication. Journalists try as hard as they can to stay separate from advertising sales people, and journalistic ethics dictate that reporters should never pay attention to who is advertising in a magazine when they write their stories. So, don’t ask for coverage … but if it happens—and the truth is sometimes it does when you buy an ad—all the better. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING If there’s any form of media that has become a poster child for the disruptive nature of digital media, it’s the newspaper. The days of people reading the paper on the train to work or at the breakfast table might seem to be over, but newspapers—even in print—are far from dead. Newspapers Are Far From Dead Nearly 70 percent of Americans read a newspaper, and 50 percent of those readers consume it only in print. In fact, some major big-city newspapers are actually adding staff because they’re doing so well. And newspapers serving smaller cities and rural areas have never suffered much from digital competition. They’re still the best source of information in those areas. Generally


buried in the back of each section of the paper.

speaking, the more hyper-local the newspaper, the more importance it’s likely to hold among its readers.

You won’t be able to control the editorial content that surrounds your ad—most papers sell ads first and them flow copy around them—but you can control where your ad will run. Sports sections and editorial and letters sections tend to draw the most readers, after the front page, of course. In smaller papers, there might be only a couple of sections or none at all. In larger ones, the section where your ads run can make a huge difference in how many people notice it.

Newspapers Ads Are Impactful Of course, a lot of people who read newspapers read them on tablets and smartphones. And that’s OK—as is the case with magazines, your print and digital ad buys will likely be linked. But people still get their hands dirty reading the paper, and when they do, they pay attention to who is advertising in it. One study from the political realm shows the power of newspaper ads: “Sunday local newspapers reach half of registered voters during a typical week, with all local newspaper media (including online) together reaching 64% of registered voters. Survey respondents reported that political ads seen in local newspapers were as likely to impact their vote decisions as ads on TV,” the study found. Newspapers Ads Are Usually Cheap You can bet that those newspaper ads were cheaper than TV ads, too. That doesn’t mean they’re always cheap, though. Ads in largecirculation papers can be very expensive and are likely not necessary for a new business. When choosing where to advertise, stay local. Again, the more locally focused a paper is, the more likely it is to be read in the community it serves. How to Develop tour Newspaper Ad? When you develop your newspaper ad, depending on the size of the ad you buy, you’ll be able to use more text that you would in a magazine ad. That’s not to say that you should be wordy, but newspaper readers are more likely to read carefully than magazine or online readers are. People, who commit themselves to buying a print newspaper usually want to get as much out of it as they can, and they’re likely to be more avid readers than their counterparts. If you think explaining your product or service in a few paragraphs would help sell it—and if you’ve bought enough space—go ahead and do it. Just make sure you’re pointing out a legitimate competitive advantage. Don’t worry as much about images, either. You don’t need to grab people in a newspaper the way you do in a magazine. Sure, images can help, but they 12 GLOBE MAGAZINE

can also be distracting in this format (unless you can pull off something like this, which is unlikely). Do come up with a catchy headline, though. You’ll be competing with a lot of other words for attention. DESIGN YOUR AD YOURSELF AND START SMALL One tip: If the newspaper offers to design your ad for you, politely decline. You’ll almost assuredly to a better job yourself, even if your design skills are limited. Newspapers don’t spend a lot of resources on designing ads for clients. Make sure you get and stick to the paper’s specifications, though. You’ll probably start with a small ad, so you’ll want to limit your text to what’s absolutely necessary and possibly forego images altogether. Newspapers ads are sold by the column inch, but ads placed on commonly read pages will be more expensive than those

AIM FOR THE UPPER CORNER IF YOU HAVE THE BUDGET FOR IT Keep in mind that when people first pick up a newspaper, they tend to start scanning in the upper right-hand corner of the page and then move their eyes in an “S” formation. If you can get in or near that upper corner, your ad will get noticed before others on the page do—but you’ll pay for it. Newspaper ad salespeople are well aware of where the prime real estate is. TEST YOUR ADS IN DIFFERENT NEWSPAPERS If you test ads in different papers and find one that works best for you, you can save money with a contract ad buy with that paper. Instead of buying individual ads, you can buy, say, a year’s worth of placements at a discount. Just make sure that you’re really ready to commit at that level. As is the case with magazine ads, testing the effectiveness of newspaper advertising is tough. So, use some of the same tricks you do with magazine ads: have customers bring the ad in for a discount, have them mention that they saw the ad in a particular paper so they can receive a special reward, etc. DIRECT MAIL You might hate getting “junk mail” in your mailbox every day, but chances are you’ve bought something as a result of reading it. Direct Mail does as its name suggests—targets customers literally right where they live. Although it might not be the most welcome form of advertising, it is among the most effective. Direct Mail Offers Great Targeting Possibilities Direct mail works in part because it offers


direct mail campaign, do consider doing some outsourcing. A flyer done by a professional printer on heavy paper stock is going to look better than one that won’t stand up to dampness or other elements that can sneak into a mailbox.

profiles of consumers that few other forms of advertising can match. Here’s an explanation from an expert: “Did you ever stop and consider, ‘How did I end up on this mailing list?’ ‘Why are they sending this stuff to me?’ “Why? Because you fit the profile of the person most likely to purchase that product based on past experience. Does your neighbour receive the same junk mail you do?

More importantly, consider using a service to send your direct mail pieces. It can be surprisingly cost effective, and trying to send everything out yourself can be overwhelming and extremely time-consuming. Plus, a service will be able to offer the demographic and targeting information you need to get the most out of direct mail. After all, the real power of the format is how closely and accurately it can target customers.

“Except for the Publisher’s Clearing House mailing probably not. Why? “Because you are different from your neighbour. You have a different model car, different clothes, different hobbies and interests. “They may receive mailings on outdoor products and you receive mailings on books and indoor hobbies. They golf, you hunt and fish. They like beer, you like wine.” When you have this type of targeting and you can deliver your message to a captive audience, you have the potential to get massive return on your advertising investment. But that investment won’t be cheap. Because direct mail works so well, it can be the most expensive form of advertising per person. However, it’s also the only nondigital form that target customers are pretty much guaranteed to see. DON’T HESITATE TO USE MORE TEXT AND EXPLAIN YOUR PRODUCT When you design a direct mail piece, you have the luxury of knowing that your target customers will almost assuredly look at it when they check their mailboxes. That means you can use quite a bit more text than you would with magazine or newspaper ads. In fact, you can take pretty much all the space you want explaining your product. More explanation can actually be better. You do, however, need to pay attention to the headline and colors you use. People will pick up your flyer, but you have to get them to read it. Big discount offers, coupons and special offers catch eyes. Numbers (“50% off !”) can be especially useful in grabbing attention, as can photos and other images. Bright colours can help your piece stand 14 GLOBE MAGAZINE

out in a pile of white envelopes. As you can with newspaper and magazine ads, you can track the success of a direct mail campaign by tying it to discounts or special offers for customers. Offer a certain percentage off the cost of an item or give something away for free if a customer brings your flyer to your place of business. The rates of success on direct mail can vary greatly—even a 5 percent rate of return can big and profitable. Consider Outsourcing Your Direct Mail As for how you should handle the logistics of a

Consider, too, the timing of your mailings. If your business is particularly seasonal, send your mailings at a time when people will be thinking about buying from you. If you run a lawn-care service, for instance, time your mailing for the spring when grass is starting to grow and people are making plans for the summer. Take a look at the direct mail flyers you receive and remember which ones made an impression on you. Use them as models for your own flyers. Also, be sure to note what your competitors are doing. GUTENBERG WOULD BE PROUD The bottom line here is that you shouldn’t give up on print advertising. Magazines, newspapers and direct mail can be costeffective ways to reach specific audiences. Although print can come with costs not usually associated with digital advertising, it also carries a permanence and credibility that digital advertising tends to lack. The main goal with print ads is to get attention in a way that is appropriate for the medium. Whether it’s a magazine ad heavy on images and short on text, or a direct mail piece with loads of colors and copy, print gives you the power to literally get your message into people’s hands. The human mind is built to remember print images more readily than digital images. Take advantage of our biological makeup, and get your business noticed in print.


Brexit Britain: Was Jane Austen an Original Little Englander? Text by Thomas McLean (Associate Professor, English And Linguistics, University of Otago)

IN REVEALING THE charms and follies of genteel English society, Jane Austen has few competitors. Yet as Britain limps towards Brexit, I can’t help wondering why there are no foreigners in her major fiction. Many thousands of continental Europeans settled in Britain after the French Revolution and during the Napoleonic wars.


Couldn’t just one of the Bennet sisters have fallen in love with a charming Belgian or a wealthy German? Wouldn’t the welltravelled Frederick Wentworth of Persuasion have a dear friend from Spain or Italy?

Austen. In the past few decades, scholars have regularly turned to her novels for insights into the larger issues of her era (women’s education, slavery, war) and our own (climate change). Some even want to see her as a radical.

Such questions may seem trivial, but they gain significance at a time when we expect a lot from

I’m not so convinced by this progressive – or even subversive – Austen. She was unquestionably

sensitive to the epoch-defining events taking place around her. Two of her brothers were officers in the Royal Navy during the Napoleonic wars; another was a banker, who was ruined in the post-war financial crisis. Certainly, there are moments in the novels when these larger events make an appearance. How could they not?


