Celebrations 06-06-10

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Mason City, Iowa âœŚ Sunday, June 6, 2010

25th Anniversary

Engaged Jim and Jan Dorenkamp of Sheffield are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter,

Michael Hrubes and Charlotte Luppen

Sunita Dorenkamp, to Cody Ostendorf,

were married June 7, 1985, at St. Wenceslaus Catholic Church in Duncan.

son of Robert and Diane Ostendorf of Meservey.

Congratulations Andrew On behalf of the President of the United States of America, the Admissions Committee of the United States Military Academy takes great pleasure in announcing an appointment to Andrew James Bovard to the class of 2014.

Engaged Morgan Koerber and Lt. Christopher Burk will be married at 4 p.m. on July 13, 2010, at St. James Lutheran Church in Mason City.

E2 ✦ SUNDAY, JUNE 6, 2010

Retirement party for Rusty Seidel

CELEBRATIONS Happy Birthday Bo Bo!

Please come and help us celebrate Rusty’s 25 years of service to NIACC from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Friday, June 11, at Georgia Hanford Park, Mason City.

Calla J. Cahill 80 Years Young

Congratulations Andrew On behalf of the President of the United States of America, the Admissions Committee of the United States Military Academy takes great pleasure in announcing an appointment to Andrew James Bovard to the class of 2014. Andrew will also be a member of the Division 1 Black Knights swimming team of West Point, N.Y. Andrew is the son of Scott and Laura Bovard and brother to Gillian Bovard of Missoula, Mont., and the grandson of the Honorable Gilbert K. Bovard and Eugenia Bovard of Clear Lake. Andrew graduated from Loyola Sacred Heart High School in Missoula on May 23, 2010, where he was class president of the National

How To Submit Your Items If you have an item to submit to this section, please stop by the Globe Gazette for a form Monday-Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm at 300 North Washington, Mason City. Or you may print forms off of our website @ www.globegazette.com; click on Life / Celebrations

Honor Society, vice-president of the senior class and the graduation ceremony class speaker. Andrew achieved a Junior National time standard in the 100-yard butterfly in 2009 and he is a USA Swimming Academic AllAmerican for 2009-2010. Andrew will report to West Point on June 28, to start his six-week basic training before starting the academic year on Aug. 23.


Don Stangler, 80 Happy 90th Birthday, June 8!

Jean Bamrick will turn 80 years young on June 11, 2010. She was born in Mason City on June 11, 1925. She will celebrate her birthday at a family dinner. Birthday wishes can be sent to: Jean Bamrick, 616 Southview Drive, Rockwell, Iowa 50469. Love you Mom, Grandma and Great-Grandma.

— Your Family

A card shower is planned. Cards may be sent to the following address: 636 S. Louisiana Ave., Mason City, Iowa 50401.

Love — Judy, Jim, Don and all their families.

Theresa Amos, Section Designer ✦ GLOBE GAZETTE

MASON CITY — Don Stangler, of Mason City, will celebrate his 80th birthday at an open house from 1 to 4 p.m. Sunday, June 6, in the reception hall at the Senior Center, Mason City. He was born June 14, 1930 in Mason City.

The Deadline for Celebrations is each Monday by 5PM

To be printed in the Sunday’s Celebrations section and Online, items must be in the Globe Gazette office no later than 5 pm Monday prior to publication. We can’t take the information over the phone, and we ask that announcements be printed or typed. It would also be helpful if you include a daytime phone number in case there are any questions.

Engagements & Weddings: Standard announcement will be published free of charge without a photo. Custom wording and photos are an additional charge. (See chart below.) Anniversaries: At 25 years or more, we will publish the standard announcement free of charge. Anniversaries of less than 25 years can be published as a Family Event starting at $21.50. Custom wording & photos are an additional charge. (See chart below.) Birth Announcements: Standard birth announcements will be published free of charge without a photo. Custom wording & photos are an additional charge. (See chart below.) Retirements: Standard announcements without photo will be published free of charge. Custom wording and photos are an additional charge. (See chart below.)

Birthdays, Family Events, & Fun Photos:

Birthdays, family events & special achievements will be published for $21.50. This includes a B&W 1x2 photo & up to 50 words. Larger photos and additional words may be purchased. Birthdays of 80 years or more will be published without a photo free of charge. Custom wording and photos are an additional charge.

Cards of Thanks:

Will be published for $10 up to 50 words.

Social, Club Awards & Scholastic Achievement: Standard announcements will be published without photos free of charge. Photos are available for an additional charge.

Custom description: $15 for each additional 50 words available on any announcement.

Cover Positions: Cover positions are available

for $60, including color, on a first come, first serve basis. You are limited to 25 words on the cover.

Photos Charges:

1 col x 2” B&W ..................$16.50 1 col x 3” B&W ..................$21.50 2 col x 4” B&W ..................$31.50

1 col x 2” Color..................$26.50 1 col x 3” Color..................$31.50 2 col x 4” Color..................$51.50

SUNDAY, JUNE 6, 2010 ✦ E3





Carlee Plagge

Hughes, Taylor CLEAR LAKE — Jean Taylor and Dr. Dennis Hughes were married June 28, 2009 at Clear Lake Evangelical Free Church, Clear Lake, with the Rev. Dan Jordan and the Rev. Larry Yeoman officiating. Jean is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Taylor, Mason City. Dennis is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hughes, Neligh, Neb. The matron of honor was Janet Grey, sister of Thank You There are no words that can express what an AMAZ- the bride, and best man was Eric Hughes, son of ING day I had Sunday May 16, 2010. I would like to the groom. thank everyone involved in my surprise birthday party Special guests were the at LD’s. (It definitely was a surprise). Thank you to groom’s children: Eric everyone who took part in organizing the car cruise, Hughes, Houston, Texas; River City Street Rods and North Iowa Mopar. Tracy and Adam and Natalie HughLeigh Kading, Gary and Barb Reynolds for grilling and es, Joplin, Mo.; Craig and serving all the food. The birthday cake was amazing. Thank you to Lori and Jerry, Danielle and Matt my chil- Bethany Hughes, Omaha, Neb., and Katrina Hughdren, and Brandyn and Shelbey my grandchildren for es, Norfolk, Neb. such a surprise. Thank you Mason City Police DepartA reception was held at ment for the escort and everyone involved with the food donations: Chris, Mike, and Guy, and all the hamburger The Music Man Square, Mason City. and hotdog buns too. A big thank you to KLSS — Harry Jean is a graduate of ‘O for the wonderful ‘50s and ‘60s music. Thank you Iowa State University, again to everyone who attended my surprise. with a bachelor of science — Harold Edgar (Mr. LD) degree in physical education, and a master of edu-

