43 North Iowa

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Annual community report

Project SEARCH North Iowa Celebrates 10 Years


he year is 2011, Katy Perry is blaring from every pop radio station and Jake Own’s Barefoot Blue Jean Night is on the country stations. TV shows like Big Bang Theory and Modern Family are just getting their feet under them. And North Iowa Vocational Center was starting a new program: Project SEARCH North Iowa. It was such a groundbreaking program for North Iowa that The Globe Gazette featured the program's start on September 19th, 2011. Six North Iowans participating in a series of three unpaid internships at Mercy through Project Search, a program which helps young people with intellectual and developmental disabilities transition from

high school to entry-level positions in the work force. Ten years and one merger later, 43 North Iowa continues to operate Project SEARCH North Iowa in conjunction with MercyOne North Iowa Medical Center and Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services. 102 Students have participated in the program replicating the program’s national employment rate successes. Sherry Becker was right; the students participating in Project SEARCH have impacted our community well after completing their internships. The students who have participated in this program have received valuable training and walked away knowing they belonged in the

workforce. The national employment rate for people with disabilities is 35% but over 70% for Project SEARCH internship participants. This year’s class returns to capacity after a year affected by Covid. The program has grown and evolved over the ten years, but the mission remains the same; help students learn skills to be in the work force. Amber Kratz, Transition Lead for 43 North Iowa and service coordinator for the program, stated, “This program serves as a valuable stepping-stone as students transition from being in school to building independence and responsibility in a real-world CONTINUED ON PAGE 2


SUNDAY, OCT. 24, 2021

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Forging Through Uncertain Times


hen your mission statement is: Helping People Find Their Way, you have no other choice than to forge ahead even during uncertain times. 43 North John Derryberry Tim Latham Iowa accomplished Executive Director President of the Board that and then some over the past year. experiencing a mental health We were fully operational again crisis in the Cerro Gordo County for the first time in forever but Area. Second, we revamped still faced challenges only a pan- long-standing operations with demic can bring on. an overall of our production From staffing shortages to the area, store, and restaurant in uncertainty around when we the Becker Center location. should reopen fully, we problem Lastly, we welcomed in new solved and found solutions at partners and a big one in Cenevery corner. We expanded our tral Iowa County Services. They Supported Community Living are helping us reshape services (SCL) program to our outlining in exciting and unique ways. counties. We now offer employOver the following 14 to 15 ment and SCL services in every pages, we will share details, county we operate. We doubled stories, and examples of all the our efforts in our evidencegreat works everyone involved based Employment IPS program. with 43 North Iowa accomWe celebrate ten years of projplished this past year. So, enjoy ect search, which displays the an afternoon being reminded of best of 43 North. A community the good in the world. Thank partner in Mercy, supporting you so much for supporting 43 our clients, seeing positive outNorth Iowa and our efforts to comes occur year after year. build an inclusive community for We forge ahead in new areas all our neighbors. None of this as our Crisis Residential Stabiis possible without community lization program will open this and individual support from the fall. Soon, we will serve clients towns we call home.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Tim Latham, President Tracy Worley, Vice-President Craig Miller, Treasurer Linda Ott Edward Wineinger Becky Elsbernd Chris Vanness CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

work situation and moving on to become contributing members of the workforce. We are super proud of our past and present interns and our partnership with MercyOne.” 43 North is proud to carry on the tradition started by NIVC and loves knowing their programs can impact the lives of so many. "Ten Years is quite

ADVISORY BOARD Tammy Cermak Tammie Eggleson David Emarine Amy Hasley Mary Hill Jolene Hughes Nykolas Zimmerle Heather Watts a feat; We know we have a sustainable program. Year in and year out, students know they can count Mercy and us to help them grow.," stated Executive Director John Derryberry. Successful partnerships make programs impactful, and MercyOne has been a great partner for 43 North Iowa. Everyone involved is looking forward to the next ten years.