But are such moments enough to make Austen’s works a source of great insight into the social issues of her era? In matters of love, friendship and the societal expectations of the landed gentry, Austen is always astute and entertaining. But consider all the elements of her society that Austen left out.

elope. As for Wales, well, there’s a “Welch cow” in Emma. Ireland does a little better: in Pride and Prejudice, Mary Bennet annoys her sister by playing Irish songs on the piano; and in Emma, an honest to goodness Irishman, one Mr Dixon, plays a minor role – though, like so many other male characters in Austen’s novels, he

this position should not be confused with the idea that Austen somehow tells us more about Regency England than any of her contemporaries – or that her works contain all the complexities of her era if only we look closely enough. They tell us very little about the way the English looked on their British

Are there, for instance, any Catholics in Austen’s novels? Any Jews? Mark Twain wrote that Austen’s novels made him feel like a “barkeeper” surrounded by “ultra-good Presbyterians” – but are there any actual Presbyterians in her novels? So far as I can tell, all of her principal characters are Anglican. Are there any foreigners – a Frenchman, say, or a visiting Spaniard? Nope. Northanger Abbey mocks the English affection for gothic novels set on the continent, but no one from the continent appears in the novel. In a scene from Emma that Priti Patel might applaud, Frank Churchill rescues Harriet Smith from a group of “loud and insolent” Romany children. How about representatives from other parts of the UK? In Austen’s novels, Scotland is mainly a place to which giddy young women


Charlotte Smith, Frances Burney and Miriam Edgeworth – did just that. Another more famous contemporary, Mary Shelley, created the era’s greatest study of an outsider ostracized by society, Frankenstein. If we imagine that Austen provides a complete picture of Regency life, these authors prove us wrong with their more international and political perspectives. This is not to say that they are better writers than Austen. Reading Austen’s contemporaries illuminates what makes Austen a great (in many ways superior) writer. Austen is utterly in command of the order and organization of her best narratives – every character, every encounter, every character foible is there for a well-planned purpose.

isn’t important enough to earn a first name. HOME AND AWAY Austen is deservedly recognized for bringing greater realism to the Anglophone novel and for presenting a new psychological depth in her characters. Yet

and European neighbours. I hear you ask, well come now, you don’t really expect a Regencyera author to include foreigners, revolutionaries and exiles in her novel, do you? Well, yes, actually I do. Many of Austen’s forgotten contemporaries – writers like

Similarly, Austen’s protagonists are true to themselves. It is rare indeed for a reader to feel that her characters act in ways that were not foreseeable from the start. Her narrators keep a respectable distance from the action of the story: they provide enough information to leave readers feeling secure, but they rarely call attention to themselves or comment at length on the unfolding action.


announces, “it is our duty to befriend the unfortunate; but charity begins at home … and, you know, the people of Poland have no claims upon us”. Another declares, “Would any man be mad enough to take the meat from his children’s mouths, and throw it to a swarm of wolves just landed on the coast?” No question that these characters would have voted “Leave”.

In all of these aspects, Austen has no Regency-era peer. DOING THE CONTINENTAL Nevertheless, some of these forgotten works illustrate the storytelling pathways that Austen never attempted. If I were to choose one work from Austen’s time that speaks most clearly to our own moment and showcases all that Jane left out, it would be Jane Porter’s novel from 1803, Thaddeus of Warsaw. Porter’s novel was a great success when it first appeared, and it remained in print for most of the 19th century. Thaddeus – an early 19thcentury forerunner to Walter Scott’s Waverley and William Makepeace Thackeray’s Vanity Fair – tells the story of Count Thaddeus Sobieski, who escapes to Britain after his homeland falls to Russian invaders. Penniless, he hides his identity and makes his way among the rich and poor of London, finding work where he can, and coming to the aid of those less fortunate than he. He is befriended by a group of women, who assist or punish him, according to their impulses. Imagine a Jane Austen novel with a Polish protagonist. Imagine an Austen novel where British


women welcome an immigrant into their lives. Imagine an Austen novel where a character goes looking for work. The




that resonate the most today, however, are the commentaries by British characters who are troubled by the presence of Polish exiles, like Thaddeus, among them. One character

Today there are almost one million people living in the UK, who were born in Poland. No matter what happens with regard to Brexit, these people have already changed their adopted homeland. While writers like Agnieszka Dale and Wioletta Greg create a new body of Anglo-Polish literature, Thaddeus of Warsaw reminds readers of the long links between the two countries. It also reminds us that a satisfying romance, whether it concerns Emma Woodhouse or Thaddeus Sobieski, needs to please its readers. It won’t be giving too much away to note that, at the conclusion of Thaddeus of Warsaw, the meeting of wealth and love allows for a happy ending. That was one lesson that Jane Austen taught us a long time ago.


Why you don't need to Detox achieve target weight by focusing and adopting a healthy lifestyle," encourages Chuluuntulga. "It is important to nourish and maintain the body's robust self-cleansing system with a balanced healthy diet, regular exercise, adequate fluid intake, sufficient sleep and a positive mindset.

Detox diets and cleanses, which are often celebrity endorsed, promise a significant weight loss in a short space of time. But is this quick fix better than going to a gym and putting in the hard work? "Simply put: no! Instead of looking at extremely low-calorie consumption, you need to be looking at the importance of the ‘how the brain regulates body weight’," says Dr Jason McKeown, visiting scholar in Neuroscience at the Centre for Brain and Cognition, University of California, San Diego. "Most traditional methods of dieting and detoxing (including dieting pills, juice detoxes, cabbage soup, no carbs, etc) are not enough, and when people stop dieting, this will all almost certainly lead to significant ‘bounce back’ (with some regaining all of the weight they have just lost). "Ultimately, your brain automatically controls what weight we need to be, so doing an intense detox for a few weeks almost never leads to any meaningful weight loss in the long run."

detox diets and cleanses are neither necessary nor valuable. The body is perfectly capable of eliminating unwanted contaminants; the liver, kidneys and digestive system, and enzymes in cells, are continuously breaking down toxins and internal waste. "The human body has a robust cleansing system to help us to get rid of waste products of metabolism and toxins," explains GP Dr Tuya Chuluuntulga from the CosmeSurge Clinic in Harley Street.


"When we chew food, amylase enzymes produced by saliva, help to break down carbohydrate. Proteases break down protein in the stomach and small intestine. Lipases break down fat and oil in the small intestine. These digestive enzymes break down nutrients into small soluble molecules that can be absorbed. A variety of waste products are filtered by the liver. The kidneys remove waste and toxins from the body. The colon reabsorbs fluids and gets rid of food left over after the nutrients are absorbed from it and other waste. We don't need to detox because it doesn't offer any clinically proven health benefits."

The scientific evidence suggests that

"Not only are detox diets not good

During a detox diet, whole food groups are cut out while caffeine, alcohol, sugar and processed foods are restricted. Most of the weight lost will be water, stored glycogen and waste products, and most, if not all of the weight, will be regained once returning to 'normal' eating habits.


for people with certain medical conditions like cancer, diabetes, immunocompromised patients, etc, they could be harmful," Chuluuntulga continues. "There is no research providing evidence they improve health outcomes such as blood pressure or cholesterol or have a long-lasting effect on weight." SAFETY CONCERNS Furthermore, some detox diets are extreme and if followed for long periods can cause nutritional deficiencies, lack of energy, fatigue and an increase in food cravings because food groups have been restricted. In some cases, they trigger unhealthy eating patterns and behaviours. Embarking on a new diet, even a detox, forces you to evaluate your diet, while also being more motivated to increase the amount of fruit and vegetables eaten, to drink more water and to cut down on junk food, alcohol and caffeine. These are, however, long-term efforts and should become part of a healthy eating regime. They are not a quick fix to weight loss. "There are many healthier ways to

A MORE EFFECTIVE ALTERNATIVE "Taking a long-term approach that allows your brain to adjust to your weight loss is always my number one recommendation," advises McKeown. "Maintaining a slow and healthy weight loss, through moderate changes in lifestyle, better nutrition choices, and modest physical activity like a brisk walk a few times a week, is much more sustainable and therefore less likely to lead to rebound weight gain." Detox diets claim to help eliminate toxins from the body and aid weight loss while also promoting health and well-being, but there is no clinical evidence to support such claims. While they might help in the short term, the reality is that any weight lost during detox is likely to be regained once returning to normal eating habits. Instead, doctors and nutritionists recommend a longterm approach to weight loss, which allows the body and brain to adjust to a healthier lifestyle - including a healthy diet rich in fruit and vegetables with regular exercise.


Food dispensers Hit the Rock!

IT WAS AN HONOUR for The Nautilus Project to launch the brand new food dispensers at Eroski City in Midtown early morning on Thursday 19th December. A journey that started two years ago has seen the introduction of Gibraltar’s first step towards major plastic reduction. A further three TNP accolades are eligible for these sustainable changes: Loose fruit and veg #Loose2Reduce Paper and cloth bags #Plastic2Paper Food dispensers #PlasticReduction TNP congratulate Eroski Gibraltar on their constant insight towards reducing our plastic footprint. It is always a pleasure for the TNP team to collaborate with Eroski as they set the standard across the board.



Welcome to the Giving Tree The Giving Tree offers a range of freeze dried fruits and Vacuum fried vegetables. The fruit are 100% pure with no added ingredients (sugar, preservatives or flavourings) and the vegetable range (Broccolis & Pumpkin) is 100% natural, using only 2% of rice bran oil per pack

Freeze drying foods is a process that removes 98% of the food’s water content, giving it a longer shelf life whilst retaining the flavour, colour and nutritional elements. Freeze dried foods are rich in antioxidants, potassium and fibre.

THE GIVING TREE Snacks has created a healthy and delicious range that the whole family can enjoy. Their special freeze drying and vacuum frying process means that 100% of the nutrition remains intact. Preservative free, all natural, these snacks are guilt free and delicious. Vacuum frying is a process of putting food into a machine that pressurises and cooks it with the use of hot oil, but at much lower temperatures than traditional frying methods. Putting the process in a vacuum lowers water’s evaporation point. Food can fry at lower temperatures, absorbing less oil. Studies even indicate that vacuum-frying retains more nutrients than traditional frying. Vacuum frying makes lower fat, more nutritious snacks, without 26 GLOBE MAGAZINE

When you freeze dry food, it removes 98% of the food’s water content, giving it a longer shelf life whilst retaining the flavour, colour and nutritional elements. You will find that freeze dried foods are rich in antioxidants, potassium and fibre.

sacrificing taste. They use 2% rice bran oil for our pumpkin and broccoli crisps. Rice bran

oil is rich in anti-oxidants and also physterols (shown to lower cholesterol).

Sometimes we don’t have time to stop and eat some fruit and vegetables throughout the day, so grabbing a packet of these will count as one of your five a day, The Giving Tree range is perfectly

suited to all ages. Toddlers love them and can either suck or chew because they dissolve in the mouth so easily. They are full of goodness and they are a healthy way to give our children a snack and a great alternative to sweets.