Thank you

My heartfelt thanks to Mary Jo for making my 85th birthday known. It resulted in my hearing from friends I otherwise wouldn’t have heard from. The cards, flowers, gifts and dinner with family are memories to be cherished always. Thanks to all of you for your thoughts. — Wanda Depping

Elaine Marie (Roach) Jones January 10, 1929 — May 18, 2010 The family of Elaine Jones would like to thank all relatives, friends and neighbors for their prayers, cards and letters of condolence, gifts, beautiful flowers and plants. Thank you to all the wonderful people of Garner who gave her friendship over the years. Each of you had such a special place in her heart and now she lives on in all of our hearts. She was a devoted mother and grandmother. Elaine Marie Jones left a legacy to our family that will live forever. —Suzanne (Gene) Johnson and family Priscilla (Jim) Meyer and family Dennis (Pam) Jones and family Sallie (Matt) Czaplewski and family

NEW ARRIVAL CLEAR LAKE — Nick and Debbie Plagge, of Clear Lake, are parents of a daughter, Carlee Ellen Plagge, born at 12:14 p.m. April 22, 2010 at Mary Greeley Medical Center, Ames. She weighed 6 lbs., 10 oz., and was 21 inches long. She is welcomed by big brothers, Taylor and

cation degree. She was formerly an educator in the Mason City Community Schools. Dennis is a graduate of the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, with a bachelor of science degree in animal science and a graduate of Iowa State University, with a doctor of veterinary medicine degree. He is employed as the Nebraska state veterinarian, Lincoln, Neb. Following a honeymoon in Pagosa Springs, Colo., the couple resides in Lincoln.


In loving memory of Lori Keith who passed away June 6, 1990 Don’t think of her as gone away — her journey’s just begun. Life holds so many facets — this earth is only one... Just think of her as resting from the sorrows and the tears in a place of warmth and comfort where there are no days and years. Think how she must be wishing that we could know today how nothing but our sadness can really pass away. And think of her as living in the hearts of those she touched...

Charles Boehmer ROCKFORD — Kevin and Brenda Boehmer, of Rockford, are parents of a son, Charles Joseph Boehmer, born at 11:13 a.m. March 9, 2010 at Mercy Medical Center — North Iowa, Mason City. He weighed 9 lbs., 3 oz., and was 21½ inches long. Charlie is welcomed by his big brothers, Benjamin and Samuel. Grandparents are Galen and Linda Huhe, of Cresco, and Jerome and


Margaret Schultz, 80

Fran Boehmer, Alta Vista. Charles was baptized on April 17, at Holy Name Church, Rockford. His godparents are Ramona Martinek and Ron Martinek (Charles’ aunt and uncle).

Dylan, and grandparents, Don and Nancy Taylor, Des Moines, and Jody and Connie Plagge, of Latimer.

MASON CITY — A card shower is planned for Margaret Schultz, of Mason City, who will turn 80, on June 11. Cards may be sent to Margaret at the following address: 1161 Onyx Court, Mason City, Iowa, 50401. She requests no gifts, please.

for nothing loved is ever lost — and she was loved so much.

E4 ✦ SUNDAY, JUNE 6, 2010





Dow, 50 years

Myers, 50 years MASON CITY — Art K. and Iola R. (Baldwin) Myers of Mason City were married June 19, 1960, at the Little Brown Church in Nashua. They will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary with an open house from 1 to 4 p.m. on June 19, 2010, at 553 Second St. N.E., Mason City. They kindly request no gifts please. The couple’s children and their spouses are David and Diane Myers of Britt, Verle and Carol Myers of Nora Springs, Tina Myers of Chicago,


ROCKFORD — Bob and Karen (O’Connor) Dow of Rockford were married on June 6, 1960, at St. John’s Catholic Church in Cartersville. The couple celebrated their 50th anniversary at a supper with their family. Greetings may be sent to Bob and Karen Dow at 1240 Winnebago Road, Rockford, Iowa 50468. The couple’s children and their spouses are Bill Ill., Matt and Crystal Lang (Denise) Dow of Rockof Mason City. They also ford, Dan (Shantel) Dow have 11 grandchildren and of Russell, Iowa, Jim 15 great-grandchildren. (Debbie) Dow of Rockford and Mike (Jody) Dow of

Rockford. They also have 13 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.


New Arrivals

Degen, 50 years

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ROCKWELL — Larry Degen and Cathy (Scholl) Degen of Rockwell were married June 11, 1960, at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Rockwell. The couple will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary with an open house from 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday, June 13, 2010, at Linn Grove Country Club in Rockwell. The couple’s children and their spouses are John and Kruckenberg, 50 years Jodi Degen, Rockwell; Deb and Eric Powers, St. Ansgar; Mike and Lisa Degen, Mason City; Robert and Julie ROCKWELL — Larry and Deanna (Oehlert) KruckenDegen, Rochester, Minn.; Andy and Jackie Degen, berg of Rockwell were married June 12, 1960. They will Coralville. They also have 15 grandchildren and four celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary with a family great-grandchildren. dinner on Saturday, June 12, 2010. They request no gifts, please. Greetings may be sent to them at 619 Southview Drive, Rockwell, Iowa 50469. The couple’s children and their spouses are Kurt ANNIVERSARY Kruckenberg (Dina) of Omaha, Neb., Kandee Bartholomew, and special friend, Jack Reimer, of Mason Hrubes, 25 years City. They also have five grandchildren. BRITT — Michael Hrubes and Charlotte THANK YOU (Luppen) Hrubes were married June 7, 1985, at St. Thank You Wenceslaus Catholic Church in Duncan. Thank you friends and family who helped us celebrate They will celebrate their our 65th wedding anniversary. Thank you for the many 25th anniversary later with cards, gifts, phone calls, and wishes of happiness we their children, Lacy and received. It meant a lot to know that many friends were Tony Kelly, Amara and thinking of us on our special day. A special thank you to of Britt. Coewhan Kelley of BelGreetings may be sent to our children and their spouses for the wonderful party mond, Joshua Hrubes of they gave us. the couple at 1895 Nash Garner and Brandi Hrubes Ave., Britt, Iowa 50423. — John and Barb Tesene

