Celebrations 05-09-2010

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Mason City, Iowa ✦ Sunday, May 9, 2010

80th Birthday

Mutton Bustin’ Champ 2010

An open house in honor of

Congratulations SHELBEY

Martin Meier’s

We are so proud of you. You hung on and didn’t let go. Mutton Bustin’ Champ, April 24, 2010 at the Bull Riding. Thank you to everyone who supported Shelbey.

80th birthday will be held from 1 to 4 p.m. Saturday, May 15, at the Clear Lake Evangelical Free Church, 1310 Highway 18 West, Clear Lake.

60th Anniversary


Nicole Wilson and Bryce Howard plan a June 2010 wedding in Salt Lake City, Utah.

David E. and Elaine (Faulk) Dunn of Mason City were married May 13, 1950, at the First Christian Church in Decorah.

E2 ✦ SUNDAY, MAY 9, 2010



Theresa Amos, Section Designer ✦ GLOBE GAZETTE


Bunk, Moore LISA BUNK, of Pearland, Texas, is the daughter of Chris and Marie Bunk of Renwick. She is a registered veterinary technician at Veterinary Neurology and Neurosurgical Specialists in Houston, Texas. JOSHUA MOORE, of Pearland, Texas, is the son of Terry and Donna Moore of Missouri City, Texas. He is a supervisor at Fenner

How To Submit Your Items If you have an item to submit to this section, please stop by the Globe Gazette for a form Monday-Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm at 300 North Washington, Mason City. Or you may print forms off of our website @ www.globegazette.com; click on Life / Celebrations

Advanced Sealing Technologies in Humble, Texas. The couple will be married Sept. 25, 2010, in Las Vegas, Nev.


Thank you

Greiner, Ewest MASON CITY — Katie Ewest and Kevin Greiner were united in marriage on Sept. 19, 2009, at the Grace Evangelical Free Church in Mason City by Pastor Scott Davis. Katie is the daughter of Bradley and Barbara Ewest of Ankeny. Kevin is the son of Art and Sandi Beem of Grundy Center, and the late Michael Greiner. Maid of honor was the bride’s sister, Laura Ewest. Other attendants to the bride were Tabitha Beckman, Marisa Richmann and Elizabeth Hollatz. Best man was the groom’s brother, Mark Greiner. Other attendants to the groom were Kent Greiner, Joel Ewest and Mark Ewest. Ring bearers were Marcus and Maxsen Bales. Katie is employed with Principal Financial Group in Mason City and Kevin is employed with Kramer Ace Hardware, also in Mason City. The couple resides in Mason City.

To my wife, family, and friends who sent cards, flowers, gifts, called or visited while I was in the hospital and recuperating at home. And to the people who took part in my care — Westfork Clinic, Rockwell, and Mercy Medical Center-North Iowa. I want to thank each and every one. — Dick Gossweiler, Rockwell

The Deadline for Celebrations is each Monday by 5PM

To be printed in the Sunday’s Celebrations section and Online, items must be in the Globe Gazette office no later than 5 pm Monday prior to publication. We can’t take the information over the phone, and we ask that announcements be printed or typed. It would also be helpful if you include a daytime phone number in case there are any questions.

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SUNDAY, MAY 9, 2010 ✦ E3


Gabrielle Brandenburg LAKE MILLS — Alex and Erin Brandenburg, of Lake Mills, are parents of a daughter, Gabrielle Clare, born at 11:42 a.m. April 21, 2010 at Albert Lea Medical Center.

She weighed 7 lbs., 8 oz., and was 20½ inches long. She is welcomed by a sister and brother, Natalie and Stephen, and grandparents, Karmel Evans, of Buffalo Center, and Kristin Brandenburg, of Armstrong.

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Thank you Thank you to everyone who helped make my last day of work and my “retirement” party a very enjoyable day! Thank you for all the many cards, gifts and well-

wishes. A special “Thank you” to the City of Clear Lake for hosting my retirement party. Was a fun-filled day! — Bob Powell “Retired” Water Superintendent

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Happy Mother’s Day

I love you Mommy

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Karen England First Mother’s Day Best MOM!!