The Giving Tree range of crisps come in fruity flavours like peach and strawberry, or vegetable options like pumpkin, with no preservatives (just a little rice bran oil on the vegetables). What surprised me the most was that the crisps were in the shape

of the actual fruit or ‘veg’, there were little broccoli tree’s and cute little strawberries; totally not what one expected to see in the packet at all! These are a convenient way to get phyto-nutrients into your

body. Each packet contains a decent serving of protein and fibre, and is low in both salt and saturated fat. Each bag is cooked using rice bran oil, which can sustain high temperatures without denaturing. Our veggie crisps are not fried as


the other crisps in the market with a lot of oil. We use a new technology to fry them to allow the vegetables to absorb less oil. Vacuum-frying techniques retained more nutrients than their conventionally fried counterparts. The vacuumfried food keeps 95 % of their


vitamins; fried potato crisps typically only retain about 50 % of their vitamins. The Giving Tree range is perfectly suited to all ages and demographics. They are great for athletes as they are light weight and can be taken along

for a trek, run or bike ride. Toddlers also love them and can either suck or chew (they easily dissolve). Or if you are on a paleo diet this is the perfect snack for you. Dairy free, wheat free, vegan, vegetarian, gluten free,

preservative free ‘The Giving Tree’ Crisps are distributed in Gibraltar by Nature’s way of 15D1 North View Terrace, Devil’s Tower Road Tel: 200 44764. All Nature’s Ways’ products are available via the RockHero APP. (


COSTA RICA FEATURES a very rich variety of plants and animals. Despite that it has only 0.1% of the world’s landmass, it contains 5% of the world’s biodiversity. Approximately 25% of the country’s land area is in a protected status either as national parks or protected areas making it the largest of protected areas in the world in percentage terms. It has several types of terrestrial environments two of which we visited, the Tropical Rainforest (Osa Peninsula) and the Tropical Cloud Forest (Monteverde). Costa Rica is also rich in natural wonders including Arenal Volcano which erupted last in 1968. Parque Nacional Corcovado, one of Costa Rica’s star attractions, takes up almost half


Costa Rica

A conservationist's dream Text and Photography by William Gracia

of the Osa Peninsula and is home to an astoundingly diverse range of wildlife, including the highly endangered giant anteater (Northern Tamandua) and is the only place in Costa Rica where all four species of monkeys are found. We flew in a tiny 12 seater plane to a small airstrip deep in the south to Puerto Jimenez which would be our base for the first 7 days. Mario, our expedition leader was there to greet us and take us to our lodge and introduce other support members who knew the rain forest inside out, had not only superb knowledge of the species in the area but were able to spot them from a distance, and importantly for us, had a high level of knowledge of photography in general.

The group consisted of a good mix of six than in captivity was amongst some of the photographers with varying degrees of highlights we experienced. Certainly it was great to learn that this species is making good experience and two non-photographers. recovery after being on the brink of extinction. It was clear from the outset that it would be a What a great introduction to Costa Rica! very challenging week due to the intense heat but mostly the high levels of humidity which In order to see the high number of species that could bring about condensation which could we did it, was necessary to go in very deep into the forests, on occasions very lengthy be damaging to our equipment. drives. Primary forests were of particular With sunrise at 530am it was always going natural beauty, untouched by human activity to be a daily early morning start! Our first for centuries or millennia. We would stop morning out and just outside our lodge, wherever there was a sighting of wildlife and around a dozen Scarlett Macaws feasting on such abundance of birds in particular meant an Almond tree. A spectacular sight of these this was quite often. Most of these stops lasted brightly coloured parrots flying from tree to no more than a few minutes which meant a tree and keeping us entertained for well over lot of our shooting was done hand held with 10 minutes. Seeing these in the wild rather heavy lenses, and with most of the wildlife up


in the trees it became quite a challenge. By the end of the second day we had spotted 3 of the 4 monkey species, the near threatened Northern Tamandua (a species of anteater), toucans, sloths and several types of birds of prey. Day 3 followed with a visit to ‘La Tarde’ a bumpy ride to a location where reptiles such as the venomous Yellow Eyelash Viper, Poison Dart Frog and Green Eyed Tree Frog can be photographed in their natural habitat under controlled supervision. The trip through the Sierpe River turned out to be an amazing experience. Teeming with wildlife, curious monkeys came up to the trees on the banks which gave some good photo opportunities. The American Crocodile was present here as was the Spectacled Cayman but the diverse amount of water birds was what really caught our attention. It seemed something out of an NatG documentary. There were also opportunities for some macro work, something I was not used to. Although I


had practiced this type of photography before I left Gibraltar, I wasn’t entirely confident. However, I did manage some great shots of Leaf Cutter Ants busily taking leaves back to their underground nest and also enjoyed some night time macro photography with specially adapted lights of several amphibian species. We also enjoyed a morning out at sea to spot humpback whales but photographic opportunities for these were very scarce. The photographic expedition ended and so we left the group and moved on by ourselves to La Fortuna, a small town at the foot of Arenal Volcano which last erupted in 1967. The second week which we organised ourselves was planned as a leisurely relaxing few days with a ‘sprinkling’ of wildlife viewing. The Arenal Observatory proved to be the best place to view Toucans and other birds but once again a trip to a river in the Cabo Negro Park near the Nicaraguan Border turned out to be an outstanding choice to visit. Amongst all the different species of water birds and monkeys the highlight was without doubt the


lucky encounter with one of only three Mutant Howler Monkeys known to exist in the world. These are completely orange instead of black and it is thought that once in every three generations a mutation may occur, seemingly amongst very small family groups. These are considered outcasts and banished from the group. They do not tend to live very long as they are easy targets for predators. Seeing a fully grown adult up so close up a tree by the river bank was an exhilarating experience. Our third and final stop was at Monteverde Cloud Forest. A cloud forest is a generally tropical or sub-tropical, evergreen, moist forest characterized by a persistent, frequent or seasonal low-level cloud cover, usually at the canopy level. Some species found at these altitudes differ to an extent to those found in the rain forests, and apart from the beauty and tranquillity that this town had to offer, it was also the home of the Resplendent Quetzal, often described as the most beautiful bird in the world. Very elusive and only found in small numbers in this area


I was told that it would be difficult to spot as most of them had already migrated higher up the mountain. I had pre booked one of the region’s top bird guides months before and luck was on our side that day and I managed to photograph the bird. Perhaps the most challenging and fun birds to photograph had to be the Hummingbirds. I was longing to spend some time with them but up to then there were only a few sporadic moments during the trip where we saw them briefly. At these altitudes they are not only easier to spot but also there were several different species of these awesome birds. Of the places I have visited over the last few years, Costa Rica has by far given the greatest number of species to record and the widest diversity; birds, reptiles, amphibians, insects and mammals. If it was not that there is a big world out there with many wildlife destinations yet to see I would certainly return to this beautiful example of a country protecting its natural beauty and biodiversity.


The 2020 Three Kings' Cavalcade Photographs by Johnnie Bugeja






Start 2020 with a 7-day

Vegan Meal Plan By Rosanna Morales

hydrated throughout the day (at least 6 glasses of water per day). Enjoy nuts and fruit as snacks. Keep away from sugary treats and limit your processed foods intake.

WHETHER YOU WANT to start a vegan diet as a new year’s resolution or just out of curiosity, the best approach to anything new is to keep things simple. Food and cooking can be overwhelming for busy people so I have put together an easy to follow 7-day vegan meal plan with delicious and healthy plant-based recipes, with simple step-by-step instructions. This 7-day vegan meal plan has everything you need to kick-start your compassionate eating habits. Most of the meals serve 2 people so you may want to encourage a family member or friend to join you. I have included a shopping list to make things easier.


Mixed Fruit Smoothie Mix ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Do not forget to freeze your banana the night before.

Each day will include the most important list of foods you will need to stay healthy and get your body’s natural system to start repairing itself. You should feel stronger and more vibrant. The plan contains 3 meals-aday but they are not necessarily breakfast, lunch or dinner. You can have them in any order you like to suit your work and lifestyle. I have focused on

making sure that you get all the nutrients, minerals and vitamins for daily recommendations. It is important to include one hour of physical activity each day, in the sun if possible, and keep

Remember becoming vegan is not a diet. It is a lifestyle. A compassionate lifestyle for you, animals and the planet!

• 1 cup almond milk • 1 cup kale • 1 frozen banana • ½ cup frozen strawberries • ¼ cup frozen blueberries • A pinch of sea salt • 1 date (for extra sweetness) Fruit can help lower cholesterol and improve heart health. This is largely caused by its fibre content and antioxidants.

smooth spread 3 tablespoons of the hummus onto each wholegrain wrap. Add lettuce, sliced cucumbers and cherry tomatoes. Roll and eat.


MEAL 2 Hummus wrap To make the hummus, mix all the ingredients in a blender. Once

• 1 tin of chickpeas • 1 clove of garlic • 1 tablespoon of olive oil • 1 tablespoon of tahini • A pinch of salt • Juice of small lemon • Sliced cucumber • Wholegrain wraps • Lettuce • Cherry tomatoes


Cauliflower and lentil stew Sauté the onion, carrot and celery then add the chopped tomatoes, pumpkin and lentils. Add the seasoning, stock cube and water. Bring to the boil then let simmer for 20 minutes. Add cauliflower and let simmer for a further 15 minutes. Stir in spinach and continue to cook just until wilted then serve. • 1 small chopped cauliflower • 1 chopped carrot • 1 chopped onion GLOBE MAGAZINE 41

• ½ cup chopped celery • ½ tin of chopped tomatoes • 1 cup chopped pumpkin • 1 cup lentils • 2 cups of chopped fresh spinach • 1 vegetable stock cube • 3 cups of water •Salt and pepper


Peanut butter banana oatmeal Combine ingredients and heat on stove or microwave until oats are cooked.

with olive oil and place over medium heat. Add onion and garlic - sauté until soft then add dates, raisins, and dried apricots. Stir till soft. Add all vegetables and broth. Stir a few times, raise heat and bring to a simmer. Lower heat and leave to cook until vegetables are soft. Serve over a plate with softened couscous. Garnish with coriander. • 2 tablespoons olive oil • 1 chopped onion • 1 chopped garlic clove • 3 thinly sliced dates • 5 thinly sliced dried apricots • ½ cup raisins • ½ cup of tinned chickpeas • 1 chopped zucchini • 1 chopped carrot • 10 sting beans • 3 cups of vegetable broth • Coriander for garnish • 1 cup of cooked couscous DAY THREE MEAL 1