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SUNDAY, JUNE 6, 2010 ✦ E5




Weiner awarded degree from Buena Vista

Clear Lake Class of 2010 honors

CLEAR LAKE — Clear Lake High School released honors information for members of the Class of 2010. Academic Leaders of the Class of 2010: (Seniors ranking in the top 10 percent of their class): Nick Glynn, Andrew Hansen, Eric Hansen, Levi Kellogg, Tanzeh Khan, Sarah Loux, Justin Mikesell, Ann Scherber, Kim Scherber, Alex Uhlenhopp. 2010 President’s Edu cation Awards Program: (The President’s Education Awards program, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education, in partnership with the National Association of Elementary School Principals and the MASON CITY — Keely Weiner received her master of National Association of science education degree from Buena Vista University, Secondary School Princion May 22. pals, honors students She is a school counselor at West Fork High School who have received a 3.5 and Elementary in Sheffield. grade point average and We are proud of you! are in the 90th percentile —Love, Brent, Emma, Jayce, Cole, on their Iowa Tests of Tess and mom and dad.

Educational Development). Jordan Crosser, Nick Glynn, Andrew Hansen, Eric Hansen, Sara Hicok, Zach Johnson, Levi Kellogg, Tanzeh Khan, Sarah Loux, Chris Lovell, Drake Lundeen, Justin Mikesell, James Moran, Manali Patel, David Pope, Tanner Rollefson, Ann Scherber, Kim Scherber, Jason Sholly, Holly Thorpe, Alex Uhlenhopp, Anna Witt. 2010 North Central Conference Academic Team: (The North Central Conference recognizes students who have received a 3.6 grade point average and scored a 26 or higher on the ACT). Jordan Crosser, Nick Glynn, Sam Hamlin, Andrew Hansen, Eric Hansen, Sara Hicok, Zach Johnson, Levi Kellogg, Tanzeh Khan, Sarah


Lauritsen to take part in the Global Young Leaders conference Preparing for the Global Challenges and Responsibilities of the Future.” Students will interact with leaders and newsmakers who have influence over politics, finance, culture and diplomacy and will take part in a curriculum that builds leadership skills. The GYLC culminates with the Global Summit, in which students apply what they’ve learned throughout the conference, as they debate, negotiate and build coalitions dealing with

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Lauritsen issues such as foreign aid, global warming, cooperative efforts in space, terrorism and human rights.


NORA SPRINGS — Hunter Lauritsen, of Nora Springs, is taking part in a Global Young Leaders Conference (GYLC) this summer in Washington, D.C., and New York City. He is a student at Central Springs High School, and is the son of Enid and T.J. Lauritsen, Nora Springs. Outstanding high school scholars from around the world are participating in the conference. The theme of the conference is “The Leaders of Tomorrow

Loux, Chris Lovell, Drake Lundeen, Justin Mikesell, James Moran, Manali Patel, David Pope, Ann Scherber, Kim Scherber, Jason Sholly, Holly Thorpe, Alex Uhlenhopp, Anna Witt.

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E6 ✦ SUNDAY, JUNE 6, 2010


Aaron Schmidt


(Sept. 14, 1984 June 5, 2005) Dearly Missed Love, Dad and Sam

Diane Schaefer Finals are done! NowParty at our house 6-12-10 1-6 p.m.

All Dressed Up And Ready to Roll!

Rilee and Josephine Portis

Happy Retirement Brad Huso!

Congratulations to both on your perfect attendance in school this year. Good Job! Love, Mom, Dad, and Family Grandma and Grandpa Portis and Family

No more plowing snow, No more treating ice. Sleeping in will sure be nice. No more broken posts, No more bent signs, We hope you can hit that golf ball in a straight line!

Gary, Sissy, Mom, Dad, Fancy, Scooter, Rufus, Peanut.


Congratulations on your retirement Hus! You will be missed! From your co-workers at the DOT maintenance garage

Happy 16th birthday, Caleb! Love, Mom, Dad and Chelsea

This Week’s Featured Local Business

Thank You Happy Birthday Dave Clausen

This young fisherman was born 6-1-60. Today he is 50.


Thank you for all of your endless support, gifts, calls and prayers during our difficult time of loss. Our words can only touch upon the gratitude we have for everyone who has been present with us, whether it is by work of your hands, heart or spirit we are truly grateful. Gordy was always a pillar of strength in his family, church and community. He will be greatly missed by all. God bless always. (How bout that?) — Delores Marsh and Family

Monroe Junior High/Middle School closed 25 years ago in 1985. Former staff have yearly gatherings with the last one on May 25. Those at this year’s “reunion:” Men standing: Steve DeFrance, Eldon Meyers, Dave Mitchell, Earl Ophiem, Jim See, Bob Johnson, Bob Wilson. Women standing: Betty Morse, Jan McCauley, Doris Weber, Kathie Vix. Women seated: Hazel Chuck, Margie Steinberg, Betty Burley and Arlene Salz

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SUNDAY, JUNE 6, 2010 ✦ E7






Speakar, 25 years CLEAR LAKE — Robert and Aletha Speakar, of Clear Lake, will observe their 25th wedding anniversary at a family celebration, June 19, at Speakar Auction Barn, Clear Lake. They were married June 8, 1985 at Zion Lutheran Church. They have a son, Mike (Shelly) Eggers, Clear Lake, and grandchildren, Nicolas, Luke and Alec.


