Mason City, Iowa ✦ Sunday, September 6, 2015
ANNIVERSARY Kriegel, 40 years Gary Kriegel and Kathy Aldinger of Mason City, Iowa, were married Sept. 6, 1975, at Trinity Lutheran Church in Mason City. The couple will celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary today. Cards can be sent to Gary and Kathy Kriegel at 1119 Eighth St. S.W., Mason City, IA 50401.
DAY TO REMEMBER Way to go, Shanan! Shanan Redinger placed 2nd in her age group at the Lean Horse 100, a 100 mile race in the Black Hills of South Dakota. This was her first 100 mile run, and she was smiling all day and night while grinding out the miles! You amaze and inspire us every day! — Aaron, Sam, and Isabel
BIRTH Adeline Ann Lage Tate and Kelsey Lage, of Meservey, Iowa, are the parents of a daughter, Adeline Ann Lage, born at 2:33 a.m. on June 2, 2015, at University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. She weighed 6 pounds, 9 ounces, and was 19 inches long.
DAY TO REMEMBER Renee Devine posthumously honored as Outstanding Examiner of the Year Renee Devine, an 18-year veteran of the Iowa Department of Transportation, passed away after a hard-fought battle with cancer in June 2014. She was posthumously awarded the International Driver Examiner Certification (IDEC) Outstanding Examiner of the Year.