Ag Today
12 • March 16, 2011
Corn growers association adopts national ethanol policy on tax credit Iowa corn farmers joined with other farmer from 26 states representing the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) at the annual Commodity Classic meeting to determine policies for their respective organizations in 2011 and beyond. NCGA delegates adopted ethanol policy that states “NCGA supports reforming existing ethanol tax policy.Ideas to replace existing tax law, in the following priority order, should be a variable ethanol tax credit followed by an ethanol tax credit at a reduced rate.Non-tax policies should include biofuels infrastructure, higher blends, corn starch ethanol as an advanced biofuel, or favorable flexible fuel
vehicle policy.” Along with ethanol policy, representatives adopted farm bill policy that says NCGA should investigate transitioning direct payments into programs that allow producers the ability to manage risk while assuring food security. A major topic at the 2011 Commodity Classic was the current budget situation in Washington D.C. Agriculture represents less than one-half of one percent of the federal budget and farmers will do their part in strengthening the U.S. economy as shown already by cutting more than $4 billion in spending on agriculture programs this fiscal year. “Corn farmers are moving forward to shape our farm and ethanol
policies to work with the current political and budget situation in Washington to continue our successes in providing food, fuel, feed and fiber to America and the world,” said Dean Taylor, Iowa Corn Growers Association President and a farmer from Prairie City.
Summit • News-Tribune
NIACC plans garden seminar for March 24 A Gardening Seminar will be held from 8:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. on Thursday, March 24 at North Iowa Area Community College (NIACC). Workshops will address subjects ranging from beekeeping, landscape design, vegetable gardening, preserving our heritage, and woodland gardening. These Iowa gar-
dening specialists include: Pat and Peggy Ennis, Iowa Honey Producers Association, Goodell; Donna Brown, Brown Landscaping, Belmond; Daniel Zimmerman, Stillwater Greenhouse, Osage; Megan Buckingham, Seed Savers Exchange, Decorah; and Kitty Clasing, Master
Agriculture Today
Gardener, Mason City. Market Street, a popular segment of the seminar that features garden-related business displays, will make a return to the Gardening Seminar for 2011. The $29 fee includes a noon lunch. Reservations are taken at 1-888 GO NIACC, Ext. 4358.
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