Hernan, 50 years

Wes Cagle, 80

ST. ANSGAR — Montel Hernan and Kay (Eastman) Hernan were married June 11, 1960 at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Osage. The couple will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary with a family dinner. Cards may be sent to them at the following address: 4040 Echo Ave., St. Ansgar, Iowa 50472. They request no gifts, please. The couple’s children and their spouses are: Ervin and Chris Follmuth, Mason City; Charlene and Jim Pajer, Carpenter; John and Carolyn Werner, Osage; Darlene Hernan, Osage, and Geraldine and Dan Angiulli, Appleton, Wis. There are nine grandchildren and three greatgrandchildren.

CLEAR LAKE — Wes Cagle, of Clear Lake, will celebrate his 80th birthday with a family dinner on June 12. Greetings may be sent to Wes at: 601 19th St. W., Clear Lake, Iowa 50428.

Retirement Jim Garnass is retiring after 35 years with the Mason City School District. Please join us in celebrating Jim’s retirement at an open house from 1 to 4 p.m. Sunday, June 13 at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 428 W. Walnut St., Manly, Iowa.


Madelyn Seagraves

MASON CITY — On Dec. 21, 2009 Deni Jo and Matt Seagraves welcomed Geneva Ulrich, 80 MASON CITY — KIMT the school year. The award is little Madelyn Jo to their M A S O N CITY — hosted the 21st annual an honor to educators who family. Scholastic All-Stars/Golden are nominated by their stu- Geneva Ulrich (Garlock) Big brother Landon (who will celebrate her 80th Apple Awards luncheon, dents, based on the impact will be 3-years-old in July) birthday on June 6. May 13. KIMT began they’ve had on their lives. welcomed her home, as well She will celebrate at a Scholastic All-Stars in 1989 Six finalists were selected as grandparents Vicki (Jorfamily dinner, with her as a program to recognize from the winners: Shelly gensen) and Dennis Armahusband, Merlyn, in Clear high school seniors who DeVries, Brookside School, excel academically in school Albert Lea, Minn.; Jim Lake where she grew up as tis, of Beaumont, Calif., and Sherry and Shirley, of activities, and who are Miller, Central Springs High a child. active in their communities. School, Manly; Kari Brown, Geneva’s daughter and Hemit, Calif, and greatgrandparents, Beryl and Earl Each high school in the son-in-law, Lark and Joe Osage Middle School, Jorgensen, Mason City, and KIMT-viewing area was Osage; Becky Rose, Garner- Trygstad, along with her many, many aunts, uncles, invited to send two seniors grandchildren, Heather Hayfield Elementary who meet this criteria. Over School; Marilyn Rochford, Gene Simon, Keith Simon, cousins, etc. “Mattie” weighed 7 lbs., 100 seniors from 48 area Shane Simon, his wife, Washington Elementary 9 oz., at birth, the same as high schools attended the School, Charles City, and Kara Lee, and her seven Grandma Vicki did. luncheon. Mary Caspers, West Hangreat-granddaughters We have been so In combination with the cock Middle School, love “Mom” and are planblessed. “Praise be to you Scholastic All-Stars, KIMT Kanawha. ning a fun day! Happy Lord, and bless our little presented the Golden Apple Jim Miller of Central 80th! bundle of joy.” finalists and Teacher of the Springs High School was Year. For over 20 years, named the Golden Apple News, sports, opinion, celebrations, the latest forecast, KIMT has awarded an area Teacher of the Year. He classified ads, ... It’s all available, all the time, at teacher the Golden Apple received a large golden apple www.globegazette.com. Award, each week, during and a certificate.

Scholastic All-Stars/Golden Apple Luncheon

E8 ✦ SUNDAY, JUNE 6, 2010



AWARDS AND ACHIEVEMENTS Paredes, Isaac Kuhn, Noon Rotary Club Forest City H.S. Lindsay Hall, Aharon Scholarships Fine Arts Awards Stoeckel, Amanda Shook. Student Directors — MASON CITY — The FOREST CITY — ForMason City Noon Rotary est City High School held April McCormick, Simon Club presented scholara Fine Arts Awards Night, Sager, Felicity Olson. Set/Prop Painters — ships to four Mason City May 18. Rachel Fischer, Selah students. The winners Students recognized Zaldarriaga, Andrea were selected on the basis are as follows: Oklahoma! Cast — Ben Dahn, Katie Jordal. of academic performance, Adult Set Crew — and participation in com- Snyder, Felicity Olson, munity service projects April McCormick, Logan Kevin Bunger, Larry Rieffer, Chad Reece, Rick that exemplify the Rotary DeVries, Megan motto, “Service Above Kirschbaum, Jason Neu- DeVries, Kevin Scharper, Tom Blomme. Self.” mann, Jon Happel, Drama Director — Scholarship recipients Nathan Koch, Arlene Scott Bertelsen. are: Jones, Danika FredrickM usical Director — Emily son, Simon Sager, Zach Justin Metz. Bennett — Lillquist, Sam Keely, The Nerd: daughter of Russell Scharper, Cade Drama Directors — Chuck and Christensen, Jessica Karla BenTweeten, Skye Newcom, Scott Bertelsen, Dan Meyer. nett. She Becca Saatmann, Laura Set Crew — Kevin plans to Nelson, Evan Eischen, Bunger, Rick DeVries, attend Iowa Josh Bertelsen, Kayla Brian Keely, Larry RiefState UniShipman, Caleb Kruse, Bennett fer, Tom Blomme, Anthoversity, Lindsay Hall, Morgan ny Blomme. Ames. Gossman, Julia Jessen, The Cast — Jason NeuEmily Jessica Tweeten, Marta mann, Josh Bertelsen, Pappas — Krauze, Zach Lillquist, Logan DeVries, Gen daughter of Julia Jessen, Laura NelMichael and son, Elisa Prisco, Russell Halvorsen, Sam Keely, Caleb Kruse, Megan Roberta Scharper, Arlene Jones, Kirschbaum Cornelius. Kayla Shipman, Simon The Crew — She plans to Sager, Skye Newcom, Student Director and attend Danika Fredrickson, Props — Megan Luther Col- Rachael Jordahl, Nathan Kirschbaum. lege, Deco- Koch, Evan Eischen. Pappas Lights/Sound — Dan Oklahoma! Chorus — rah. May, Skye Newcom. Jordyn Arlene Jones, Danika Set Designers — Kevin Tobin — Fredrickson, Simon Bunger, Rick DeVries. daughter of Sager, Zach Lillquist, Speech Honors: Nathan and Laura Nelson, Jessica Speech officers are Stephani Tweeten, Nathan Koch, denoted with an asterisk Tobin. She Russell Scharper, Julia (*). plans to Jessen, Kayla Shipman, Seniors : Hillary attend the Cade Christensen, Evan Albertson, Amanda University Eischen, Alyssa Vining, Tobin Anderson, Lexi Bagley, of Northern Morgan Gossman, Josh Josh Bertelsen, Cade Iowa, Cedar Falls. Bertelsen, Sam Keely, Christensen, *Logan Emily Tricia Trimble, Rachael DeVries, Morgan GossWiltsie — Jordahl, Anthony man, Julia Jessen, Justin daughter of Blomme, Caleb Kruse, Mattingly, *Jason NeuDoug and Katie Jordal, Marta mann, Jenna Rasmussen, Nancy Krauze, Ben Langerud, Katie Wencl, Selah ZalWiltsie. She Tyler Determann, Lexi dariaga. plans to Bagley, Elisa Prisco, Juniors: Evan Eischen, attend Iowa Robert Searcy, Rachel State UniFischer, Becca Saatmann, Brooke Faulkner, Gen Wiltsie versity, Quinten Peterson, Mada- Halvorsen, *Megan Kirschbaum, Sam Keely, Ames. line Adams, Natasha