FOUNDING FUNDING PARTNERS FROM 2011 Alliant Energy Foundation First Citizens National Bank Charitable Foundation The Principal Financial Group Foundation TeamQuest Foundation United Way of North Central Iowa

Helping People Find Their Way

SUNDAY, OCT. 24, 2021











EMPLOYMENT: • $1.4 Million Dollars earned by people receiving employment services • 96 job seekers secured employment • 170 in on-going services • 115 Business across North Iowa partner with 43 North Iowa • 79 youth served through the pandemic even with affected school year TRANSITIONAL LIVING SERVICES: • 86% of RCF clients discharged to a lower level of care • 32% increased program participation through expanded SCL services to satellites offices

HOSPITALIZATIONS: • 25% increased capacity for Services in our Habilitation Homes Outcomes: • 92% of clients receiving Transitional Living Services did not require a hospitalization last year ENGAGING OUR COMMUNITY: • Block Party • Outdoor Yoga JOBLINK ACTIVITIES GROUP OUTCOMES: • 32-44 clients per week participating in activities • 25% increase in enrollment in the program

88 % would recommend North Iowa to a Family Member or Friend



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SUNDAY, OCT. 24, 2021

Joblink Activities Group Outcomes

3 North Iowa's Job Link Activities Group, or JAG as we call it, is all about getting people together to experience life and create friendships. There are vital aspects to being a part of a community, engagement through employment, stability through independent as possible living, and involvement through taking in what the surrounding communities offer. 43 North Iowa couldn't complete its mission correctly without having a program that gets our clients involved in experiencing life. JAG is all about involvement in our community. JAG offers 6-8 activities weekly, with at least one full-day trip per week. Clients get to choose the activities they want to do and can participate as much or as little as they'd like depending on their interests, work schedules, and other commitments. Emily Dykstra, JAG Coordinator, added, "This year, we've made a specific effort to bring customers to local small businesses, restaurants, and museums in Mason City and surrounding areas. While supporting businesses and places we value, we're connecting our clients with people who enjoy doing the same things as they do – the foundation of all friendships. The JAG community is full

of fun and interesting people who accept and support each other." Whether it's a baseball game, a museum trip, a show, or an art trip, 43 North wants this group and the people they interact with to know what a diverse and open community we have in North Iowa. "Every time I run into the JAG crew, it's a party atmosphere. It's wonderful to know we have a program that is always full and always showing the clients the best parts of life. It's such a joy seeing the connections they create. " Executive Director John Derryberry stated 43 North Iowa's Job Link Activities Group, or JAG as we call it, is all about getting people together to experience life and create friendships. There are vital aspects to being

a part of a community: engagement through employment, stability through independent living, and involvement in local community activities. 43 North Iowa couldn't complete its mission without having a program that gets our clients involved in experiencing life. JAG offers 6-8 activities weekly, with at least one full daytrip per week. Clients choose the activity involvements they prefer. Each person participates as much or as little as they'd like depending on their interests,

work schedules, and other plans. Emily Dykstra, JAG Coordinator, added, "This year, we've made a specific effort to bring customers to local small businesses, restaurants, and museums in Mason City and surrounding areas. While supporting businesses and places we value, we're connecting clients with people who enjoy doing the same things as they do – the foundation of all friendships. The JAG community is full of fun and interesting people who accept and support each other." Whether it's a baseball game, a museum trip, a show, or an art trip, 43 North wants this group and the people they interact with to know what a diverse and open community we have in North Iowa. "Every time I run into the JAG crew, it's a party atmosphere. It's wonderful to know we have a program that is always full and always showing the clients the best parts of life. It's such a joy seeing the connections they create.," stated Executive Director John Derryberry.

PHOTO CREDITS •KELSEY GRIMM, painting pottery at Market 124 •JOSYLN WAYCHUS AND GRANT WIELAND, Des Moines Arts Center •JIMMY HEFTI, Lunch at Z’Marik’s •MEREDITH SOPKO AND SARA BOHL, 43 North Iowa block party •CORY RIOS, Archery at Jester Park

•CARRIE STEINBACH, Clear Lake 4th of July carnival •TURNER ATWELL, potting class at Otto’s Oasis •CHANDLER OTT, Hansen’s Dairy Farm tour •AUBREY SMIT, Shopping in Cedar Falls •ABBY HOWELL, North Iowa Bulls game •TYLER WHITE, hiking at Beeds Lake State Park

Helping People Find Their Way


Residential Care Facility

iguring out where you belong and the type of support system you need is a lifelong battle for every human. That fact is why the mission of 43 North is helping people find their way. Every person does better when they realize where they belong instead of folks telling them where they belong. Unfortunately, the Covid-19 pandemic complicated life for all of us. But the philosophy of finding your way can lead to success. At the Residential Care Facility, (RCF) Carl Hutchens, recently came to that conclusion after being admitted for a slight increase in his mental health symptoms. Carl stated, "I think 43 North Iowa services are wonderful. Staff will bend over backward to help us." Carl is awaiting discharge to 43 North Iowa's Habilitation Home program, where he will have more independence but

still have the assistance of staff when needed. Carl feels he is in that stage of life right now. “We love to see that light bulb go off for Carl and others that they can handle most things on their own but there is support available when needed,” added Tanya Harders, The RCF Administrator. 43 North Iowa wants all clients to figure out where they belong in our north Iowa communities.