Hayley & Grandma

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Kristina Chmielewski

Cherry Mae Hutzel

To the worlds best Mother

From Tyler, Sarah, Ally, Jeremy, Katyy & Blake

“Happy Mother’s Day” Love, Lauren

Mavis King

Happy Mother’s Day

to the best Mother in the world. Thank you from your Favorite for everything you do. Son, Blake! Love, Tamie

Laree Morrise

We Love You! Love Jacinda, Grayce & Noah

Donna Rae Isch

Jenny McKee

I’m more than blessed to call you my Mom. “I thank God for you.” Philippians 1:13

Mom, Dad was right... you are wonderful.

Happy Mother’s Day! Love, Kristi

Happy 1st Mother’s Day! I Love You, Your Son!!

E4 ✦ SUNDAY, MAY 9, 2010




Hunter Krause did it!


Our Little Warrior is now a U.S. Marine! Family and friends, please help Hunter celebrate his recent graduation from MCRD San Diego on Saturday, May 15, from 2 until 6 p.m. at the Catholic Community Center, 16 S. Summit Ave. in Nora Springs.

In Memory of Truman Schulte Weaver, Adams

Callan Fitzgerald

EMILY WEAVER, of Owatonna, Minn., is the daughter of Ed and Karen Ries of Mason City. Emily is a 2002 graduate of Mason City High School, and a graduate of North Iowa Area Community College with her associates in liberal arts. She continued on at the University of Iowa and obtained her bachelors in health sciences. She is currently employed with the Mayo Clinic in Waseca, Minn. PAUL ADAMS, of Owatonna, Minn., is the son of Mike and Sue Adams, of Rockwell. Paul graduated from Rockwell-Swaledale High School in 2002. A graduate of North Iowa Area Community College with an associate of arts degree in liberal arts, he continued on at the University of Iowa for economics and political science. He is currently employed with Hy-Vee in Owatonna, Minn., as the wine and spirits manager. The couple will be married at 4 p.m. July 17,2010, at the First Baptist Church in Mason City.

MASON CITY — Jeremy and Abby Fitzgerald, of Mason City, are parents of a daughter, Callan Grace Fitzgerald, born at 7:53 a.m. March 24, 2010 at Mercy Medical Center — North Iowa, Mason City. She weighed 7 lbs., 4 oz., and was 19½ inches long. Callan is welcomed by a big brother, Graydon, threeyears-old. Grandparents are Ed and Karen Ries, and Tom and Barb Fitzgerald, all of Mason City. Great-grandparents are Jean Schutz, Doris Drury and Hannah Sandy, all of Mason City.


Marvin Karr, 80

RUDD — Marvin Karr, of Rudd, will celebrate his 80th birthday at an open house from 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday, May 16, at the Rudd Community Center. THANK YOU He was born May 21, 1930 in Rudd. Greetings may be sent Thank you to Marvin at the following Thank you to all for remembering me on my 80th 50471. He requests no address: 617 Floyd St. birthday with cards and telephone calls. gifts, please. A special thank you to my family for the caring love. It Apt. #1, Rudd, Iowa was all much appreciated. — Wayne Dodge, Enjoy Celebrations online at www.globegazette.com. Mason City

It’s been ten years since we’ve held your hand, heard your laugh or seen you smile and we miss you very much. But your presence is around us every day. You gave us love. Sadly missed by your family

News, sports, opinion, celebrations, the latest forecast, classified ads, ... It’s all available, all the time, at www.globegazette.com.

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Congratulations Lindsey

SUNDAY, MAY 9, 2010 âœŚ E5


Lindsey Lea Michaels, daughter of Steve and Mary Jane Michaels of St. Ansgar, will be a May 13, 2010, graduate of St. Louis University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Mo. Lindsey is a 2002 graduate of St. Ansgar High School and completed her undergraduate education at the University of Iowa in 2006. She will begin her Fischer, Slattum residency in obstetrics and ALYSSA ANNE FISCHER, of Waterloo, is the daughgynecology at the ter of Mark and Karen Fischer of Cedar Rapids. Alyssa University of Iowa graduated from Cedar Rapids schools, and will graduate Hospital and Clinics in May 2010 from the University of Northern Iowa with in July. a BA in communications. JASON DUANE SLATTUM, of Waterloo, is the son of Congratulations Craig and Sue Slattum of Joice and Lory and Dave Groe Lindsey of Lake Mills. Jason graduated from Lake Mills Commuon your accomplishments! nity Schools, and is a 2009 graduate of the University of Northern Iowa with a BA degree in construction management. He is employed as a project estimator by Circuit Electric in Dike. The couple will be married on July 24, 2010, at Noelridge Christian Church in Cedar Rapids.