Isaac Kuhn, Caleb Kruse, Cody Lauritsen, *April McCormick, *Felicity Olson, Dyllon Owen, Chelsea Reicks, *Simon Sager. Sophomores : Nate Byro, Ashley Christopherson, Nathan Koch, Riley Scharper, *Jon Happel, Jenny Lunning, Katie Jordal, Robert Searcy, Emily Jensen, Cole Schwartz, Josh May, Rachael Jordahl, Anthony Blomme, *Tricia Trimble, Ben Langerud. Freshmen : Skye Newcom, Tyler Tweeten, Russell Scharper, Natasha Paredes, Zach Lillquist, McKenzie Baker. All State Outstanding Performers :

Varsity Choral Reading — Hillary Albertson, Josh Bertelsen, Nate Byro, Logan DeVries, Danika Fredrickson, Morgan Gossman, Julia Jessen, Nathan Koch, McKenzie Krieger, Caleb Kruse, Cody Lauritsen, Nicole Nesset, Jason Neumann, Simon Sager, Katie Wencl. Varsity Reader’s The atre: “Laramie Project” — Lexi Bagley, Anthony Blomme, Ashley Christopherson, Gen Halvorsen, Emily Jensen, Julia Jessen, Jenny Lunning, Dyllon Owen, Jenna Rasmussen, Tricia Trimble, Katie Wencl, Selah Zaldarriaga. Radio Broadcasting —

Selah Zaldarriaga, Justin Mattingly, Riley Scharper. Individual All-State at UNI on March 29, 2010 : Logan DeVries — Improvisational Acting. Jon Happel —Improvisational Acting. Felicity Olson — Literary Program. Jason Neumann — Storytelling. Justin Mattingly — Spontaneous Speaking. A special recognition went to four seniors who were nominated for AllState Large Group, for four years in the category of Choral Reading : Josh Bertelsen, Logan DeVries, Morgan Gossman, Jason Neumann.

SUNDAY, JUNE 6, 2010 ✦ E9




AWARDS AND ACHIEVEMENTS Outstanding Male Character — David Birkedal -Snoopy. Outstanding Female MASON CITY — Stebens Children’s The- Character — Katie S c hickel -Asphyxia. atre held its annual Outstanding Male award ceremony Saturday, May 15. The awards Character in a Supportcelebrate talent, training ing Role — Ben Tremmel -Linus. and commitment. Outstanding Female The following people are the 2009/10 Stebens Character in a SupportChildren’s Theatre award ing Role — Angela Zook , West Witch. winners: Unique Male Character Anne Cameron Award — Sawyer Goetz , But— Christy Ogaard . tons. Andy Gasaway Spirit Unique Female CharAward — Angela Zook. acter – Hope Johnson , The Karl J. Eckhart Leadership Award — Rex Elmira Gulch. Outstanding Back Davenport . Stage Actor — Ben Hoek The Erin E. Olson stra . Leadership Award — Outstanding Back David Birkedal . Stage Actress — Molly SCT Senior Award — Atherton . Katie FitzPatrick, Hope Adjudicated Best Johnson, Christy Actor Awards from the Ogaard, Matthew Patchen, Allison Ulstad . adjudication night: Matthew Patchen and SCT Play Award — Sabrina Zawierucha . Craig Bergan, Kaitlin Adjudicated Best Bergan, Elaena Hoekstra, Scene awards from the Callie Odegaard, Ben adjudication night: Rex Tremmel, Nic Murray, Davenport, Kristina Laura Uhl . Doaud, Callie Ginapp, SCT Tech Award — Abby Morgan, Matthew Kaitlin Bergan and Rex Patchen and Sabrina Davenport .

Stebens annual award ceremony

Zawierucha . Outstanding Crew Awards: Rex Davenport, Alexandra Dunlay, Emily Dodd, Bethany Larson, Nic Murray, Elizabeth Ouverson and Ben Trem mel . Susan D. Fisher Award: Ellen FitzPatrick and Barb Goetz . First Character Awards — Justin Andersen, Jade Benter, Kristina Daoud, Sarah Floden, Emily Follmuth, Anna Francis, Mia Francis, Brooke Hoeppner, Brena Hamil ton, Emilie Harrison, Maggie Harrison, Sarah Haskin, Nicole Howard, Stephanie Lapointe, Jace Leininger, Haley Muyskens, Emilee Nel son, Lauren Noto, Tyler Ogaard, Amelia Ouver son, Lydia Ouverson, Natalie Scholl, Paige Walker, Spencer Wood ward, Adam Zawierucha and John Zook . Finally, the leadership award was renamed the Kevin Dear Leadership Award in honor of Kevin’s outstanding SCT Board leadership over the past several years.