Carl Hutchens

Congratulations to

43 North Iowa for another great year !

SUNDAY, OCT. 24, 2021


Bertha Stebens Charitable Foundation Cerro Gordo Co Community foundation Cerro Gordo County CICS Cares Grant County Social Services Kay Englin Community Foundation Georgetta Farrer Charitable Foundation First Citizens Bank Foundation Iowa Development Disabilities Council Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services Kinney Lindstrom Charitable Foundation Foundation for the Enhancement of Mitchell County Dave and Phyllis Murphy Charitable Foundation Elizabeth Muse Norris Charitable Fund Principal Financial Group Foundation Beth Reinhart Charitable Trust Stratford Foundation Trust Union Pacific Community Ties Giving Program United Way of North Central Iowa Frank and Ann Weiner Foundation

A Proud supporter of 43 NORTH IOWA and their commitment to helping others 516 2nd St NW Mason City




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SUNDAY, OCT. 24, 2021

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Employment Services/Individual Placement and Support



rom Guatemala to Hampton, Iowa, Elsa found herself with 43 North Iowa. She is one of the first clients to take advantage of this program we offer, called IPS (Individual Placement and Support). This program is unique as it helps people, with a primary diagnosis of a mental health, to find rapid employment. This program also features a wraparound service which means each client is meeting with a therapist, IHH Case Manager, a CICS Service Coordinator and an Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor (IVRS).

Elsa chose to be in the program starting late 2018, when it started. Elsa, through this journey with IPS, truly blossomed and became more independent and confident in herself. Elsa’s work ethic is amazing! She strives for perfection and works hard. During this program Elsa and her Employment Consultant, Hope Foley developed a trusting relationship which allowed Elsa to open up and she began to see the strengths she has to feel even more confident in a new work environment. In the IPS program, we help individuals find the most successful placement in an employment setting. “We strive to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each client and put them in the right job setting for them to find success and maintain their employment. We also try to do this rapidly to help alleviate some mental health stresses.” says Hope Foley, IPS Employment Consultant with 43 North Iowa.

Elsa found employment with Kwik Star in October 2020. Since then, she has accomplished her goals of gaining and maintaining employment, learning to advocate for herself, and believe in her- self. Elsa has received a few secret shopper five-star ratings while working at Kwik Star. She feels very appreciated in her work

A special note of gratitude to those who donate gently used clothes & furnishings to our stores at Affordables and Affordables Marketplace. Thank you. Your donations create jobs and support our programs. We appreciate your patience with reduced drop off times due to Covid-19. See us Tuesday and Thursday or check for updates.

T hank You... For The Amazing Job You Do Every Day Helping Others and Our Community!

43 NORTH IOWA IPS PROGRAM IS AVAILABLE IN THE FOLLOWING COUNTIES: Franklin, Hardin, Hamilton, Cerro Gordo and coming soon to Wright County. This evidence– based program has shown great success with the individuals we serve. The funding from IVRS makes it happen. FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT IPS please reach out to 43 North Iowa, at 641-424-8708 for Kelly Kratz, Hope Foley, and Jill Menning.

and loves her manager, Jesse. “This program has helped me so much. It first taught me how to be more confident and recognize my strengths and how to manage and find accommodations for my weaknesses. I have learned to advocate for myself now and that feels very empowering. Hope was there through it all with me.”


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Helping People Find Their Way

HAB Home Living he entered the program's ninth month. It's never easy finding the right environment and support system to manage mental health and participate in your community. Yet Winston has done just that! He stated, "43 North Iowa Services have been wonderful. The staff has been very supportive, and I believe the services Winston Tidman have saved my life." Those are the types of outcomes staff at 3 North Iowa's Habilitation 43 North Iowa strive to get. Home program's primary Amy Titus, The Hab Home goal is to help people achieve Lead staff, stated, "Winston has stability. A year ago, Winston done fantastic in the Hab Home Tidman came to 43 North Iowa's program. Winston attends all Residential Care Facility Proappointments and groups to gram. He quickly transitioned maintain his mental health and to the habilitation program that sobriety. As a result, Winston allows for more independence has become more independent but places more responsibilin all aspects of his life." Guiding ity on the client. Winston has people to understand they can responded beautifully to his be independent.is the key to the hab home setting and found the habilitation home program at 43 stability he was looking for as North Iowa.