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E6 ✦ SUNDAY, MAY 9, 2010




Great Young People

Retirement open house planned for Tom Hall MASON CITY — A retirement open house for Tom Hall, state investigator with Iowa Motor Vehicle Enforcement will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday, May 16, at the Holiday Inn, Mason City. Tom retired from the State of Iowa April 30, 2010, with 39 years of service. He started with the state in 1971 as a highway construction inspector. He Transportation. The unit had an A.A. degree in law enforces Iowa laws on enforcement from North vehicle title fraud, odomeIowa Area Community ter fraud, use tax fraud, College and after seven and driver’s license fraud. years was promoted to Saturday night, April 17, 2010, The investigators do vehiofficer with Iowa’s Motor was Prom night at West Fork High School. Vehicle Enforcement. Tom cle theft exams on salvage As I lay in a hospital bed in Mason City, vehicles and help the pubwas a patrolman for 13 I was pleasantly surprised by my grandson, years in the North Central lic in getting bonded titles Ryan Gossweiler, in his orange suit and top hat for vehicles. Investigators counties of Iowa. In 1991 with his date Ellie Anderson. he was promoted to inves- enforce state regulations Not only that, but I had a bonus for salvage yards and autotigator with Iowa Motor of two other young couples. motive dealers. InvestigaVehicle Enforcement’s Wilson, Howard Spencer Nielsen in his blue suit and hat tors also assist the county investigative unit. Tom NICOLE WILSON, of Clear Lake, is the daughter of with his date, Tia Pillard. treasurers offices with was the state investigator Tom and Nancy Wilson, also of Clear Lake. She is a 2007 Also with them was Landon Weir other title and registration for Northern Iowa for 19 graduate of Mason City High School, and graduated and his date, Margo Sturges. problems. years with an office in from North Iowa Area Community College with an Tom and his wife, Becky, The girls were all very pretty in their gowns and hairdos. Mason City. associate of arts degree in 2009. Nicole is currently These six young people took the time from their busy have three children: Robert Iowa’s Motor Vehicle attending the University of Utah in the health science night to stop by and let me see them Hall, Jennifer (Mark) Enforcement — MVI program. and brighten my day. Anderson, and Randy (Motor Vehicle InvestigaBRYCE HOWARD, of Centerville, Utah, is the son of So, if you want to see some fine young people, tions) Unit is a Division of (Julie) Hall. They have Rob and Patty Howard, also of Centerville. He is a 2006 come to Rockwell. We have them. seven grandchildren. Iowa Department of graduate of West High School in Salt Lake City. Bryce graduated from North Iowa Area Community College Thank you Ryan and all your friends. with a criminal justice degree in 2008 and from the Utah Dick Gossweiler, Rockwell NEW ARRIVAL Police Academy in 2009. He is currently employed as a deputy sheriff correctional officer with the Davis County Sheriff’s Office. Hannah Wilson ANNIVERSARY A June 2010 wedding is planned in Salt Lake City, COUNCIL BLUFFS — Utah. Bryan and Ashley Wilson, of Council Bluffs, are parents of a daughter, Hannah Jo, born at 8:27 p.m. Aug. THANK YOU 19, 2009, at Jennie Edmundson Hospital, Thank you! Council Bluffs. The family of Ruth Hauge graciously thank you for She weighed 7 lbs., 9 oz., all of the cards and greetings sent to her for her and was 21 inches long. birthday! Grandparents are Cyndie Mom was delighted to hear from so many of her and Pat Whalen, Mason friends through the years. We thank you from the City; Elmer and Bonnie bottom of our hearts for making her birthday so spe- Harden, Mason City, and cial! God’s blessing to you all, Gordon and Linda Wilson, — Diane, Donna, Delores and families Ventura.

Barnes, 30 years

PLYMOUTH — Jon and Joan (Smith) Barnes, of Plymouth, were married May 10, 1980, at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Belmond. They will celebrate 30 years of marriage privately with their family. The couple’s children and spouses are Travis and Rachel Barnes of Kasson,

Minn., and Jared Barnes of Mason City. They also have one grandchild.