• ½ cup sliced banana • 2 tablespoons peanut butter • 1 tablespoon chopped walnuts • ½ cup rolled oats • 1 cup almond milk MEAL 2 Easy Portobello tacos Sauté Portobello mushroom slices and onion in oil or broth until soft, then fill tortillas and top with arugula. • 1 sliced Portobello mushroom • ¼ cup chopped onion • Pinch sea salt • Handful fresh arugula • 2 corn tortillas MEAL 3 Moroccan vegetables with couscous Coat the bottom of a large pot 42 GLOBE MAGAZINE

Easy avocado toast Put sliced avocado on toast and sprinkle with salt and lemon juice • 1 slice toasted wholegrain bread • ½ avocado, sliced • Lemon juice • Sprinkle of sea salt Avocados provide mono-unsaturated fatty acids and fibre, two heart-healthy and cholesterollowering nutrients. MEAL 2 Vegan Tortilla

Deep-fry two chopped potatoes. Slowly add water to chickpea flour till you have the consistency of beaten eggs. Then add the fried potatoes and seasoning to the chickpeas flour. Let it sit for 15 minutes. Heat olive oil in a frying pan then slowly pour in the potato and chickpea flour mixture. Leave to fry for a few minutes then slowly flip to fry the other side.

ter and cheese. • 1 cup polenta • 2 ½ cups water • 1 ½ cups vegetable broth • ½ teaspoon salt • ¼ cup of vegan cheese • ½ teaspoon of salt • 1 tablespoon of vegan butter DAY FOUR MEAL 1

• 2 peeled and chopped potatoes • 1 cup of chickpea flour • Water • Sprinkle of sea salt and pepper • Olive oil For a variation of the traditional Spanish tortilla, you can replace the potatoes with sweet potatoes. MEAL 3 Polenta with creamy mushroom and butter beans Sauté the onion and garlic in grape seed oil then add the mushrooms. Once the mushrooms are soft add butter beans. Add a dollop of butter and seasoning. Sprinkle with thyme and rosemary. Spoon over the polenta and serve. • 2 tablespoons grape seed oil • 1 cup of mushroom • 2 cloves of crushed garlic • 2 teaspoons of fresh rosemary • 2 teaspoons of fresh thyme • Salt and pepper To make the polenta - Add the water, broth, polenta and salt into a pot. Place on stove over high heat and whisk to combine. Bring to a boil, and then turn the heat down low to keep a slight simmer. Keep whisking for 1-2 minutes until it starts to slightly thicken. Stir or whisk every 5 minutes to keep the polenta smooth. Cook for 20-30 minutes until creamy and tender. Stir in the vegan but-

Fruit salad and nuts Chop up two to three seasonal fruits and sprinkle with chopped walnuts, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds. Nuts are rich in cholesterol-lowering fats and fibre, as well as minerals linked to improved heart health. MEAL 2 Broccoli and beans with cherry tomatoes Steam a few florets of broccoli then fry them in olive oil with garlic. Stir in the beans then add the cherry tomatoes. Stir in some nutritional yeast before serving. Serve with rice or pasta. • 1 cup of cooked wholegrain rice or pasta • ½ broccoli • 1 clove of crushed garlic • 1 cup of tinned cannellini beans • 1 cup of cherry tomatoes cut in halves • Salt and pepper • 2 tablespoons of nutritional yeast

MEAL 3 Spicy Ethiopian Red Lentil Stew Sauté the onion in olive oil until soft then add garlic, ginger, Berber spice and cayenne and for one minute. Add broth, lentils, tomatoes and potatoes. Stir a few times, raise heat and bring to a simmer. Lower heat and leave to cook until lentils are very soft and potatoes are tender. Before serving, stir in spinach and continue to cook just until wilted. • 2 tablespoons olive oil • 1 medium onion, diced • 3 garlic cloves, minced • 1 ½ teaspoon freshly grated ginger • 1-2 tablespoon Berber spice blend • ½ teaspoon cayenne pepper • 4 cups vegetable broth • 1 ½ cups dried split red lentils • 1 can diced tomatoes • 3 medium red potatoes • 3 cups fresh spinach leaves • Salt and pepper

• 2 cup unsweetened almond milk • 1 medium banana, mashed • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon • Pinch of salt

• ¼ cup sliced Kalamata olives • 2 tablespoons red pepper sliced • Salt and pepper • 1 can crushed tomatoes • Spaghetti

salt and paprika and saffron. Add in the rice and slowly stir in a cup of broth. Continue to stir and adding the rest of the broth one cup at a time.

Whole grains are linked to a lower risk of heart disease. Oats and barley provide beta-glucan, a soluble fibre that is very effective at lowering “bad” LDL cholesterol.


• 2 tablespoons of olive oil • 1 chopped onion • 2 cloves of mashed garlic • 1 chopped zucchini • 1 chopped eggplant • 1 cup of chopped mushrooms • 1 chopped red pepper • 1 cup frozen peas • Arborio rice • Pinch of salt • 1 teaspoon of paprika • 1 teaspoon saffron threads • 3 cups vegetable broth


MEAL 2 Curried tofu with avocado and roasted red pepper Heat the rapeseed oil then add the tofu. Add the curry powder, paprika and salt. Stir on a high heat till tofu is nicely toasted. Serve with avocado and a roasted red pepper. • 1 tablespoon rapeseed oil • ½ avocado, sliced • 1 cup of mashed tofu • 1 tablespoon curry powder • Pinch of smoked paprika • Pinch sea salt • 1 roasted red pepper

Vegan Pancakes Blend all ingredients together. Pre-heat pan on medium and add pancake mix. Cook until lightly brown on each side. Top with your favourite berries. • 2 cups oats • 2 ripe bananas • 2 cups Almond Milk • Berries

Olive oil, a primary component of the Mediterranean diet, provides monounsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants that boost your heart. DAY SEVEN MEAL 1


There is some evidence that soy foods can reduce heart disease risk factors, especially in people with high cholesterol.

MEAL 2 Mediterranean wraps Add ingredients into a bowl and mix well, then fill wraps.


Oatmeal Banana Mash Combine all ingredients into a small saucepan and turn heat to high. Bring to a boil. Then, turn heat down to medium and continually stir for around 3-5 minutes as the oatmeal cooks and thickens. Once oatmeal is at desired consistency, remove from heat and serve immediately. • 1 cup rolled oats

Vegan Spaghetti Puttanesca Sauté the garlic in olive oil. Add the basil, capers, olives, and red pepper Cook for a couple of minutes. Reduce heat to low, and add the tomatoes. Cover and simmer for at least 15 minutes. Serve hot over cooked pasta.

• 1/2 cup cooked white beans • 1/4 cup chopped cucumber • 1/4 cup chopped tomato • 2 tablespoons chopped walnuts • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh basil • Pinch of oregano • Pinch of garlic powder • Sea salt • Wholegrain wraps MEAL 3

• 1 tablespoon olive oil • 3 cloves minced garlic • 1 tablespoon fresh chopped basil • 2 tablespoons capers

Simple Vegetable Paella Sauté onions and garlic then add all the vegetables. Stir till the vegetables are semi-cooked. Add

Breakfast Muffins Heat the oven to 180C. Line a muffin tin with cases. Mix 100g of the muesli mix with the light brown sugar, flour and baking powder in a bowl. Combine the milk, apple, oil and 2 teaspoons nut butter in a jug, and then stir GLOBE MAGAZINE 43

into the dry mixture. Divide equally between the cases. Mix the remaining muesli with the molasses sugar and remaining nut butter then spoon over the muffins. Place in oven for 30 minutes. • 150g muesli mix • 50g light brown sugar • 160g plain flour • 1teaspoon backing powder • 250ml-sweetened soymilk • 1 apple peeled and grated • 2 tablespoons grape seed oil • 2 tablespoons nut butter • 4 tablespoons molasses sugar • 50g pecans

MEAL 2 With White Bean Puree and Asparagus on toast Combine all the ingredients into a food processor. Using a peeler shave the asparagus into ribbons then toss into a bowl with a drizzle of olive oil, lemon juice and pinches of salt and pepper. Spread the puree on toast and top with the asparagus, pine nuts, lemon zest For the Puree: • 1 ½ cooked cannellini beans (drained and rinsed) • 2 tablespoons olive oil • 3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice

• 1 small garlic clove • Salt and pepper For the topping: • 1 bunch of Asparagus • ¼ teaspoon lemon zest • ¼ cup of pine nuts MEAL 3 Minestrone Sauté onions, carrots and celery in a pot then add the beans, tomatoes salt and pepper. Leave to cook for 10 minutes then add the rest of the vegetables. Add 4 cups of water, 2 vegetable stock cubes and leave to simmer for 45 minutes.

• 2 tablespoons Olive oil • 1 chopped onion • 1 chopped carrot • 1 cup of chopped celery • 1 tin of chopped tomatoes • 1 cup chopped broccoli • 1 cup chopped cauliflower • 1 cup chopped string beans • 1 tin red kidney beans (rinsed and drained) • 1 tin chickpeas (rinsed and drained) • Salt and pepper • 2 vegetable stock cubes • 4 cups of water Legumes like beans, peas and lentils can help lower “bad” LDL levels and are a good source of plant-based protein.