SUNDAY, OCT. 24, 2021


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SUNDAY, OCT. 24, 2021

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Block Party


e can't do it alone. When you work in social work a long time, you begin to realize that a lot of the problems our community members face are interconnected. That's right where our RCF staff found themselves earlier this year. The neighborhoods around the RCF building seemed disconnected and needed a local event to bring people together. It allowed us to show the pride that we, 43 North Iowa, and other area agencies have in central Mason City. 43 North Iowa understood a community event could signal to the neighborhood how amazing it is to serve folks in downtown Mason City. So, the staff members built a coalition of other non-profits and Mason City Municipalities to throw the first-ever 43 North Iowa Block Party at our RCF location on 1st

St NW in Mason City. Habitat for Humanity, The Community Kitchen, Prairie Ridge, Mercy Behavioral Health, Mason City Fire, and the Mason City Police Department came together for an evening of fun for area residents. The free-to-the-community event included a meal with cookies for a dessert to anyone who attended. A live band was donated by Habitat, spin art and balloon animals for kids, a bouncy house for all ages, yard

games, and a Hawaiian ice truck all added to the event. A relay race between all the agencies was held, and Community Kitchen took home the first GOAT trophy. More importantly, residents commented that it had been a long time since anyone committed to hosting events in that part of town. The partnership will continue throughout the year with outdoor yoga in October, A holiday light-up drivethru alleyway in December,

Earth Day clean-up in April, and outdoor Bingo in May. Community Partnerships that address needs across agency services is how best to improve the lives of the people we serve. 43 North Iowa is proud to have created such a wonderful group of 6 area agencies. The goal is to create a healthier and safer Mason City. The block party will return next August, and 43 North Iowa is actively researching other ways to assist those in Central Mason City with its partner agencies and neighbors.

Proud Supporter of

43 North Iowa

Keep up the great work. 1647 N Federal Mason City


Helping People Find Their Way

SUNDAY, OCT. 24, 2021


Becker Center Updates


he newly named Becker Center, known for years as the Work Center, is getting a makeover. The building has been the site of numerous departments for North Iowa Vocational Center and now 43 North Iowa for over 35 years. Over the last two years, Mike Lambert, Production Manager, and Jen Faust, Employment Service Manager, have worked toward a goal of bringing the building into the 2020’s in style. 43 North Iowa's Becker center has expanded its operation at its south Harrison Street location. The agency now has a resale furniture store, Affordables Marketplace, and a small lunch counter named Lunchbox. The operation was extensive including transitional employment services, manufacturing, and the wood production shop. "The goal was to create a place

with high diversity, employees, clients, customers, and members of the communities all interacting. I can tell you we achieved that," stated Jen Faust. The Becker Center location obtained a new air compressor and automotive pallet making machine and other updates for its production operations through generous grants from First Citizens Bank Foundation, Kinney Lindstrom Foundation, and The Principal Financial Group Foundation to date. "Updating our equipment will lessen the stress on our workers and make it easier for us to maintain our high-quality products," Mike Lambert stated. The Market Place and LunchBox areas are getting new equipment to expand the menu, new marketing material, and a paint job. Also, there is one super frustrating door in the confer-

For aLL YoU Do!

ence room that will finally be fixed.” "The plan Jen and Mike put together made this project a no-brainer. We had funders and grant donors backing the project. We always try to invest in our staff, and that means updates to our facilities. We know we can continue to offer an

inclusive work and services sites for the North Iowa Community." stated John Derryberry, the executive director. The completion of the upgrades should occur in the spring of 2022. 43 North Iowa plans to hold a couple of events at the Becker Center to show off the improvements at that time.