SUNDAY, MAY 9, 2010 ✦ E7




80th Birthday Open House

Happy 70th Birthday Bob!

Retirement Celebration

Come help us celebrate

Linda Anderson, LPN

Bob Frein’s 70th birthday on Friday, May 14, at 6 p.m. at the Legion in Osage. No gifts please. Hope to see you there!

The Bob Frein Family

Norman Rezab, 90 PLYMOUTH — Norman Rezab, of Plymouth, will celebrate his 90th birthday with a family dinner. He was born May 16, 1920. The family of Norman Rezab would like you to join them in wishing Norm a happy 90th birthday by sending cards to: Apt 26, 2501 W. State St., Mason City, IA 50401. We love you Dad! Your Family


Nadine Blau, of Mason City, will celebrate her 80th birthday at an open house for family and friends, from 1 to 4 p.m. Saturday, May 15, at Grant Village Activity Center, 823 Sixth St. S.W., Mason City. She was born May 18, 1930. Greetings may be sent to Nadine at the following address: 817 Sixth St. S.W., Mason City, Iowa 50401. She request no gifts, please.


Dear readers of the Globe Gazette,


Charity Marie Ward, 87

Zero Turn Mowers

ROCKWELL — The family of Charity Marie Ward would like you to join them in wishing Charity a happy 87th birthday on May 10, by sending cards to: P.O. Box 455, Rockwell, Iowa 50469.


We love you, Mom!

Your children and families.



In regard to “The Honor Flight” of April 17, 2010, it was truly a great experience. And many thanks to our guardian, Jay Lee, who saw to our many needs for the full day flight and all the wonderful sights, and if that wasn’t enough, he and his wife Jackie came to my home on May 1 and brought a scrapbook of pictures taken of Jones, 25 years all the interesting places we were taken to visit in WashSHEFFIELD — Stacey Jones and Michelle (Enabnit) Jones of Sheffield were married May 11, 1985, at St. Mary’s ington, D.C. It is a priceless album! Thank you again Jay and to all who helped make the Catholic Church in Roseville, Iowa. flight possible. A special thank you to Ron Minert who The couple will celebrate their 25th wedding anniverpicked us up at 5 a.m. to take us to the airport. He and sary with a trip to New Mexico. The couple’s children and their spouses are Corey Jones his wife, Suzie, were there at 10:30 p.m. for the return trip home. of Dougherty, Iowa, and Jenny Jones of Sheffield, Iowa. — Sincerely, Cards may be sent to them at 417 N. Seventh St., Arnold (Arnie) Holstad Sheffield, IA 50475.


is retiring from Good Shepherd Health Center on May 14, 2010. Linda began working at Good Shepherd on Dec. 13, 1988. Please join us in celebrating her life work on Wednesday, May 19, 2010 from 1-3 p.m. at Good Shepherd Health Center, (second floor-west dining room), 302 Second St. N.E., Mason City.

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E8 ✦ SUNDAY, MAY 9, 2010




ISU High Scholarship Awards AMES — Iowa State University awarded High Scholarship Awards in the fields of business, human sciences, liberal arts and sciences, engineering, agriculture and life sciences in an awards ceremony this spring. The award is given to undergraduate students who rank in the top 2 percent of their college class. Students who rank in the top 2 percent in two colleges are indicated with an asterisk. North Iowa students receiving the award were: College of Business CLARION — *Rebecca Bradshaw. GRAFTON — *Zachary Dalluge. LAKOTA — Emily Thomsen. ROCKFORD — Jamison Arends. College of Human Sciences ALGONA — Maria Kohlhaas. BRITT — *Amanda Thill. CLARION — *Lisa Bradshaw, *Rebecca Bradshaw, Cara Odland. CLEAR LAKE — Eric Asbe. OSAGE — Rebecca Spitz. C o l l e g e o f L i b e r a l A r t s a n d S c i e n ce s ALGONA — Amanda Bottjen. BRITT — *Amanda Thill. CLARION — *Lisa Bradshaw. GENEVA — Tim Reuter. GRAFTON — *Zachary Dalluge. LAKE MILLS — Chandra Peterson. MASON CITY — Amanda Berne-

mann. College of Agriculture and Life Sci ences CHARLES CITY — Kristofer Michalson, Nicholas Sande. CLEAR LAKE — Matthew Hartnett, Benjamin Janson. HAMPTON — Justin Van Wert. MESERVEY — Cody Ostendorf. College of Engineering APLINGTON — Grant Ubben. BRITT — Michael Tlach. CORWITH — Daniel Anderson. MASON CITY — Jonathan Chapman, Chloe Dedic. OSAGE — Wayne Rowcliffe.