YOUR DAD and win a bike from Wayne’s Draw your Dad on an 8 1/2”x 11” white sheet of paper. Your drawing will be featured in our special “Draw Your Dad” section in Celebrations on June 20th. One lucky kid will win a Trek or Haro bike from Wayne’s. Valued up to $360, winner receives one bike.


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E10 ✦ SUNDAY, JUNE 6, 2010



Bradshaw, 40 years CLEAR LAKE — Gary Bradshaw and Dureen (Gossman) Bradshaw, of Clear Lake, were married June 13, 1970 at St. Nicholas Church, Evansdale. They will celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary with a card shower. Cards may be sent to the couple at the following address: 2708 S. Lakeview Drive, Clear Lake, Iowa 50428. The couple’s children and families are: son, Jason Bradshaw, wife, Julie, and children, Sydney, Clear Lake, Private First Class

Spencer Rollefson, of Anchorage, Alaska, and daughter, Heather Hornbuckle and fiance, Robert Bromley and children Jon and Allysa, Hopkins, Minn. There are five grandchildren (one is deceased).


Luecht, 25 years MASON CITY — John Luecht and Jackie (Thompson) Luecht, of Mason City, will observe their 25th wedding anniversary, June 8. They were married June 8, 1985 at Holy Family Church, Mason City. Their children are: Emily, Joshua and Morgan Luecht, all of Mason City.



Edgar Stalker, 80 ALBERT LEA, Minn. — Edgar Stalker, of Albert Lea, Minn., will celebrate his 80th birthday at an open house from 2 to 5 p.m. Saturday, June 19, at the Rudd, Iowa, Lake Shelter, near the campground. He was born June 19, 1930 in Rudd. Cards may be sent to Edgar at the following address: 1420 Sparton Ave., Albert Lea, Minn., 56007.


VanDonselaar, Thomas

Dorenkamp, Ostendorf

JESSICA VANDONSE LAAR, of Cedar Rapids, is the daughter of Rod and Tammy Creps of Grinnell, and the late John VanDonselaar. Jessica is a 2004 graduate of Grinnell Community Schools and will graduate in May 2011 from Allen College in Waterloo with a bachelor of science degree in nursing. She is employed by St. Luke’s Hospital in Cedar Rapids. DEREK THOMAS, of Cedar Rapids, is the son of Mike and Lori Thomas of Mason City. Derek is a 2003 graduate of Newman Catholic Schools in Mason City, and a 2008 graduate of the University of Northern Iowa with a bachelor of science degree in chemistry. Derek will graduate

Jim and Jan Dorenkamp of Sheffield are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Sunita Dorenkamp, to Cody Ostendorf, son of Robert and Diane Ostendorf of Meservey. Sunita is a 2007 graduate of SheffieldChapin/Meservey-Thornton High School and a 2009 graduate of Hawkeye Community College. She is employed with Miller & Miller P.C. in Hampton. Cody is a 2007 graduate of SheffieldChapin/Meservey-Thornton High School. He will graduate from Iowa State

from the University of Iowa with a masters of science degree in analytical chemistry in December of 2010. He is employed by University of Iowa in Iowa City. The couple will be married at 3 p.m. on June 19, 2010, at Grinnell Christian Church in Grinnell.

Fiskness, Engh Happy Anniversary! — Love, your family


ANDREA FISKNESS, of Charles City, is the daughter of Loren and Kathy Fiskness of Osakis, Minn. Andrea graduated from Osakis High School in Osakis, Minn., in 2000, and from Minnesota State University-Moorhead in 2004. She is employed by Early Head Start in Charles City. BRAD ENGH, of Charles City, is the son of Diane and Scott Dodd of Garner, and Arnold Engh of Kanawha. Brad graduated from West Hancock High

School in 1999, and from Iowa State University in 2003. He is employed by Morton Buildings in Charles City. The couple will be married July 17, 2010, in Osakis, Minn.

University in December with a major in agricultural business and a minor in agronomy. The couple plans to be married Aug. 7, 2010, at Wesley United Methodist Church in Mason City. A reception will follow the ceremony at the North Iowa Area Community College Activity Center.

Koerber, Burk MORGAN KOERBER, of Mason City, is the daughter of Mark and Marsha Koerber, also of Mason City. She is a 2005 graduate of Mason City High School, a 2007 graduate of North Iowa Area Community College with AA and AS degrees. Morgan will graduate from the University of Iowa in December, 2010, with an RN-BSN degree. LT. CHRISTOPHER BURK, of Council Bluffs, is the son of Arlo and Sandi Burk of Council Bluffs. He is a 2001 graduate of Abraham Lincoln High School in Council Bluffs and

received a bachelor of science degree in integrative physiology from the University of Iowa. Chris is serving with the United States Army in Council Bluffs. The couple will be married at 4 p.m. on July 13, 2010, at St. James Lutheran Church in Mason City.



Thank you A big thank you to all who made my 70th birthday such a big event. Thanks for all the special wishes, cards, flowers and gifts. Special thanks to Becky and Larry for all the work they put into it. This was a day I will always cherish. — Ruth Redmond

Thank you

Hamline University graduate

ST. PAUL, Minn. — Evan J. Zach, of Mason City, Iowa, graduated cum laude from Hamline University I would like to thank everyone who attended my retirement party. It meant a great deal to me to know so Law School in St. Paul, on May 22. He is the son of James and Cynthia Zach, of Mason many could share in this day. A special thank you to all the Head Start staff for their hard work and contribution City, Iowa. to making this a great party! I will miss you all! — Marilyn Hedegard

Party & Event Planning


BRIDAL SHOPS The Bridal Theatre 139 W. 4th St., St. Ansgar, IA 50472 641.713.2303 www.bridaltheatre.com Our First Priority is YOU-Everything for your Special Occasion...from gowns and tuxes to all of the accessories; add to that exceptional personal service, and you have the wedding you’ve dreamed of! Stay close to home-where it doesn’t cost more, it’s just nicer- at The Bridal Theatre in St. Ansgar. 641713-2303 www.bridaltheatre.com Store Hours: Mon-Fri 10am-5pm; Sat 10am-3pm

Jacobsen, 45 years NORA SPRINGS — Raymond and Jolene (Kavars) Jacobsen of Nora Springs were married June 13, 1965, at the Calvary Alliance Church in Mason City. The couple will celebrate their 45th anniversary with an open house from 2 to 4 p.m. on June 13, 2010, at St. Luke Lutheran Church in Nora Springs. Their children and spouses are Jody (Mike) Dow and John (Cassie) Jacobsen. They also have six grandchildren.