SHOPPING LIST The following shopping list includes all the ingredients you will need for the week. You may already have some of these ingredients in your larder so check before you go shopping. Almond milk Sweetened soymilk Vegan cheese Vegan butter Tofu Nut butter Peanut butter 1 bag frozen peas 1 bunch of kale 10 cloves of garlic 1 packs of mushrooms 1 fresh red bell pepper 1 eggplant 2 apples 5 bananas Frozen strawberries Frozen blueberries Packet of dates


6 lemons 2 cauliflowers 6 carrots 3 onions I celery 1 pumpkin 2 bunches of spinach 1 packet Portobello mushrooms I bunch fresh arugula 2 zucchini 2 carrots I packet of string beans One bunch Fresh Coriander 2 avocadoes, 1 bunch fresh rosemary 1 bunch fresh thyme 1 bunch fresh basil 1 broccoli I packet of cherry tomatoes Fresh ginger 6 medium red potatoes Bag of spinach leaves 1 cucumber 1 bunch of Asparagus 3 tins of chickpeas

3 tins of chopped tomatoes 2 tins cannellini beans 1 tin of white beans 1 tin red kidney beans 1 packet of roasted red pepper 1 small jar capers 1 small jar Kalamata olives 1 packet of Brown lentils 1 packet of red lentils 1 packet of corn tortillas 1 packet of couscous 1 loaf wholegrain bread 1 packet of chickpea flour 1 packet of polenta 1 packet of wholegrain rice 1 packet of nutritional yeast 1packet of rolled oats 1 packet of Spaghetti 1 packet of oats 1 packet of wholegrain wraps 1 packet of Arborio brown rice 1 packet of muesli mix 1 jar of tahini 1 packet of vegetable stock cubes 4 packets of vegetable broth

Sea salt Pepper Berber spice blend Cayenne pepper Cinnamon powder Curry powder Smoked paprika Oregano Garlic powder Paprika Saffron threads Olive oil Grape seed oil Rapeseed oil 1 small bag walnuts 1 small bag pecans 1 small bag pine nuts 1 small bag rolled oats 1 small bag dried apricots 1 small bag raisins Vanilla extract Light brown sugar Plain flour Baking powder Molasses sugar


˝Licky Licky˝ and an interview with The Band ˝All Hail Hyena˝ The British psychedelic rock/pop band ALL HAIL HYENA from Burnley, Lancashire, partly filmed in Gibraltar a music video of their track “Licky Licky”, which is included in their limited edition album “Cubs in the Wild” Interview by Dina Suisi

starting point for that! The reason being as Gibraltar is a British overseas territory, we consider it “home away from home” and a great place that is infused with many musical influences and hospitality to non-local bands. We also have an ALL HAIL HYENA fanbased follow in the Rock and thanks to Dina and her friend over there who helped with the filming, we have gone global.

“LICKY LICKY” was written by band members Jay Stansfield, Tom Cross and Rob Ashworth and released on 30 November 2018 when the album was released in vinyl. In an interview with the band, they said, “fans and anyone else, who was up for some fun, were invited to form part of ALL HAIL HYENA’s music history”. Can yoy tell us how the idea of the track ˝Licky Licky˝ came about? Rob had been in the bath the night before and much to both Tom’s and my surprise, he came up with reams and reams of lyrics for this crazy song we had not written yet. When we asked him what it was about, he just blanked us and said “Jay sing whatever comes into your head”. The rest is “his story” they say. Also, how the idea of this 46 GLOBE MAGAZINE

music video came about? We wanted to do something nobody else was doing and it is hard to do these days because of the Internet. No doubt, someone has tried it already, probably The Foo Fighters or Dua Lipa, but we are not fussed and went about doing it anyway. It was inspired by comedian Keith

Lemon who did a similar thing with iPhones in about 2015 and brought out an App with his mouth on it saying stupid stuff. He was not singing though. Why film in Gibraltar? We want to see ALL HAIL HYENA reaching far and wide and Gibraltar is the perfect

When is the music video released and are there any plans to do something special for its release date? We have not set a release date yet as we are still holding out for further submissions. We are looking for celebrities (under the radar) to contribute too. We will not make a big song and dance about it like “OMG HUGH GRANT IS IN OUR VIDEO!” but instead we want people to find out for

themselves. It is an unexpected twist having a band produce a video with famous people in it but say nothing about who is in it. We would love that. Celebs are just regular people to us who just happen to be on telly, so it might be refreshing for them too!

We have also featured in radio shows through the United Kingdom and our music has been played in BBC6 Music.

Can you share what fans and viewers can expect to see when this music video is released? It’s a secret. Can you tell us about any other music videos that the Band has produced? Since 2015, we have been officially playing, producing music and producing music videos. Music videos have included tracks “Man up”, “Stranger’s Song”, “Way Ho” and “Sabbathian”, which can

be found in YouTube. This summer we also produced some “Electro-Hyena” music videos when we played at the wellknown Beat-herder electronic music festival in Lancashire. We also released the Cubs in the Wild limited edition vinyl on 30 November 2018 where “Licky

Licky” can be found. Our music is available on Spotify, Apple Music and other streaming sites but not available to purchase digitally other than on our Bandcamp page. The Cubs in the Wild vinyl is available for purchase online from Diggers Factory.

What are the band's plans for the future? We have been initiated into what can only be described as a ground breaking gig crowdfunding family called Show4Me, who recently helped us put on a private VIP show in our hometown. Every step of the way they were there and love our music as much as we love their platform. We intend to do a lot more with them with the aim of setting up a show abroad. As well as that, we are going into the studio in 2020 to record a new album and Tom is having a piercing.


Cola Ham with Maple and Mustard Glaze

The Best Recipes of our Cuisine

Cook a juicy Gammon joint in a Cinnamon-spiced Stock, then add a Sticky Syrup and Clove Sauce and Serve in Thick Slices Serves: 6-8 Preparation: 10 MINUTES Cook: 3 HOURS, 15 MIN. INGREDIENTS 2 Kg unsmoked, boneless gammon joint - 21 cola (not diet) - 1 carrot, chopped - 1 onion, peeled and quartered - 1 stick celery, chopped - 1 cinnamon stick - ½ tbsp peppercorns - 1 bay leaf FOR THE GLAZE 150ml maple syrup - 2 tbsp red wine vinegar - Pinch of ground


cloves or five-spice HOW TO MAKE IT 1. Put 2kg

unsmoked boneless gammon joint in a large pan and cover with 2l cola. Add 1 chopped ca-

rrot, 1 quartered onion, 1 chopped celery stick, 1 cinnamon stick, ½ tbsp peppercorns and 1 bay leaf. 2. Bring to the boil, then turn down to simmer for around 2 ½ hrs, topping up with boiling water if necessary to keep the gammon fully covered. 3. Carefully pour the liquid away, then let the ham cool a little while you heat the oven to 190C. 4. Lift the ham into a roasting tin, then cut away the skin leaving behind an even layer of fat. Score the fat all over in a criss-cross pattern. 5. Mix 150ml maple syrup, 2 tbsp wholegrain mustard, 2 tbsp red wine vinegar and a pinch of ground cloves or five-spice in a jug. 6. Pour half over the fat, roast for 15 mins, then pour over the rest and return to the oven for another 30 mins, baste half way through. 7. Remove from the oven and allow to rest for 10 mins, then spoon more glaze over the top. Can be roasted on the day or up to 2 days ahead and served cold.


What’s Happening Down Town? 1. Media photographers pose for the camera at the Victoria Stadium. 2. Miss Glamour 2019, Hannah Collado, with her two princesses, First Princess, Lorena Cantero & Second Princess, Janelle Duo. 3. Class oF 2019 Jade’s Music Hall of Fame Investiture. 4. Our reporter Terence Moss with Sebastian Pingel. 5. Chris residing over one of the Ship's Famous Quiz Evenings. 6. The 46th Gibraltar International Art Exhibition held last year. 7. The Hon. Sir Joe Bossano (in his capacity as Patron of Calpe House) opened the #sitforcalpehouse photographic portrait exhibition on 1st October 2019 at the GEMA Gallery. 1









Gaby Richardson takes first prize at Singer Songwriter competition

Gaby Richardson won the first held on Saturday 28th December prize of £400 in the Rock on the last. Rock Club’s 2019 edition of the Organiser Alan Alman applauded Singer Songwriter Competition. the display of local talent at the Surianne Dalmedo took second competition, saying this year was spot, and Alexei Baglietto secured the closest yet. He spoke to GBC third position. Seven artists parti- about the importance of promocipated in the contest, which was ting original music locally. 52 GLOBE MAGAZINE

GFSB Business Innovation Award sponsored by Gibtelecom The Gibraltar Federation of Small Businesses is happy to announce the opening of applications for next year’s GFSB Business Innovation Award sponsored by Gibtelecom. The online application form can be found on our Awards Page on our website gfsb. gi and needs to be submitted before Friday 20th March 2020.

Over the last few years, we have been extremely happy with the number of participants and the high standard of Innovation. We are also very happy that Gibtelecom has decided to again sponsor this award and give the winner an amazing prize of £2,000 worth of IT and communications equipment.


'A very Musical Christmas' It crept up upon us once again. So soon, but there it was again, Christmastime! And Christian Santos needed no reminders the festive season had arrived and a yuletide contribution was a must… A very musical one! Text by Richard Cartwright Photographs courtesy of The Gibraltar Chronicle

AND MUSIC CERTAINLY was the order of the day for two nights at the John Mackintosh Hall. Not a single ticket available, ‘Full house’ on both nights. It wasn’t a solely ‘Gampa’ production this time. Toddlers and the very young took to the stage early on as they danced their way through the first few minutes of the almost two hour show. They were one of six dance academies invited to this year’s festive, musical presentation. They stepped onto a colourful, Christmassy decorated JMH stage...Taking part through the night were, Danza Academy, Transitions Dance Academy, Mediterranean Dance School, Gibraltar Academy of Dance and JF Dance. Music too had its invitees: Apart from GAMPA’S music teachers and instrumental ensembles, Royal Gibraltar Regiment band members augmented the evening’s musical performances... They were the evening’s House Band, if you good sign as slowly but surely a like. fully fledged, GAMPA orchestra will germinate through the During the evening, I noticed an concerted efforts of these increase in student violin players young musicians (I particularly – some very young – which is a enjoyed a duet violin piece 54 GLOBE MAGAZINE

band, which proved to be a bit too loud at times. Brass and woodwind students played their part too, much appreciated by the audience.

performed by a young player and her teacher). From where I was sat, the other violin and flute ensemble presentations were drowned out for most of their two performances by the

The evening’s theme followed a feast of songs from the many popular, Hollywood musicals we’ve come to enjoy, even favourites going back many years with songs taken from the Jesus Christ Superstar musical. This Christmas event also produced quite a few ‘GAMPA’ solo singers – male and female - who show promise and clearly on their way to becoming the next strand of the production company’s top, star singers following in the footsteps of Chloe Martinez and others, who may have moved on because of university commitments. We were also treated to Christmas carols appropriate for the event, of course, with the GAMPA choir getting better and better as they go. They perform with increasing confidence and professionalism and it was great to hear them sing completely live with harmonies and counter melodies and harmonies clearly


coming across. Practice, more practice and trips abroad competing with other choirs of similar and perhaps higher standard producing the results we’re able to appreciate when they go on stage for us here on the Rock. This year I considered, ‘A Very 56 GLOBE MAGAZINE

Musical Christmas’ to serve as a stepping stone for up and coming young musicians, singers and dancers stepping onto a stage for the first, second or maybe third time with the best, for some of them I’m sure, yet to come. I witnessed basic performances, which, as we gradually moved along during the evening,

showed what can be achieved in time by dancers, musicians and singers by persevering, practicing and practicing some more, as shown by the GAMPA choir and others...On a night such as a musical Christmas soiree, which my fellow theatre goers applauded and enjoyed, a Father Christmas appearance is

a must...and he did appear, ‘ho ho ho-ing’ down the aisle to join the cast on stage for a final tune and keeping to the much valued these days, creed of equality and political correctness, as he wished everyone a Happy Christmas not just from himself, but from Mrs (Mother) Christmas also...a nice thought!