Inducted into honor society INDIANOLA — Stephen Henrich, of Mason City, was accepted into the Simpson College chapter of Alpha Lambda Delta honor society. Alpha Lambda Delta is a national honor society for first-year students.

Excelsior College graduate ALBANY, N.Y. — Melinda J. Johnson, of Mason City, Iowa, is a recent graduate of Excelsior College. She earned an associate in applied science degree in nursing.

A Tribute to the special people who have touched our lives and are gone. Memories are one of the best legacies after a loved one has died. Share your memories of those special people in your life who have passed on. The Globe Gazette will publish a Memorial Day Special Feature called “Those We Remember” on Sunday, May 30, 2010. Each memory ad is $20.

Dad 1952-2

Many have 007 lives... com touched our ing an scarcely lea d going, impression; ving an an uncomm but you were on pe made a diffe rson who Love, Your rence. Family

Clip and send along with your picture to the Globe Gazette Those We Remember Classified Advertising, PO Box 271, Mason City, IA 50401. Person’s Name ____________________________________________________________ Year of Birth__________________Year of Death____________ Your Name ______________________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip_____________________________________________________________ Home Phone _____________________________________________________________ Check Enclosed______Payment by Credit Card:Visa_____MC_____Discover_____ Credit Card Number_______________________________Exp.Date___________ Signature____________________________________________________________ 25 Word Tribute:

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Deadline: Wed., May 26, 2010 1-800-832-2274 MS-20136791 MS-20136509



SUNDAY, MAY 9, 2010 ✦ E9





The family of Wanda (Hintzen) Depping would like you to join them in wishing Wanda a happy 85th birthday, on May 16, by sending cards to: 201 Johnston Street, Apt. #15, Sheffield, Iowa 50475. We love you Mom and Grandma. Doug, Mary Jo, Dean and Lisa, Paul and Lonna, Jason and Holly and Nate, Rachael, Tatum, Wade and Reid.

Ricke, Lange KALLY RICKE, of Garner, is the daughter of Marvin and Jane Ricke, also of Garner. She graduated from Garner-Hayfield High School in 2006 and the University of Northern Iowa in 2010 with a degree in elementary and middle school education. PATRICK LANGE, of Navarre, Fla., is the son of Michael and Carlean Lange of Monona, Iowa. He graduated from MFL MarMac High School in 2002 and Iowa State University in 2006. Patrick is a pilot for the U.S. Air Force and is currently stationed at Hurlburt Field. The couple will be married at 2 p.m. June 26, 2010, at St. Wenceslaus Catholic Church in Duncan.


Margaret (Hakes) Bergman Aug. 2, 1920 — April 23, 2010 She loved us first, we loved her last. Our memories of her will never pass. She taught us well to respect one another. We will carry that legacy of her forever. Our hearts are filled with warm thoughts and thankfulness to those who sent prayers, cards, gifts and concerns with the passing of our Mother. — Vance and Judy Hakes Juanita and Ed Sikora Gayle and Harlan Snow Virginia and Jerry Weiland Bruce Hakes Kathryn and James Holck Harold and Susan Hakes



Martin Meier, 80 SWALEDALE — An open house in honor of Martin Meier’s 80th birthday will be held from 1 to 4 p.m. Saturday, May 15, at the Clear Lake Evangelical Free Church, 1310 Highway 18 West, Clear Lake. Martin Meier was born May 19, 1930, and currently resides in Swaledale. All of Martin’s friends and relatives are welcome to attend the open house. Greetings may be sent to: 515 Main St., Swaledale, Iowa 50477.