Thank You 43 North Iowa


43 North Iowa

Sherry Becker

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SUNDAY, OCT. 24, 2021

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Top Workplace


veryone talks about what you gain when an organization merges; rarely do people mention what we could lose. For years, top workplace culture has existed within 43 North Iowa, but going through a merger, a leadership change, and a pandemic could shake any foundation to its core. That's why management was excited to see the results of Des Moines Register's Top workplace survey executed by the third-party vendor Energage, LLC. And the results are in for the 7th time 43 North Iowa is a Top Workplace of the state of Iowa. The survey is an anonymous questionnaire measuring fifteen drivers of engagement critical to the success of any organization. They are gauging an agency's overall ability in connection, communication, mission alignment, and execution of services. Giving employees a voice and having their feedback allows the Board of Directors and the management team of 43 North Iowa to have better insight into making decisions that affect

the agency. That type of insight is invaluable to a leadership team trying to engage positively with our workforce.

every staff. That's what makes us top workplace is the connections we build between departments and at all levels of

"The Culture at 43 North Is Amazing, and it's our job as leaders to work diligently to maintain that at a high level. The management team has done an amazing job adjusting to 43 North Iowa being a more prominent agency but still making connections with

staff." Executive Director John Derryberry stated. "It's never the program; it's always the staff that makes this place shine; we have the most dedicated staff around. It makes it easy to come to work," added

Mike Willms, 43 North Iowa's Human Resource Manager. 43 North Iowa couldn't accomplish its mission of helping people find their way if they didn't focus on creating a great work environment. Several Comments from the Survey indicated how engaged every employee is: "The work I do and the people I work with each day. I feel like we make a difference in people's lives." "Every employee is valued. Your voice and ideas are heard. Management is always available to answer questions, or too just talk." "Great place, looking towards future and growth. Expanding our services to fit the growing needs in the area." 43 North Iowa is a CARF accredited, United Way agency, providing home, employment, and community experiences to north Iowans with disabilities and experiencing mental health symptoms. For additional information, don't hesitate to get in touch with executive director John Derryberry at 641-424-8708.

Helping People Find Their Way

SUNDAY, OCT. 24, 2021


Bandfest 2021

“Oh the Places They’ll Go!”

TO OUR EMPLOYEES: 30 YEARS OF SERVICE Kathy Bledsoe • 25 YEARS OF SERVICE Stacy Heinselman Kelly Kratz • 15 YEARS OF SERVICE Renae Fischer Steve Graves • 10 YEARS OF SERVICE Sara Valen Jessica Wiebrand • 5 YEARS OF SERVICE Jan Albright Mike Bagur Matt Bengston Kim Bryant Amy Callahan Tammi Duckert LaShae Eldridge Tanya Harders Robin Hartkopp Alec Krahenbuhl Jim Okerstrom Matt Streit Melissa Wood Kelly Wright


Story Telling Event

hat's that saying: Everyone has a story to tell. Well, our clients have a bunch of them. So, 43 North Iowa is expanding its community outreach events. This winter, we will be introducing a new event: Stories for the Dream: Second Act. Two clients and Four community members will grace the stage at our Becker Center, Marketplace location to tell stories about their 2nd act. What's a 2nd act- it's just that! A time in anyone's life when they reinvented themselves. Maybe a relationship after a failed one, perhaps returning to school after time away, possibly leaving a career to pursue a passion project. Possibly a better life after a battle with a disability or volunteering in retirement! People constantly reinvent themselves, and we want a group of people to share their stories about round 2 with our community.

Each storyteller will have 8 to 10 minutes to share their 2nd act with our audience. Marketplace, our second-hand furniture store will host the event, and the Lunchbox, our lunch counter, will cater for the event. Our diverse storytellers will display what we all know; we may come from different backgrounds, have different strengths and abilities. However, we are more alike than different.

We will have more details to come, including a call-out for community storytellers. Don't worry if you have never done this before. We have an experienced storyteller on staff ready to coach. They will show you the ins and outs as we move through the beautiful experience of connecting our neighbors through the power of the spoken word. We can't wait to hear what our community has to say about second acts.

Proud to Support 43 NORTH IOWA

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SUNDAY, OCT. 24, 2021

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Dancing for the Dream

elcome Back, Welcome Back, Welcome BackDancing for the Dream returned to the stage this past Summer. After changed dates and plans multiple times, the Committee overseeing Dancing for the Dream and the staff of 43 North Iowa opened the doors to their annual event on June 22, 2021. Six dancing couples took to the dance floor and performed for the crowd. Guests raised additional funds through a silent auction live auction and we are so grateful for all of other donations that made that happen. While it's not fancy footwork that wins this competition, it is the dancers who raise the most money for 43 North Iowa's mission. In addition, the couple gets to take home the coveted Crystal Ball trophy. This year's winner was Terri Cosselman, Managing Partner of Apple Valley Assisted Living and her son Damian Beard, Wells Fargo (DSM) with a big assist from client employees. These energetic client dancers work for Terri at Apple Valley Assist Living in Clear Lake, Iowa. The fantastic thing about this year's dancers is that they all are holdovers from the canceled event of 2020. They stayed committed to our mission and raising money for 43 North Iowa. You can't ask for better community support. Emcees Steve Beavers and Raquel Hellman led the audi-