A Football trekker's journal Faroe Islands -Part TwoText by Terence Moss

CONTINUING OUR drive, our next stop was Skáli, in the municipality of Runavik, and Undir Mýruhjalla stadium. It is currently used mostly for football matches and is the home ground of Skála ÍF. The stadium holds 1,000 people and opened in 1968. Skála Ítróttarfelag (Skála ÍF) was founded on 15 May 1965, and currently play in the premier league, finishing in the lower half of the table for the last two seasons. We then continue north via Home of Vikingur Gøta.


Skálabotnur, to Í Fløtugerði, which is a football stadium in Fuglafjørður, holding 500 seats. It is currently the home ground of Ítróttarfelag Fuglafjarðar, most commonly known as ÍF. They have a fantastic club badge, a styalised leather football with “IF” shaped patches. They also have the most beautiful of grounds, built on the hill above the town of Fuglafjørður, with one bank of seating on the hillside looking down onto the pitch, the other side vanishing off into a view of the sea.

Seven kilometres south of Fuglafjørður lies the small town of Norðragøta, now home of Vikingur Gøta. Vikingur was formed in 2008 as a merger between Gøtu Ítróttarfelag and Lerivik IF. They play at Serpugerdi Stadium, with a capacity of 1600, of which 400 are seated. By pulling their resources the new club has managed to become champions for the past two years, and therefore Champions League qualification. Although progress for such a small

club in European competition is unlikely, even in the early rounds, the money that comes from getting there gives any Faroese club a further boost over their neighbours. Being so close to Suðragøta we could not resist visiting the birthplace of the famous Faroese singer Eivór and the site of the Music G!Festival in July. Now other Faroese clubs are looking at mergers. For the past two years since 2017, all three


Stadium in Fuglafjørður

clubs from the island of Suðuroy came together to form a new team. They played together under a messy amalgamation of the three clubs, being called TB/FC Suðuroy/Royn or Suðuroyarliðið (the Suðuroy-team). For the 2019 season the merger was disbanded and the teams played in their respective tiers. Tvøroyrar Bóltfelag, or TB Tvøroyri, is a Faroese football club from Tvøroyri, currently playing in the Effodeildin, the top tier of Faroese football. TB Tvøroyri was formed in 1892, and is the oldest football club in the Faroe Islands, and one of the oldest in the Danish Realm. They play at Við Stórá stadium located in Trongisvágur, on the island of Suðuroy, and are kitted in black and white striped shirts and black shorts. They retained their place in the Premier 60 GLOBE MAGAZINE

League after demerger. á Eiðinum is a multi-use stadium in Vágur, which is one of the larger villages in the southernmost island Suðuroy in the Faroe Islands. It is currently used mostly for football matches and is the home ground of FC Suðuroy, formerly called Tórsvøllur – the National Stadium

VB/Sumba. The stadium holds 3,000 people, but has only 330 seats. Royn Hvalba or Bóltfelagið Royn, the third team from Suðuroy, is from Hvalba and was founded in 1923. Their home ground is Á Skørinum in Hvalba, with a

capacity of 2000, has natural grass. It now plays in the third tier. Apart from the capital teams, the only other team is B71 Sandoy, from the island of Sandoy. B71 or Bóltfelagið 1971 is a Faroese sports club, playing their home games Inni í Dal, Sandur. Teams are made up of players from all the towns on the island of Sandoy. Sandur can be reached by ferry from Tórshavn. Sandoyartunnilin is a planned undersea road tunnel in the Faroe Islands, and will be finished in 2023. It will connect the main island of Streymoy with Sandoy to the south. The length of the tunnel will be 10.7 kilometres. Two more tunnels are planned. One from Sandur on Sandoy island to Skúvoy island, the other should be from Skúvoy island to Sandvík, the northernmost village on Suðuroy island.

Nólsoy is an island four kilometres east of the capital Tórshavn in Streymoy. Fótbóltsfelagið Giza was a Faroese football club based in the capital Tórshavn. The team played its home matches on Niðari vøllur (the Lower Field) in Gundadalur. Earlier they played their home matches in Argir. The club was founded 1 January 1968 as Nólsoyar Ítróttarfelag – NÍF – representing the isle of Nólsoy, even though the team played its matches in Tórshavn. The club changed their name to FF Giza on 1 January 2010. Their hometown was also changed from Nólsoy to Tórshavn. In 2012 FF Giza merged with FC Hoyvík to form Giza Hoyvík.

Driving from Leirvik through the nine kilometres of underground sea tunnel, you get to Klaksvik, on the island of Bordoy, with a population of almost 5000 and is the second largest town in the Faroe Islands. It is the location of the brewery Föroya Bjór, with its symbolic ram logo. It is also an important harbour with fishing industry and a modern fishing fleet. Faroese salmon company Bakkafrost has constructed the world’s largest smolt farm to produce salmon as a source of protein for the

world’s growing population. It was therefore disappointing to have the worst ever fish and chips from a food truck by the harbour. Their football team, Klaksvíkar Ítróttarfelag, commonly known as KÍ, was founded in 1904 and is one of the most successful Faroese football clubs, having won the Faroe Islands Premier League 17 times and the Faroe Islands Cup 6 times. The club wears blue and

white and plays its matches in the Við Djúpumýrar stadium. The stadium has a capacity of 2,600 with seating for 530. Nearly half the islands’ population live in Tórshavn, which is the largest town on the islands and its capital city. It means it can sustain three


B36 stand at Gundadalur

Home of KI KlaksvĂ­k


capital city in Europe. The houses are built around the bay. Most are made of wood, either in black or red, with grass roofs and colourful doors, especially in the old part. There are very few tall buildings. There is a nice walk from the centre of town through a park to the art museum and the Nordic House which is a cultural centre. The true nordic nature of the project is encapsulated in its construction: the floor tiles are Norwegian, the furniture Finnish, the timber walls Swedish, the glass Danish and the roof Icelandic.

of the ten teams in the top division. These are B36 Tórshavn, Havner Bóltfelag, and Argja Bóltfelag, who play in the suburb of Argir. Havnar Bóltfelag (HB) is one of the oldest and most successful football clubs in the Faroe Islands Premier League. They have won the Faroe Islands Premier League 23 times, the Faroese Cup 27 times and the Faroese Super Cup 3 times.The club was founded in 1904, and is based at the Gundadalur stadium in Tórshavn. Havnar Bóltfelag is Faroese for Harbour Football Club, with Havn coming from the name of the town of Tórshavn. Gundadalur Stadium has a capacity of 5000 and they share it with their neighbours B36. Their stand and clubhouse in the stadium is decked with red and black seats of HB’s colours, whereas B36’s stand is decked in black and white. B36 is also known as Bóltfelagið 1936 Tórshavn or FC Tórshavn. B36 is among the most successful football clubs in the Faroe Islands, having won the Faroe Islands Premier League 11 times, the Faroese Cup 6 times and the Faroese Super Cup once. The third club in the Tórshavn area is Argja Bóltfelag or AB formed in 1973. They play their home games at the Inni í Vika Stadium with a capacity of 2000. They have not won any major honours and were last promoted into the Premier League in 2017. The youngest team in the Faroe Islands is Undrið FF and they also play at the Gundadalur. The club was founded 18 January 2006 and are in the third tier, 2.deild. The actual Gundadalur Stadium is located just alongside Tórsvøllur, and is home to three different pitches. The largest one is the national stadium Tórsvøllur,

HB shirt with Sebastian Pingel

a multi-use stadium, with a 6000 capacity. It is used by the national team and is the home of the office of the Faroe Islands Football Association (Faroese: Fótbóltssamband Føroya), or FSF. A total renovation is expected to be completed by 2021, with a new west stand with a media room, dressing room and a capacity of 5000. The Upper Field (Ovari vøllur) is the main field used for first level matches and is the home ground of HB and B36. It can also host the matches of other Faroese teams in the European competitions. The Lower Field (Niðari vøllur), is mostly used for training and also lower level matches. It is the home ground of Giza/Hoyvík and Undrið FF. Finding football merchandise in Faroe Islands is not easy. The sports shops in the bigger towns, like Klaksvik, will sell the Faroese national kit and the local team KI. In Tórshavn, there are two sports outlets, and the offices of the Faroe Football association have the national home and away kit on display. I found HB merchandise at Sports24 in the SMS shopping

centre. But no replica home kit. We asked the young attendant there, and he said he might have one of the home shirt commemorating the 2018 Faroe Cup final against local rivals B36. It was in their famous black and red stripes. It turned out that the retailer was actually a player from the club, as all footballers in Faroe are parttimers and have a day job. He was a 25 year old Danish import, Sebastian Pingel, who was injured and out for the whole of the 2018 season with an anterior cruciate ligament injury. He was signed by HB in 2017 as a second striker and is contracted until the end of 2019. He has now recovered and has been playing in 2019. It was a special moment to be presented with the shirt by a current player. The other sports shop, Intersport, sells merchandise from the other local teams, B36 and AB Argir. I managed to get myself a grey beanie with the black and white B36 logo. When you are walking in Tórshavn you immediately notice that everyone is Faroese. There are very few foreigners, unlike any other