Thank you A huge thank you to our friends and family for the beautiful cards, gifts and well wishes for our 60th anniversary. You made our day special! Thanks so much! — Dick and Delores Avise


Maria Luisa Martinez If all our prayers were answered, And all our dreams came true, These last three years would not exist, And we would still have you. But we laugh, we talk, we play our part, Behind our smiles are broken hearts. Of all the gifts in life, However big or small, To have you as our grandma was the greatest gift of all.

Forever in our hearts, Janette, Ericha, Alicia

Thank you A big Thank you to our great kids and in-law kids for a fabulous family celebration of our 60th anniversary. Also, “thank you” to all our friends, family, etc., who remembered us by card or personally. We are truly blessed to have you all in our lives. — Alice and Marloe Ellingson



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Dr. Pat Carney Dr. Jake Sorensen 800 1st Ave. N., Clear Lake, IA • 641-357-8111 MS-20136269

E10 ✦ SUNDAY, MAY 9, 2010


Tesene, 65 years MANLY — John and Barb Tesene of Manly were married May 13, 1945, at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in Clear Lake. John and Barb will celebrate their 65th anniversary with a family dinner. The couple’s children are Steve and (Pat) Tesene of Des Moines, Pat Stapf and fiance (Dennis Green) of St. Peters, Mo., Roy and (Connie) Tesene of Garner, (Dennis) and Kathy Kruger of Manly and (Perley) and Deb Holloway of Mason City. They also have 13 grandchildren, five stepgrandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren.


Webster, Rosendahl ERICA WEBSTER, of Manly, is the daughter of Steve and Penny Merrill of Charles City. She is a 2002 graduate of Charles City High School, a 2005 graduate of North Iowa Area Community College and a 2007 graduate of Buena Vista University with a degree in criminal justice. Erica is employed with Total Security and Investigations in Mason City. JOSH ROSENDAHL, of Manly, is the son of Mark and Gloria Rosendahl of Greetings may be sent to Northwood. He is a 1999 John and Barb at 623 S. graduate of Mason City Broadway, Manly, Iowa High School, and a 2000 50456. graduate of North Iowa Area Community College with a degree in building

DANA LYBBERT, of Mason City, is the daughter of Kent and Anita Lybbert, also of Mason City. She is a May 2008 graduate of Iowa State University with a degree in interior design. She is employed with Bergland and Cram Architects in Mason City. AARON THOMAS, of Mason City, is the son of Dean and Kathy Thomas of Orlando, Fla. He is a May 2008 graduate of Iowa State University with a degree in landscape

Since 1935!


Hinders, Whipple

trades. Josh is employed as a manager for Family Time Rentals in Charles City. The couple will be married at 5 p.m. on June 12, 2010, at the Little Brown Church in Nashua.

Lybbert, Thomas

Dunn, 60 years


Trusted and



MASON CITY — David E. and Elaine (Faulk) Dunn of Mason City were married May 13, 1950, at the First architecture. Aaron is Christian Church in Decorah. employed with Blackmore David and Elaine celebrated their 60th wedding Nursery in Mason City. anniversary with a family picnic on May 2, 2010, at the The couple will be marClear Lake State Park Lodge in Clear Lake. ried at 5 p.m. on June 19, Cards may be sent to them at 1303 Sixth St. S.E., 2010, at Central Gardens Mason City, Iowa, 50401. in Clear Lake. The couple’s children and their spouses are Linda (Jim) Shaw of Elkader, David (Geri) Dunn, Mike (Shari) Dunn, Chapman, Becker Kathy (Doug) Kenney, all of Mason City, Wendy (Kyle) Thompson of Nora Springs. They also have 14 grandchilRITA CHAPMAN, of Ames, is the daughter of David dren, 20 great-grandchildren and two more on the way! and Angela Chapman of Mason City. Rita graduated from Des Moines Area Community College in 2010 with a nursing degree. She is currently a student at the UniverTHANK YOU sity of Iowa for her BSN. She is employed by ChildServe in Johnston. Thank you PETER BECKER, of Ames, is the son of Ron and Nancy Becker of Brookfield, Wis. Peter graduated from Iowa I want to thank everyone who phoned, e-mailed, sent a card or attended my open house. It meant so much to me State University in 2010 with a BA in Spanish and a BS in civil engineering. He is currently pursuing a master’s to have nearly 300 people attend my open house. I was overwhelmed with all your greetings and kind words. It is degree in geotechnical engineering. The couple will be married at 5:45 p.m. Aug. 20, 2010, a day I will never forget. God bless each of you. — Art Gratias at Grand River Center in Dubuque.