ence through a fun-filled dance competition while Frank Fox led the auctions which together raised a total of $92,397. Proceeds support the mission of helping people with disabilities find their way in home, work, and community experiences. Judges, Dalena Barz, Alpha Media USA, and Connie Ciccetti, Meredith Dunn, and Terry Wisner, all previous winners, gave the following awards: Best Country Song and Dance – Diane Arndt, Patrick Storby and Kelby Schultz Best Dance in a Costume: Thriller with Pattie Lathrop and Kristy Emerson Best Flirty Skit in a Dance: David and Laura Bernemann Best Throwback Performance: Sam Crosser with Mary Jane Porter as Carol Burnett Best Dance from a Movie: Anne Hanson and John Derryberry – Blues Brothers Best Disco and Dance Crew: Terri Cosselman and Damian Beard and the Appley Valley Dancers Another key highlight was the standing ovation for Sherry Becker; the long-time recently retired Executive Director of 43 North Iowa. Sherry for 25 years guided North Iowa Vacation Center and over the last three years led the merger organization of 43 North Iowa to great success. Unfortunately, the pandemic canceled all of her send-

offs. With the community she served, the staff she led, and the client lives she impacted, the new team of 43 North Iowa found a way to give her the send-off she deserved. Thank you, Sherry, for all the years of service and setting up this organization for a bright future. After a successful relaunch of the event, 43 North Iowa plans to return Dancing for the Dream to its typical early springtime slot. Some of the changes caused by the pandemic will remain with increased crowd participation games to liven up the evening. "Sometimes you go through a strange event like the pandemic and come out the other side better because you

had to solve some problems. Dancing for the Dream is a better event moving forward. We are excited to be in our old-time slot and sharing a great evening for a great cause this spring," Executive Director John Derryberry stated. 43 North Iowa will hold the 2021 Dancing for the Dream on Saturday, March 26th at the Surf Ball Room in Clear Lake.

THANK YOU SPONSORS: Alpha Media, Principal Foundation, Exchange Club of Mason City, First Citizens Bank, Heartland Asphalt, Inc., Tim & Kris Latham, Raymond James, Schupick & Associates, P.C., Yunek Law Firm, Mike and Lana Faust, Henkel Construction Co., North Iowa Community Credit Union, Ollenburg Motors, Inc., Sukup Manufacturing Co., Thrivent Financial Services, The Big Wing Group, Cartersville Elevator, Inc., ControlPrint Creative, Hawkeye Auto Body, Metalcraft, Inc., The Big Wing Group, Sam and Deb Hunt, & Brad and Cathy Isaak

Helping People Find Their Way

Thank You,

Dream Builders! Lisa Yunek, Development Officer


e are incredibly grateful to you all for your donations of many types, shapes, and sizes. These are uncertain times, and we especially appreciate your generosity and the commitment you’ve expressed to our community. Our team members work in a wide variety of situations to ensure that people with disabili-

ties and barriers to employment receive the customized support they need. Your donations of items to our stores, of Dancing for the Dream support and general financial support boosts our ability to fulfill our mission. Thank you for being our partner. Your generosity and confidence in our work means the world to us.



You can contribute to our future services through the North Iowa Vocational Center Endowment Fund, with the Cerro Gordo County Community Foundation. Log on at www.cerrogordocf.org.

We appreciate all that you do

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102 West Main St., Fertile



SUNDAY, OCT. 24, 2021

43 North Iowa

For making a difference in

our community!