30% of young people in the Faroe Islands are active members of sports clubs. There are modern sports halls, football pitches, and people using them in every small town and village we passed through. Even the smallest village in remote Gjógv had a practice five-a-side concrete football field. And they have an official population of 49, as most of the houses are summer houses for Faroese living in the bigger cities! As well as enjoying visiting these remote football fields, we heard about the Faroese drive to get greater recognition for their sporting bodies on the international stage; a push that is linked to the clear Faroese feeling of their own distinctive identity. There are a lot of similarities between the football in Faroe and Gibraltar. In the 2019 season, HB Tórshavn beat Víkingur 3-1 in the Cup Final. Klaksvik KI snatched the league from B36 Tórshavn by beating 3-0 in the final game of the season after both teams were tied on points. This means Klaksvik KI will be in the qualifying rounds of the UEFA Champions League next season. UEFA Europa League representatives will be B36 Tórshavn, NSI Runavík and HB Tórshavn. They may face some Gibraltar opposition. GLOBE MAGAZINE 63

Jamaica crowned Miss World 2019 Miss World Jamaica, Toni-Ann Singh has been crowned the 69th Miss World Photograph by Fabiola Bonnot




performed ‘Girls in London’ with the


DECEMBER last at ExCel London,

final 12 contestants. UK broadcaster

Toni-Ann Singh aged 23 was crowned

and TV celebrity Piers Morgan asked the

Miss World is the oldest and largest

the 69th Miss World by her predecessor

final five contestants their last question

international pageant first created in

Vanessa Ponce de Leon at the grand

before the judges had to decide, who

the United Kingdom by Eric Morley

final hosted by Peter Andre and Megan

would wear the famous blue crown.

in 1951. Julia Morley is the Chairman

Young. A tearful newly crowned Miss

Celebrating the icon theme, Zandra

and CEO of the organisation which has

World 2019 said: “So honoured and

Rhodes was one of the judges.

representatives in 140 countries.

grateful for this opportunity but most of

all I’m thinking about the work that needs

Miss World France, Ophely Mezino was

Today, Miss World is a platform for

to be done and that I have the platform

the runner up, and Miss World India,

women from across the globe to

and the means to do it. I’m ready to get

Suman Rao was placed third after the

raise awareness and funds in aid of

out there and work. I’m excited!”

culmination of a month-long Miss

humanitarian causes. The organization

World Festival that saw contestants from

prides itself on its philanthropic focus

Toni is a women’s studies and

111 countries competing in a number

with millions of dollars being raised for

psychology student at Florida State

possible. Lulu, one of Britain's most

of fast track challenges. These included

good causes every year through ‘Beauty

University, who aspires to be a medical

iconic singers, with an internationally

Multimedia, Sport, Talent, Top Model,

With A Purpose’. The competition has

doctor. Previously, she has worked as

renowned voice performed a very

Head to Head Challenge and Beauty

the largest international broadcast

president of the Caribbean students

festive ‘Run Rudolph Run’ and closed

With A Purpose.

audience with more than a billion

association on campus. In her free time,

the show performing ‘Shout’, The show

Toni enjoys singing, cooking, vlogging,

opened with Kerry Ellis, a West End


volunteering and singing. Her special

and Broadway star singing ‘Rise Like

broadcast live in the UK on London


talent is that she can sing classical opera.

A Phoenix’ with other performances

Live, streamed on www.missworld.

countries enter Miss World. Reigning

The most important thing in Toni’s life

by Andre singing ‘Mysterious Girl’

com and 150 countries. Across all social

Miss World is Vanessa Ponce de León

is her mother, who has facilitated her

and Misunderstood, an all-singing all-

media the festival and final has received

from Mexico. 68 Miss Worlds have

dream by supporting her in every way

dancing duo from South London, who

more than 2 billion hits.

been crowned.


people watching on TV, in the media highly




and across its social media channels. year





Our Miss Teen Gibraltar 2019, Shania Ballester, brings home the International Crown of Miss Petite Model Universe 2019

MISS TEEN GIBRALTAR 2019 Shania Ballester represented Gibraltar at The Miss Teen Model Universe 2019 Pageant that took place recently in Valencia, Spain. Shania arrived in Valencia on the 20th November last and stayed at ‘Marina Dor Cuidad De Vacaciones’ along with other contestants from around the world. Shania took part in a series of preliminary rounds, which included photogenic, talent, fashion, interview, national costume and evening wear. Shania did not only bring home the crown of Miss Petite Model Universe 2019 but was also awarded the prizes of Miss Friendship and ‘best talent’. Shania sang a song named Read All About It by Emeli Sande where she faced her fear of singing to a big audience and amazed everyone with her beautiful voice. 66 GLOBE MAGAZINE

Director of No1 Models Mr Kelvin Hewitt would like to thank ‘Blast Away LTD’ and ‘HSE Consulting LTD’ for sponsoring Shania for her Internationals. Also a big thank you to Rafa Anaya Climent for her make-up and hair and making sure she was well taken good care of throughout the pageant. We spoke to Shania and she is overwhelmed by all the local support received and she would like to thank everyone involved for this great experience; she is truly honoured to having represented Gibraltar at an international pageant. Her biggest moment was wearing the National Costume during a cavalcade along the streets of Valencia, she stresses that this was one of the main highlights and it made her very proud of being Gibraltarian.




Domingo Zapata Did you know that the largest Spanish-speaking event in the United States took place on November 20th, and 21st in New York City?

ORGANIZED BY THE ‘Inspiring Committed Leaders Foundation’, the New York Summit is the most relevant SpanishSpeaking excellence, management, and leadership event in the United States. Midworld managers come every year searching for the keys to business success with the bestknown leaders and world experts in the field of economics, entrepreneurship, technology, innovation. NYS offers exclusive and highly effective business networking, as the event is set up to gather managers from all over the world with the desire to establish contacts and professional relationships at the highest level. This year, The New York Summit will be honouring famed Spanish Artist Domingo Zapata, known for recently completing New York City's biggest mural at 1 Times Square. For over six days, from Monday 12th August, through Saturday 17th August 2019, the Spanish artist painted a retrospective of his work across a 15-story vinyl canvas at Number One Times Square. He was honoured alongside Kathleen Kennedy, Bernice King, Ilyasah Shabazz and Carlos Baute. The awards were awarded at the Angel Orensanz foundation on Wednesday, November 20th at 6:30 pm. Domingo Zapata is a Spanish-American artist born in Palma de Mallorca, Spain. Currently, Zapata maintains studios in his Gramercy Park townhouse in New York City, the Design District in Miami, and Hollywood. For over 20 years, Zapata has built a body of work, which varies significantly in motif, though consistently exploring themes of sexuality, 70 GLOBE MAGAZINE

opulence and vitality in his signature style. In this distinctive hand, Zapata layers fantasy and reality, luring the viewer into his potent, cosmically beautiful world. Known for his signature "Polo" series, which first gained him critical acclaim, more recent work focuses on themes including his native Spanish culture, American Pop icons and the state of the contemporary practice. The New York Summit 2019 had the pleasure to bring together for the first-time members of the most renowned families globally that have spearheaded civil and social rights movements in the XXI century. Members of the Kennedy, Mandela, Luther King and Malcom X families were awarded. In addition to receiving their respective awards, Kathleen Kennedy (daughter of Bob Kennedy and niece of JFK), Ndaba Mandela (grandson of Nelson Mandela), Bernice Luther King (daughter of Martin Luther King) and Ilyasah Shabazz (daughter of Malcom X) each delivered a speech at the gala. This third edition of the New York Summit also gathered distinguished guests that have been committed to social causes such as Peace Nobel Prize winner Rigorberta Menchu, Jesus Linares, a climate change activist, who collaborates with Al Gore, and renowned pop artist Domingo Zapata. The gala took place on Wednesday, November 20th at the Angel Orensanz Foundation, 172 Norfolk Street, New York NY, which is located in an old synagogue in the Lower East Side of Manhattan.


The 2019 Gibraltar Polar Bear Swim The Polar Bear Swim or Dip is an event held during the winter whereby participants enter a body of water despite the low temperature!

Photographs by Johnnie Bugeja

HOWEVER, A NUMBER of other events were held on Boxing Day including the traditional Polar Bear swim and the annual ‘Fun Run’ in aid of GBC Open Day. All events saw money raised for worthy local charities and a chance to work off the Christmas excess. Nonetheless, Gibraltar celebrated its annual Polar Bear Swim on Boxing Day as an overwhelming number of entrants joined in at Catalan Bay, Camp Bay and Eastern Beach for the event. The Gibraltar Cardiac Association held a swim at Eastern Beach to 72 GLOBE MAGAZINE

raise awareness for their charity and GASA organised a swim at Camp Bay in aid of the Royal Marsden Cancer Charity.