SAMANTHA JEAN HINDERS, of Charles City, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hinders of Mitchell. She is a graduate of Charles City Community Schools and is employed by Mr. Movies in Charles City. ERIC ROCKLEY WHIPPLE, of Charles City, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Whipple of Rock Falls. He is a graduate of Nora Springs-Rock Falls Community Schools and received his associate of arts degree from North Iowa Area Community College. He is currently working towards a degree in public administration at Upper Iowa University. He is employed as a full-time fire fighter with the Charles City Fire Department and a part-time paramedic with American Medical Responde, out of Charles City. The couple will be married at 2 p.m. on July 17, 2010, at the Trinity United Methodist Church in Charles City.

News, sports, opinion, celebrations, the latest forecast, classified ads, ... It’s all available, all the time, at www.globegazette.com.

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SUNDAY, MAY 9, 2010 ✦ E11



Party & Event Planning


Miller, Pearce MASON CITY — Angela Pearce and Ben Miller were married Oct. 3, 2009, at the Trinity Lutheran Church in Mason City by the Rev. Jim Magelssen. Angela is the daughter of Roger and Dee Pearce of Mason City. She is the granddaughter of Elizabeth Hinrichsen of Rock Falls and DeEtta Pearce of Mason City. Ben is the son of Craig and Janet Miller of Mason City. He is the grandson of Les and Jo Deardeuff of Rockwell and Diane Miller of Forest City. Maid of honor was Ashley Pearce. Matron of honor was Kaley Little. Other attendants to the bride were Tonya Molak, Courtney Kohler and Lena Frein. Angela’s personal attendant was Nicole Carroll. Best man was Dylan Miller. The groom’s other attendants were Brad Bohl, Troy Porter, Brandon Millard and Kyle Abben. Ushers were Travis Butler, Kyle Faaborg and Troy Wyborny. Special music selections were “I Will Be Here” and “The Lord’s Prayer.” Brad Van Horn was the soloist. A reception hosted by Arlyn and Julie Butler and Larry and Nancy Carroll was held at the Holiday Inn in Mason City. Angela is a 2003 graduate of Mason City High School and a 2008 graduate of the University of North-

BRIDAL SHOPS The Bridal Theatre 139 W. 4th St., St. Ansgar, IA 50472 641.713.2303 www.bridaltheatre.com Our First Priority is YOU-Everything for your Special Occasion...from gowns and tuxes to all of the accessories; add to that exceptional personal service, and you have the wedding you’ve dreamed of! Stay close to home-where it doesn’t cost more, it’s just nicer- at The Bridal Theatre in St. Ansgar. 641-713-2303 www.bridaltheatre.com Store Hours: Mon-Fri 10am-5pm; Sat 10am-3pm

ern Iowa. She is employed with Des Moines Public Schools in Des Moines. Ben is a 2003 graduate of Mason City High School and a 2007 graduate of the University of Northern Iowa. He is employed with Wells Fargo in West Des Moines. Following a honeymoon to the Dominican Republic, the couple resides in Clive.

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E12 ✦ SUNDAY, MAY 9, 2010


Can she be 50?

Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Birthday Ev! Love you, Mom Betty Regan!

Happy 4th Birthday

We love you Mom


May 14th Zander Dickinson Love you, Grandpa Heizelman


Dreams coming true, An angel there with you! We couldn’t be prouder. Rock Chalk Jayhawk! Love Always, Mom, Dad, Dustin, & Nick, Grandma & Grandpa Coe

Congratulations Class of 2010

Brendon Todd Campbell Mason City High School A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Congratulations Brendon! Choose your steps wisely. We love you! Mom, Dad, Kallie & McKenna

Congratulations Class of 2010

Congratulations Class of 2010

Debbie Dyre Ventura High School

Congratulations Class of 2010 Congratulations Class of 2010


Congratulations Class of 2010


We are so proud of you. You hung on and didn’t let go. Mutton Bustin’ Champ, April 24, 2010 at the Bull Riding. Thank you to everyone who supported Shelbey. Luv you Sunshine, Mom, Dad, Grandpa & Grandma Edgar & Family



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