SUNDAY, OCT. 24, 2021

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Thank you Dream Builders 2020-2021! Gordon and Johanna Anderson Howard and Roberta Anderson Shannon Anderson Karen Andrews Steevo Andrews Diane Arndt Jill and Mark Bale Kenneth Bales Blake and Nancy Barnes Merlin Bartz Dave & Catherine Beck Tim & Sherry Becker Raymond and Joan Beebe Bobbie Benegerdes Jean and Jeff Bergo Dave & Laura Bernemann Myrna Bernemann Theresa Betz Bob and Sandy Bice Thomas Birdsall Glen and Marie Borchordt Vern and Linda Bottorff Jean and Daniel Britt Scott & Anne Brown Colleen Byrnes Cartersville Elevator Marc and Cheryl Casey James and Linda Coddington John Colloton Control Print Creative Lavern and Lynn Cosselman Terri Cosselman Louise Cragg Randy and Tracey Cram Daniel Crosser D & S Tax Service Steve DeBuhr Joyce Deike and Scott Smed Brenda Diesslin Steven and Therese Duerre John Duffy James and Paula Dummett J.A. Dunagan Michael Dunagan Judy Dunker Harm and Randa Eggena

Sara Ellis Randal and Rebecca Elsbrand Jim & Cheryl Erb Eternity Wireless Gene and Dorothy Evans Exchange Club of Mason City Dennis and Nancy Faber Mike and Lana Faust Greg and Lisa Fender First Baptist Church First Citizens Bank Randy and Diane Fischels Carolyn and Tom Fischer Ann Fisher Mona Follmann Bruce and Patricia Forshay Kathy Frieden Jon and Susan Fritz Dave and Mickey Funkhouser Nathan Gallick Nancy and Curtis Gedney Kenneth Gehling Dick and Jane Goerdt Sis Greiman Peter and Joan Gribben Barbara Haag Analisa and Mike Haberman Alta Hansen Jay & Cynthia Hansen Renee Hansen Patti Hanson Elaine Harman Hawkeye Auto Body Heartland Asphalt, Inc. Lisa and Tim Hedrick Lloyd and Cynthia Heinselman Henkel Construction Judy Herman Terri Hermen Ray Hewitt Kenneth and Darla Hines Holly Hinterman Margaret Hoel Bob and Dale Howe

Gary and Deb Howell Sam and Deb Hunt Susan Ilax Brad and Cathy Isaak Randy Jacobson Ramona and Robert Jeffereys Gwen Jelsma Stacy Jensen Pauline Johnson Richard and Susan Johnson Rick and Lori Jorgensen Lisa Kauffman Robert Kessler Karen and Jonathon Kiss Patrick and Nicki Kruckenberg Nick Kunnert Velda and John Lacoste Mike and Julie Lambert Mark and Deborah Lassise Tim and Kris Latham Mark and Kathie Lehmann Gary/Jackie Levinson/ Armstrong Patricia Lewis Edith Lindsay Mary Lipelt Katie Lorentzen Steve Synder Lousie Cragg Gina Lovejoy Nancy Lund Marjorie Lundberg Hillary Lunning Paul and Barbara MacGregor Mary Markwalter Linda McGerr Frank and Cynthia McLain David Meinders Mark and Staci Mellman Metalcraft, Inc. Heidi Michels Pat Millard Todd Millard Ronald and Dianna Moeller Julie/Kyle Moore John Moreland Joan and Richard Murray

Jeff and Angela Nasstrom Jim and Cheryl Nesbit Mike and Mary Nettleton Jim and Cindy Niemants Kyle Noble North Iowa Anesthesia Associates, P.C. North Iowa Collision Center North Iowa Community Credit Union Tonya Obermire Jacob O'Donnell Clyde Ohl Robert Okerstrom Mike and Shelley Oliver Ollenburg Motors, Inc. Leman and Tana Olson Our Saviour's WELCA Neal and Julie Pals Barbara and Tel Pappajohn PEO Chapter OT Chuck and Marty Petzoldt Paul and Julie Pistek Beth Podolan L. Dean and Jason Pohren Kevin and Audrey Popp Mary Jane Porter Brad and Jan Price Principle Financial Group Tim and Kelly Putnam Michael Qualey Dennis and Joyce Rachut James and Amanda Ragan Raymond James Susan Rebedeau Rob Renshaw Cynthia Rieke Anecita Rowe Rush Creek Lumber Steve and Vicky Rye Bill and Candi Schickel Roger and Susan Schlitter Pam and Kevin Schlueter Rose Schlueter Gary and Ann Schmit Lindsay Schmit Penny Schmitz Larry and Mary Schnurr