Hundreds flocked for the charity event be it because of their need to raise awareness for their favourite charity or simply because of

the need to ‘detox’ due to overindulgence on Christmas Day. Either way, the fact of the matter is that a lot of fun was had by all as they braved the chilly waters despite the brief panic on entry! This year’s swim was ‘Brexit’ themed with organiser John Walker encouraging people to bring a Union Jack flag with them to the beach; it was dubbed the 'Brexit Polar Bear swim.’ The one at Catalan Bay saw the largest participation with hundreds turning up to take the plunge. At Eastern Beach, the Gibraltar Cardiac Foundation

helped raise funds and awareness it is the best possible cure for a festive affair, with groups and organizations coming together for for their charity whilst this year hangover! the occasion, and many using the GASA members held a separate event at Rosia Bay; they raised All in all, it was very much a event as a means of fundraising money for the Royal Marsden Cancer Charity. Aside from the regular enthusiasts and those, who feel obliged to take the plunge in aid of a charitable event, sometimes, there are one or two participants turning up still inebriated from Christmas Day celebrations and who have more than likely lost a bet but it is all part of the fun and done in the best possible taste! Nonetheless, the latter find that

for different charities. Those, who carried out the swim, were afterwards treated to mince pies and brandy, along with the annual Polar Bear certificate. For the record, the ‘Polar Bear Swim’ gets its name from the fact that polar bears are very strong swimmers and, according to research, are known to swim in Arctic waters for more than nine days at a stretch while humans in light clothing and a life-jacket can only handle about an hour maximum at such temperatures. Food for thought but it’s probably not a record worth testing! GLOBE MAGAZINE 73

The Best Way to Ditch Bad Habits: What Science can teach us Text by Ian Hamilton (Associate Professor, Addiction and Mental Health, University of York) & Sally Marlow (Addictions Researcher, King’s College London)

IT’S A NEW YEAR AND many people are in the mood for making a fresh start. And that often means giving something up (cigarettes, alcohol, junk food). Unfortunately, the odds of sticking with New Year resolutions are not good. Come February, 80% of people will have given up giving up. So what can we learn from the 20% who make it? Some might just be lucky, but


most – whether they realize it or not – will be using techniques based on scientific evidence. While you might feel you have little in common with people who overcome drug dependency, you can benefit from the techniques that have been shown to help this group. THE TWO PS

it can take anywhere from six to 30 attempts to quit for those dependent on drugs to become abstinent. While these numbers might seem off putting, it’s important to be realistic about the need to persevere. Incremental change is known to be superior to overly ambitious targets – appealing as they might be.

Perseverance underpins most This leads to the second “p” stories of successful change, and planning. Conventional wisdom

suggests that planning improves the chances of success, but there is evidence that unplanned attempts to quit smoking can be just as successful. Good news for anyone embarking on an impromptu attempt to change. So although spontaneous attempts can be successful for smokers, picking the right day to start changing other habits is likely to play a part. We know that motivation and energy


fluctuate, so think about when you will have maximum levels of both. Starting well gives the initial encouragement needed to get to day two. LEARN FROM LAPSING Having a lapse shouldn’t be viewed as a failure or used as an excuse to give up. It can be tempting to view change in a binary way - success or failure. Instead, view a lapse as an opportunity to gain insight, reflecting as honestly as possible on why the lapse happened and how this could be avoided or counteracted on the next attempt at change. Research has repeatedly shown us that these processes are crucial for changing ingrained habits, so much so that in the world of addiction, treatment is often referred to as ‘relapse prevention’, to acknowledge that treatment is as much about preventing the undermined by “anticipatory anxiety” – negative as it is accentuating the positive. when a person expects and fears withdrawal High levels of self-efficacy (a belief and symptoms when changing a habit, such as confidence in personal ability) when trying smoking. The anticipated discomfort is to change behaviour predict ultimate success; factors that increase self-efficacy include self-talk (“I can do this”), previous success at changing other behaviour or habits, and affirmations from others. Cultural differences can influence how comfortable and skilled an affirmation is. The way Americans routinely affirm each other is in contrast to those in the UK who tend to be suspicious of affirmations. Believing







usually greater than the actual experience but can paralyze any attempt to test reality. Rather than focusing on what you are losing by giving up smoking or alcohol, think of what you will gain (more money, better sleep). A useful exercise to help assess personal benefits is the decision balance sheet. Tell someone what you plan to do, you won’t want to let them or yourself down. Weight Watchers employ this type of social contract in some ways to encourage but also as a deterrent to relapse. Shame and guilt are powerful emotions that most people will try to avoid.

So when it comes to adopting a scientific approach to change, the evidence provides some helpful tips. Be prepared for several change attempts, don’t be too ambitious, don’t keep your change a secret and allow yourself to be complimented and encouraged. Finally, today might be the right day to start. If you’ve only just decided, with motivation and energy on your side, your chances of ditching that bad habit are just as good as those who’ve spent weeks preparing. Making a change is relatively easy for most of us, maintaining that change is evidently a lot tougher. So while some might be lucky enough to make a change and stick to it, most of us will have to keep trying, the science suggests we’ll get there in the end.


The 2019 Jazz Festival Concert Text by Joe Adambery / Photographs by Johnnie Bugeja

THE SEVENTH GIBRALTAR International Jazz Festival Concert took place at St Michael's Cave and, as usual, delivered a first class Jazz evening for the faithful fans, who made it up there. The bill consisted of two local acts and an international band, Italian Saxophonist legend 'Stefano di Battista's Quartet’. When the St. Michael's Cave main chamber, now auditorium, was conceived as a concert venue in the early sixties, little did anyone at the time imagine that it would celebrate the variety of wonderful music that it has regularly been


called to host in its majestic cavernous heart. It's no one wanting and some spellbound. a world class venue, if only in its magnificence and natural beauty enhanced by the magic of Every time I see them they improve on the coloured lighting. polish and content of what has become the Rock's flagship Progressive Jazz band, which I say this because I have rarely, if ever, come you could slot into any similar Festival anywhere away from the Cave disappointed. Many in Europe and they would win the audiences Philharmonic Society concerts, World Music over. Nobody plays like 'Levanter Breeze.' They Festival concerts and lately Jazz Festival are all consummate musicians with a collective concerts fondly live in my memory and that feel and vision, which is capable of transporting Saturday evening was no exception. Local Jazz the listeners into a musical dimension and kings 'Levanter Breeze' kicked off proceedings holding them there, as they spin their melodic with a compelling set of original music that left themes, which are sweet and challenging and

always creating spaces in your head and heart. to 'Levanter Breeze' although we were all quite This is exactly what good music should do and happy to be blown away by it. nothing else matters when you enjoy it. Singer composer Surianne Dalmedo is not new to Levanter Breeze are Peter Martinez on guitar, the Jazz Festival, she is however new to being in Brian Torres on keyboards, Louis Chipolina regal company when some members of 'Levanter on bass and Francis Pecino on drums. On this Breeze' joined her on stage to perform five occasion, they were joined by Arturo Bonich originals before the main event ‘Stefano di Battista on percussion. Together they spoke musically Quartet’. The musical fraternity here is small but of our Moorish, Andalusian and Yanito Rock influences, peppered with deft touches of Pat Metheny, Stevie Wonder, Chic Corea and more, all seasoned with musical fairy dust.

the ones I saw at the Cave on that Saturday were full of praise and happy for her performance. I was too as she's a determined musician, who I know well and who has been around for a while. She is a charming artist to see progressing and finding her own niche as a songwriter and vocalist. She engaged the audience from the outset and pulled off a very good set adding

That they always get a standing ovation is a given because it is a fair reward for the time and heart they pour into their music and how well they perform it. Their set was balanced nicely with full flights of musical excursions from the individual solos and soulful atmospheric moments of great beauty and sublime music. We were privileged to enjoy them once again in full flight and we have to hope that we see and hear more of them. You can't hide musical talent in rehearsal rooms - it belongs in the public realm. We still await their definitive album and a Jazz Festival without them nowadays seems almost inconceivable; hats off GLOBE MAGAZINE 79

another string to her bow. The fifty year-old Italian saxophone legend that is Stefano di Battista and his Quartet took to the stage and sailed into a strident Jazz groove as in a calling card. Steffano then introduced his band members all from Naples (he's a Roman) and was ever engaging as a truly gifted performer and artist, with panache enough to go

up to the audience at various points during his performance and engage with them on a one to one level while still playing sax and joking. 'Simpatico plus' would describe him. His band was of the highest calibre musicians whom he showcased and stood aside to enjoy and let us the audience enjoy too. Piano, double bass and drums that's all you need wrapped in a

bouquet of gifted musical talents all three. He was enjoying them too. Steffano di Battista is a wizard on soprano sax and an effusive tenor sax player, who often and seamlessly, takes his fast solos off the scale, as well as, he breathes them soft and husky for musical contrast. Complex rhythms and inspired improvisations, which always engaged the band, made for an exciting set, which was at times, almost Brazilian in delivery and sound. Then he brought in 'O Sole Mio' in rhythmic ways that are hard to imagine, let alone describe, but a sight to behold and a feast for the ears. What a player, what a consummate showman and what an inspiring and humble artist, who was in awe of performing at the Cave and said so too. Although I wouldn't change anything of what I enjoyed about our seventh International Jazz Festival Concert, it would be an even more intense experience to see the ‘Steffano di Battista Quartet’ in a more intimate 'club' setting. To have experienced him put a spell on us which was unrepeatable and he ended the night with 'Mack the Knife' where he gave us the opportunity to join in and ruin his perfectly awesome jazz, but it worked a treat and that's what we came for - a Jazzy musical treat.



How to Cope with the Emotional Side of Hair Loss? THERE ARE MANY REASONS why people experience hair loss, but all of them have an emotional impact. Whether you have suffered total hair loss through chemotherapy treatment, or you have noticed a gradual thinning of your hair as you age, it is natural to worry and struggle with emotional issues as a result. Many people focus on practical solutions, such as trying hair loss shampoos or wearing a wig. However, there is the emotional trauma of losing your hair and the struggle to accept your changing appearance, the effect on your confidence and your ability to interact with others. If you are suffering from hair loss, you’ll know that the combination of these issues can put a great strain on your life and well being. However, it’s a problem that must be tackled if you want to continue a healthy and happy life. For men, hair loss can be a sensitive issue, which is usually dealt with an element of denial, usually by an attempt to hide the hair loss. Hair has for centuries been linked with


celebrities that have embraced baldness and are still considered to be heart throbs by millions of women. Take time to consider your appearance and try various treatments, such as thickening shampoos, hair thickening fibres, scalp concealers or hair pieces to boost your confidence and your looks.

male fertility and strength, which underlies the reason why many men find that hair loss is such a stressful experience. Hair loss can make you feel older and less attractive to the opposite sex, creating stress and anxiety in your relationships. If you are struggling with these issues, it is important to know that hair loss is more common and more acceptable than you realise. There are many

Hair loss has been typically defined as a male condition, but in fact, many women also suffer from varying degrees of hair loss. For women, this can be even more distressing, due to the social pressure of looking and staying beautiful. The reactions of others can be particularly upsetting and this can have a huge impact on your self confidence. It is important not to suffer in silence or withdraw from society, but instead seek a support network that can help promote your self esteem. Join a women’s group to share ideas, try products and get emotional support. However you decide to deal with the issue, it is important to seek help and advice to avoid further psychological damage.



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