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The Bridal Garden 641.585.9333 www.bridalgardeniowa.com Miller Photography 641.590.0659 306 South Clark, Forest City The Bridal Garden celebrating our 10th Anniversary. We carry gowns, tiaras, dresses & more. We can assist you with outfitting your entire wedding party (dresses to tuxes). Come experience the personal touch from the Bridal Garden. Weddings made easy. Formalities 641.423-6124 21 2nd St NE, Mason City formalitiesbridalwear.com formalitiesbridalwear@yahoo.com Formalities has gowns for every size and every age. Baptismal, flowergirls, junior bridesmaids, prom, bridesmaids, bridals, mother and grandmother gowns! We have over 100 wedding gowns in stock and are always receiving new styles! Trust our elite group of seamstresses to create that perfect fit! Formalities carries all the accessories needed for your special event! Formalities is also North Iowa’s prom headquarters! We stock over 200 prom gowns and register your gown for your school! Don’t forget our fashion purses with over 50 in stock. Shop Formalities - yesterday, today and tomorrow. Sweet Things, etc. 641.822.4918 114 3rd Street, Rockwell Tues. & Thurs. Noon-8pm; Wed. & Fri. Noon6pm; Sat. 10am-2pm; Sun. By Appointment www.sweetthingsetc.com Sweet Things, etc. is your full service bridal shop offering everything you need for you and your special day. We offer hundreds of gowns in stock in all sizes for you to choose from, and of course in-house alterations. We require appointments for bridal consultations so we can spend one-on-one time helping you choose the perfect gown! Sweet Things, etc... making beautiful weddings, one bride at a time! Check our website for upcoming events!!


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Sew Heavenly Creations LLC 641.892.4111 209 W. Gilman St. Sheffield, IA Open M, W, F 12 Noon-5pm; Tu, Th 12 Noon-7pm;


Sat 10am-3pm: Appointments welcome. www.sewheavenlycreations.net Email: sewheavenly@netins.net Let us help you make your wedding day special. We have a variety of bridal gowns, bridesmaid dresses, mother and grandmother gowns. We provide in-house alterations, free of charge, to ensure the perfect fit. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, our seamstresses will help you design your perfect dress. We also have a great selection of accessories. Tux rental is available. Sew Heavenly Creations is your “Bridal Store & Sew Much More!” DJ SERVICES Kirk’s Custom DJ 641.423.1126 or 800.496.1126 www.kirkscustomdj.com Make your wedding reception dreams a reality and your dance truly fun, unique & memorable. INVITATIONS Uncorked 312 Main Avenue,Clear Lake 641.357.1120 www.uncorkedclearlake.com Uncorked proudly offers all of the hottest trends in save the date cards, invitations, enclosure cards, programs, thank you notes, and bridal essentials. Call today to schedule your private consultation. PRINTING PSI - Printing Services, Inc. 641.424.3538 1915 4th St. SW, Mason City Printing for all of your special occasion needs: Weddings, Graduation, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Reunions, Baby & More! PostNet 641.423.1980 451 Indian Head Dr., Mason City Between Wal-Mart & Kohl’s Featuring the finest in personalized wedding and social stationery Whether it’s an invitation for a wedding, an anniversary or graduation, depend on PostNet to deliver the perfect message. RECEPTIONS Mason City Country Club 641.424.3014 3331 19th St. SW, Mason City Membership not required! Sit down dinners. Multiple style buffets. Appetizer buffet. Dance floor and more! Call today for more information. MacNider Art Museum 641.421.3666 303 Second Street SE, Mason City barracks@macniderart.org Unforgettable weddings, distinguished receptions. An elegant setting to make lasting memories.

RECEPTIONS Grafton Community Center 641.748.2970 or 641.420.3609 202 6th Avenue, Grafton grafton@wctatel.net Large facility great for wedding receptions, parties, and anniversaries. Many decorations available at NO extra charge. Meeting room also available. Duncan Community Ballroom 641.843.3353 4 miles west of Garner www.duncanballroom.com Seating for 500, 40x70 dance floor. Serve your own food/ caterers welcome. Meeting room available. Knights of Columbus 641.424.5300 551 S. Taft, Mason City Beautiful facility to host your wedding, anniversary or meetings. Max capacity of 300. Please call for additional information. REHEARSAL DINNERS Decker House Bed & Breakfast / Sour Grapes Bistro 641.423.4700 or 888.363.4700 119 2nd street SE, Mason City www.masoncityia.com/deckerhouse/ Elegant surroundings in this Neoclassical 1890’s home. Perfect for intimate weddings, rehearsal dinners, luncheons and cozy receptions. Conveniently located behind Music Man Square. TRAVEL Allen Travel Agency & Cruise Quest 641.357.5223 or 800.475.5223 300 1st Ave. N., Clear Lake We are your full time professional travel planners and cruise vacation specialist, in service since 1951. TUXEDOS Moorman Clothiers 641.423.5222 / 2 South Federal, Mason City info@moormanclothiers.com www.moormanclothiers.com Your Tuxedo Professionals Sir Knight Formalwear 641.424.6018 19 2nd Street NE, Mason City www.andersonformalwear.com Formalwear is our specialty. Detailed individualized service. WEDDING SITE AND RECEPTION PM Park 15297 Rainy Drive South Shore, Clear Lake 641.357.1991 or 641.529.2222 www.pmpark.net

Wedding site, reception and lodging available all on beautiful Clear Lake.