Norma and Walter Schroeder Schupick & Associates, P.C. Steven and Cheryl Schurtz Marcia Schwab Debra Scuffham John and Theresa Sheehy Jay Shriver Susan Sieh Eldon and Betty Siemers Dorinda Sironen St. John's Luthern WELCA Rock Township Alan and Sharon Steckman Dorothy Steinberg David and Linda Stine Robert Strom Vicki and Steven Sukup Sukup Manufacturing, Co. Charles and Nancy Sweetman Diana Symonds Diane and Charleton Tefft The Big Wing Group Thrivent O.J. and Pat Tomson Cori and Patrick Turner James and Darlene Vsetecka Brian and Rita Waldron Tim & Diane Walrod Gary and Vicki Wattnem Gary and Jeanne Watts Fern Weber Donna Weitzel Wesley United Methodist Women Richard and Dalene White Ed & Sue Wineinger Brenda and Terri Wisner Tracy Worley Bonnie Young Yunek Law Firm Jamie & Nancy Zanios Zion Lutheran Women of Clear Lake Richard and Susan True MercyOne Home Care

Helping People Find Their Way

SUNDAY, OCT. 24, 2021


In-Kind Donations Alpha Media Krista Anderson Diane/Patrick Arndt/Storby Bad Ass Bakery Alecia Balduf Michelle Dunn Barlas Dalena Barz Damian Beard Steve Beavers Bergland & Cram Laura and David Bernemann Big Wing Group Blank Park Zoo Builders FirstSource Cedar Valley Seminary Connie Cicetti CL Tel Clear Lake Bank & Trust Pamela Bergo Coffey ControPrint


Mary Cooley Terri Cosselman Sam Crosser Culvers Dance Committee Fouad Daoud Mary Drew Meredith Dunn Maryls Ebaugh Edwards-Brandt Insurance Kristy Emerson Fareway Meat & Grocery Federal Fire Equipment First Citizens Bank Frank Fox Grainger Tools Anne Hansen & John Derryberry Paula and Ken Hanus Al Hayward Raquel Hellman

Historic Park Inn HyVee Stores Iowa Cubs ISU Athletics Corey Jacobson Larry Kalousek & Gina Lovejoy Nancy Krauth Larch Pine Inn Larsen Plumbing & Heating Shannon Latham Latham Hi-Tech Seeds Patti Lathrup Lunch Box Mason City Country Club Mason City Roofing Mason City Tire Service Vicky and Mike McCloskey McCloskey Appliance Ruth Miller Minnesota Lynx


Ardis Opheim........................................Arlo and Shirly Movick Barry Trump.......................................................Brenda Miller Gordon Anderson.........................................Sharon Anderson Greg Forbes........................................................Lenore Forbes Marsha Funk...................................................Adriana Roberts Jerry Plagge........................................................Jeanne Plagge Wilma Kirlin.......................................................Karilyn Parrott Paul Elsbernd..................................Randy and Becky Elsbernd Robert Amosson............................................Patricia Amosson Shari Pohren....................................L. Dean and Jason Pohren Vernon & Wilma Kirlin................Cavan Fang & Kristen Parrott Will Child...................................................Don and Alice Child William Kasik..........................................David and Lori Ricken


Minnesota Twins Ollenburg Motors Mary Jane Porter Marty and Carol Ramaekers Riverside Casino Susan and David Ruen Anne and Gary Schmit Larry and Mary Schnurr Kendra Seip Marlene Studer Surf Ballroom Thrivent UNI Athletics Wayne's Ski & Cycle Steve & Patti Weiss Chris White Richard & Dalene White Jo Anne Williamson Ed and Sue Wineinger Terry & Brenda Wisner

Janna and Bruce Wuttke Yunek Law Firm

EVERY gift is important to us. We strive to be complete and accurate. Please forgive us if an error or omission occurred and let us know at 641-423-3301.

Thank you for your ServiceS 43 norTh ioWa! COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL • INDUSTRIAL

Semper Fi


Mike Bender............................................Steve and Patti Weiss Honor of Sherry Becker’s Retirement: Mark and Marcia McNulty Marty & Fred Greder Joel & Lisa Yunek In honor of NIVC Staff and workers...Harlan and Marge Baack

“SINCE 1933”


THANK YOU for all you do for North Iowa!

From Everyone At

Serving the community in 4 locations: 405 27th Ave. South, Clear Lake Across from State Park (641) 357-7083 300 Lyndale St., Osage (641) 832-2270 801 Blunt Parkway, Charles City (641) 257-3003 1724 Central Ave. East, Hampton (641) 456-2309 www.pickapplevalley.com


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