Mercy – North Iowa

Celebrates Associate Anniversaries Mercy Medical Center – North Iowa is grateful for all the talent, time and dedication it has from its associates. There were 243 Mercy associates who celebrated anniversary milestones in May.

10 Years

25 35





Five Mercy Associates celebrated 40 years of service this year. Scott Leighty, Senior Vice President/COO, congratulates (from left) Kathleen Godden; Ann McKinney; Linda Als; and Beverly Marshall. Not pictured, Patricia Smith.

Faye Abrahamson; Karen Almelien; Joseph Amundson; Elizabeth Anderegg; Shirley Baker; Rebecca Beaver; Lynda Becker; Joseph Behr, M.D.; Eugene Bergman; David Blaha; Peggy Boehmer; Delora Brattrud; Laura Brunsen, M.D.; Katherine Buhr; Sharon Carpenter; Betty Chizek; Carolyn Chodur; Marlene Chuck; Alice Ciavarelli; Barbara Cornelius; Mary Couch; Gretchen Crooks; Charles Debrah, M.D.; Allison Dhabalt; Jessica Durnan; Gordon Dye Jr.; Linda Easley; Lisa Faridi; Nancy Fisher; Linda Floden, M.D.; Melissa Frame, M.D.; Dona Freidhof; Judy Gardner; Michelle Gaul; Carrie Gerhardt; Kristine Gilbertson; Michelle Gomez-Detrick; Denise Grell; Phillip Haberkamp; Rosalie Hartwig; Kathleen Haverkamp, M.D.; Brian Heinz; Patricia Held; Randall Hill; Susan Hofmann; Amanda Hornyak; Shannon Huey; Candee Hunchis; James Ingersoll; Margaret Jamaica; Beth Janssen; James Karkos, M.D.; Colette Keller; Darlene King; Boneta Kozisek; Valerie Lapointe; Sandra Leduc; Kathleen Leonard; Shelley Mosiman; Julie Muth; Mark Narveson; Mary Nilsen; Angela Ott; Mary Paulus; Daniel Pennington, M.D.; Georgia Richtsmeier; Diane Schaefer; Marcia Schwartz; Brent Seaton; Dianne Severin; Shelley Shipman; Sharon Showalter; Christine Slattery; Diane Stangl; Matthew Stroup; Nancy Stump; Susan Teggatz; Pamela Tegtmeier; Karen Thomson; Joey Van Zomeren; Sarah Wagner; Bonita Weber; Natalie Wedeking; Jeanette Westendorf; and Pennie Wyborny. Diane Fischels; Carolyn Jacobson; Kathryn Larson; Donna Loudenburg; Deborah Loux; Joann Mason; Vickie Mennen; Denise Paine; Michael Pappas; Xuyen Schmitt; and Lisa Smith.

30 Years

Shellene Allen; Philomena Boehmer; Joann Busta; Patricia Callahan; Dennis Collins; Anna Hubka; Judy Marquardt; Susan Nystrom; Mary Page; Becky Person; and Mary Williams.

15 Years

Roberta Adams; Jeannette Adamski; Sheila Allison; Joellen Arends; Carol Arickx; Dawn Bachtle; Nicyle Berge; Janet Borchardt; Deana Casey; Brenda Davis; Shannon Duda; Sandra Duvall; Darlene Elbert; Debra Engels; Lisa Foster; Melinda Gasca; Rose Hanson; Cassandra Harrison; Daryl Holtz; Teresa Janssen; Tami Johnson; Connie Johnson; Joan Kepros, M.D.; Sue Lechtenberg; Julie Meitner; Monica Mosher; Laurie O’Connor; Molly Onken; Ezme Palmieri; Cynthia Pangburn; Jane Papouchis; Bobbi Parcher; Kimberly Peterson; Robyn Proffitt; Jennifer Rapenske; Kelly Ross; Gwen Shackleton; Suzan Simmons; David Smit; Joel Smith; Linda Stewart; Jennifer Tatum; Kathryn Torres; Tracie Vandenberg; Dianne Weide; Kathy Wiebbecke; and Bryan Williams.

20 Years

Shannon Albertson; Joyce Allen; Kristin Anderson; Jo Bantz; Sandra Biehl; Aaron Charlson Jr.; Valona Christenson; Darlene Craw; Frances Crawford; Lois Crooks; Scott Curtis; Jennifer Decker; Barbara Dingel; Janelle Dohrmann; Toni Ebeling; Linda Finer; Sherri Fishel; Toni Garcia; Laura Gobeli; Pamela Gourley; Susan Hanson; Randy Haskins; Charlotte Hill; Mary Hoye; Stacey Hubbard; Mark Janssen; Sharon Jones; Lisa Kapler-Emerson, M.D.; Marcy Katz; Cheryl Lauritsen; Linda Lindloff; Jennie Love; Marie Lubkeman; Rachelle McLaughlin; Brenda Merritt; Candace Moore; Jennifer Moorman; Darla Nederhoff; Sandy Peck; Lavonne Peters; Sandra Piippo; Stephen Post; Catherine Riles; Rod Schlader; Rita Sheldahl; Linda Sluik; Michelle Smith; Melissa Tepner; Brenda Terwilliger; Mary Thomas; Nancy Wasicek; Sharla Wellik; Teresa Wells; Cheryl Whitehurst; Debra Winters; Jill Wust; and Wendi Younker.

Debra Anderson; Rochelle Apel; Patricia Askildson; William Babler; Julie Broome; Nancy Heinz; Bernard Heuer; Cindy Hoffman; Julie Humburg; Carmen Humburg; Marcia Knutson; Kim Krominga; Kimberly Larson; Sally Leider; Nancy Lloyd; Marianne Lunning; Charles Mejia; Royce Monson; Amy Peterson-Pralle; Karen Rayhons; Claudia Schultz; Pamela Schwartz; Joleen Snyder; JoEllen Steil; Diane Thenhaus; Barbara Thomson; Susan True; and James Voss.

40 Years

Linda Als; Kathleen Godden; Beverly Marshall; Ann McKinney; and Patricia Smith.

Mason City, IA

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